Russia Officially Goes Into Anarchy!
Italy Joins The NMR Ranks at a Crucial Point?
France Does Live to Die Another Day.
England Suffers the First Set Backs in the Anglo-German Conflict!
Alright...lots going on this turn.
First: we bid goodbye to Andrew. We have his second NMR which brings about Anarchy [or CD]. His remaining unit will stand in place but he will not get any part of any DIAS or even a survival.
Second: we have an NMR by Italy which may prove quite costly to him.
In addition, we have several retreats which probably should be taken before builds so we will set the deadlines accordingly:
Retreats - Tuesday Dec 2nd 5pm CST
Builds/Disbands - Thursday Dec 4th 5pm CST
I will send updates after the retreat phase. Our retreats are as follows:
English F(Bel) - can only retreat to ENG so I made this move. OTB is an option if wanted and would avoid a disband.
Italian A(Gal) - can retreat to Boh or Sil or OTB. OTB would make Italy eligible for a build.
Italian F(ION) - has many options: Apu, Nap or TYS. Same rule applies here with OTB.
Our adjustments are listed below BUT are conditional on retreats.
England - loses 1 if the F(Bel) retreats.
France - loses 1
Germany - builds 2
Italy - no build or loss UNLESS you choose OTB for one or more retreats. That would allow a build for each OTB retreat.
Turkey - builds 1
That is all for now.
Lord of the March
dc203 Galad (Autumn 1906)
A(Gas) s F(Mar); F(Mar) Stands; F(MAO) - Bre (FAILED); F(Spa) sc - Por (FAILED); F(Bel) - Hol (FAILED, DISLODGED TO ENG); F(Edi) s F(Lon) - NTH; F(Lon) - NTH; F(Nwy) - StP nc (FAILED)
A(Pie) - Mar (FAILED); A(Por) - Spa (FAILED)
GERMANY (Christian)
A(Pic) - Bre (FAILED); A(Bur) - Par; A(Kie) - Ruh; A(Mos) s A(War); A(War) s A(Mos); A(Ruh) - Bel; A(StP) s A(Mos) (CUT); F(Den) - Swe; F(Hol) s A(Ruh) - Bel
ITALY (Brian)
A(Vie) Stands
A(Ser) - Alb (FAILED); A(Bud) s A(Ukr) - Gal; A(Ukr) - Gal; A(Bul) - Ser (FAILED); F(AEG) - ION; F(EMS) s F(AEG) - ION; F(Gre) s F(AEG) - ION; F(Sev) - Rum
Autumn 1906 Adjustments:
E: +Mar, Spa, Edi, Nwy, Bre, Lon, Lpl, -Bel, -StP = 7; Loses 1.
F: Por, -Mar = 1; Loses 1.
G: Par, Mos, War, +Bel, +StP, Swe, Hol, Kie, Den, Mun, Ber = 11; Gains 2.
I: Nap, Tun, Tri, Rom, Ven -Ser = 5; Loses 1.
R: Vie = 1; No change.
T: +Ser, Bud, Bul, Gre, Rum, Sev, Con, Ank, Smy = 9; Gains 1.
E: Removes 1
F: Removes 1
G: Builds 2
I: None.
R: None.
T: Builds 1