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Not now, Ive got to feed my llama!


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G.M. emailmike-at-fuzzylogicllc-dot-com
MapSouth American  [Wiki]  [Stats]
Cur SeasonSpring 00
Next Deadline2010-03-17 @ 21:00:00 GMT
S. C.39
Start Date2009-08-29
End Date2010-03-17
Real-Life Time201 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board dpy File
| FuzzyLogic's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Argentina Order of the Mammoth Blank9GithraineEliminated 0 10 0 -5.19 1203.45
0 Bolivia Knight Tactician Silver Star9packratEliminated 0 20 1 -4.81 1212.32
0 Brazil Nobleman Blank9powbillypilgrimAbandon 7 4 0 -6.25 1181.44
1 Brazil Order of the Parchment Silver Star9z93blomSurvival 7 24 0 -0.61 1262.74
0 Chile Captain of the Watch Gold Star9evapollo88Solo 21 24 1 29.65 1229.22
0 Colombia Captain of the Watch Silver Star9agwopaAbandon 4 14 2 -6.04 1220.91
1 Colombia Captain of the Watch Blank9rodthewormSurvival 9 24 0 0.27 1213.57
0 Paraguay Order of the Ocelot Silver Star9AlanRFarringtonEliminated 0 24 0 -4.09 1208.9
0 Peru Captain of the Watch Blank9FlapJackEliminated 0 20 2 -4.04 1169.01
0 Venezuela Captain of the Watch Blank9TheWhiteWolfSurvival 2 24 1 -2.99 1206.98

PREV  Spring 1838 Adjudication:  NEXT    

Siestas overcome lower South America, as nearly a third of the units take the turn off. This leads to absolutely nothing happening in the southern half of the continent. But in the north it's just the opposite as blood is shed on every front... Can't we all just be like the peaceful south???

A Buenos Aires Supports A Santa Fe - Montevideo
A Santa Fe - Montevideo

F Boca de Navios - Cumana
A Guapore Supports A Manaus - Amazonas
A Manaus - Amazonas
A Mato Grosso - Santa Cruz (*Bounce*)
A Pantanal Supports A Mato Grosso - Santa Cruz
A Para - Rio Branco
F Rio Grande do Sul Hold

F Antofagasta - Bahia de Arica
A Cusco - Aquiris (*Bounce*)
A La Paz Supports A Potosi - Santa Cruz
A Potosi - Santa Cruz (*Bounce*)

Chile: No moves received, all units hold!

F Galapagos - Bahia Sechura
F Golfo de Panama Supports F Galapagos - Bahia Sechura
A Piura - Guayaquil
A Popayan - Llanos
F Santa Marta - Cartagena

Paraguay: No moves received, all units hold!

F Lima - Bahia Sechura (*Invalid*)
F Bahia Sechura - Quito
A Iquitos - Aquiris (*Bounce*)
A Lima - Trujillo (*Fails*)
F Trujillo (*Unordered*)

A Amazonas - Popayan
A Bogota Supports A Maracaibo - Santa Marta
F Caracas - Golfo de Paria
F Golfo de Paria - Golfo de Darien
A Maracaibo - Santa Marta

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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