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WB2012 Rd 2 Bd 2


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G.M. emailcoryfucius-at-yahoo-dot-com
Cur SeasonFall 10
Next Deadline2012-06-14 @ 20:00:00 GMT
Result3-Way Draw
S. C.34
Start Date2012-04-04
End Date2012-06-16
Real-Life Time74 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board dpy File
| Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Austria Esquire Blank9KoensigDraw 7 19 0 7.22 1220.58
0 England Captain of the Watch Silver Star9micoxyEliminated 0 12 1 -6.76 1260.03
0 France Order of the Acorn Blank9ViperSurvival 2 19 0 -4.48 1225.61
0 Germany Captain of the Watch Blank9mjn82Draw 11 19 0 6.91 1240.1
0 Italy Captain of the Watch Silver Star9GodzillaDraw 10 19 0 6.94 1236.72
0 Russia Order of the Acorn Silver Star9psychosis1973Survival 4 19 0 -4.14 1216.14
0 Turkey Captain of the Watch Silver Star9ConradWEliminated 0 18 0 -5.69 1217.68

PREV  Spring 1904 Adjudication:  NEXT    

More turmoil in the Balkans, as Austria pushes into Bulgaria, while Italy pulls out of Albania. Russia sails into the Black Sea. In the west, both English fleets at sea are driven off, one each by French and German forces.

A total of 3 units are dislodged:
The English fleet in English Channel may retreat to Irish Sea, Mid-Atlantic Ocean, Picardy, Wales, or OTB.
The English fleet in North Sea may retreat to Edinburgh, Helgoland Bight, Norwegian Sea, Yorkshire, or OTB.
The Turkish army in Bulgaria may retreat to Constantinople or OTB.

Since the English fleets have multiple retreat options, we will have a Summer 1904 retreat phase. Please submit your retreat orders by 3pm tomorrow, Tuesday 5/1 at 3pm Central (US) / 20:00 GMT. Thanks!



Spring 1904 results:

A Greece Supports A Serbia - Bulgaria
A Serbia - Bulgaria
A Trieste Supports A Vienna
A Vienna Supports A Trieste

F English Channel - London (*Dislodged*)
F North Sea Supports F English Channel - London (*Dislodged*)
F Norway Hold

F Brest - English Channel
F London Supports F Brest - English Channel
A Marseilles Supports A Paris - Burgundy

A Belgium - Holland (*Bounce*)
A Berlin - Munich (*Fails*)
F Denmark Supports F Skagerrak - North Sea
A Kiel - Holland (*Bounce*)
A Paris - Burgundy
F Skagerrak - North Sea
A Sweden - Norway (*Fails*)

A Albania - Apulia
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Albania - Apulia
F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea
F Spain(sc) Supports A Marseilles
A Tyrolia - Venice

A Budapest Hold
F Gulf of Bothnia - Sweden (*Fails*)
A Munich - Berlin (*Fails*)
F Rumania Supports A Serbia - Bulgaria
F Sevastopol - Black Sea
A St Petersburg - Finland
A Warsaw - Silesia

F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
A Bulgaria Supports A Greece (*Dislodged*)
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Smyrna - Armenia

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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