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G.M. emailkielmarch-at-hotmail-dot-com
Cur SeasonSpring 01
Next Deadline2018-02-12 @ 23:59:00 GMT
Result2-Way Draw
S. C.34
Start Date2018-01-30
End Date2018-09-24
Real-Life Time238 days
Slideshow SC Chart
| garry.bledsoe's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Austria Captain of the Watch Blank9bret_pollackEliminated 0 6 0 -4.48 1134.91
0 England Artisan Blank9AlfredDraw 14 19 0 11.71 1235.8
0 France Artisan Blank9manofkentDraw 10 19 0 11.71 1211.21
0 Germany Artisan Blank9luciocornelioAbandon 0 0 0 -6.11 1175.8
1 Germany Artisan Blank9qtkatCivil Disorder 0 13 3 -2.78 1175.8
0 Italy Artisan Blank9SilasPumpkinSurvival 2 19 0 -2.87 1190.04
0 Russia Order of the Jagged Edge Gold Star9jerome777Eliminated 0 10 0 -6.61 1288.83
0 Turkey Artisan Blank9AquastancerSurvival 8 19 0 -2.17 1190.75

PREV  Spring 1905 Adjudication:  NEXT    

Germany Loses Berlin and May Be in Trouble
But Takes Warsaw for Now and Sets Up Gov't
Russia Loses Moscow and Warsaw and Has Little Hope?
Italy Shifts Focus to the Western Front
England and France Hold Firm as an Alliance?
Ho Hum, Turkey Grows Again; How Safe Does Italy Feel?
EGP Proposed!

Thanks for your patience. We have our set, have no retreats. So here are the results for your entertainment.

Since we have no retreats we can move directly to Fall 1905. Let's have next Saturday the 19th at 12p CST.

OH, and we have an EGP (endgame proposal) for your consideration. The EGP on the table is for an EFT 3-way draw. Everyone must vote and, for it to be accepted, every player must vote FOR the draw. If there is a NO vote or an abstention, the EGP does not pass. As it stands now, a vote for the draw would mean survival for Italy, Germany and Russia.

As a matter of course, all votes must be submitted with orders. That is the final vote, irrespective of whatever is said in public emails. Further, votes are never revealed. Only the result is revealed, pass or fail. Even in after game notes, I will not reveal votes. That is solely the right of the player IF they wish.

Lots of questions to be asked and answered this Fall! Good luck.


Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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