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This game will use Blind Auction Bidding to assign powers: http://dipwiki.com/index.php?title=Blind_Auction_Bidding


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G.M. emailsmileyrob68-at-gmail-dot-com
MapAmbition and Empire  [Wiki]  [Stats]
Cur SeasonWinter 11
Next Deadline2011-10-04 @ 22:00:00 GMT
S. C.44
Start Date2011-05-03
End Date2011-10-04
Real-Life Time155 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board dpy File
| smileyrob's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Austria / Habsburg Artisan Blank9ArandiaAbandon 8 7 0 -5.2 1225.31
1 Austria / Habsburg Captain of the Watch Silver Star9sunchungSurvival 8 22 0 0.16 1268.04
0 Denmark / Norway Artisan Blank9JosiahCivil Disorder 0 7 2 -4.93 1223.09
0 France Order of the Unicorn Silver Star9alwayshuntedSurvival 9 22 0 -2.14 1262.54
0 Great Britain Order of the Acorn Silver Star9psychosis1973Survival 6 22 0 -1.48 1204.45
0 Ottoman Empire Captain of the Watch Silver Star9LaneSurvival 5 22 0 -2.19 1242.83
0 Poland / Saxony Captain of the Watch Gold Star9raybruceaEliminated 0 20 0 -4.98 1313.69
0 Prussia Captain of the Watch Silver Star9DrSwordopolisEliminated 0 10 0 -4.56 1229.46
0 Russian Empire Captain of the Watch Gold Star9dknemeyerSolo 15 22 0 31.01 1309.22
0 Spain Countryman Blank9Brstd46Eliminated 0 10 0 -4.02 1230
0 Sweden Captain of the Watch Gold Star9Wladimir7Survival 1 22 0 -3.19 1281.8

PREV  Spring 1765 Adjudication:  NEXT    

Sorry for the slight delay in the adjudication. As I mentioned yesterday, I wasn't available for a couple of hours on either side of the deadline.

Spring 1765 sees the Franco-British alliance flex its muscle. They capture Berlin, and appear to move into position to attack Spain. The battle between Sweden and Denmark begins to find a context in the larger continental conflict, as despite giving a support which was not used, Sweden has clearly allied itself with Britain/France. Russia continues to improve its position, and is poised to take both Crimea and Abo. But perhaps the most interesting development is the cooperation between Austria and Turkey to capture the Papal States.

I need retreats from Denmark and Prussia. They are due by Thursday at 22:00 GMT. As always for spring retreats, I won't wait until the deadline to adjudicate unless specifically requested to do so. Also if Josiah submits his retreat before Nick, I may well auto-retreat the Prussian unit, as it only has one retreat option. Nick, if I should do this but you would have preferred to retreat OTB, I will change it.

Possible retreats:
Prussian A Berlin can retreat to Breslau or OTB.
Danish-Norwegian F Christiania can retreat to Skagerrak or Norwegian Sea or Novgorod Territory or Barents Sea or OTB.


Austria-Hapsburg: Arandia / Adriaan Tichler / arandia.t@gmail.com
Britain-Hanover: psychosis1973 / Michael Thompson / psychosis@sky.com
Denmark-Norway: Josiah / Josiah Henderson / josiah.henderson@gmail.com
France: alwayshunted / Warren Fleming / alwayshunted@hotmail.com
Ottoman Empire: Lane / Aidan Slattery / aislattery@aol.com
Poland-Saxony: raybrucea / Bruce Ray / raybrucea@aol.com
Prussia: DrSwordopolis / Nick Powell / nick.s.powell@gmail.com
Russian Empire: dknemeyer / Dirk Knemeyer / dirk@knemeyer.com
Spain: Brstd46 / Richard Aldous / aldous@xtra.co.nz
Sweden: Wladimir7 / Wladimir Mysonski / wmysonski@gmail.com

Franco-British war machine continues to roll as Hanoverian army seizes Berlin.
Turkish fleet lands in Italy. Location of Pope unknown. Many fear he may have been captured or killed.
Russian army withdraws from Poland, marches towards Black Sea.
Swedes occupy Christiania, gain upper hand against Denmark. But will Russia be true winner of the war for Scandinavia?
French forces move south. Prelude to war with Spain?
Bavaria annexed into Hapsburg Empire.

From Austria:
The Hapsburg crown declines to recognize the election of the new Pope as valid, and in a show of force seizes the Vatican. Muslim privateers take advantage of the resulting power vacuum to ravage the eastern Papal States...

Austria: A Bohemia Supports A Tyrol - Bavaria.
Austria: A Dresden Supports A Baden-Wuerttemberg.
Austria: A Milan Supports A Switzerland.
Austria: A Tuscany Supports F Adriatic Sea - Papal States(ec).
Austria: A Tyrol - Bavaria.
Austria: A Vienna - Republic of Venice.

Britain: A Hanover - Berlin.
Britain: A London Hold.
Britain: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Gibraltar.
Britain: F North Sea Supports A Scania - Christiania.
Britain: F United Provinces - Helgoland Bight.

Denmark: F Christiania - Scania (*Dislodged* can retreat to Skagerrak or Norwegian Sea or Novgorod Territory or Barents Sea or OTB).
Denmark: F Copenhagen - Scania.

France: F Brest Hold.
France: A Burgundy Supports A Hesse-Westphalia.
France: A Hesse-Westphalia Supports A Hanover - Berlin.
France: F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyon.
France: A Paris - Gascony.
France: A Savoy - Switzerland (*Fails*).

Prussia: A Berlin Supports A Mecklenburg (*Dislodged* can retreat to Breslau or OTB).
Prussia: A Lusatia Supports A Berlin.

Russia: F Courland Supports F St Petersburg - Gulf of Bothnia.
Russia: A Koenigsburg Supports A Posen - Lithuania.
Russia: A Moscow - Zaporozh'ye.
Russia: A Posen - Lithuania.
Russia: F St Petersburg - Gulf of Bothnia.

Saxony: A Baden-Wuerttemberg Supports F United Provinces - Hesse-Westphalia
Saxony: A Warsaw - Posen.

Spain: F Gibraltar - Andalusia.
Spain: A Portugal - Madrid.
Spain: F Western Mediterranean - Tyrrhenian Sea.

Sweden: F Baltic Sea Supports A Hanover - Holstein (*Void*).
Sweden: A Scania - Christiania.

Turkey: F Adriatic Sea - Papal States(ec).
Turkey: A Algiers Supports F Morocco.
Turkey: F Ionian Sea Supports F Tunis - Western Mediterranean.
Turkey: F Tunis - Western Mediterranean.

Bavaria: A Bavaria Hold (*Dislodged* will be disbanded).

Crimea: A Crimea Hold.

Mecklenburg: A Mecklenburg Supports A Hanover - Berlin.

Morocco: F Morocco Supports F Tunis - Western Mediterranean.

Papacy: A Papal States Supports F Two Sicilies (*Disbanded*).

Switzerland: A Switzerland Supports A Baden-Wuerttemberg (*Cut*).

TwoSicilies: F Two Sicilies Hold.
The following units were dislodged:

Bavarian A Bavaria will be disbanded.
Papal A Papal States is disbanded
Prussian A Berlin can retreat to Breslau or OTB.
Danish-Norwegian F Christiania can retreat to Skagerrak or Norwegian Sea or Novgorod Territory or Barents Sea or OTB.

Austria: A Bavaria, A Bohemia, A Dresden, A Milan, A Tuscany, A Republic of
Britain: A Berlin, F Gibraltar, F Helgoland Bight, A London, F North Sea.
Denmark: F Scania, (Skagerrak or Norwegian Sea or Novgorod Territory or Barents Sea or OTB).
France: F Brest, A Burgundy, A Gascony, F Gulf of Lyon, A Hesse-Westphalia,
A Savoy.
Prussia: A Lusatia, (Breslau or OTB).
Russia: F Courland, F Gulf of Bothnia, A Koenigsburg, A Lithuania, A
Saxony: A Baden-Wuerttemberg, A Posen.
Spain: F Andalusia, A Madrid, F Tyrrhenian Sea.
Sweden: F Baltic Sea, A Christiania.
Turkey: A Algiers, F Ionian Sea, F Papal States(ec), F Western Mediterranean.
Crimea: A Crimea.
Mecklenburg: A Mecklenburg.
Morocco: F Morocco.
Switzerland: A Switzerland.
TwoSicilies: F Two Sicilies.

Austria: Budapest, Dresden, Milan, Tuscany, Republic of Venice, Vienna.
Britain: Edinburgh, Hanover, Liverpool, London, United Provinces.
Denmark: Christiania, Copenhagen.
France: Austrian Netherlands, Brest, Hesse-Westphalia, Marseilles, Paris,
Prussia: Berlin, Breslau.
Russia: Courland, Kiev, Koenigsburg, Moscow, St Petersburg.
Saxony: Baden-Wuerttemberg, Warsaw.
Spain: Barcelona, Madrid, Portugal.
Sweden: Abo, Stockholm.
Turkey: Algiers, Ankara, Constantinople, Tunis.
Bavaria: Bavaria.
Crimea: Crimea.
Mecklenburg: Mecklenburg.
Morocco: Morocco.
Papacy: Papal States.
Switzerland: Switzerland.
TwoSicilies: Two Sicilies.

Austria: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Britain: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
Denmark: 2 Supply centers, 2(1) Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Prussia: 2 Supply centers, 2(1) Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
Saxony: 2 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 0 units.
Spain: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Sweden: 2 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 4 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 0 units.
Austria: Budapest, Milan, Vienna
Britain: Edinburgh, Hanover, Liverpool, London
Denmark: Christiania, Copenhagen
France: Brest, Marseilles, Paris
Prussia: Berlin, Breslau, Koenigsburg
Russia: Crimea, Kiev, Moscow, St. Petersburg
Saxony: Dresden, Warsaw, (Baden-Wuerttemberg)
Spain: Barcelona, Madrid, (Portugal)
Sweden: Abo, Stockholm
Turkey: Ankara, Constantinople, Tunis
Summer 1765 retreats: Thursday, June 9, 22:00 GMT
Fall 1765 preliminaries: Friday, June 10, 22:00 GMT
Fall 1765 orders: Tuesday, June 14, 22:00 GMT

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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