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G.M. emailmike-at-fuzzylogicllc-dot-com
MapAncient World  [Wiki]  [Stats]
Cur SeasonSpring 00
Next Deadline2011-02-15 @ 21:00:00 GMT
Result3-Way Draw
S. C.40
Start Date2010-08-25
End Date2011-02-15
Real-Life Time175 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board dpy File
| FuzzyLogic's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Carthage Esquire Blank9hancockfcDraw 9 19 0 8.22 1217.9
0 Egypt Captain of the Watch Blank9JoralEliminated 0 18 2 -4.35 1186.43
0 Gaul Order of the Parchment Gold Star9coebqEliminated 0 6 0 -6.76 1264.94
0 Germania Nobleman Blank9ross826Survival 4 19 0 -2.86 1208.46
0 Macedonia Captain of the Watch Blank9TheFinalCountdownDraw 15 19 0 8.38 1228.36
0 Persia Esquire Blank9The_BlurbistDraw 12 19 0 8.18 1219.62
0 Rome Captain of the Watch Blank9mjn82Eliminated 0 18 2 -4.87 1217.2
0 Scythia Order of the Parchment Silver Star9z93blomEliminated 0 10 0 -5.95 1247.28

PREV  Spring 213 BC Adjudication:  NEXT    

All draws fail - we play on!

There is one retreat, but Carthaginian A Lut could only retreat to Are, so I just moved it there. Next deadline: Monday 1/17, 3pm Central!


F Numidian Sea - Carthage (*Fails*)
A Gaetulia Supports F Numidian Sea - Carthage
F Numidia Supports F Numidian Sea - Carthage
A Burdigala Hold
A Lutetia - Lugdunum (*Dislodged*)
F Aliso - O.Britannicus (*Fails*)
A Narbonensis - Helvetii
F Scandia - Treva
F Sardinia - Balearic Sea

A Memphis Hold
A Thebes Supports A Memphis

F O.Britannicus Supports A Belgica - Lutetia (*Cut*)
A Lugdunum Supports A Belgica - Lutetia
A Raetia - Belgica
A Belgica - Lutetia

F Ionian Sea Supports F Apulia - Neapolis
F Aegaeum Mare Supports F Creta
F Pontus Euxinus Supports F Aegaeum Mare (*Fails*)
A Biskupin - Bojohaemum
A Aestui - Biskupin
A Genua Supports A Umbria - Roma
A Aqueleia Supports A Umbria - Roma
F Apulia - Neapolis (*Bounce*)
A Umbria - Roma
F Creta Supports F Ionian Sea

F Syrtis Major Supports F Carthage
F Lybian Sea Supports F Lycian Sea
F Gulf of Judea Convoys A Antiochia - Alexandria (*Void*)
F Lycian Sea Supports F Lybian Sea
F Carthage Supports F Ionian Sea - Punic Sea (*Void*)
A Antiochia, no move received
A Alexandria - Libyae Deserta
A Sinai Supports A Antiochia - Alexandria (*Void*)
A Cyrenaica Supports F Carthage
A Armenia Hold

F Tyrhennian Sea Supports F Sicilia - Neapolis
A Roma - Genua (*Disbanded*)
F Sicilia - Neapolis (*Bounce*)

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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