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Arctic Warriors


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G.M. emailGithraine-at-yahoo-dot-com
Cur SeasonSpring 00
Next Deadline2009-02-18 @ 21:00:00 GMT
Result3-Way Draw
S. C.34
Start Date2008-03-11
End Date2009-02-17
Real-Life Time344 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board
| Githraine's House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Austria Artisan Blank9GallowmereAbandon 2 6 2 -5.9 1194.1
1 Austria Captain of the Watch Blank9FlapJackEliminated 0 9 0 -2.36 1202.06
0 England Nobleman Silver Star9etinarcadiaego69Eliminated 0 30 0 -5.83 1242.27
0 France Esquire Blank9Colonel_MustardAbandon 5 8 1 -5.56 1179.26
1 France Order of the Parchment Gold Star9coebqSurvival 4 30 0 0.26 1277.21
0 Germany Artisan Blank9hospitalearthAbandon 7 9 2 -1.95 1222.15
1 Germany Order of the Shrubbery Gold Star9garry.bledsoeDraw 11 30 0 6.39 1213.19
0 Italy Artisan Blank9AetherAbandon 9 13 1 -1.59 1224.57
1 Italy Countryman Blank9TeamMerkinDraw 11 30 0 6.23 1242.22
0 Russia Countryman Blank9absintheDraw 8 30 0 7.41 1242.22
0 Turkey Captain of the Watch Blank9SamnuvaEliminated 0 13 1 -5.29 1198.61

PREV  Fall 1913 Adjudication:  NEXT    

This is the war that never ends, it just goes on and on..... Oh, Hi everybody!
We had a lot of movement this fall, The Germans and Italians advance north and west and the Brits are shoved almost completely off the continent!
France Gains Breast but loses Marseilles, and is nor totally flanked by Italy.
Russia continues to sit in the backfield, the Sleeping Bear. Maybe that ejection from the Ionian Sea will wake her?

The Russian Fleet can retreat to Greece, the Aegean Sea, the Eastern Mediterranean, or OTB
After that, the Brits must Disband one, the Germans get to build one.

Lets get all those orders in by Friday, Jan 9th.

F Belgium - Holland
F Brest - Picardy
F Helgoland Bight Supports F Belgium - Holland
A Norway - St Petersburg (*Bounce*)
A Sweden - Denmark (*Disbanded*)

A Gascony Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Brest
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Brest
F Spain(sc) Hold

A Burgundy Supports A Picardy - Belgium
F Denmark Supports A Finland - Sweden
A Finland - Sweden
A Munich - Kiel
F North Sea - London
A Picardy - Belgium
A Ruhr - Holland (*Fails*)
F Skagerrak Supports A Finland - Sweden
A Warsaw Hold

F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea
A Piedmont - Marseilles
A Trieste Supports A Tyrolia
F Tunis Supports F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea
F Tuscany - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Tyrolia Supports A Trieste
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean
A Venice - Piedmont
F Western Mediterranean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean

A Budapest Supports A Vienna
F Ionian Sea Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Moscow - St Petersburg (*Bounce*)
A Rumania Hold
A Sevastopol - Ukraine
A Ukraine - Galicia
A Vienna Hold

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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