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DCI #8 (2015)


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G.M. emailkielmarch-at-hotmail-dot-com
Cur SeasonSpring 00
Next Deadline2015-05-13 @ 23:59:00 GMT
Result3-Way Draw
S. C.34
Start Date2015-03-04
End Date2015-08-31
Real-Life Time181 days
Slideshow SC Chart
| Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Austria Captain of the Watch Gold Star9ddz999cat23Eliminated 0 14 0 -6.01 1304.02
0 England Captain of the Watch Blank9OperationsSurvival 1 14 0 -2.74 1170.5
0 France Order of the Raven Gold Star9fencertimDraw 10 14 0 4.82 1447.51
0 Germany Captain of the Watch Blank9ZoterikSurvival 4 14 0 -3.03 1214.35
0 Italy Captain of the Watch Gold Star9pieandmashEliminated 0 14 0 -4.88 1236.7
0 Russia Order of the Alliance Gold Star9FuzzyLogicDraw 13 14 0 3.8 1532.23
0 Turkey Order of the Oak Silver Star9offdiscDraw 6 14 0 8.03 1249.92

PREV  Fall 1906 Adjudication:  NEXT    

Check Please!
GM Goes Missing on Smoke Break?

EVERYONE Survives 1906!!!
Italy Joins the Ranks of the Sole SC's
Germany Fights Independently but All Others Have Joined Either France or R/T?
England Gets By with A Little Help from His Friends (Ok, Really Just One Friend - Russia)
If the Scoreboard is F v R/T then RT Wins the 6th Rd as They Gain 3 vs 1 on the SC Front

Apologies for the delay. I completely spaced after the agreed upon extension. I would like to claim real life issues but that would be paltry excuses.

I am back and hopefully haven't messed up the flow too much. We have action a'plenty in the Fall of 1906! Unfortunately for Max he is on the receiving end of most of it. He technically needed two retreats but I took them since he will be due disbands anyway (thus his retreats are conditional at this point but it helped move the game along):

Italian F Tun retreats to Naf (OTB was the only other option)
Italian A Rom retreats to Apu (OTB or Tus were other options)

We had two units that show up below as no moves ordered. Those were actually misorders:

Italian A Rom was NMO because the order received was A Nap Hold
English F Edi was NMO because the order received was F Edi s Lvp (that's an invalid order, Edi doesn't border Lvp)

Just wanted to point those out.

We have builds and disbands:

France builds 1
Russia builds 1
Turkey builds 2
Italy disbands 2

Let's get those by Wednesday night at 8pm CST.

Our schedule for the next few weeks:
Spring 1907 August 5th at 8p CST
Fall 1907 August 14th at 8p CST
Winter 1907 August 17th at 8p CST
Spring 1908 August 24th at 8p CST

I know it is vacation season so please let me know if those produce any conflicts so I can adjust accordingly. Thanks.



A Vie Supports A Mun-Tyr

No order for unit at Edinburgh. Hold order assigned.
F Edi Holds
F Lvp Holds

A Boh Supports A Ruh-Mun
F Iri Supports A Wal-Lvp
A Mun-Tyr
F Nth-Nwy
Bounced with Nwy (1 against 1).
A Ruh-Mun
Bounced with Ber (1 against 1).
F Tys Supports F Wes-Tun
A Wal-Lvp
Bounced with Lvp (2 against 2).
F Wes-Tun

A Ber-Mun
Bounced with Ruh (2 against 1).
F Den-Kie
A Sil Supports A Ber-Mun

No order for unit at Rome. Hold order assigned.
F Eas-Ion
Bounced with Gre (1 against 1).
A Rom Holds
Dislodged from Nap (2 against 1).
F Tun Supports F Eas-Ion
Dislodged from Wes (2 against 1).

F Adr Supports F Gre-Ion
A Bud Supports F Alb-Tri
A Bul-Rum
A Fin-Swe
F Nao Supports F Lvp
F Nwy Supports A Fin-Swe
Support cut by Move from North Sea.
A Rum-Gal
A Sev Holds
A Ukr-War
A Ven Supports F Nap-Rom

F Alb-Tri
Failed; self-dislodgement prohibited.
F Gre-Ion
F Nap-Rom
A Smy Holds
A Tri-Tyr

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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