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Cry Havoc!


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G.M. emaildavid-dot-d-dot-ellsworth-at-gmail-dot-com
Cur SeasonFall 09
Next Deadline2008-09-14 @ 00:21:00 GMT
Result4-Way Draw
S. C.34
Start Date2008-02-12
End Date2008-09-18
Real-Life Time220 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board
| davidellsworth's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Austria Captain of the Watch Gold Star9LequinianDraw 11 18 0 4.65 1217.69
0 England Captain of the Watch Blank9ordewinDraw 7 18 0 5.13 1174.09
0 France Artisan Blank9barbERICAbandon 5 5 2 -2.9 1203.29
1 France Nobleman Blank9everytimeDraw 9 18 0 4.28 1218.64
0 Germany Artisan Blank9horned_one20Civil Disorder 1 15 2 -6.6 1170.64
0 Italy Order of the Brown Bear Gold Star9m_don_jDraw 6 18 1 4.11 1272.01
0 Russia Countryman Blank9EbrianEliminated 0 12 1 -5.38 1177.86
0 Turkey Artisan Blank9teamcoltraAbandon 4 2 1 -6.21 1193.79
1 Turkey Nobleman Blank9ViceroyEliminated 0 8 0 -2.77 1189.44

PREV  Fall 1905 Adjudication:  NEXT    

Cry Havoc! (and let the blood spill) We have two forced disbands and one winter (or retreat) disband as well.

Austria takes Sevestopol from Russia, but leaves Ankara for the Italians.
England and France chase the Russian marines from London and England starts to rebuild.
France drives north further into Germany, but finds nothing gained in his Italian adventures. (Survivors were captured and interned in Italian POW camps. The Red Cross says they are being treated well.)
Germany is split by the French, and yet does not give up any units! (The Free German movement is getting stronger.)
Italy enveloped and crushed the invading French marines! Additionally they are again expanding their armed forces in response to the French threat.
Russia's north is secure.....but the south lost some ground. Hold the line! was the battle cry heard across the southern front. Although Sevestopol was lost the Russian military assures us that no further gains will be made by the advancing enemy.

We have two retreats and then four builds and a removal (unless disbanded during retreats). Here is how we will do this. Germany needs to send a retreat. Russian needs to send a retreat or disband, but if you retreat your fleet in London, then also include your Winter 05 removal (which may still be the Fleet now located in Wales). England needs to send a build. You may send a build order contingent upon whether the Russian fleet retreats or disbands from his current position (however if he retreats and then disbands it anyway then I will use the order based on his retreat). France needs to send two builds. (Lucky you....) You may send contingent builds if you see a need. (I don't think it would help much). Finally, Italy, you must have found enough pieces left from the French fleet because you too get to send in a build order! (Is that two in a row?) You may send contingent build orders, but I don't see why it would help you. (but just to be fair I thought I would offer....lol)

Lets shoot to have these orders in by 8pm EST (currently midnight GMT) on Friday evening 30th of May. Again if I have complete sets of orders before then I will try to get the results out right away.

A Armenia Supports A Rumania - Sevastopol
F Black Sea Supports A Rumania - Sevastopol
A Bohemia Supports A Silesia
A Budapest - Rumania
A Galicia - Ukraine (*Fails*)
A Rumania - Sevastopol
A Silesia Supports A Bohemia
A Tyrolia Supports A Munich

F Holland Supports A Ruhr - Kiel
F North Sea - Denmark (*Fails*)
F Yorkshire - London

A Burgundy - Munich (*Fails*)
F English Channel Supports F Yorkshire - London
F Marseilles - Spain(sc)
A North Africa - Tunis (*Bounce*)
F Rome - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Disbanded*)
A Ruhr - Kiel

F Denmark Supports F Kiel (*Cut*)
F Kiel Hold (*Dislodged*) must retreat to Helgoland Bight, Baltic Sea, Berlin, or Disband.
A Munich Hold

F Ionian Sea - Tunis (*Bounce*)
F Naples - Rome
A Piedmont - Tuscany
A Smyrna - Ankara
F Tunis - Western Mediterranean
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Naples - Rome

F London Hold (*Dislodged*) must retreat to Wales or Disband
A Moscow Supports A Sevastopol
A Norway Hold
A Prussia Supports A Warsaw
A Sevastopol Hold (*Disbanded*)
A Ukraine Supports A Sevastopol (*Cut*)
A Warsaw Hold

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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