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1936 v2.6 Soviet solo


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G.M. emailcfeaux-at-gmail-dot-com
Map1936v25  [Wiki]  [Stats]
Cur SeasonSpring 00
Next DeadlineSee adjudication
S. C.50
Start Date2015-09-18
End Date2015-12-30
Real-Life Time104 days
Slideshow SC Chart
| charlesf's House Rules
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Britain Captain of the Watch Silver Star9MDemagogueEliminated 0 14 0 0 0
0 France Nobleman Blank9georgekatkinsSurvival 13 14 0 0 0
0 Germany Esquire Silver Star9briandiffellEliminated 0 14 1 0 0
0 Italy Captain of the Watch Blank9mjn82Survival 15 14 0 0 0
0 Poland Captain of the Watch Blank9Sean2010Survival 4 14 0 0 0
0 Soviet Union Nobleman Silver Star9raistlinSolo 18 14 0 0 0
0 Turkey Order of the Jagged Edge Gold Star9jerome777Eliminated 0 14 0 0 0

PREV  Spring 1940 Adjudication:  NEXT    

Hi everyone!

a summary:

Britain: Liverpool could not be defended in face of Franco-Soviet collaboration. Will good ole England survive the year?

France: Liverpool is a plus. I wonder if the President by now regrets building an army in Brest.

Germany: Poland offered France support into Munich, but the latter prefered going after Austria. In any case, not exactly encouraging.

Italy: Suez is at the mercy of the Duce. Generally is proceeding at a leisurely pace.

Poland: In sight of London. Progressing nicely.

Soviet Union: The Red Army gave up their strategic position in Palestine. Uncle Joe is apparently quite happy to leave himself open to attack. Almost as if we're in June 1941.

Turkey: Fading fast. Will Turkey be down to 2 SCs by the end of the year?

Fall 1940 follows on Wednesday, 2 December. No pending retreats, so we're skipping Summer and the deadline issue is moot.



BRITAIN: Mark Utterback
FRANCE: George K. Atkins
GERMANY: Brian Diffell
ITALY & NAT. SPAIN: Mike Norton
POLAND: Sean O'Donnell
TURKEY: Jerome Payne

From the desk of Stalin:
The sinister puppetmaster Mussolini has arrayed all his forces against the hardworking and peaceful people of the Soviet Union. And yet we are unbowed, unbroken. Saddened, yes, at the treachery that has brought death to so many of our sons, daughters, brothers, fathers, mothers, sisters; angered at the wanton mass destruction of means of production controlled by the proletariat. But unbowed, unbroken. And determined to show these fascists that the hands of the Italian peasant are already locked around their throats, even if they do not yet feel them. Our agents are at work building class consciousness in the canals of Venice; teaching proper Marxist-Leninist thought in towns in Tuscany; aggravating the socialist class struggle in the square of St Peter.

We will prevail, although the cost will be high. But the brave new dawn of the true democratic state is coming. We need to remember, though, that - as Lenin and I demonstrate - the final victory is possible only on the international scale and only with the help of the workers of other countries. And this is what we will soon see the start of in Italy and its satellites.

From the desk of Trotsky:
When I created the military apparatus of the soviet state, it was necessary to train the soldiers in the Marxist-Leninist doctrines around fighting the enemy within - the White Russians; the class enemy. This means that all current military efforts of the Soviet Union against external enemies are doomed to ultimate failure, as demonstrated by the expulsion of Stalinist forces from Iraq. While this seems a small event set against the backdrop of seemingly undending Soviet victories, it is the pebble that starts the avalanche.

While able to defeat in detail capitalist and fascist forces operating in accordance with standard Marxist-Leninst predictions, the New Soviet Man, when he comes to realise that the people opposing him are his own class, will retreat from such a conflict, indoctrinated as he is into the notion that his own class is not the true enemy. This is why the expansion of the Soviet Union is the path to final defeat; as even Stalin said, the only path to the victory of the people is for full class consciousness to be realised within every nation on earth.

From the desk of David Alfaro Siqueiros:
I think that Trotsky fellow needs to be shown the drip and splatter techniques that I taught to Jackson Pollock, albeit in a different medium. Where's my machinegun?

F English Channel - London
F Irish Sea - Liverpool (*Fails*)

A Belgium - Netherlands (*Fails*)
A Brest Hold
A Marseille - Switzerland (*Fails*)
A Milan Supports A Marseille - Switzerland (*Fails*)
F Netherlands Hold
A Switzerland - Austria (*Bounce*)
F Wales - Liverpool

A Austria Hold
A Czechia - Central Germany
A Munich - Franconia (*Fails*)

F Greece Supports F Naples - Ionian Sea
F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Rome - Venetia
F Tuscany Hold
F Atlantic Ocean - Egypt(sc)
F Libyan Sea Supports F Atlantic Ocean - Egypt(sc)

A Berlin - Hamburg
A Cracow - Transylvania
A Franconia Supports A Switzerland - Munich (*Void*)
F Gdynia - Gulf of Danzig
F Hamburg - Southern North Sea
A Pomerania - Silesia
A Serbia Supports A Bulgaria - Thrace (*Void*)
A Warsaw - Cracow

A Bulgaria - Istanbul
A Denmark Supports A Berlin - Hamburg
A Edinburgh Supports F Wales - Liverpool
A Iran Supports A Palestine - Iraq
A Istanbul - Ankara
A Kurdistan Supports A Palestine - Iraq
F Leningrad(nc) - Finland(nc)
A Palestine - Iraq
A Stalingrad Supports A Iran
F Black Sea Supports A Istanbul - Ankara
F Norwegian Sea Supports A Edinburgh
F Skaggerak - Northern North Sea

F Ankara(sc) - Konya
A Iraq Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Aegean Sea - Izmir
F Arabian Sea Supports A Iraq
F Levantine Sea - Beirut

F Galicia - South-Western Approaches
F Gibraltar - Atlantic Ocean
A Madrid - Catalonia (*Bounce*)
A Valencia - Catalonia (*Bounce*)
F South-Western Approaches - Ireland

A Hungary - Austria (*Bounce*)

A Croatia Supports A Rome - Venetia

Turkish A Iraq can retreat to Syria or Saudi Arabia or Kuweit.

SC OWNERSHIP (Winter 1939):
Britain (2): Liverpool, London.
France (7): Belgium, Brest, Marseille, Milan, Netherlands, Paris, Switzerland.
Germany (3): Austria, Czechia, Munich.
Italy (6): Algiers, Egypt, Greece, Naples, Rome, Tripoli.
Poland (8): Berlin, Cracow, Gdynia, Hamburg, Latvia, Lithuania, Serbia, Warsaw.
Soviet_Uniona (12): Bulgaria, Denmark, Edinburgh, Finland, Iran, Istanbul, Leningrad, Moscow, Norway, Rumania, Stalingrad, Sweden.
Turkey (5): Ankara, Beirut, Iraq, Izmir, Suez.
Nationalist_Spain (5): Burgos, Madrid, Morocco, Portugal, Valencia.
Hungary: Hungary.
Yugoslavia: Croatia.

Fall 1940 Moves: 2 December
Winter 1940 Retreats/Adjustments: 4 December
Spring 1941 Moves: 9 December
Summer 1941 Retreats: 11 December

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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