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Winter Of Our Discontent


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G.M. emailformer-dot-trout-at-gmail-dot-com
MapAmerican Empire  [Wiki]  [Stats]
Cur SeasonSpring 00
Next Deadline2008-08-15 @ 23:59:00 GMT
Result3-Way Draw
S. C.58
Start Date2007-12-02
End Date2008-08-15
Real-Life Time258 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board
| former.trout's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 British Columbia Captain of the Watch Blank9DamienThrynDraw 20 26 0 9.63 1232.51
0 California Captain of the Watch Gold Star9raybruceaEliminated 0 26 0 -5.08 1302.95
0 Cuba Order of the Brown Bear Silver Star9felix388Abandon 5 2 0 -4.97 1140.65
1 Cuba Order of the Mammoth Blank9GithraineSurvival 1 26 0 0.21 1218.56
0 Florida Herald Silver Star9agenbite.leeDraw 18 26 0 9.63 1288.02
0 Mexico Order of the Parchment Gold Star9coebqDraw 17 26 0 9.63 1231.96
0 Midwest Nobleman Blank9TheSkiEliminated 0 20 1 -3.78 1211.93
0 New York Esquire Blank9roback80Survival 1 26 0 -2.17 1212.73
0 Peru Captain of the Watch Blank9The_GentlemanEliminated 0 10 3 -4.7 1175.79
0 Quebec Order of the Alliance Gold Star9FuzzyLogicSurvival 1 26 0 -5.08 1431.04
0 Texas Order of the Mammoth Silver Star9ndeilyEliminated 0 8 0 -4.63 1178.29

PREV  Spring 1908 Adjudication:  NEXT    

DC138 Winter Of Our Discontent - Spring 2008 - Shelter In The Storm

You crack open the Spring 2008 Fortune Cookie and find this bizarre promise within: A starship ride has been promised to you by a galactic wizard. Hmm... That's one to think about. =)

But, as is always the case, someone is being taken for a ride - the only question is who? Florida throws up a fiery defense as the east and west trade centers in the Southlands. Meanwhile, New York sacrifices Nova Scotia in order to gain naval position. This one is definitely still a knife-fight.. =)

Four retreats are required - one each from California, Western Canada, New York and Florida. Deadline for the Summer 2008 retreats will be set for Thursday, Apr 24th (11:59 PM GMT).

If you spot a goof then shout out out! Cheers!


Movement results for Spring of 2008. (DC138 08 SPR)

BC: F Anchorage - Arctic Ocean.
BC: A Beauce - New York State.
BC: A Cote-Nord - Quebec City.
BC: F Gulf of St-Lawrence Supports F New Brunswick(nc) - Nova Scotia.
BC: F Hawaii Hold.
BC: F Labrador - Cote-Nord.
BC: A Montreal - Beauce (*Bounce*).
BC: F North Atlantic Ocean - Massachusetts Bay (*Dislodged*).
BC: A Ontario Supports A Beauce - New York State.
BC: F Sea of Labrador - North Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*).

California: A Arkansas - Deep South (*Dislodged*).
California: F Baja California - Gulf of California.
California: A Chicago - Indiana.
California: A Dallas Supports A Houston - Louisiana.
California: A Houston - Louisiana.
California: A Kentucky Supports A Oklahoma - Missouri.
California: A Minneapolis - Milwaukee.
California: A New Mexico - West Texas.
California: F North Pacific Ocean, no move received.
California: A Oklahoma - Missouri.
California: A San Antonio Hold.
California: A San Diego - Arizona.

Florida: A Camaguey - Holquin.
Florida: F Dominican Republic Supports F Kingston - East Caribbean Sea
Florida: A Deep South Supports A Tennessee - Arkansas.
Florida: A Georgia - Tennessee.
Florida: F Gulf of Honduras - Guatemala(ec) (*Fails*).
Florida: F Gulf of Mexico - Houston.
Florida: F Kingston - East Caribbean Sea.
Florida: A Louisiana Supports A Tennessee - Arkansas (*Disbanded*).
Florida: F Miami - Straits of Florida.
Florida: A North Carolina Supports A Georgia - Tennessee.
Florida: A Tennessee - Arkansas.
Florida: F Yucatan Supports F Gulf of Honduras - Guatemala(ec) (*Cut*).

Heartland: A Ohio - Michigan (*Bounce*).
Heartland: A West Virginia - Ohio (*Bounce*).

NewYork: F Massachusetts Bay Supports F Nova Scotia - North Atlantic Ocean.
NewYork: A Maine - Beauce (*Bounce*).
NewYork: F Nova Scotia - North Atlantic Ocean.
NewYork: A New York State - Ontario (*Dislodged*).
NewYork: A Upper Peninsula - Michigan (*Bounce*).
NewYork: A Washington DC - West Virginia (*Fails*).
NewYork: A West Pennsylvania - Ohio (*Bounce*).

Quebec: F New Brunswick(nc) - Nova Scotia.

Cuba: F East Caribbean Sea - Dominican Republic.
Cuba: F Lesser Antilles Supports F East Caribbean Sea - Dominican Republic.
Cuba: A Venezuela Hold.

Mexico: F Gulf of Mosquitos Supports F South Caribbean Sea - West Caribbean Sea.
Mexico: F Gulf of Campeche - Gulf of Mexico.
Mexico: F Guadalajara Hold.
Mexico: A Guatemala Supports A Tabasco - Yucatan (*Cut*).
Mexico: A Nicaragua Hold.
Mexico: A Nuevo Leon Hold.
Mexico: F Panama - South Caribbean Sea.
Mexico: F South Caribbean Sea - West Caribbean Sea.
Mexico: A Tabasco - Yucatan (*Fails*).

The following units were dislodged:

Californian A Arkansas can retreat to Oklahoma.
Floridian F Dominican Republic can retreat to Sea of Sargasso or Haiti or Bermuda Triangle.
Canadian F North Atlantic Ocean can retreat to Newfoundland or Mid Atlantic Ocean or Greenland.
NewYorker A New York State can retreat to Vermont or Philadelphia or New York City or Massachussets.

Unit locations:

BC: F Arctic Ocean, F Cote-Nord, F Gulf of St-Lawrence, F Hawaii, A
Montreal, F North Atlantic Ocean, A New York State, A Ontario, A
Quebec City, F Sea of Labrador.
California: A Arizona, A Arkansas, A Dallas, F Gulf of California, A Indiana, A
Kentucky, A Louisiana, A Milwaukee, A Missouri, F North Pacific
Ocean, A San Antonio, A West Texas.
Florida: A Arkansas, F Dominican Republic, A Deep South, F East Caribbean
Sea, F Gulf of Honduras, A Holquin, F Houston, A Louisiana, A North
Carolina, F Straits of Florida, A Tennessee, F Yucatan.
Heartland: A Ohio, A West Virginia.
NewYork: F Massachusetts Bay, A Maine, F North Atlantic Ocean, A New York
State, A Upper Peninsula, A Washington DC, A West Pennsylvania.
Quebec: F Nova Scotia.
Cuba: F Dominican Republic, F Lesser Antilles, A Venezuela.
Mexico: F Gulf of Mosquitos, F Gulf of Mexico, F Guadalajara, A Guatemala, A
Nicaragua, A Nuevo Leon, F South Caribbean Sea, A Tabasco, F West
Caribbean Sea.

Ownership of supply centers:

BC: Anchorage, Calgary, Greenland, Hawaii, Manitoba, Montreal, Ontario,
Ungava, Vancouver, Washington.
California: Arizona, Chihuahua, Chicago, Colorado, Dallas, Houston, Kansas, Los
Angeles, Minneapolis, Missouri, Oregon, San Antonio, San Diego, San
Florida: Dominican Republic, Georgia, Havana, Holquin, Jacksonville,
Kingston, Louisiana, Miami, North Carolina, Tampa, Tennessee,
Heartland: Milwaukee, Ohio.
NewYork: Massachussets, Michigan, New Jersey, Nova Scotia, New York City,
Philadelphia, Washington DC.
Quebec: Quebec City.
Cuba: Bogota, Cali, Venezuela.
Mexico: Durango, Guadalajara, Guatemala, Lima, Mexico City, Nicaragua, Nuevo
Leon, Panama, Veracruz.


Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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