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G.M. emaildipcorp-dot-player-at-gmail-dot-com
MapViking  [Wiki]  [Stats]
VariantGunboat  [Wiki]
Cur SeasonSpring 01
Next Deadline2012-01-27 @ 21:00:00 GMT
S. C.85
Start Date2011-08-23
End Date2012-01-27
Real-Life Time158 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board dpw File
| bielf11's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Arab Caliphates HiddenEliminated 0 8 0 -5.47 1224.84
0 Burgundy HiddenSurvival 9 16 0 -3.57 1258.96
0 Danmark (Denmark) HiddenEliminated 0 8 0 -3.91 1128.27
0 Eastern Roman Empire HiddenSolo 28 16 0 27.69 1357.37
0 France HiddenSurvival 14 16 1 -3.49 1260.81
0 Norge (Norway) HiddenSurvival 17 16 1 -2.44 1206.13
0 Slavic Nations HiddenEliminated 0 12 0 -4.53 1199.3
0 Sverige (Sweden) HiddenAbandon 8 2 0 -6.06 1174.29
1 Sverige (Sweden) HiddenSurvival 17 16 0 0.18 1228.54

PREV  Fall 957 Adjudication:  NEXT    

Burgundy takes a beating here... even with an automatic removal, still has to remove 2 more... If y'all get me builds today I'll have 'em out by tomorrow!

Burgundy: Remove 2
EasternRomanEmpire: Build 3
France: Build 1
Sverige: Build 1


King Norge reinstates its draw proposal. Upon approval of Burgundy and France, Vikings are ready to enter Mediterranean Sea to defend against ERE

To Norway, If you'd give us a little space, that would be helpfull. I'd like to be able to pull more units away. Maybe we could (all three) withdraw from around Bru, for starters. I will not try to attack Mao any more.
To Sverige, You are indeed correct. We can work something out. I'm leaving Bra, and I expect it to stay in my hands.
To Burgundy, I'm with you, do or die. I'll help you defend Italy at best possible.
To ERE, Can't let you walk away with this.

People are filling the squares and parks in celebration of the possible upcoming end of war. The leaders of the world have convened at the base of Mt Everest to define the rules and constraints of the peace accord. One supposition, based on the location of the meetings, is that an agreement will be made to unify all the existing countries, and a new flag will designed for the "One World Alliance" -- a flag that will be carried up Everest and raised to the top of the world.

to France: I will continue supporting Brandenburg - Breslau.
to Sverige: Now our borders are set; isn't it nice?! My armies shall not advance, but please excuse our support for the French struggle.


F Berber Coast Supports F Strait of Sicily - Tunis
F Cagliari - Strait of Sicily (*Fails*)
A Flanders Supports F Groningen
A Genova Supports F Roma - Pisa (*Cut*)
F Groningen Supports A Hamburg
F Gulf of Cadiz - Cordoba
A Hamburg Hold
A Koln - Verdun
F Ligurian Sea Supports F Roma - Pisa (*Cut*)
A Oldenburg Supports A Hamburg
F Roma - Pisa (*Disbanded*)
A Savoie - Lombardy (*Fails*)
A Serkland Supports F Strait of Sicily - Tunis
F Strait of Sicily - Tunis (*Fails*)

F Abruzzi - Western Adriatic Sea
F Ancona Hold
A Barca Supports F Tunis
A Buda Hold
A Burta Hold
A Cumaniya Supports A Ruthenia
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Fails*)
A Kaffa Supports A Burta
F Khazar Empire Supports F Vladimir
F Libyan Sea Supports F Tunis
A Lombardy - Genova (*Fails*)
F Napoli Supports A Pisa - Roma
F Palermo Supports F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Fails*)
A Paristria - Beograd
A Pest Supports A Buda
A Pisa - Roma
A Ruthenia Supports A Brandenburg - Breslau (*Void*)
A Transylvania Supports A Ruthenia
F Tunis Hold
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Ligurian Sea (*Fails*)
A Venezia - Pisa
F Vladimir Hold

F Asturias - Lisboa
A Bavaria - St. Gallen
F Bay of Biscay Supports F Burgos - Asturias
A Brandenburg Supports A Praha
A Bretagne Hold
F Burgos - Asturias
A Graz Hold
A Lisboa - Segovia
A Nantes - Tours
F Noirmoutier Supports A Bretagne
A Paris Supports A Rouen
A Praha Supports A Graz
A Rouen Hold
A Tours - Auvergne

A Bruges Supports A Dorestad
F Dogger Bank Supports A Dorestad
A Dorestad Hold
F Dyvlin Supports F Mid Atlantic Ocean
F English Channel Supports A Bruges
F Goteborg Hold
A Hafrsfjord Hold
A Hedeby Supports A Mecklenburg
A Hordaland Hold
F Irish Sea Supports F Mid Atlantic Ocean
A Jylland, no move received
A Lindisfarne Hold
A Mecklenburg Hold
F Mid Atlantic Ocean Hold
F North Atlantic Ocean Supports F Mid Atlantic Ocean
F North Sea Hold
F Sea of England Supports A Dorestad

A Aldeigjuborg - Karelia
F Baltic Sea - Kalmar
F Bornholmer Sea Supports A Mecklenburg
A Breslau - Ruthenia (*Fails*)
A Gardarike Supports F Kjonugard
F Gulf of Finland, no move received
F Holmgard, no move received
A Jomsborg Supports A Pommern - Breslau (*Fails*)
F Kjonugard Hold
A Mordvin - Burta (*Fails*)
A Pommern - Breslau (*Fails*)
A Prussia Supports A Pommern - Breslau (*Fails*)
A Przemysl Supports F Kjonugard
F Rostov, no move received
A Smolensk Supports F Kjonugard
A Vitebsk, no move received

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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