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Beware the Ides of March


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G.M. emailsmegdwarf-at-yahoo-dot-com
Cur SeasonSpring 18
Next Deadline2012-12-16 @ 19:00:00 GMT
S. C.34
Start Date2011-03-08
End Date2011-12-20
Real-Life Time288 days
Slideshow SC Chart dpy File
| AceRimmer's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Austria Captain of the Watch Blank9FlapJackSurvival 6 34 2 -1.99 1144.04
0 England Artisan Blank9SifcellAbandon 5 7 0 -1.35 1223.63
1 England Captain of the Watch Gold Star9dknemeyerSolo 18 34 0 24.12 1329.68
0 France Nobleman Blank9archimedesSurvival 9 34 2 -2.29 1206.95
0 Germany Esquire Silver Star9gizmo8204Abandon 2 24 2 -7.48 1238.78
1 Germany Captain of the Watch Gold Star9Blueraider0Survival 1 34 0 -1.42 1198.24
0 Italy Nobleman Blank9GhostfaceEliminated 0 22 2 -5.05 1199.19
0 Russia Countryman Blank9blomidonparkEliminated 0 28 1 -4.64 1199.6
0 Turkey Countryman Blank9Jack_CopeEliminated 0 10 3 -5.82 1198.43

PREV  Spring 1909 Adjudication:  NEXT    

From the BBC/HBO series “Rome”, Season 1, Episode 5:

Mark Antony: Poor sad wretch gives everything you ask for. The Senate will ratify your status. You get your triumph, stand for consul, and Pompey will retire to Spain. He’d [do something tacky and mildly x-rated] if you asked him to.
Gaius Julius Caesar: Too generous by far. I never thought Pompey would accept such terms.
Mark Antony: You think it’s a stratagem?
Gaius Julius Caesar: I doubt it. He and what few forces he has are trapped and grow weaker by the day. We might crush him at will. But now that he has offered truce, I would look like the worst sort of tyrant if I attack him. Posca here thinks I should accept. Make peace.
Mark Antony: In exchange for what?
Posca: Peace is its own reward.
Mark Antony: Snivelry! The ram has touched the wall! No mercy!
Posca: Pompey has no great army, but he has the Senate with him. He has legitimacy.
Mark Antony: In Rome they are the Senate. Beyond these walls they’re just three hundred old men.
Gaius Julius Caesar: As you say Anthony. But others will agree with Posca. They have made this shameful surrender public. It will be read throughout Italy. If I am not a tyrant, if I merely seek legitimacy, then why would I not accept such favorable terms?
Posca: [Perusing Pompey’s surrender] He refuses to meet us in person?
Gaius Julius Caesar: [thinking] Very good. Simple. Hoi polloi can understand a reason like that. He refuses to meet me face to face, man to man. [In mock anger] He refuses to meet me!
Mark Antony: [laughing] Right. That’s it. No truce. Let’s be after him.

Both armistice proposals fail.

We have some role changes this season. England and Germany *Fail*. Austria chooses instead a bouquet of fragrant *tags*, none of which is *Fails*. But at the end of the day, EF&G have their way. France advances into Piedmont, while Germany advances into the oddly lightly defended East. If there’s good news for the AIR opposition, it’s the correct guess leading to a favorable retreat and a bottling up of the French fleet in Aegean; and it’s the defensive prospects offered by the presence of an Austrian army in Venice; and it’s the failure of EFG to backfill Silesia after Silesia-Galicia. Still, Piedmont and Galicia are bitter pills to swallow.

There are three retreats.

The Austrian army in Galicia may retreat to Budapest, Rumania, Vienna, or OTB.
The French fleet in Aegean Sea retreats to Eastern Mediterranean
The Italian army in Piedmont retreats to Tuscany

Technically, orders are due on Monday at 10:00 a.m. CST. However, Jack, if you could get those in before 3-ish this afternoon, I can adjudicate before the weekend. And if either Tom or Mark prefers an OTB retreat, let me know within 24 hours.

Fall 1908 Adjudication

f ion s f gre-aeg
a boh s a vie-tyr
a vie-tyr
a tyr-ven
a gal s a ukr (*Dislodged*)
a bul-con (*Bounce*)
f gre-aeg
f nap s f rom (*Ordered to Move*)

F Bal H
F Bar - NRG
A LVN – Mos (*Fails*)
A Mos - Ukr (*Fails*)
A Pru S German A Mun – Sil (*Void*)
A War S German A Sil – Gal
F MAt, no orders received

Army Spain Move To Marseilles
Army Marseilles Move To Piedmont
Fleet Gulf of Lyon Support Army Marseilles Move To Piedmont
Fleet Tyhennian Sea Hold
Fleet Tunis Support Fleet Tyhennian Sea HOLD
Fleet Aegean Sea Move To Constantinople (*Dislodged*)
Army Belgium Hold

F Hol holds
A Ber S Kiel – Mun (*Fails*)
A Kiel - Mun (*Fails*)
A Mun - Tyrolia (*Fails*)
A Sil - Gal

A Pie-Mar (*Dislodged*)
F Rom-Tyr (*Fails*)

Ukr holds
Sev holds
Smy supports Gre to Aeg

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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