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G.M. emailmike-at-fuzzylogicllc-dot-com
Cur SeasonSpring 09
Next DeadlineSee adjudication
Result2-Way Draw
S. C.34
Start Date2008-01-03
End Date2008-02-29
Real-Life Time58 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board
| Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Austria Herald Blank9dgranthamEliminated 0 10 0 -5.56 1175.5
0 England Order of the Mammoth Blank9githraineSurvival 1 17 2 -3.71 1213.94
0 France Captain of the Watch Silver Star9phantomas13Eliminated 0 16 0 -4.86 1176.21
0 Germany Captain of the Watch Blank9MrSmileyDraw 13 17 2 11.6 1228.33
0 Italy Order of the Shrubbery Gold Star9garry.bledsoeSurvival 3 17 0 -3.36 1208.66
0 Russia Herald Silver Star9bridgejunkyDraw 17 17 0 11.6 1228.33
0 Turkey Captain of the Watch Blank9The_GentlemanEliminated 0 12 3 -5.68 1175.38

PREV  Fall 1905 Adjudication:  NEXT    

It doesn’t get any better than this guys, so much is going on!

In the west:
Germany goes all out against France, helping Russia to take Liverpool, and England to retake their capital…

In the east:
Everything’s a mess as Austria orders his last unit to move instead of taking the Italian support… and I have no idea what’s going on in Asia! Italy cuts the support that would have moved the Turk out of Smy, everyone attacks everything, but in the end not a single unit moves.

This all makes for a Fabulous Friday as a ton of orders are due:


France: F Liverpool can retreat to IRI or NAT or OTB.
Germany: F English Channel can retreat to IRI or Belgium or OTB.

Austria: A Tri can retreat to Alb, but it is irrelevant so Dale, thank you for your commitment to the end of the game, and hope you do better next time! Pls send me an EGS and I’ll hold it till the end, or post it yourself if you like.

Note two units can retreat to IRI – if they do, they both disband!


France: Remove 2
Germany: Build 1
Italy: Remove 1
Russia: Build 3

RETREATS, BUILDS, and REMOVALS are all due tomorrow 4pm Pacific!
*** There is no separate retreat phase to see the retreats first. ***
(I will send out the results any time I have a full set)

Note if Germany retreats OTB or disbands by a clash in IRI, then Germany is Build 2 so be sure to order conditional builds.

A Trieste - Serbia (*Dislodged*)

F Yorkshire - London

F Liverpool Hold (*Dislodged*)
F London - English Channel
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F London - English Channel
A Paris - Brest
A Piedmont - Marseilles
A Wales Supports F Liverpool (*Cut*)

A Burgundy - Paris
F English Channel - Wales (*Dislodged*)
A Munich Hold
F North Sea Supports F Yorkshire - London
A Picardy Supports A Burgundy - Paris
A Ruhr - Burgundy

F Aegean Sea - Smyrna (*Fails*)
A Armenia - Ankara (*Fails*)
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Tyrolia Supports A Trieste (*Ordered to Move*)
A Venice Supports A Trieste (*Ordered to Move*)

A Budapest Supports A Vienna - Trieste
A Bulgaria Supports A Greece
F Clyde Supports A Edinburgh - Liverpool
F Constantinople Supports A Armenia - Ankara (*Cut*)
A Edinburgh - Liverpool
A Galicia - Vienna
A Greece Hold
F Norway - Norwegian Sea
A Rumania - Sevastopol (*Bounce*)
A Serbia Supports A Vienna - Trieste
F Sweden - Norway
A Ukraine - Sevastopol (*Bounce*)
A Vienna - Trieste

A Ankara Supports F Smyrna - Constantinople (*Cut*)
F Smyrna - Constantinople (*Fails*)

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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