DC138 Winter Of Our Discontent - Spring 2009 - It Will Happen Naturally
Never wear your best pants when you go to fight for freedom ...
Always proper advice.. The draw proposal is voted down by one or more players and we continue the fray. The noose tightens ever tighter around New York and Florida - but some interesting movements can be seen behind the scenes...
No retreats are required and we cruise straight on into Fall 2009. Deadline will be set for just under a weeks time, for Thursday, May 22nd (11:59 PM GMT).
As always, please let me know if you spot any errors. Cheers!
Press: BC - All: Announcing the reunited nation of Canada! Plus a bit of the former US
and its Pacific holdings, and Minus NSC, where the fires of war have been so
intense these past eight years that the Vancouver Regime has decided to allow the
Quebecois french speakers a homeland of their very own to rebuild as they see
Movement results for Spring of 2009. (DC138 09 SPR)
BC: F Anchorage - Gulf of Alaska.
BC: A Beauce - New York State.
BC: A Calgary - Sasketchewan.
BC: F Greenland Hold.
BC: F Gulf of St-Lawrence - North Atlantic Ocean.
BC: F Hawaii Hold.
BC: F Massachusetts Bay - Cape May (*Bounce*).
BC: A Michigan Supports A Indiana - Ohio.
BC: F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid Atlantic Ocean.
BC: A New York State - West Pennsylvania.
BC: A Ont s A Mon-Bea. (VOID - No Such Unit)
BC: F Quebec City - Beauce.
California: A Arkansas - Deep South (*Fails*).
California: F Baja California - Gulf of California.
California: A Dallas - Louisiana.
California: A Houston Supports A Dallas - Louisiana.
California: A Indiana - Ohio.
California: A Kentucky - Virginia.
California: A Milwaukee - Minneapolis.
California: A Missouri - Kentucky.
California: A New Mexico - Chihuahua.
California: F North Pacific Ocean - Mid Pacific Ocean.
California: A Oklahoma - Missouri (*Bounce*).
California: A San Antonio Supports A Houston.
California: A San Diego - Baja California.
Florida: F Bermuda Triangle Supports F East Caribbean Sea - Dominican Republic.
Florida: A Camaguey - Havana.
Florida: A Deep South - Arkansas (*Fails*).
Florida: F East Caribbean Sea - Dominican Republic (*Fails*).
Florida: F Gulf of Campeche - Veracruz (*Fails*).
Florida: F Louisiana - Apalachee Bay.
Florida: A North Carolina - Tennessee (*Fails*).
Florida: F Straits of Florida Supports A Camaguey - Havana.
Florida: F Straits of Yucatan - Gulf of Honduras.
Florida: A Tennessee - Missouri (*Bounce*).
Heartland: A West Virginia Supports A New York State - West Pennsylvania.
NewYork: F Massachussets - Cape May (*Bounce*).
NewYork: A New York City Supports A Vermont - Massachussets (*Fails*).
NewYork: A Vermont - Massachussets (*Fails*).
NewYork: A Washington DC Supports A West Pennsylvania - Philadelphia.
NewYork: A West Pennsylvania - Philadelphia.
Quebec: The unit in the land formerly known as New York's Nova Scotia moves
to the south coast of the land formerly known as New York's New
Cuba: F Dominican Republic Hold.
Cuba: F Lesser Antilles Supports F Dominican Republic.
Cuba: A Venezuela Hold.
Mexico: A Cali Hold.
Mexico: F Gulf of Mosquitos - West Caribbean Sea.
Mexico: F Gulf of Mexico Supports F Havana - Straits of Yucatan.
Mexico: F Guadalajara, no move received.
Mexico: A Guatemala Supports A Tabasco - Yucatan.
Mexico: F Havana - Straits of Yucatan.
Mexico: A Mexico City Hold.
Mexico: A Nuevo Leon Hold.
Mexico: F South Caribbean Sea Supports F Gulf of Mosquitos - West Caribbean Sea.
Mexico: A Tabasco - Yucatan.
Mexico: F Veracruz - Gulf of Campeche (*Fails*).
Mexico: F Dur-GCa (VOID - No Such Unit)
Unit locations:
BC: F Beauce, F Gulf of Alaska, F Greenland, F Hawaii, F Massachusetts
Bay, F Mid Atlantic Ocean, A Michigan, F North Atlantic Ocean, A New
York State, A Ontario, A Sasketchewan, A West Pennsylvania.
California: A Arkansas, A Baja California, A Chihuahua, F Gulf of California, A
Houston, A Kentucky, A Louisiana, A Minneapolis, F Mid Pacific
Ocean, A Ohio, A Oklahoma, A San Antonio, A Virginia.
Florida: F Apalachee Bay, F Bermuda Triangle, A Deep South, F East Caribbean
Sea, F Gulf of Campeche, F Gulf of Honduras, A Havana, A North
Carolina, F Straits of Florida, A Tennessee.
Heartland: A West Virginia.
NewYork: F Massachussets, A New York City, A Philadelphia, A Vermont, A
Washington DC.
Quebec: F New Brunswick(sc).
Cuba: F Dominican Republic, F Lesser Antilles, A Venezuela.
Mexico: A Cali, F Gulf of Mexico, F Guadalajara, A Guatemala, A Mexico City,
A Nuevo Leon, F South Caribbean Sea, F Straits of Yucatan, F
Veracruz, F West Caribbean Sea, A Yucatan.
Ownership of supply centers:
BC: Anchorage, Calgary, Greenland, Hawaii, Manitoba, Michigan, Montreal,
Ontario, Quebec City, Ungava, Vancouver, Washington.
California: Arizona, Chihuahua, Chicago, Colorado, Dallas, Houston, Kansas, Los
Angeles, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Missouri, Oregon, San Antonio, San
Diego, San Francisco.
Florida: Georgia, Holquin, Jacksonville, Kingston, Louisiana, Miami, North
Carolina, Tampa, Tennessee, Yucatan.
Heartland: Ohio.
NewYork: Massachussets, New Jersey, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington
Quebec: Nova Scotia.
Cuba: Bogota, Dominican Republic, Venezuela.
Mexico: Cali, Durango, Guadalajara, Guatemala, Havana, Lima, Mexico City,
Nicaragua, Nuevo Leon, Panama, Veracruz.