It seems we have several players that will be away for an extended weekend and have asked for the next deadline to be moved out. Additionally the Cardassians are in CD and the Klingons have been replaced...
So...the deadline for Stardate 2374.3 is: Monday November 12th; 2359 UTC
The following units were dislodged:
Federation F Vulcan retreats to Xyrillia.
Movement Stardate 2374.1
Borg: F 3424 - 2825.
Borg: F 4425 Hold.
Borg: F 5725 - 6540.
Borg: A 5215 - Borg Unicomplex.
Borg: F Devore Imperium Hold.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Hold.
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity Hold.
Borg: F Malon Cooperative Hold.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime Hold.
Cardassian: F ChinToka Hold.
Cardassian: F Trill Hold.
Dominion: F Idran - Wadi.
Dominion: F Korill Prime - T-Rogoran.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: F Teplan - Torga.
Dominion: A Bajor Supports A Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F Ultia Thule - Portas.
Dominion: F Breen - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Torga - Kylata.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster Hold.
Dominion: F Trialus Hold.
Ferengi: F Lazon - Kobheeria.
Ferengi: F Clarus - Thalos.
Ferengi: F Thalos - G02.
Ferengi: F Deneb Hold.
Ferengi: A Kalidar Hold.
Ferengi: F Kobheeria - Valeria.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Rakhar - New Bajor.
Klingon: A Qonos Hold.
Klingon: F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Regulus.
Klingon: F Kazar Supports F Briar Patch - Vulcan.
Klingon: F Gorn - Tholia.
Klingon: F D05 Hold.
Romulan: F Pretorian - Zakdorn.
Romulan: F Talon - Caldos.
Romulan: F Tarrod - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Bolarus.
Romulan: F Jouret - Barradas II.
Romulan: F Ophiucus - Andoria (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Korniforous - Izar.
Romulan: A Antares - Korniforous.
UFP: F Sol Supports F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
UFP: F Vulcan Hold (*Dislodged*).
UFP: F Andoria - Ophiucus (*Fails*).
UFP: F Castor - Trill (*Fails*).
UFP: F Bolarus - Alpha Centauri.
Unit locations:
Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F 4425, F 6540, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F Vidiian Solidarity, F 2825, F Malon Cooperative.
Cardassian: A Cardassia Prime, F ChinToka, F Trill.
Dominion: F T-Rogoran, F Varala, A Bajor, F Portas, F Torga, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Rakhar, F Trialus, F Wadi.
Ferengi: F Thalos, F Deneb, A Kalidar, F Kobheeria, F Frederick, F Valeria, F New Bajor, F G02.
Klingon: A Qonos, F Vulcan, F Kazar, F Regulus, F Tholia, F D05.
Romulan: F Barradas II, F Bolarus, F Ophiucus, A Korniforous, F Izar, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae.
UFP: F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Vulcan, F Andoria, F Castor.
Deadline for Stardate 2374.3: Monday November 12th; 2359 UTC
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