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1936 v2.6 Soviet solo


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G.M. emailcfeaux-at-gmail-dot-com
Map1936v25  [Wiki]  [Stats]
Cur SeasonSpring 00
Next DeadlineSee adjudication
S. C.50
Start Date2015-09-18
End Date2015-12-30
Real-Life Time104 days
Slideshow SC Chart
| charlesf's House Rules
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Britain Captain of the Watch Silver Star9MDemagogueEliminated 0 14 0 0 0
0 France Nobleman Blank9georgekatkinsSurvival 13 14 0 0 0
0 Germany Esquire Silver Star9briandiffellEliminated 0 14 1 0 0
0 Italy Captain of the Watch Blank9mjn82Survival 15 14 0 0 0
0 Poland Captain of the Watch Blank9Sean2010Survival 4 14 0 0 0
0 Soviet Union Nobleman Silver Star9raistlinSolo 18 14 0 0 0
0 Turkey Order of the Jagged Edge Gold Star9jerome777Eliminated 0 14 0 0 0

PREV  Spring 1939 Adjudication:  NEXT    

I'm afraid I made another sloppy mistake. F Sweden moved to the Skaggerak instead of Denmark. Thanks, David, for pointing that out.

The orders section and the attached files have been altered accordingly.


Happy St. Martin's Day, everyone!

And then it's also Armistice Day. Hardly a cause for celebration for us Germans... Anyway, an armistice seems far off in our present conflict...

Britain: Denmark passed into the Soviet sphere of influence, while the Brits have set up a military administration in Hamburg (btw, my grandfather helped the British military administration in Hamburg organise the city's food supplies while being a POW after WW2). Hamburg looks like quite an exposed position, being now encircled by lots of rivalling forces. Both the French and Spanish have shifted their navies northwards. Might be unsettling for the Prime Minister.

France: The Third Republic now might well finish the year with a build. The Germans launched a half-hearted attack against the French army in Switzerland. What to make of Spain's moves? Looks like a mix of pro- and anti-French orders. Hm.

Germany: Okay, the northern SCs have been lost. But the Chancellor might now regroup in his Alpine Redoubt and launch a future comeback. Perhaps the Wehrmacht has a Wunderwaffe up its sleeves?

Italy: The Regia Marina is cruising nicely along. Just doesn't seem like the Med holds too great a challenge for the Duce. Two builds are in the offing.

Poland: Mixed fortunes in the German-Polish war. Is the Marshal out to obliterate Germany?

Soviet Union: Conquering Iraq was a given. Could have secured a more advantageous position in Turkey, though. Stalin's now the master of entire Scandinavia. Well, provided he can hold on to Denmark. Interesting history lesson down in the press section. Family fathers were specially targetted? Really? Wow. Gotta say Soviet censorship ain't what it used to be. Lots of counter-revolutionary messages slipping through!

Turkey: It ain't all bad. The Red Army underperformed in my estimation. What about the Italians? Friends or foes?

Summer 1939 follows - at the latest - on Friday, 13 November. I need Polish and German retreats!



BRITAIN: Mark Utterback
FRANCE: George K. Atkins
GERMANY: Brian Diffell
ITALY & NAT. SPAIN: Mike Norton
POLAND: Sean O'Donnell
TURKEY: Jerome Payne

From the desk of Stalin:
I have spoken of the shining city of communism all my political life, but I do not know if I ever quite communicated what I saw when I said it. But in my mind it was a tall proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, wind-swept, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace, a city with free ports that hummed with community and creativity, and if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here. That is how I saw it and see it still.

We are a beacon of light to all the people of the world. And they are joining us.

From the desk of future historians:
NKVD Order No. 00447: First Category
"By the autumn of 1937, the pressure to achieve arrests was so great that the NKVD interrogators began picking out names from the telephone directory or preselecting married men with children who, as every agent knew, were the quickest to confess."

According to official Soviet records, during 1937 and 1938, the NKVD detained 1,548,366 persons, of whom 681,692 were shot. That is 1,000 executions a day. At least 40,000 of those executions are known to have been personally ordered by Stalin. The true total number of those executed (murdered?) in that period is likely closer to one million.

From Pravda:
Vasily Mikhailovich Blokhin has recovered his full strength and overseen what we all hope was the final demolition of the Trotskyite-Kamenevite-Zinovievite-Leftist-Counter-Revolutionary Bloc. He has now been sent to Turkey to determine the loyalty of the New Soviet Turkaman to Marxist-Leninist principles. It is believed that, while the vast majority of the population has realised full class consciousness, some elements of reaction remain, and Vasily's reaction will be swift when he encounters such.

From America:
It has emerged that Aleksandr Orlev - Stalin's agent - was behind the abduction and murder of Andres Nin, the leader of the Workers' Party of Marxist Unification (POUM) in Spain. When will the people of Europe wake up to this nightmare incarnate? Communism is the enemy of the worker, and Stalinism is the chain, the whip, the boot, and the axe that is at Communism's centre.

F Denmark - Hamburg
F London - Wales (*Bounce*)
F Irish Sea - Wales (*Bounce*)
F Southern North Sea Supports F Denmark - Hamburg

A Belgium Supports F English Channel - Netherlands
A Marseille - Paris
A Milan Supports A Switzerland
A Switzerland Supports A Milan (*Cut*)
F English Channel - Netherlands
F South-Western Approaches - English Channel

A Austria Supports A Central Germany - Czechia
A Berlin - Hamburg (*Dislodged*)
A Central Germany - Czechia
F Hamburg - Netherlands (*Disbanded*)
A South Tyrol - Switzerland (*Fails*)

F Algiers - Morocco
F Egypt(nc) - Libyan Sea
F Naples - Ionian Sea
F Tuscany Hold

A Czechia - Central Germany (*Dislodged*)
A Pomerania Supports A Silesia - Berlin
A Silesia - Berlin
A Transylvania - Serbia
A Volhynia - Cracow
F Baltic Sea - Hamburg (*Bounce*)

A Ankara - Istanbul (*Bounce*)
A Bulgaria Supports A Ankara - Istanbul
A Eastern Anatolia - Ankara (*Fails*)
A Finland - Sweden
A Iran Supports A Kurdistan - Iraq
A Kurdistan - Iraq
F Leningrad(nc) - Norwegian Sea
A Moscow - Leningrad
F Stalingrad(wc) - Black Sea
F Sweden - Denmark

F Beirut - Alexandretta
F Suez - Levantine Sea
A Syria Supports F Beirut - Alexandretta
A Thrace Supports F Aegean Sea - Istanbul
F Aegean Sea - Istanbul (*Bounce*)
F Atlantic Ocean - Arabian Sea

F Burgos - Galicia
F Madrid - South-Western Approaches
F Morocco - Gibraltar
A Navarra - Madrid
A Valencia - Catalonia

F Greece Supports F Naples - Ionian Sea

A Hungary Hold

A Croatia Supports A Hungary - Serbia (*Void*)

German A Berlin can retreat to Central Germany.
Polish A Czechia can retreat to Franconia or Silesia or Slovakia.

SC OWNERSHIP (Winter 1938):
Britain (4): Denmark, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London.
France (6): Belgium, Brest, Marseille, Milan, Paris, Switzerland.
Germany (5): Austria, Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Netherlands.
Italy (5): Algiers, Egypt, Naples, Rome, Tripoli.
Poland (6): Cracow, Czechia, Gdynia, Latvia, Lithuania, Warsaw.
Soviet_Union (10): Ankara, Bulgaria, Finland, Iran, Leningrad, Moscow, Norway, Rumania, Stalingrad, Sweden.
Turkey (6): Beirut, Iraq, Istanbul, Izmir, Serbia, Suez.
Nationalist_Spain (5): Burgos, Madrid, Morocco, Portugal, Valencia.

Summer 1939 Retreats: 13 November
Fall 1939 Moves: 18 November
Winter 1939 Retreats/Adjustments: 20 November
Spring 1940 Moves: 25 November

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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