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Turkey/Venice Draw


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G.M. emailcloudhurler77-at-yahoo-dot-com
BuildChaos  [Wiki]
MapMachiavelli  [Wiki]  [Stats]
Cur SeasonWinter 08
Next Deadline2010-02-11 @ 00:23:00 GMT
Result2-Way Draw
S. C.44
Start Date2009-08-20
End Date2010-02-12
Real-Life Time177 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board dpy File
| TheWhiteWolf's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Austria Captain of the Watch Silver Star9LaneEliminated 0 12 0 -4.58 1216.94
0 Florence Captain of the Watch Silver Star9chaosonejoeSurvival 9 16 0 -2.09 1193.56
0 France Captain of the Watch Silver Star9MDemagogueSurvival 8 16 0 -2.79 1221.25
0 Milan Captain of the Watch Gold Star9zeclientEliminated 0 14 0 -5.08 1246.91
0 Naples Order of the Mammoth Silver Star9ndeilyEliminated 0 6 0 -4.62 1184.44
0 Papacy Herald Blank9BrutusEliminated 0 6 0 -5.27 1197.36
0 Turkey Captain of the Watch Gold Star9pieandmashDraw 11 16 0 12.88 1200.01
0 Venice Order of the Shrubbery Gold Star9garry.bledsoeDraw 16 16 0 11.56 1277.87

PREV  Fall 1458 Adjudication:  NEXT    

Thanks for getting all your orders in on time, effectively showing me that there's no reason to worry or throw childish GM-fits. Sorry this wasn't out last night - life is throwing the book at me right now. No more excuses, though, so here's the turn.

"There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things." - Niccoló Machiavelli, The Prince. 1537


Austria: Aidan Slattery
France: Mark Utterbach
Florence: Joe Babinsack
Milan: Nick Cherrier
Naples: Nathan Deily
Papacy: Kevin Burt
Turkey: Max Victory
Venice: Garry Bledsoe


A Austria Hold (*Disbanded*)
A Hungary Supports A Austria (*Cut*)

A Avignon - Turin (*Fails*)
F Provence Supports A Turin - Savoy
A Saluzzo Supports A Turin - Savoy
F Sardinia Supports F Corsica - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Swiss - Tyrol
A Turin - Savoy
A Tyrol - Austria

A Bologna - Modena (*Fails*)
F Corsica - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Fails*)
F Ligurian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Fails*)
A Lucca Supports A Bologna - Modena (*Fails*)
F Modena - Ligurian Sea (*Fails*)
F Piombino Supports F Corsica - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Rome Supports A Spoleto
F Siena Supports F Corsica - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Spoleto Supports A Rome (*Cut*)
A Urbino - Bologna (*Fails*)

A Como - Turin
A Genoa Supports A Savoy
A Montferrat Supports A Como - Turin
A Pavia Supports A Como - Turin
A Savoy Supports A Como - Turin (*Disbanded*)

A Aquila - Spoleto (*Fails*)
A Capua Supports A Aquila - Spoleto
F Central Mediterranean Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
F Dalmatia Supports F Lower Adriatic
F Lower Adriatic Supports A Aquila (*Ordered to Move*)
F Naples Supports A Capua
F Palermo Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
F Tyrrhenian Sea Hold
F Western Mediterranean Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea

F Ancona Supports F Upper Adriatic
A Carinthia Supports A Tyrol - Austria
A Cremona Supports A Milan
A Ferrara Hold
A Mantua - Parma
A Milan Hold
A Slavonia - Hungary (*Fails*)
A Treviso - Verona
F Upper Adriatic Supports F Ancona


Austrian A Austria has no retreats, disbanded.
Milanese A Savoy has no retreats, disbanded.

Unit Positions: (SCs/Units)

Austria: (1/1)
Armies - Hun

France: (8/7) - Build 1
Armies - Aus, Avi, Sav, Slu, Tur, Tyr
Fleets - Pro, Sar

Florence: (11/10) - Build 1
Armies - Bol, Luc, Rom, Spo, Urb
Fleets - Cor, LS, Mod, Pio, Sie

Milan: (4/4)
Armies - Gen, Mon, Pav, Tur



Turkey: (9/9)
Armies - Aqu, Cap
Fleets - CM, Dal, LA, Nap, Pal, TS, WM

Venice: (11/9) - Build 2
Armies - Cre, Cri, Fer, Mil, Par, Sla, Ver
Fleets - Anc, UA


Winter 1458 is due Monday, 23 November at 6pm EST (11pm GMT.) PLEASE NOTE the change in time. This will likely be a temporary change, but for now it's not fair to set a mid-afternoon deadline if I'm not going to be home from work til the evening anyway.
Any issues or errors, let me know.

Map and RP file are attached for your convenience, enjoy!

Thanks all,
The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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