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Turkey/Venice Draw


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G.M. emailcloudhurler77-at-yahoo-dot-com
BuildChaos  [Wiki]
MapMachiavelli  [Wiki]  [Stats]
Cur SeasonWinter 08
Next Deadline2010-02-11 @ 00:23:00 GMT
Result2-Way Draw
S. C.44
Start Date2009-08-20
End Date2010-02-12
Real-Life Time177 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board dpy File
| TheWhiteWolf's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Austria Captain of the Watch Silver Star9LaneEliminated 0 12 0 -4.58 1216.94
0 Florence Captain of the Watch Silver Star9chaosonejoeSurvival 9 16 0 -2.09 1193.56
0 France Captain of the Watch Silver Star9MDemagogueSurvival 8 16 0 -2.79 1221.25
0 Milan Captain of the Watch Gold Star9zeclientEliminated 0 14 0 -5.08 1246.91
0 Naples Order of the Mammoth Silver Star9ndeilyEliminated 0 6 0 -4.62 1184.44
0 Papacy Herald Blank9BrutusEliminated 0 6 0 -5.27 1197.36
0 Turkey Captain of the Watch Gold Star9pieandmashDraw 11 16 0 12.88 1200.01
0 Venice Order of the Shrubbery Gold Star9garry.bledsoeDraw 16 16 0 11.56 1277.87

PREV  Winter 1457 Adjudication:  NEXT    

I am SO SO SORRY for getting this out so late. Work (and the accompanying commute) is killing me, and I just let it slip my mind. I'll try not to let it happen again. I'm hoping to move MUCH closer to work (as soon as this weekend!) anyway, so that should help a bit.
Unfortunately, even with the extra couple days, I didn't get Aidan's disband. This is strange to me, especially since I did hear from him after the Autumn adjudication went out.
Aidan, if I'm in error somehow, or you can prove to me that I received a disband, I'll be happy to correct myself. As it stands, however, I've let the standard NDR rules dictate what's lost. Either way, please let me know in the next day or so if you're still with us.
In light Aidan's NDR, the quote seems almost appropriate today, due to some clever wording:

"One ought never to allow a disorder to take place in order to avoid war, for war is not thereby avoided, but only deferred to your disadvantage." - Niccoló Machiavelli, The Prince. 1537


The DiplomaticCorps website is down until tomorrow, so I'll update the game's forum page when it becomes available. Looks like either Mr. Sims is moving to another host, or his physical move is interfering with the website somehow. No worries, it doesn't interfere with the actual playing of the game. Fight on!


Austria: Aidan Slattery
France: Mark Utterbach
Florence: Joe Babinsack
Milan: Nick Cherrier
Naples: Nathan Deily
Papacy: Kevin Burt
Turkey: Max Victory
Venice: Garry Bledsoe


Defaults, removing A Bergamo

Build A Avignon
Build F Marseille

Build A Croatia

Unit Positions: (SCs/Units)

Austria: (3/3)
Armies - Aus, Fer, Hun

France: (7/7)
Armies - Avi, Sav, Slu, Swi, Tyr
Fleets - GOL, Mar

Florence: (11/11)
Armies - Bol, Cap, Luc, Rom, Spo, Urb
Fleets - Cor, LS, Mod, Pio, Sie

Milan: (5/5)
Armies - For, Gen, Mil, Mon, Pav



Turkey: (9/9)
Armies - Aqu, Sle
Fleets - CM, Dal, LA, Nap, Pal, TS, WM

Venice: (9/9)
Armies - Cre, Cri, Cro, Man, Trn, Trv, Ver
Fleets - Anc, Crn


Spring 1458 is due Wednesday, 4 November at 2pm EDT (6pm GMT.) PLEASE NOTE: Due to my potential last-minute move, I may have to delay slightly. I don't think so, however, since I have regular access at work. I can simply hand-write all orders and run the adjudication from my laptop, re-inputting the results at work the next day. I'll keep you all updated.
Any issues or errors, let me know.

Map and RP file are attached for your convenience, enjoy!

Thanks all,
The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:

It turns out Aidan gave me a disband and I'm an unobservant jerk. Fortunately, he wanted to disband A Bergamo, so the adjudication and map are good to go. Sorry, Aidan!

The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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