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G.M. emaildipcorp-dot-player-at-gmail-dot-com
MapViking  [Wiki]  [Stats]
VariantGunboat  [Wiki]
Cur SeasonSpring 01
Next Deadline2012-01-27 @ 21:00:00 GMT
S. C.85
Start Date2011-08-23
End Date2012-01-27
Real-Life Time158 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board dpw File
| bielf11's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Arab Caliphates HiddenEliminated 0 8 0 -5.47 1224.84
0 Burgundy HiddenSurvival 9 16 0 -3.57 1258.96
0 Danmark (Denmark) HiddenEliminated 0 8 0 -3.91 1128.27
0 Eastern Roman Empire HiddenSolo 28 16 0 27.69 1357.37
0 France HiddenSurvival 14 16 1 -3.49 1260.81
0 Norge (Norway) HiddenSurvival 17 16 1 -2.44 1206.13
0 Slavic Nations HiddenEliminated 0 12 0 -4.53 1199.3
0 Sverige (Sweden) HiddenAbandon 8 2 0 -6.06 1174.29
1 Sverige (Sweden) HiddenSurvival 17 16 0 0.18 1228.54

PREV  Fall 956 Adjudication:  NEXT    

Despite a hefty naval clash in MAO, nothing much moves on the western front… tho ERE units shift all over the east leading to a BUILD 5 turn for one lucky player. Slavic are eliminated! Many thanks to Doug for a hard fought battle to the bitter end…

Swedish A Vla is dislodged, may ret to Ros, Via or Mor! I moved it to Ros just to make the builds more apparent.

Burgundy: Remove 1
ERE: Build 5
France: Build 2
Norge: Build 2
Sverige: Build 2

Svierge: May change Ros to Via or Mor

I need 5 sets. It’s holidays so if y’all want results, send’em in. I’ll post whenever I have all 5. Tho deadline tentatively Tues 12/27.


A Ancona Hold
F Berber Coast Hold
F Cagliari Hold
A Flanders - Bruges (*Fails*)
F Groningen Hold
F Gulf of Cadiz Supports F Noirmoutier - Mid Atlantic Ocean
A Hamburg Supports A Brandenburg - Mecklenburg (*Void*)
A Koln Supports F Groningen
F Ligurian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Bounce*)
A Oldenburg Supports A Hamburg
A Pisa Hold
F Roma - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Bounce*)
A Sevilla Hold
A Verdun - Flanders (*Fails*)
F Western Mediterranean Sea Supports F Berber Coast

A Barca Hold
A Beograd - Pest
A Buda Supports A Beograd - Pest
A Burta Supports F Khazar Empire - Vladimir
A Cumaniya Supports A Ruthenia - Kjonugard
F Eastern Adriatic Sea - Western Adriatic Sea
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
F Khazar Empire - Vladimir
F Libyan Sea - Strait of Sicily (*Fails*)
F Napoli - Abruzzi
F Palermo Supports F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Ruthenia - Kjonugard
F South Black Sea - North Black Sea
F Strait of Sicily - Berber Coast (*Fails*)
A Transylvania - Ruthenia (*Bounce*)
F Tunis Supports F Strait of Sicily - Berber Coast
A Valakia - Transylvania (*Fails*)
A Venezia - Lombardy

F Asturias Supports F Noirmoutier - Mid Atlantic Ocean
A Auvergne - Tours
A Bavaria Supports A Brandenburg
F Bay of Biscay Supports F Noirmoutier - Mid Atlantic Ocean
A Brandenburg Supports A Hamburg
A Bretagne Supports A Rouen
A Graz Supports A Praha
A Lisboa Hold
A Nantes Hold
F Noirmoutier - Mid Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
A Paris Supports A Rouen
A Praha, no move received
A Rouen Supports A Flanders - Bruges

A Pest Supports A Przemysl - Ruthenia (*Disbanded*)
A Przemysl - Ruthenia (*Disbanded*)

A Bruges Supports A Hordaland - Dorestad (*Cut*)
F Dogger Bank Supports A Hedeby - Hamburg
A Dorestad - Groningen (*Fails*)
F Dyvlin Supports F Mid Atlantic Ocean
F English Channel Supports A Bruges
F Goteborg Supports A Birka - Kalmar
A Hedeby - Hamburg (*Fails*)
A Hordaland - Dorestad (*Fails*)
F Irish Sea Supports F Mid Atlantic Ocean
A Jylland - Hedeby (*Fails*)
A Mecklenburg Supports A Hedeby - Hamburg
F Mid Atlantic Ocean Supports F Bay of Biscay (*Cut*)
F North Atlantic Ocean Supports F Mid Atlantic Ocean
F North Sea Convoys A Hordaland - Dorestad
F Sea of England Convoys A Hordaland - Dorestad

F Aldeigjuborg - Holmgard
F Baltic Sea Convoys A Ingermannland - Pommern
A Birka - Kalmar
F Bornholmer Sea Supports A Birka - Kalmar
A Breslau Supports A Jomsborg
A Gardarike - Smolensk
A Gdansk - Prussia
F Gulf of Finland Convoys A Ingermannland - Pommern
F Holmgard - Gardarike
A Ingermannland - Pommern
A Jomsborg Supports A Breslau
A Kjonugard Supports A Gardarike - Smolensk (*Disbanded*)
A Memel - Przemysl
A Vitebsk Supports A Memel - Przemysl
A Vladimir Supports F Khazar Empire (*Dislodged*)


To Sweden, Who's side are you on?

Burgundy to France: Let swap Sev and Lis so I can put two fleets next to Mid. Then we get your fleet Noi to Btg. I'm still hoping to see Bra to Mec.

ERE: Your plan is fine... and I'll accept that your mention of support from Gard was a typo. :-) We'll have Slavs finished off this turn. Where to next?
Norge: Silence between us, and yet we continue to get things done. Fantastic! Now, some direction? France can't be happy that I still have Bre, but I took it first without agreeing to his idea for a center split. Heck, I worked hard to knock down the Slavs, so I'm keeping my 'winnings'.
France: Nothing mean-spirited meant by the above, but it is the reality. I think we have a good borderline right there anyway.
Burgundy: Not much in common, but if you'd like to express a though or two, I'll listen.

Radio Norge-vik with Vicky Norman
This is Vicky Norman. I am so sorry that our radio waves are interrupted by North Pole magnet. Thanks scientists, the problem is solved.
Norge is always friend with Sweden. Our border is always in peace.
France and Burgundy are proposing European Union. Norge is always welcome to create European Union. But a Union without Norge is unacceptable. Norge will accept Euro and European Bond to save Europe economy.
ERE fleets are entering Western Mediterranean. Will a war break out in Mediterranean?
Radio Norge-vik. We report, you believe!

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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