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Sea Monsters, Cyclops and Sirens, Oh My!


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G.M. emailmike-at-fuzzylogicllc-dot-com
BuildAberration  [Wiki]
MapAegean  [Wiki]  [Stats]
Cur SeasonSpring 00
Next Deadline2010-12-23 @ 21:00:00 GMT
S. C.38
Start Date2010-07-14
End Date2010-12-23
Real-Life Time163 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board dpy File
| FuzzyLogic's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Athens Countryman Blank9scarbro100Survival 7 14 1 -3.19 1195.13
0 Boeotia Captain of the Watch Blank9hurupCivil Disorder 1 11 5 -6.93 1201.82
0 Ionia Captain of the Watch Silver Star9ConradWEliminated 0 10 0 -5.5 1202.82
0 Macedonia Countryman Blank9XM10ADefiantEliminated 0 8 1 -5.78 1190.11
0 Persia Nobleman Silver Star9jonnyjagfan45Solo 16 14 0 28.29 1316.54
0 Sparta Captain of the Watch Silver Star9GodzillaSurvival 6 14 0 -3.73 1219.51
0 Thessalia Captain of the Watch Gold Star9pieandmashSurvival 8 14 0 -3.14 1208.49

PREV  Fall 306 Adjudication:  NEXT    

Lots of action this round...

Spartan F North Cretan Sea can retreat to Zarax or Gulf of Argolis.
Persian F South Ionian Sea can retreat to Pylos or Cnossos.
Thessalian F Thermaic Gulf can retreat to Pagasaean Gulf or Pieria.

Athens: Build 1
Persia: Build 2 (or Build 1 pending the Persian retreat)
Thessalia: Remove 1
Sparta: Even (or Build 1 pending the Persian retreat)
Boeotia: CD, removes Loc

RETREATS and BUILDS by Wed! 3pm Central.

There is also a proposal for a Persian solo. If all 4 want that, feel free to vote by the Wed deadline. If I get 4 "yes" votes, then it will be so, and Persians will rule the ancient world! Any abstain or no vote will cause the whole proposal to fail, and who voted what is never revealed.

F Aegina - West Cyclades
F Athens - Euboea
F Chalcis Hold
F Delos Hold
A Diacria - Thebes (*Fails*)
F Thebes - Delphi (*Bounce*)

A Delphi, no move received
A Locris, no move received

A Byzantium Supports A Troia - Thracia
F Cnossos - North Cretan Sea
F Lemnos Supports F Lesbos - West Aegean Sea
F Lesbos - West Aegean Sea
A Miletus Hold
F North Sporades - East Cyclades
F Olynthus Supports F West Aegean - Thermaic Gulf
F South Cretan Sea - South Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
F South Ionian Sea - Olympia (*Dislodged*)
F South Sporades Supports F Cnossos - North Cretan
A Thracia - Amphipolis
F Thracian Sea Supports F Olynthus
A Troia - Thracia
F West Aegean Sea - Thermaic Gulf

A Achaia - Olympia (*Bounce*)
F Gulf of Laconia Supports F Gulf of Patrae - South Ionian Sea
F Gulf of Patrae - South Ionian Sea
F Ithaca Hold
A Naupactus - Delphi (*Bounce*)
F North Cretan Supports F Gulf of Patrae - South Ionian (*Dislodged*)

A Aetolia - Dolopia
A Ambracia - Dodona
F Dodona - North Ionian Sea
A Lamia - Phthiotis
A Odrysae - Paeonia
F Pagasaean Gulf - Pherae
F Pherae - Larissa
A Therma - Thracia (*Fails*)
F Thermaic Gulf - Olynthus (*Dislodged*)

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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