It took some time to get here, but the results for fall 1901 have arrived. Hopefully we can continue from this point without too much more (any???) delay.
The big loser in 1901 is Britain, who loses both Norway and Egypt while seeing France sail into the Channel. The big winner is Russia, who gains three centers, including Constantinople.
I generally adjudicate retreats and adjustments at the same time. Thus if you have an adjustment order, you can condition it on the retreats. Britain has two units to retreat, Italy one, and both need to end the winter with 4 units on the board, meaning Italy can build if Switzerland retreats OTB. Austria (1), Germany (1), and Russia (3) also have builds. Those orders are all due by Thursday, 8PM PDT. As usual, I'll adjudicate winter turns when I have all the orders, unless specifically requested to wait until the deadline.
Austria: Jerome Payne
Britain: Ethan Schubert (abandoned Winter 1900)
Mark Utterback (from Winter 1900)
France: Michael Nickles (resigned Fall 1901)
Sun Chung (from Fall 1901)
Germany: Andrew Tanner
Italy: Jack McHugh
Russia: Lynn Mercer
Turkey: Michael Thompson
British forced to relinquish control of Norway and Egypt.
Austro-German attack retakes Switzerland from Italy.
French occupy waters near London.
Russian navy sneaks behind Turks, seize Constantinople.
Britain: F London - North Sea (*Bounce*).
Britain: F Egypt Hold (*Dislodged* can retreat to Hejaz or Cyrenaica or OTB).
Britain: F Algeria Hold.
Britain: F Norway - Sweden (*Dislodged* can retreat to Barents Sea or OTB).
Britain: F North Sea - Edinburgh (*Bounce*).
Britain: F Skagerrak Supports F Norway - Sweden.
Austria: A Alsace - Switzerland.
Austria: A Tyrolia Supports A Alsace - Switzerland.
Austria: A Trieste - Budapest.
Austria: A Serbia Supports A Trieste - Budapest.
France: A Spain - Gascony.
France: F Brest - English Channel.
France: A Burgundy Supports A Switzerland.
France: A Marseilles Supports A Burgundy.
France: A Morocco - Algeria (*Fails*).
France: F Mid Atlantic Ocean Supports F Brest - English Channel.
Germany: F Denmark - North Sea (*Bounce*).
Germany: A Cologne - Alsace (*Bounce*).
Germany: F Berlin - Kiel.
Germany: A Munich Supports A Alsace - Switzerland.
Germany: A Belgium - Alsace (*Bounce*).
Germany: F Norwegian Sea - Edinburgh (*Bounce*).
Italy: A Milan Supports A Rome - Venetia.
Italy: A Rome - Venetia.
Italy: A Switzerland Supports A Tyrolia (*Dislodged* can retreat to Piedmont or OTB).
Italy: F Ionian Sea - Adriatic Sea.
Russia: A St Petersburg Supports F Sweden - Norway.
Russia: A Finland Supports F Sweden - Norway.
Russia: A Ukraine - Rumania.
Russia: F Sweden - Norway.
Russia: A Rumania - Bulgaria.
Russia: F Bulgaria - Constantinople.
Turkey: A Greece Hold.
Turkey: F Constantinople - Aegean Sea.
Turkey: A Palestine Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Egypt.
Turkey: F Eastern Mediterranean - Egypt.
British F Egypt can retreat to Hejaz or Cyrenaica.
British F Norway can retreat to Barents Sea.
Italian A Switzerland can retreat to Piedmont.
Britain: F London, F Algeria, F North Sea, F Skagerrak. (F Barents Sea/OTB, F Hejaz/Cyrenaica/OTB)
Austria: A Tyrolia, A Budapest, A Switzerland, A Serbia.
France: A Burgundy, A Gascony, A Marseilles, A Morocco, F Mid Atlantic
Ocean, F English Channel.
Germany: F Denmark, F Kiel, A Cologne, A Munich, A Belgium, F Norwegian Sea.
Italy: A Milan, A Venetia, F Adriatic Sea. (A Piedmont/OTB)
Russia: A St Petersburg, F Constantinople, A Finland, F Norway, A Rumania, A
Turkey: A Greece, F Egypt, A Palestine, F Aegean Sea.
Britain (6-2+0=4): Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, /-Egypt/, Algeria, /-Norway/.
Austria (5-1+1=5): Vienna, Budapest, Trieste, Switzerland, /-Bulgaria/, (+Serbia).
France (6-0+0=6): Spain, Brest, Paris, Marseilles, Portugal, Morocco.
Germany (6-0+1=7): Kiel, Cologne, Berlin, Munich, Netherlands, Belgium, (+Denmark).
Italy (4-0+0=4): Milan, Rome, Naples, Tripolitania.
Russia (6-0+3=9): St Petersburg, Warsaw, Moscow, Sevastopol, Sweden, Rumania, (+Bulgaria), (+Constantinople), (+Norway)
Turkey (4-1+1=4): Greece, /-Constantinople/, Ankara, Damascus, (+Egypt)
Unowned (2-2=0): /-Denmark/, /-Serbia/.
Britain: 4 Supply centers, 6(4) Units: Disbands 2 units. If either retreating unit retreats OTB, disband 1 unit. If both, disband 0 units
Austria: 5 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 1 unit. (Can build in Trieste or Vienna)
France: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 7 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 1 unit. (Can build in Berlin)
Italy: 4 Supply centers, 4(3) Units: Builds 0 units. If Swi retreats OTB, Builds 1 unit. (Can build in Naples or Rome)
Russia: 9 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 3 units. (Can build in Moscow, Sevastopol, and Warsaw)
Turkey: 4 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 0 units.
Winter 1901 retreats/adjustments: Thursday, July 26, 8PM PDT (Friday, July 27, 3AM PDT)
Spring 1902 orders: Tuesday, July 31, 8PM PDT (Wednesday, August 1, 3AM GMT)
Summer 1902 retreats: Thursday, August 2, 8pm PDT (Friday, August 3, 3 AM GMT) |