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G.M. emailsgttodd-at-mainecav-dot-org
MapStar Trek  [Wiki]  [Stats]
Cur SeasonWinter 80
Next Deadline2008-03-17 @ 23:59:00 GMT
Result5-Way Draw
S. C.49
Start Date2008-08-12
End Date2009-03-16
Real-Life Time217 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board
| sgttodd's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Borg Collective Order of the Ocelot Silver Star9AlanRFarringtonDraw 7 20 1 3.1 1220.34
0 Cardassian Union Artisan Blank9Hexen_42Abandon 3 1 0 -6.59 1194.36
1 Cardassian Union Artisan Blank9KitomakazuCivil Disorder 0 7 1 -3.67 1194.02
0 Dominion Order of the Alliance Gold Star9deathblade_penguinDraw 11 20 0 1.69 1321.22
0 Ferengi Alliance Order of the Shrubbery Gold Star9garry.bledsoeDraw 12 20 0 2.84 1216.03
0 Klingon Empire Countryman Blank9SardineAbandon 6 5 1 -4.12 1191.18
1 Klingon Empire Esquire Blank9paolo_sforzaAbandon 6 7 0 -4.12 1182.05
2 Klingon Empire Captain of the Watch Gold Star9former.troutDraw 11 20 0 2.21 1276.94
0 Romulan Star Republic Nobleman Blank9OrontesDraw 8 20 0 3.1 1207.68
0 United Fed. of Planets Captain of the Watch Blank9SamnuvaEliminated 0 12 0 -5.6 1199.48

PREV  Fall 2380 Adjudication:  NEXT    

REDO: I used the wrong version of a set of orders - sorry.

Deadline for stardate 2380.4 (retreats) is still Friday, March 13th; 2359 UTC.

The following unit was dislodged:

The Jem'Hadar F Devore Imperium can retreat to Malon Cooperative or 2635 or into a White induced oblivion.

Unit locations:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex, F Krenim, F Devore Imperium, F Bomar Soveriegnty, F D09, F D10, F D11.
Dominion: F 3249, F Orias, F Acamar, A Bajor, F D06, F D07, F D08, F Torga, F Hurq, F Kylata, F Obatta Cluster, F Devore Imperium.
Ferengi: F ChinToka, F Athos, F Badlands, F Olmerak, A Feringinar, F Trill, F Tezenketh, F Frederick, F Izar, F Tholia, F Quasar M92.
Klingon: F Cardassia Prime, F Hatoria, F Sol, F Alpha Centauri, F Briar Patch, F Dreon, F Gorn, F Zakdorn, F D12.
Romulan: A Betazed, F Fellebia, F First Federation, F Jouret, F Terra Nova, F Vega, F Korniforous, F Antares, F Caldos, F Hierarchy.

Movement results for stardate 2380.3

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex Hold.
Borg: F 4233 - Krenim.
Borg: F Bomar Soveriegnty Supports F 4233 - Krenim (*Cut*).
Borg: F Vidiian Solidarity - D11.
Borg: F 2825 - Devore Imperium.
Borg: F D09 Supports F 2825 - Devore Imperium.
Borg: F D10 Supports F Vidiian Solidarity - D11.

Dominion: F 3249 - Bomar Soveriegnty (*Fails*).
Dominion: F Orias - Cardassia Prime (*Bounce*).
Dominion: F Paulsons Nebula - Acamar.
Dominion: A Bajor - Cardassia Prime (*Bounce*).
Dominion: F Devore Imperium Hold (*Dislodged*).
Dominion: F D06 Supports F Merik - D07.
Dominion: F D07 - D08.
Dominion: F D11 - Obatta Cluster.
Dominion: F Merik - D07.
Dominion: F Hurq Supports F D11 - Obatta Cluster.
Dominion: F Kylata Supports F Obatta Cluster - Torga.
Dominion: F Obatta Cluster - Torga.

Ferengi: F ChinToka Hold.
Ferengi: F Athos Supports F Kelvas - Cardassia Prime.
Ferengi: F Badlands - Fellebia (*Fails*).
Ferengi: F Olmerak Supports F Kelvas - Cardassia Prime.
Ferengi: A Thalos - Feringinar.
Ferengi: F Talar - Frederick.
Ferengi: F Trill Hold.
Ferengi: F Tezenketh Supports F Izar.
Ferengi: F Galen - Tholia.
Ferengi: F Izar Supports F Badlands - Fellebia (*Fails*).
Ferengi: F Nehru - Quasar M92.

Klingon: F Kelvas - Cardassia Prime.
Klingon: F Sol Supports F Andoria - Alpha Centauri.
Klingon: F Andoria - Alpha Centauri.
Klingon: F Castor - Briar Patch.
Klingon: F Hromi Cluster - Hatoria.
Klingon: F Rolor Nebula - Dreon.
Klingon: F Tholia - Gorn.
Klingon: F Zalda - Zakdorn.
Klingon: F D12 Supports F Vidiian Solidarity - D11.

Romulan: F Alpha Centauri - Vega.
Romulan: A Betazed Hold.
Romulan: F Barradas II - Jouret.
Romulan: F Fellebia - Badlands (*Fails*).
Romulan: F First Federation - Izar (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Vega - Terra Nova.
Romulan: F Korniforous Supports F First Federation - Izar.
Romulan: F Antares Supports F Korniforous.
Romulan: F Makar - Caldos.
Romulan: F Hierarchy - D07 (*Fails*).


Deadline for stardate 2380.4 (retreats) is Friday, March 13th; 2359 UTC.
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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