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This game will use Blind Auction Bidding to assign powers: http://dipwiki.com/index.php?title=Blind_Auction_Bidding


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G.M. emailsmileyrob68-at-gmail-dot-com
MapAmbition and Empire  [Wiki]  [Stats]
Cur SeasonWinter 11
Next Deadline2011-10-04 @ 22:00:00 GMT
S. C.44
Start Date2011-05-03
End Date2011-10-04
Real-Life Time155 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board dpy File
| smileyrob's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Austria / Habsburg Artisan Blank9ArandiaAbandon 8 7 0 -5.2 1225.31
1 Austria / Habsburg Captain of the Watch Silver Star9sunchungSurvival 8 22 0 0.16 1268.04
0 Denmark / Norway Artisan Blank9JosiahCivil Disorder 0 7 2 -4.93 1223.09
0 France Order of the Unicorn Silver Star9alwayshuntedSurvival 9 22 0 -2.14 1262.54
0 Great Britain Order of the Acorn Silver Star9psychosis1973Survival 6 22 0 -1.48 1204.45
0 Ottoman Empire Captain of the Watch Silver Star9LaneSurvival 5 22 0 -2.19 1242.83
0 Poland / Saxony Captain of the Watch Gold Star9raybruceaEliminated 0 20 0 -4.98 1313.69
0 Prussia Captain of the Watch Silver Star9DrSwordopolisEliminated 0 10 0 -4.56 1229.46
0 Russian Empire Captain of the Watch Gold Star9dknemeyerSolo 15 22 0 31.01 1309.22
0 Spain Countryman Blank9Brstd46Eliminated 0 10 0 -4.02 1230
0 Sweden Captain of the Watch Gold Star9Wladimir7Survival 1 22 0 -3.19 1281.8

PREV  Fall 1771 Adjudication:  NEXT    

1771 proves to be a rather uneventful year, with very few supply centers changing hands. None of the three leaders grow at all; the builds coming to Austria and Russia are to replace destroyed forward units, not due to new conquests. Saxony does again grow to two centers, but as it controls none of its build centers, it will be forced to remain at one unit.

Adjustment orders are due by Thursday, 22:00 GMT.

I need the following orders:
Austria: Builds 1 unit. Can build in Budapest
Britain: Removes 1 unit.
Russia: Builds 1 unit. Can build in Crimea, Kiev, Moscow, or St. Petersburg.


Austria-Hapsburg: Arandia / Adriaan Tichler / arandia.t@gmail.com (resigned Summer 1766)
from Fall 1766: sunchung/ Sun Chung / sun.chung@gmail.com
Britain-Hanover: psychosis1973 / Michael Thompson / psychosis@sky.com
Denmark-Norway: Josiah / Josiah Henderson / josiah.henderson@gmail.com (abandoned Spring 1766)
France: alwayshunted / Warren Fleming / alwayshunted@hotmail.com
Ottoman Empire: Lane / Aidan Slattery / aislattery@aol.com
Poland-Saxony: raybrucea / Bruce Ray / raybrucea@aol.com
Prussia: DrSwordopolis / Nick Powell / nick.s.powell@gmail.com (eliminated Fall 1767)
Russian Empire: dknemeyer / Dirk Knemeyer / dirk@knemeyer.com
Spain: Brstd46 / Richard Aldous / aldous@xtra.co.nz (eliminated Winter 1767)
Sweden: Wladimir7 / Wladimir Mysonski / wmysonski@gmail.com

Fearing an attack on Dresden, Austrian generals don't accept Russian support. Hesse-Westphalia is lost.
French forces rush to protect Paris and Brest.
Skirmishing continues along Swedish-Norwegian border as Britain retains Christiania and Russia reoccupies Scania.
No movement in Italy or the Balkans, as each side is now well dug in.

Austria: A Baden-Wuerttemberg Supports A Switzerland.
Austria: A Bohemia - Dresden (*Bounce*).
Austria: A Bosnia - Constantinople (*Fails*).
Austria: A Hesse-Westphalia - Dresden (*Disbanded*).
Austria: A Milan Supports A Republic of Venice.
Austria: A Picardy - Austrian Netherlands (*Fails*).
Austria: A Switzerland Supports A Milan.
Austria: A Republic of Venice Supports A Milan.
Austria: A Vienna Supports A Republic of Venice.

Britain: F Copenhagen Hold.
Britain: F Edinburgh - North Atlantic Ocean.
Britain: A Holstein Supports F Copenhagen.
Britain: A Mecklenburg Hold.
Britain: F North Sea Supports F Scania - Christiania.
Britain: F Scania - Christiania.
Britain: F Skagerrak Supports F Scania - Christiania.

France: A Austrian Netherlands Supports A Hanover - Hesse-Westphalia (*Cut*).
France: F Barcelona - Andalusia.
France: A Burgundy Supports A Hanover - Hesse-Westphalia.
France: A Gascony - Paris.
France: F Gulf of Lyon Supports A Tuscany.
France: A Marseilles Supports A Savoy.
France: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Brest.
France: A Savoy Supports A Burgundy.
France: A Tuscany Supports A Papal States - Republic of Venice (*Void*).
France: A United Provinces Supports A Austrian Netherlands.

Russia: A Ankara Supports A Bosnia - Constantinople.
Russia: F Baltic Sea Supports F Stockholm - Scania.
Russia: A Berlin Supports A Hesse-Westphalia (*Ordered to Move*).
Russia: A Lapland Supports F Stockholm - Scania.
Russia: A Lusatia Supports A Hesse-Westphalia (*Ordered to Move*).
Russia: A Novgorod Territory Supports F Norwegian Sea - Christiania.
Russia: A Posen Supports A Berlin.
Russia: F Stockholm - Scania.
Russia: A Wallachia Supports A Bosnia - Constantinople.

Saxony: A Hanover - Hesse-Westphalia.

Sweden: F Norwegian Sea - Christiania (*Fails*).

Turkey: F Adriatic Sea Supports A Constantinople.
Turkey: A Constantinople Hold.
Turkey: F Ionian Sea Supports A Constantinople.
Turkey: F Morocco Hold.
Turkey: A Papal States Hold.
Turkey: F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports A Papal States.

Austria: A Baden-Wuerttemberg, A Bohemia, A Bosnia, A Milan, A Picardy, A
Switzerland, A Republic of Venice, A Vienna.
Britain: F Christiania, F Copenhagen, A Holstein, A Mecklenburg, F North
Atlantic Ocean, F North Sea, F Skagerrak.
France: F Andalusia, A Austrian Netherlands, F Brest, A Burgundy, F Gulf of
Lyon, A Marseilles, A Paris, A Savoy, A Tuscany, A United Provinces.
Russia: A Ankara, F Baltic Sea, A Berlin, A Lapland, A Lusatia, A Novgorod
Territory, A Posen, F Scania, A Wallachia.
Saxony: A Hesse-Westphalia.
Sweden: F Norwegian Sea.
Turkey: F Adriatic Sea, A Constantinople, F Ionian Sea, F Morocco, A Papal
States, F Tyrrhenian Sea.

Austria (9+0=9): Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria, Breslau, Budapest, Dresden, Milan,
Switzerland, Republic of Venice, Vienna.
Britain (7-1=6): Christiania, Copenhagen, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Mecklenburg, /-United Provinces/
France (10-1+1=10): Austrian Netherlands, Barcelona, Brest, /-Hesse-Westphalia/, Madrid, Marseilles, Paris,
Portugal, Savoy, Tuscany. +United Provinces.
Russia (10+0=10): Abo, Ankara, Berlin, Courland, Crimea, Kiev, Koenigsburg, Moscow, St
Petersburg, Warsaw.
Saxony (1+1=2): Hanover. +Hesse-Westphalia.
Sweden (1+0=1): Stockholm.
Turkey (6+0=6): Algiers, Constantinople, Morocco, Papal States, Tunis, Two Sicilies.

Austria: 9 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 1 unit. (Can build in Budapest)
Britain: 6 Supply centers, 7 Units: Removes 1 unit.
Denmark: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 10 Supply centers, 10 Units: Builds 0 units.
Prussia: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 10 Supply centers, 9 Units: Builds 1 unit. (Can build in Crimea, Kiev, Moscow, or St. Petersburg)
Saxony: 2 Supply centers, 1 Unit: Builds 1 unit. (Owns no home centers, cannot build)
Spain: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Sweden: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.

Austria: Budapest, Milan, Vienna
Britain: Edinburgh, Hanover, Liverpool, London
France: Brest, Marseilles, Paris
Russia: Crimea, Kiev, Moscow, St. Petersburg
Saxony: Baden-Wuerttemberg, Dresden, Warsaw
Sweden: Abo, Stockholm
Turkey: Ankara, Constantinople, Tunis

Winter 1771 Adjustments Thursday, September 8, 22:00 GMT
Spring 1772 Orders Tuesday, September 13, 22:00 GMT
Summer 1772 Retreats Thursday, September 15, 22:00 GMT

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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