Sadly Persia did not order her troops but must be buoyed by a generous bit of unnecessary support from the Egyptians.
The board pivots once again, as Egypt and Greece appear to have made nice in common service of slowing more glory to Rome. Still, it is only the the Roman who grows this year, at the expense of innocent citizens of Thapsus, abandoned by their war powers. It seems clear this game will be won or drawn based on the disposition of relationships, a disposition that has remained mercurial throughout. And, as must by now be evident, the draw vote has failed.
With no retreats we have only the one Roman build to consider. Deadline is Thursday! Other players, it's never too early to get in your prelims for next spring, either, which are due Friday. :-)
Happy dipping,
Carthage - alhabashi / Jim Tapp / namaanbathing@yahoo.com
Egypt - ConradW / Charles Welsh / welsh_stroud@msn.com
Greece - fencertim / Tim Crosby / tim_crosby@hotmail.com
Persia - pedros / Pete Dale / pete@atlantichouse.org.uk
Rome - DrSwordopolis / Nick Powell / nick.s.powell@gmail.com
Thapsus falls as Cirta is all that remains of the former Carthage
Egypt preparing for full-out tilt with Roman rivals
Greek armies advance toward Roman homelands for first time
Somebody wake up Persian High Command!
Will Rome prove equal to overcoming two foes - or at least turning one of that?
F Berber Sea Supports A Carthage
A Carthage Supports A Neapolis - Thapsus
F Gulf of Syrtis Supports F Gulf of Tacape - Leptis
F Gulf of Tacape - Leptis (*Fails*)
F Ionian Sea - Neapolis (*Bounce*)
A Neapolis - Thapsus
A Numidia Supports F Gulf of Tacape - Leptis (*Cut*)
F Punic Sea Convoys A Neapolis - Thapsus
A Rhaetia - Vindobona
F Sicilia - Neapolis (*Bounce*)
A Tarraconensis - Saguntum
F Tyrrhenean Sea Convoys A Neapolis - Thapsus
A Cirta Hold
A Thapsus Hold (*Disbanded*)
A Antioch, no move received
F Aegean Sea - Athens
A Cappadocia Supports A Sinope - Armenia
A Chersonesus - Sarmatia
A Macedonia - Illyria
F Messenian Sea - Sparta
F Miletus Hold
A Sinope - Armenia
A Alexandria - Cyrene
F Ausonian Sea - Gulf of Tacape (*Fails*)
F Cilician Strait Convoys A Isauria - Cyprus
F Crete - Libyan Sea
A Damascus Supports A Antioch
F Egyptian Sea Supports F Minoan Sea - Crete
A Isauria - Cyprus
F Leptis Supports A Phazania - Numidia (*Cut*)
A Marmarica Supports F Leptis
F Minoan Sea - Crete
A Phazania - Numidia (*Fails*)
A Sidon Supports A Damascus
Ownership of supply centers
Carthage: Cirta
Egypt: Alexandria, Crete, Cyprus, Cyrene, Jerusalem, Memphis, Petra, Sidon, Thebes, Tyre
Greece: Byzantium, Macedonia, Miletus, Sinope, Sparta
Persia: Antioch, Chersonesus, Damascus
Rome: Baleares, Carthage, Dalmatia, Massilia, Neapolis, Numidia, Ravenna, Roma, Saguntum, Sardinia, Sicilia, Thapsus, Vindonona
Carthage: 2 Supply centers, 2 Units: Remove 0.
Egypt: 12 Supply centers, 12 Units: Build 0.
Greece: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Remove 0.
Persia: 1 Supply centers, 1 Units: Remove 0.
Rome: 13 Supply centers, 12 Units: Build 1.
Upcoming Deadlines (all orders are due at 5 PM EST, GMT -5)
Winter 08 Retreats and Adjustments, Thursday June 16
Spring 09 Prelims, Friday June 17
Spring 09 Orders, Tuesday June 21
Summer 09 Retreats, Thursday June 23
Fall 09 Prelims, Friday June 24
Fall 09 Orders, Tuesday June 28
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