DC138 Winter Of Our Discontent - Summer 2008 - General Bethlehem
Your emotional nature is strong and emotional ... And that particular fortune is redundant and, uhm, redundant...
Sorry the date slipped a little for getting the Summer 08 turn out. We had a couple late order sets that gradually wound their way in. New York City, Mid Atlantic Ocean, Oklahoma and the Bermuda Triangle are our Summer travel destinations. And now, with the trips wound up, we head into Fall 2008. Please have orders in to me by Thursday, May 1st (11:59 PM GMT).
Retreat orders for Spring of 2008. (DC138 08 SUM)
BC: F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid Atlantic Ocean.
California: A Arkansas - Oklahoma.
Florida: F Dominican Republic - Bermuda Triangle.
NewYork: A New York State - New York City.
Unit locations:
BC: F Arctic Ocean, F Cote-Nord, F Gulf of St-Lawrence, F Hawaii, F Mid
Atlantic Ocean, A Montreal, A New York State, A Ontario, A Quebec
City, F Sea of Labrador.
California: A Arizona, A Dallas, F Gulf of California, A Indiana, A Kentucky, A
Louisiana, A Milwaukee, A Missouri, F North Pacific Ocean, A
Oklahoma, A San Antonio, A West Texas.
Florida: A Arkansas, F Bermuda Triangle, A Deep South, F East Caribbean Sea,
F Gulf of Honduras, A Holquin, F Houston, A North Carolina, F
Straits of Florida, A Tennessee, F Yucatan.
Heartland: A Ohio, A West Virginia.
NewYork: F Massachusetts Bay, A Maine, F North Atlantic Ocean, A New York
City, A Upper Peninsula, A Washington DC, A West Pennsylvania.
Quebec: F Nova Scotia.
Cuba: F Dominican Republic, F Lesser Antilles, A Venezuela.
Mexico: F Gulf of Mosquitos, F Gulf of Mexico, F Guadalajara, A Guatemala, A
Nicaragua, A Nuevo Leon, F South Caribbean Sea, A Tabasco, F West
Caribbean Sea.
Ownership of supply centers:
BC: Anchorage, Calgary, Greenland, Hawaii, Manitoba, Montreal, Ontario,
Ungava, Vancouver, Washington.
California: Arizona, Chihuahua, Chicago, Colorado, Dallas, Houston, Kansas, Los
Angeles, Minneapolis, Missouri, Oregon, San Antonio, San Diego, San
Florida: Dominican Republic, Georgia, Havana, Holquin, Jacksonville,
Kingston, Louisiana, Miami, North Carolina, Tampa, Tennessee,
Heartland: Milwaukee, Ohio.
NewYork: Massachussets, Michigan, New Jersey, Nova Scotia, New York City,
Philadelphia, Washington DC.
Quebec: Quebec City.
Cuba: Bogota, Cali, Venezuela.
Mexico: Durango, Guadalajara, Guatemala, Lima, Mexico City, Nicaragua, Nuevo
Leon, Panama, Veracruz.