What a fascinating game! To the uninformed observer it is unclear whether some of the keystone kops-esque lack of coordination is owing to poor planning or diabolic perfidy - or if it is simply the primitive communication vehicles available in the classical era. In any event, progress by-and-large seems to be slow coming save for a bold Roman convoy the question is: which power in the target of the scrappy marines?
The lone retreat is Greek A Armenia. The options are OTB or to Chersonesus. Tim, I've taken the liberty of choosing the latter. If you want OTB just get me that order prior to the Thursday deadline. Assuming there is no change we bypass the summer and move into the fall! Prelims due Friday; full season orders due next Tuesday!
Carthage - alhabashi / Jim Tapp /
Egypt - ConradW / Charles Welsh /
Greece - fencertim / Tim Crosby /
Persia - pedros / Pete Dale /
Rome - DrSwordopolis / Nick Powell /
Carthaginian strategy remains murky
Massive Egyptians forces creep forward, but poorly coordinated with Carthage
Greek wall settles into place; will it prove impenetrable?
Immortals on the move again as Persians appear to have chosen Egyptian vassalage
Brilliant Roman landing in Leptis distracts from otherwise indifferent season
F Ausonian Sea Supports F Gulf of Tacape
F Berber Sea - Iberian Sea (*Bounce*)
F Gulf of Tacape Convoys A Sicilia - Leptis
F Ligurian Sea - Baleares
F Punic Sea Convoys A Sicilia - Leptis
A Saguntum - Tarraconensis
F Sardinia - Berber Sea (*Fails*)
A Sicilia - Leptis
A Venetia - Etruria
A Vindobona - Rhaetia
F Carthage - Gulf of Tacape (*Fails*)
A Cirta, no move received
F Mauretania - Iberian Sea (*Bounce*)
A Sahara - Mauretania (*Fails*)
A Thapsus Hold
A Antioch - Cappadocia
F Aegean Sea - Miletus
A Armenia Supports A Galatia - Sinope (*Dislodged*)
A Byzantium Supports F Aegean Sea - Miletus
A Galatia - Sinope
F Messenian Sea Supports F Sparta - Aegean Sea
A Miletus - Galatia
F Sparta - Aegean Sea
F Alexandria Supports F Libyan Sea
A Bayuda - Sahara (*Fails*)
A Cappadocia - Armenia
F Cilician Strait Convoys A Sidon - Isauria
F Crete Supports F Egyptian Sea - Minoan Sea
A Damascus Supports A Cappadocia - Armenia
F Egyptian Sea - Minoan Sea
F Gulf of Syrtis Supports F Libyan Sea
F Libyan Sea Supports F Crete
A Marmarica Supports A Sahara - Phazania (*Void*)
A Sidon - Isauria
Ownership of supply centers
Carthage: Carthage, Cirta, Leptis, Numidia, Thapsus
Egypt: Alexandria, Crete, Cyprus, Cyrene, Jerusalem, Memphis, Petra, Sidon, Thebes, Tyre
Greece: Byzantium, Macedonia, Miletus, Sinope, Sparta
Persia: Antioch, Chersonesus, Damascus
Rome: Athens, Baleares, Dalmatia, Massilia, Neapolis, Ravenna, Roma, Saguntum, Sardinia, Sicilia, Vindonona
Carthage: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Remove 0.
Egypt: 11 Supply centers, 11 Units: Build 0.
Greece: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Remove 0.
Persia: 1 Supply centers, 1 Units: Remove 0.
Rome: 10 Supply centers, 10 Units: Build 0.
Upcoming Deadlines (all orders are due at 5 PM EST, GMT -5)
Fall 07 Prelims, Friday May 27
Fall 07 Orders, Tuesday May 31
Winter 07 Retreats and Adjustments, Thursday June 2
Spring 08 Prelims, Friday June 3
Spring 08 Orders, Tuesday June 7
Summer 08 Retreats, Thursday June 9
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