Gentlemen, I apologize for the lateness of this adjudication. Unfortunately I fell asleep last night before Josiah's grace period had ended, leaving the adjudication undone. Even this morning I have not yet heard from Josiah, who is recorded as No Disband Received. As far as this turn is concerned, the default disband is Skagerrak. But perhaps more relevant is that should Josiah be late with this spring's order, Denmark will fall into civil disorder. If that happens, and I hope it does not, I am not going to bother searching for a replacement, as that seems somewhat futile given Denmark's position. Should Denmark be placed in CD, if Christiania is still occupied by the Danish fleet (or unoccupied though that would be impossible if Josiah does not submit an order), by rule Christiania will become an independent minor power, that fleet will be replaced by an army, and you would all be able to control it's orders via Diplomacy Points as if it had been a minor power the whole game. But as I said, I hope that does not happen. Despite the bleakness of the position, I hope Josiah returns to submit spring orders and does so through the remainder of the game.
Austria-Hapsburg: Arandia / Adriaan Tichler /
Britain-Hanover: psychosis1973 / Michael Thompson /
Denmark-Norway: Josiah / Josiah Henderson /
France: alwayshunted / Warren Fleming /
Ottoman Empire: Lane / Aidan Slattery /
Poland-Saxony: raybrucea / Bruce Ray /
Prussia: DrSwordopolis / Nick Powell /
Russian Empire: dknemeyer / Dirk Knemeyer /
Spain: Brstd46 / Richard Aldous /
Sweden: Wladimir7 / Wladimir Mysonski /
Hanover's elite troops evade capture in Berlin, escape to Poland. Additional regiments are commissioned at home.
With Copenhagen captured, Danish government is missing.
Residents of Baden-Wuerttemberg eagerly enlist in Saxon army in exchange for full citizenship.
Shipbuilders again busy in St. Petersburg as Russian Empire seeks to expand its dominance over northern waters.
Swedes abandon offensive against Norway.
Britain: A Berlin - Posen.
Sweden: disband A Christiania.
Austria: Build A Vienna.
Austria: Build A Budapest.
Britain: Build A Hanover.
Denmark: Defaults, removing F Skagerrak.
Prussia: Remove A Lusatia.
Russia: Build A Moscow.
Russia: Build F St Petersburg.
Saxony: Build A Baden-Wuerttemberg. (Baden-Wuerttemberg is now the third Saxon home center)
Saxony: Build A Warsaw.
Turkey: Build A Constantinople.
Turkey: Build F Tunis.
Austria: A Bavaria, A Bohemia, A Budapest, A Dresden, A Milan, A Papal
States, A Republic of Venice, A Vienna.
Britain: F Andalusia, A Copenhagen, A Hanover, F Helgoland Bight, F North
Sea, A Posen.
Denmark: F Christiania.
France: A Burgundy, F Gulf of Lyon, A Hesse-Westphalia, A Languedoc, F
Mid-Atlantic Ocean, A Savoy.
Prussia: A Berlin.
Russia: F Abo, F Courland, A Crimea, A Koenigsburg, A Lithuania, A Moscow, F
St Petersburg.
Saxony: A Baden-Wuerttemberg, A Breslau, A Switzerland, A Warsaw.
Spain: F Barcelona, A Madrid, F Western Mediterranean.
Sweden: F Stockholm.
Turkey: A Algiers, A Constantinople, F Ionian Sea, F Morocco, F Tunis, F Two
Mecklenburg: A Mecklenburg.
Austria: Bavaria, Budapest, Dresden, Milan, Papal States, Tuscany, Republic
of Venice, Vienna.
Britain: Copenhagen, Edinburgh, Hanover, Liverpool, London, United Provinces.
Denmark: Christiania.
France: Austrian Netherlands, Brest, Hesse-Westphalia, Marseilles, Paris,
Prussia: Berlin.
Russia: Abo, Courland, Crimea, Kiev, Koenigsburg, Moscow, St Petersburg.
Saxony: Baden-Wuerttemberg, Breslau, Switzerland, Warsaw.
Spain: Barcelona, Madrid, Portugal.
Sweden: Stockholm.
Turkey: Algiers, Ankara, Constantinople, Morocco, Tunis, Two Sicilies.
Mecklenburg: Mecklenburg.
Austria: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.
Britain: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Denmark: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
France: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Prussia: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
Saxony: 4 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 0 units.
Spain: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Sweden: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Austria: Budapest, Milan, Vienna
Britain: Edinburgh, Hanover, Liverpool, London
Denmark: Christiania, Copenhagen
France: Brest, Marseilles, Paris
Prussia: Berlin, Breslau, Koenigsburg
Russia: Crimea, Kiev, Moscow, St. Petersburg
Saxony: Baden-Wuerttemberg, Dresden, Warsaw
Spain: Barcelona, Madrid, (Portugal)
Sweden: Abo, Stockholm
Turkey: Ankara, Constantinople, Tunis
Spring 1766 preliminaries Friday, June 17, 22:00 GMT
Spring 1766 orders Tuesday, June 21, 22:00 GMT
Summer 1766 retreats Thursday, June 23, 22:00 GMT