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This game will use Blind Auction Bidding to assign powers: http://dipwiki.com/index.php?title=Blind_Auction_Bidding


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G.M. emailsmileyrob68-at-gmail-dot-com
MapAmbition and Empire  [Wiki]  [Stats]
Cur SeasonWinter 11
Next Deadline2011-10-04 @ 22:00:00 GMT
S. C.44
Start Date2011-05-03
End Date2011-10-04
Real-Life Time155 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board dpy File
| smileyrob's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Austria / Habsburg Artisan Blank9ArandiaAbandon 8 7 0 -5.2 1225.31
1 Austria / Habsburg Captain of the Watch Silver Star9sunchungSurvival 8 22 0 0.16 1268.04
0 Denmark / Norway Artisan Blank9JosiahCivil Disorder 0 7 2 -4.93 1223.09
0 France Order of the Unicorn Silver Star9alwayshuntedSurvival 9 22 0 -2.14 1262.54
0 Great Britain Order of the Acorn Silver Star9psychosis1973Survival 6 22 0 -1.48 1204.45
0 Ottoman Empire Captain of the Watch Silver Star9LaneSurvival 5 22 0 -2.19 1242.83
0 Poland / Saxony Captain of the Watch Gold Star9raybruceaEliminated 0 20 0 -4.98 1313.69
0 Prussia Captain of the Watch Silver Star9DrSwordopolisEliminated 0 10 0 -4.56 1229.46
0 Russian Empire Captain of the Watch Gold Star9dknemeyerSolo 15 22 0 31.01 1309.22
0 Spain Countryman Blank9Brstd46Eliminated 0 10 0 -4.02 1230
0 Sweden Captain of the Watch Gold Star9Wladimir7Survival 1 22 0 -3.19 1281.8

PREV  Spring 1768 Adjudication:  NEXT    

Gentlemen, our game is rolling along quite nicely even if there was some trouble coordinating support orders this season, and I don't wish to do anything to disrupt its momentum and rhythm. Unfortunately though I will be completely out of internet contact for a week beginning next Wednesday morning (west coast USA) July 27th, through sometime Tuesday, August 2nd. Though I will be able to adjudicate next Tuesday's Fall 1768 season on schedule, and most likely even the following Tuesday's Spring 1769 season, I will not be able to handle Thursday's Winter 1768 adjudication. I don't want to delay the game an entire week just for a winter turn. A substitute GM is perhaps an option, but honestly I don't have a candidate for the position. I am curious if you might be open to a slight alteration of the regular schedule so I could get the retreats done before I began my vacation. Would having the fall deadline 24 hours earlier, on Monday, July 25, at 22:00 GMT, and then having the Winter deadline 36 hours later, on Wednesday, July 27, 10:00 GMT, or even as late as 13:00 GMT work? That would allow me to send out the Winter adjudication in the morning before leaving, and we could then continue with our normal schedule with the Spring 1769 deadline the following Tuesday, August 2. Or if any of you have any other suggestions, please share them.

Earlier this week a friend shared this obituary for Otto von Habsburg, the son of the last Emperor of Austria Hungary. Though completely unrelated to this particular game, I though it might perhaps be of interest to anyone who plays Diplomacy, so I share it with you.

As for our game, the diplomatic situation in the wake of Austria's momentary push to the lead appears to be quite dynamic. We see the first active cooperation between France and Austria in some time, and it seems as if Russia may have reversed tack and re-allied with Austria against Turkey, even though there is now a Russian unit in an Austrian controlled supply center. There was also a good deal of miscommunication, or mis-ordering, between allies, and as a result Saxony still sits in Berlin and an opportunity to destroy the Turkish army in Bosnia is lost.

There is only a single dislodged unit with the possibility of retreat, the British fleet in Skagerrak. As the only possible retreat is to Helgoland Bight, I have auto-retreated that unit. The attached "results" map is post-retreat. Michael, if you would prefer to remove Skagerrak, let me know prior to our normal Thursday retreat deadline and I will edit the results.


Austria-Hapsburg: Arandia / Adriaan Tichler / arandia.t@gmail.com (resigned Summer 1766)
from Fall 1766: sunchung/ Sun Chung / sun.chung@gmail.com
Britain-Hanover: psychosis1973 / Michael Thompson / psychosis@sky.com
Denmark-Norway: Josiah / Josiah Henderson / josiah.henderson@gmail.com (abandoned Spring 1766)
France: alwayshunted / Warren Fleming / alwayshunted@hotmail.com
Ottoman Empire: Lane / Aidan Slattery / aislattery@aol.com
Poland-Saxony: raybrucea / Bruce Ray / raybrucea@aol.com
Prussia: DrSwordopolis / Nick Powell / nick.s.powell@gmail.com (eliminated Fall 1767)
Russian Empire: dknemeyer / Dirk Knemeyer / dirk@knemeyer.com
Spain: Brstd46 / Richard Aldous / aldous@xtra.co.nz (eliminated Winter 1767)
Sweden: Wladimir7 / Wladimir Mysonski / wmysonski@gmail.com

Turkish fleet burned in Tuscany as France helps Austria regain control of northern Italy.
France supports wrong British attack, allowing Saxon army in Berlin to withstand assaults from both east and west.
Russian and Austrian generals eager to help the other occupy Bosnia, but neither move there.

ORDERS (spring 1768):
Austria: A Baden-Wuerttemberg Supports A Switzerland.
Austria: A Bohemia - Vienna (*Bounce*).
Austria: A Budapest Supports A Wallachia - Bosnia (*Void*).
Austria: A Croatia - Dalmatia (*Bounce*).
Austria: A Dresden Supports A Baden-Wuerttemberg.
Austria: A Milan - Tuscany.
Austria: A Papal States Supports A Milan - Tuscany.
Austria: A Switzerland Supports A Baden-Wuerttemberg.
Austria: A Vienna - Tyrol.

Britain: A Copenhagen - Scania (*Bounce*).
Britain: F English Channel - North Sea.
Britain: A Hanover Supports A Mecklenburg - Berlin.
Britain: A Mecklenburg - Berlin (*Bounce*).
Britain: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - North Atlantic Ocean.
Britain: F Skagerrak Supports A Copenhagen - Scania (*Dislodged* can retreat to Helgoland Bight or OTB).
Britain: F United Provinces Supports F English Channel - North Sea.

France: A Barcelona - Madrid (*Fails*).
France: A Burgundy Supports A Hesse-Westphalia.
France: F Gulf of Lyon - Western Mediterranean (*Bounce*).
France: A Hesse-Westphalia Supports A Hanover - Berlin (*Void*).
France: F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyon (*Fails*).
France: A Paris - Gascony.
France: F Portugal Hold.
France: A Savoy Supports A Milan - Tuscany.

Russia: F Baltic Sea Supports A Posen - Berlin.
Russia: A Galicia - Breslau.
Russia: F Koenigsburg - Posen (*Fails*).
Russia: A Lapland - Novgorod Territory.
Russia: A Lithuania Supports A Wallachia.
Russia: A Posen - Berlin (*Bounce*).
Russia: F Scania - Skagerrak.
Russia: A Wallachia Supports A Budapest - Bosnia (*Void*).

Saxony: A Berlin Supports A Posen - Breslau (*Void*).

Sweden: F Christiania Supports F Scania - Skagerrak.
Sweden: A Stockholm - Scania (*Bounce*).

Turkey: A Ankara - Constantinople (*Fails*).
Turkey: A Bosnia - Dalmatia (*Bounce*).
Turkey: A Constantinople - Bosnia (*Fails*).
Turkey: A Madrid, no move received.
Turkey: F Morocco - Western Mediterranean (*Bounce*).
Turkey: F Tunis - Ionian Sea.
Turkey: F Tuscany Hold (*Disbanded*).
Turkey: F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Tuscany.
Turkey: F Republic of Venice - Vienna (*Bounce*).

British-Hanoverian F Skagerrak can retreat to Helgoland Bight or OTB.

Britain: F Skagerrak - Helgoland Bight.

Austria: A Baden-Wuerttemberg, A Bohemia, A Budapest, A Croatia, A Dresden, A
Papal States, A Switzerland, A Tuscany, A Tyrol.
Britain: A Copenhagen, A Hanover, F Helgoland Bight, A Mecklenburg, F North
Atlantic Ocean, F North Sea, F United Provinces.
France: A Barcelona, A Burgundy, A Gascony, F Gulf of Lyon, A
Hesse-Westphalia, F Marseilles, F Portugal, A Savoy.
Russia: F Baltic Sea, A Breslau, F Koenigsburg, A Lithuania, A Novgorod
Territory, A Posen, F Skagerrak, A Wallachia.
Saxony: A Berlin.
Sweden: F Christiania, A Stockholm.
Turkey: A Ankara, A Bosnia, A Constantinople, F Ionian Sea, A Madrid, F
Morocco, F Tyrrhenian Sea, F Republic of Venice.

Austria: Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria, Breslau, Budapest, Dresden, Milan,
Papal States, Switzerland, Vienna.
Britain: Copenhagen, Edinburgh, Hanover, Liverpool, London, Mecklenburg,
United Provinces.
France: Austrian Netherlands, Barcelona, Brest, Hesse-Westphalia,
Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Savoy.
Russia: Abo, Courland, Crimea, Kiev, Koenigsburg, Moscow, St Petersburg,
Saxony: Berlin.
Sweden: Christiania, Stockholm.
Turkey: Algiers, Ankara, Constantinople, Madrid, Morocco, Tunis, Tuscany,
Two Sicilies, Republic of Venice.

Austria: 9 Supply centers, 9 Units: Builds 0 units.
Britain: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
Denmark: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.
Prussia: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.
Saxony: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
Spain: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Sweden: 2 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 9 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Austria: Budapest, Milan, Vienna
Britain: Edinburgh, Hanover, Liverpool, London
France: Brest, Marseilles, Paris
Russia: Crimea, Kiev, Moscow, St. Petersburg
Saxony: Baden-Wuerttemberg, Dresden, Warsaw
Sweden: Abo, Stockholm, (Christiania)
Turkey: Ankara, Constantinople, Tunis
Summer 1768 retreats Thursday, July 21 22:00 GMT
Fall 1768 preliminaries Friday, July 22 22:00 GMT
Fall 1768 orders Monday, July 25 22:00 GMT (might change, please note this a day earlier than normal)
Winter 1768 retreats/adjustments Wednesday, July 27 13:00 GMT (might change)

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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