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G.M. emailsgttodd-at-mainecav-dot-org
BuildImperial  [Wiki]
MapImperial1840  [Wiki]  [Stats]
Cur SeasonWinter 49
Next DeadlineSee adjudication
Result5-Way Draw
S. C.111
Start Date2007-10-30
End Date2008-05-16
Real-Life Time200 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board
| sgttodd's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Austria Order of the Alliance Gold Star9FuzzyLogicDraw 17 20 0 2.11 1438.37
0 Britain Countryman Blank9commandantEliminated 0 16 3 -4.6 1199.05
0 China Countryman Blank9DwightSchruteAbandon 8 5 2 -5.7 1192.34
1 China Artisan Blank9EHEHEHCivil Disorder 0 9 1 -3.35 1191.75
0 France Countryman Blank9dip_king_89Abandon 13 7 2 -5.58 1181.78
1 France Captain of the Watch Silver Star9scaponigEliminated 0 16 0 -1.87 1211.35
0 Holland Order of the Parchment Gold Star9coebqDraw 23 20 0 4.71 1215.58
0 Ottoman Knight Captain Blank9dipknightEliminated 0 12 1 -4.8 1198.85
0 Russia Captain of the Watch Silver Star9cl2849Draw 22 20 0 4.71 1248.09
0 Spain Order of the Oak Gold Star9MattTheLesserDraw 32 20 1 4.63 1212.52
0 USA Captain of the Watch Gold Star9former.troutDraw 17 20 0 4.77 1239.02

PREV  Spring 1843 Adjudication:  NEXT    

The Ottoman did not NMR. His orders were hung up on my mail server "in error" since 1/20. Because of this and some other recent corrections the Spring 43 turn has been readjudicated and retreats applied. This overrides the previously posted Spring 1843 adjudication.

Please, if you do not get a confirmation of orders from me, assume I did not get them and send them again using the Private Message feature of the Diplomaticcorp.com forum.

The current map images and DPY file are at: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy/dc130

The deadline now is for FALL 1843 and is set at January 27, 2359 GMT.

Retreats were as follows:

Chinese A Guangdong can retreat to Fujian
British F St Petersburg(nc) retreat to Barents Sea.
Spanish F N.Atlantic Ocean retreat to The Azores.

Spring 1843 moves were as follows:

F Venice - Adriatic Sea
A Vienna - Venice
F Berlin - Kiel(ec)
A Paris Supports A Marseilles
A Marseilles Supports A Paris
A Sofia Hold
F Greece Supports F Salerno - Ionian Sea
A Kiel - Stuttgart
F Salerno - Ionian Sea
A Serbia Hold
A Metz Supports A Paris
A Switzerland - Piedmont
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Salerno - Ionian Sea

A Edinburgh - Norway
F Maldives - N.W.Indian Ocean
A Natal - Cape Colony
F St Petersburg(nc) Supports A Edinburgh - Norway (*Dislodged*)
A Xinjang - Xining (*Fails*)
A Tibet - Bengal
F Norwegian Sea Convoys A Edinburgh - Norway
F Arabian Sea Supports F Maldives - N.W.Indian Ocean
F N.E.Indian Ocean Supports F N.W.Indian Ocean - S.W.Indian Ocean (*Fails*)
F N.W.Indian Ocean - S.W.Indian Ocean

A Beijing - Shanghai (*Bounce*)
A Chongqing - Tibet
A Guangdong Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Xining Supports A Chongqing - Tibet (*Cut*)
A Liaoning Hold
A Yunnan Supports A Guangdong

F London Supports F English Channel
A Guinea - Sierra Leone (*Bounce*)
F Liberia - Sierra Leone (*Bounce*)
A Loango - South Africa
F English Channel Supports A Rouen (*Cut*)
F Cimbebas Coast Convoys A Loango - South Africa
F Mozabaique Channel - Caffrabia

A Malaysia - Birmah
F Holland Hold
F Kagoshima - Eastern Sea (*Fails*)
A Rouen Hold
A Mozambique Hold
A Hue Supports F Formosa - Guangdong
A Korea Hold
F Formosa - Guangdong
F Helgoland Bight Supports F Holland
F China Sea Supports F Formosa - Guangdong
F Phillipene Sea - Bismark Sea
F Eastern Sea - Shanghai (*Bounce*)
F Sea of Japan - Edo

F Angora(nc) Hold (*Disbanded*)
F Ionian Sea - Tunisia
A Morocco - Algiers
A Bangalore - Afganistan
A Tabrize - Bangalore
A Bagdad - Tabrize

A Constantinople Supports A Baku - Angora
A Moskow Supports F Norway - St Petersburg(nc)
A Sevastopol - Georgia
F Kamchatka - Bering Sea (*Bounce*)
F Denmark - Sweden
F Norway - St Petersburg(nc)
A Rumania - Sevastopol
A Livonia Supports F Norway - St Petersburg(nc)
A Tehran Supports A Khiva
A Tashkent Supports A Xining - Xinjang (*Void*)
A Khiva Supports A Tehran
A Baku - Angora
A Mongolia - Krasnoyarsk
A Yongmingcheng Hold
F Black Sea Supports A Baku - Angora
F Hawaii - N.Pacific Ocean (*Fails*)

A British Guiana - Sene Gabaia
F New South Wales - Barrier Sea
A Nantes Supports A Bordeaux
A French Guiana - Dutch Guiana
F Society Islands - E.Pacific Ocean (*Bounce*)
A Madrid - Morocco
F Cuba - Bahama Islands
F Peru - S.Pacific Ocean
F Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Plate
F Zanguebar Supports F Horn of Africa
A Bordeaux Supports A Nantes
A Catalunia Supports A Bordeaux
A Soudan - Biafra
A Syria - Armenia
F Marshalls - W.Pacific Ocean
A Cuiaba - Matto Grosso
A Para - Plauhy
A Mazatlan Hold
F Bay of Biscay - English Channel (*Fails*)
F Western Mediterranean Convoys A Madrid - Morocco
F Gulf of Lyon Hold
F N.Atlantic Ocean Supports F Bay of Biscay - English Channel (*Dislodged*)
F Sargasso Sea Supports F N.Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Convoys A British Guiana - Sene Gabaia
F Amazon Basin Convoys A British Guiana - Sene Gabaia
F Brazilian Bight Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Horn of Africa Supports F Zanguebar

F Dublin Supports F Labrador Sea - N.Atlantic Ocean
A Quebec - Maritimes
F Charleston - Bay of Florida
F Monterey - Gulf of Catalina
A Republic of Texas - Coahula
A Alaska Supports A North West Terr. - Vancouver
A North West Terr. - Vancouver
A Appalachia - Florida
F Labrador Sea - N.Atlantic Ocean
F Greenland Sea Supports F Labrador Sea - N.Atlantic Ocean
F Gulf of Maine Supports F Labrador Sea - N.Atlantic Ocean
F N.Pacific Ocean - E.Pacific Ocean (*Bounce*)
F Gulf of Alaska - Bering Sea (*Bounce*)

The deadline for FALL 1843 - January 27, 2359 GMT.

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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