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Angstskrik - No NMRS - 24 hr grace


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MapDark Ages  [Wiki]  [Stats]
Cur SeasonSpring 33
Next Deadline2009-12-18 @ 23:00:00 GMT
Result4-Way Draw
S. C.38
Start Date2009-06-12
End Date2009-12-18
Real-Life Time190 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board dpy File
| Kenshi777's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Anglo-Saxons Captain of the Watch Blank9NickHigginsDraw 7 17 0 5.07 1247.75
0 Bretons Captain of the Watch Blank9MattKellyEliminated 0 14 0 -5.99 1214.89
0 Danes Captain of the Watch Blank9TirerndilDraw 18 17 0 5.23 1195.37
0 Gaels Order of the Mammoth Silver Star9ndeilyDraw 6 17 0 5.63 1191.8
0 Norse Knight Tactician Silver Star9packratEliminated 0 16 0 -5.89 1217.12
0 Scots Captain of the Watch Gold Star9NigsDraw 7 17 0 3.11 1358.04
0 Swedes Esquire Blank9LotharEliminated 0 8 0 -7.14 1214.05

PREV  Spring 830 Adjudication:  NEXT    

Honored Kings of the Dark Ages -

Spring is here, and now we see some of the high seas convoys that this
variant was designed to favor! The Danes send two armies across the
seas, one successfully, one that bounces with the Anglo-Saxons' own
convoy. The Gaels invade Gwynned, and read the threat of a Scottish
return correctly, positioning their other forces to defend against the
forces massing off their northern shores. And speaking of the Scots,
they decline the Anglo-Saxon offer of assistance into Lindsey, but
claim the invaluable North Sea for themselves. The Norse repel all
Danish attempts to dislodge them, but permit the Danes to introduce
another army into the theater at Alvheim. The Anglo-Saxons surround
the last Breton invader, and repulsed the Danish advance toward
Brittany. And the Bretons cling tenaciously to life, beset east and
west by the Scots and Gaels. Will the divide between those two powers
now give the Bretons a new lease on life?

In the midst of all the action, not a single retreat is needed, so we
move straight away to the Fall 830 Deadline will be Thursday, October
29, 2009, at 1700 EDT.

DC 262 Player List:

Nick Higgins - Cyning of the Angles and Saxons (Anglo-Saxons)
congressofvienna1814 AT yahoo DOT com

Matthew Kelly - Brenin of the Brythons (Britons)
kelly058 AT verizon DOT net

Gregory Bim-Merle - Kong of the Dani (Danes)
gbimmerle AT gmail DOT com

Nathan Deily - Ard Rí na hÉireann (Gaels)
ndeily AT yahoo DOT com

Scott Troemel - Kong of the Norge (Norse)
brn2dip AT yahoo DOT com

Nigel Phillips - Rí Alban (Scots)
nephilli99 AT hotmail DOT com

Mark Duffield - Konung of the Suetidi (Swedes)
captain_sicarius AT hotmail DOT com

and me, your humble GM, B. (Benjamin Hester)
screwtape777 AT gmail DOT com


We have some outstanding press this season. We’ll start with Scott’s
press, from the land of the Norse…


Piss OFF!!!

*end press*

Then we move along to this eloquent passage from our Gaelic player, Nathan...

Lift MacCahir Og your face
Brooding o'er the old disgrace
That black FitzWilliam stormed your place,
Drove you to the Fern
Grey said victory was sure
Soon the firebrand he'd secure;
Until he met at Glenmalure
With Feach MacHugh O'Byrne.

Curse and swear Lord Kildare,
Feach will do what Feach will dare
Now FitzWilliam, have a care
Fallen is your star, low.
Up with halberd out with sword
On we'll go for by the lord
Feach MacHugh has given the word,
Follow me up to Carlow.

See the swords of Glen Imayle,
Flashing o'er the English pale
See all the children of the Gael,
Beneath O'Byrne's banners
Rooster of the fighting stock,
Would you let a Saxon cock
Crow out upon an Irish rock,
Fly up and teach him manners.

From Tassagart to Clonmore,
There flows a stream of Saxon gore
Oh, great is Rory Oge O'More,
At sending loons to Hades.
White is sick and Lane is fled,
Now for black FitzWilliam's head
We'll send it over, dripping red,
To Liza and her ladies.

Orders as written:


A Ham - Neu
F Ech C A Ham - Neu
A Ken - Sur
A Man S A Dei - Lsy
F Cor - Som (sc)


(A) Pow support (A) Lsy to Mer
(A) Lsy to Mer
(A) Sur to Ken


A Aus - Neu
A Fri H
A Rib - Alv
F Nfc C A Rib - Alv
F Skg C A Rib - Alv
F Jel(wc) S F Nfc H
F Vib S F Skg H
F Ves S A Rib - Alv
F Alv - Skn
A Got - Var
A Sve S A Got - Var
F Bal - Bor
F Bot S A Sve H


F Mun-Con
F Gas H
F Cab S A Pen-Gwy
A Pen-Gwy


F Agder - Vestfold
A Jamtland Supports A Varmland
F Lappland(wc) Hold
F Norwegian Sea Supports F Lappland(wc)
F Rogaland Coast - Skagerrak
A Varmland Supports F Agder - Vestfold


F Fof-Nth
F Wfc supp F Fof-Nth
A Dei supp A Mer
A Mer hold
A Cir-Dal



F Cardigan Bay Supports A Pengwern - Gwynned
F Gaelic Sea Hold
F Munster - Connaught
A Pengwern - Gwynned


F Cait - Hebridean Sea
A Circinn - Dal Riada
A Deira Supports A Mercia
F Firth of Forth - North Sea
A Mercia Hold
F Strathclyde - North Channel
F West Frisian Coast Supports F Firth of Forth - North Sea


A Lindsey - Mercia (*Fails*)
A Powys Supports A Lindsey - Mercia
A Surrey - Kent (*Fails*)


F Agder - Vestfold (*Fails*)
A Jamtland Supports A Varmland
F Lappland(wc) Hold
F Norwegian Sea Supports F Lappland(wc)
F Rogaland Coast - Skagerrak (*Fails*)
A Varmland Supports F Agder - Vestfold (*Cut*)


F Cornwall - Somerset(sc)
F English Channel Convoys A Hamptonshire - Neustria
A Hamptonshire - Neustria (*Bounce*)
A Kent - Surrey (*Fails*)
A Middle Anglia Supports A Deira - Lindsey (*Void*)


F Alvheim - Skane
A Austrasia - Neustria (*Bounce*)
F Baltic Sea - Bay of Reric
F Bay of Bothnia Supports A Svear
A Frisia Hold
A Gotar - Varmland (*Fails*)
F Jelling(wc) Supports F North Frisian Coast
F North Frisian Coast Convoys A Ribe - Alvheim
A Ribe - Alvheim
F Skagerrak Convoys A Ribe - Alvheim
A Svear Supports A Gotar - Varmland
F Viborg Supports F Skagerrak
F Vestfold Supports A Ribe - Alvheim (*Cut*)


Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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