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Beware the Ides of March


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G.M. emailsmegdwarf-at-yahoo-dot-com
Cur SeasonSpring 18
Next Deadline2012-12-16 @ 19:00:00 GMT
S. C.34
Start Date2011-03-08
End Date2011-12-20
Real-Life Time288 days
Slideshow SC Chart dpy File
| AceRimmer's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Austria Captain of the Watch Blank9FlapJackSurvival 6 34 2 -1.99 1144.04
0 England Artisan Blank9SifcellAbandon 5 7 0 -1.35 1223.63
1 England Captain of the Watch Gold Star9dknemeyerSolo 18 34 0 24.12 1329.68
0 France Nobleman Blank9archimedesSurvival 9 34 2 -2.29 1206.95
0 Germany Esquire Silver Star9gizmo8204Abandon 2 24 2 -7.48 1238.78
1 Germany Captain of the Watch Gold Star9Blueraider0Survival 1 34 0 -1.42 1198.24
0 Italy Nobleman Blank9GhostfaceEliminated 0 22 2 -5.05 1199.19
0 Russia Countryman Blank9blomidonparkEliminated 0 28 1 -4.64 1199.6
0 Turkey Countryman Blank9Jack_CopeEliminated 0 10 3 -5.82 1198.43

PREV  Spring 1904 Adjudication:  NEXT    

I could be well moved, if I were as you;
If I could pray to move, prayers would move me;
But I am constant as the northern star,
Of whose true-fix'd and resting quality
There is no fellow in the firmament.
The skies are painted with unnumber'd sparks;
They are all fire and every one doth shine;
But there's but one in all doth hold his place.
So in the world, 'tis furnish'd well with men,
And men are flesh and blood, and apprehensive;
Yet in the number I do know but one
That unassailable holds on his rank,
Unshaked of motion; and that I am he,
- Julius Cæsar. ACT III Scene 1

This western triple alliance holds together with earnestly sworn oaths of loyalty. Well, the juicy centers of St. Petersburg and Tunis don’t hurt. Both fall, as the English advance into Russia, the French seize Tunis, and the Germans have their own gain in Prussia.

Elsewhere, Austria may (or may not) have some communications problems. We have not one but two voided supports – one by Austria; one offered to Austria. And is the end near for Turkey? His two units hold lamblike, ready for the pending slaughter.

There are two dislodgements. The Turkish fleet in Ankara retreats to Armenia (let me know within 24 hours if you prefer to disband, Jack). The Italian army in Tunis has no retreat options and thus disbands.

Fall 1904 will be due on Wednesday, May 11 at 10:00 a.m. CST.

Please, please, please, please, please… send me your prelims.

S1904 Adjudication

a tyr-mun (*Fails*)
a boh s a tyr-mun
a sil s RUSSIAN a pru-ber (*Void*)
a tri h
a bul-rum
f aeg-gre

NWY -> StP
BAR supports NWY -> StP
SWE -> FIN (*Fails*)
NAO -> Holds

Fleet Mid Atlantic Ocean Move To Spain (sc)
Fleet Western Med Support Army North Africa Move To Tunis
Army North Africa Move To Tunis
Army Marseilles Support Austrian Army Tyrolia Move To Piedmont. (*Void*)
Army Burgundy Support German Army Munich

F Denmark holds
F Baltic Sea S F Berlin - Prussia
F Berlin - Prussia
A Kiel - Berlin
A Munich S A Kiel – Berlin (*Cut*)
A Ruhr S A Munich

A Pie-Mar (*Fails*)
F Ion-Tyr
All others hold (*F Tunis Disbands*)

Fin sup Mos to StP (*Cut*)
Pru to War
Mos to StP (*Fails*)
Con to Ank
Bla sup Con to Ank

Army, Sevastopol, Hold
Army, Ankara, Hold (*Dislodged*)

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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