Guns, Germs and Steel 1264 / DC110 - Fall 1876
Heya gang,
Apologies but I have to keep it quick tonight. Tomorrow is the start of the long drive back to Edmonton, and its already WAY past your humble GM's bedtime.
PLEASE doublecheck these results. It's late, I've been a little rushed all day to get ready - and I've had a few too many wobbly-pops with my cousins to celebrate the end of the vacation... I think everything is correct but best to make sure.
Two retreats, both only had one place to go so I took the liberty. Hollands unit in Georgia was rerouted to Omsk and China's fleet in Shanghai took a slow boat to Peking. (If OTB is preferred please just let me know - but I may not get the email for a couple of days...)
Deadline for Winter 1876 adjustments will be set for Monday, August 25th (11:59 PM GMT)
Movement results for Fall of 1876. (1876 FALL)
Britain: F Gulf of Bothnia (bot) - Sweden (swe).
Britain: F Norway (nwy) - North Sea (nth) (*Fails*).
China: A Chungking (chk) Supports A Yunnan (yun).
China: A Kashgar (ksg) Supports A Tibet (tib).
China: A Kashmir (kas) Supports A Rajputana (raj).
China: A Rajputana (raj) Hold.
China: F Shanghai (sha) Hold (*Dislodged*).
China: A Sinkiang (snk) - Kirghiz (kir).
China: A Tibet (tib) Supports A Yunnan (yun) (*Cut*).
China: A Wuhan (wuh) - Fuchan (fuc) (*Bounce*).
China: A Yunnan (yun) Hold.
France: F Adriatic Sea (adr) Supports A Bosnia (bos).
France: F The Azores (azo) Supports F Canary Seaway(cny).
France: A Bavaria (bav) Supports A Stuttgart (stu).
France: F Bay of Biscay (bob) Supports F Nantes (nan).
France: A Bosnia (bos) Supports F Greece (gre).
France: A Brasilia (bra) Supports F Recife (rec).
France: F Brazil Current (bcu), no move received.
France: F Cameroon (cmn) Supports F Okrana (okn).
France: F Canary Seaway(cny) Supports F Middle Atlantic (mat).
France: F Cape Verde Islands (vrd) Supports F Middle Atlantic (mat).
France: F Coast of Argentina (cag) Supports F Brazil Current (bcu).
France: A Cochabamba (coh) Supports A La Paz (lpa).
France: A Crete (cre) Hold.
France: A Croatia (cro) Hold.
France: F Falkland Islands (fal) Supports F Brazil Current (bcu).
France: A Goyamas (goy) - Uruguay (uru).
France: F Greece (gre) Supports F Ionian Sea (ion).
France: F Gulf of Guinea (gog) Supports F Middle Atlantic (mat).
France: F Holland (hol) Supports A Kiel (kie).
France: F Ionian Sea (ion) Supports A Crete (cre).
France: A Kiel (kie) Supports F Holland (hol).
France: A La Paz (lpa) Hold.
France: F Middle Atlantic (mat) Supports F Recife (rec).
France: F Nantes (nan) Hold.
France: F Okrana (okn) Supports F Gulf of Guinea (gog).
France: A Oliveira (oli) Supports A Brasilia (bra).
France: F Recife (rec) Supports F Middle Atlantic (mat).
France: A Rouen (rou) Supports F Holland (hol).
France: A Ruhr (ruh), no move received.
France: A Serbia (ser) Supports A Wallacia (wlc).
France: F South Georgia Islands (sgr) Supports F Brazil Current (bcu).
France: A Stuttgart (stu) Supports A Kiel (kie).
France: A Tawarek (twr) Supports F Tripoli (trp).
France: F Tripoli (trp) Supports F Ionian Sea (ion).
France: A Tunis (tun) Supports F Tripoli (trp).
France: A Venice (ven) - Budapest (bud).
France: A Vienna (vie) Hold.
France: A Wallacia (wlc) Supports A Venice (ven) - Budapest (bud).
Holland: F Aegean Sea (aeg) Supports A Sofia (sof).
Holland: A Afganistan (afg) Supports A Karachi (krc) - Bokhara (bkh).
Holland: F Angola (agl) Supports F South Atlantic (sat).
Holland: F Antarctic Indian Ocean(ain) Supports F Drake (dra) - Antarctic
Pacific Ocean(apa) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Antarctic Pacific Ocean(apa) - South West Pacific (swp) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Arabian Sea(ara) Supports A Bangalore (ban) - Karachi (krc).
Holland: A Assam (asm) Supports A Bengal (ben) - Tibet (tib).
Holland: A Aswan (asw) Supports A Tubruq (tbq) - Fezz (fzz).
Holland: A Baku (bku) - Sevastopol (sev) (*Bounce*).
Holland: A Bangalore (ban) - Karachi (krc).
Holland: A Bengal (ben) - Tibet (tib) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Bismark Sea (bis) - Izu Trench (izu) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Black Sea (bla) Convoys A Baku (bku) - Sevastopol (sev).
Holland: A Burma (brm) Supports A Mandalay (mly) - Yunnan (yun).
Holland: A Cairo (cai) Supports F Eastern Mediterranean (eas) - Tubruq (tbq).
Holland: A Canton (can) - Wuhan (wuh) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Cape Town (ctn) - Damaraland (dml).
Holland: F Caroline Islands (crl) Supports F Bismark Sea (bis) - Izu Trench
Holland: A Congo (cng) Supports F Angola (agl).
Holland: F Constantinople (con) - Eastern Mediterranean (eas).
Holland: F Coral Sea (cor) Supports F Antarctic Pacific Ocean(apa) - South West
Pacific (swp) (*Fails*).
Holland: A Delhi (del) - Rajputana (raj) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Drake (dra) - Antarctic Pacific Ocean(apa) (*Fails*).
Holland: F East China Sea (ecs) Supports F Fuchan (fuc) - Shanghai (sha).
Holland: F Eastern Mediterranean (eas) - Tubruq (tbq).
Holland: F Equatorial CounterCurrent (eco) - West Pacific (wpa) (*Fails*).
Holland: A Fezz (fzz) - Dar Es Sallam (dar).
Holland: F Fiji (fij) Supports F South West Pacific (swp) - Equatorial
CounterCurrent (eco) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Formosa (for) Supports F East China Sea (ecs).
Holland: F Fuchan (fuc) - Shanghai (sha).
Holland: A Georgia (geo) Supports A Khiva (khv) - Orenburg (orn) (*Dislodged*).
Holland: F Hong Kong (hko) - Fuchan (fuc) (*Bounce*).
Holland: F Java Sea (jse) - Sunda (sun).
Holland: A Karachi (krc) - Bokhara (bkh).
Holland: A Khiva (khv) - Orenburg (orn) (*Fails*).
Holland: A Lucknow (lck) - Delhi (del) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Luzon (luz) - Bismark Sea (bis) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Luzon Sea (lus) - South China Sea (scs) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Malagasy Channel (mch) - Goodhope (goo).
Holland: A Mandalay (mly) - Yunnan (yun) (*Fails*).
Holland: A Mandlah (mdh) Supports A Delhi (del) - Rajputana (raj).
Holland: F Marshal Islands (mhl) Supports F South West Pacific (swp) -
Equatorial CounterCurrent (eco) (*Fails*).
Holland: F New Zealand (nzl) Supports F Antarctic Pacific Ocean(apa) - South
West Pacific (swp) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Okinawa (oki) - Yellow Sea (yse) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Persian Gulf (pgu) Supports A Bangalore (ban) - Karachi (krc).
Holland: F Philippine (phi) Supports F Bismark Sea (bis) - Izu Trench (izu).
Holland: A Rumania (rum) Supports A Baku (bku) - Sevastopol (sev) (*Cut*).
Holland: A Sofia (sof) Supports A Rumania (rum).
Holland: F South Atlantic (sat) Supports F Malagasy Channel (mch) - Goodhope
Holland: F South China Sea (scs) - Canton (can) (*Fails*).
Holland: F South East Trades (set) - Barrier Sea (brr).
Holland: F South West Pacific (swp) - Equatorial CounterCurrent (eco) (*Fails*).
Holland: A Tabrize (tbr) - Baku (bku) (*Fails*).
Holland: A Tehran (teh) - Khiva (khv) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Tonkin (tnk) Supports F South China Sea (scs) - Canton (can)
Holland: A Tubruq (tbq) - Fezz (fzz).
Japan: F Izu Trench (izu) Supports F West Pacific (wpa) (*Cut*).
Japan: F Kagoshima (kag) Supports F Izu Trench (izu).
Japan: A Kamchatka (kam) Hold.
Japan: F Kuril (kur) Supports F Izu Trench (izu).
Japan: F Manchuria (mac) Supports F Yellow Sea (yse).
Japan: F Okhotsk (okh) Supports F Kuril (kur).
Japan: F Sea of Japan (soj) Supports F Izu Trench (izu).
Japan: F Yellow Sea (yse) Supports F Shanghai (sha) (*Cut*).
Russia: A Berlin (ber) - Prussia (pru) (*Fails*).
Russia: A Galicia (gal) - Rumania (rum) (*Fails*).
Russia: A Warsaw (war) - Sevastopol (sev) (*Bounce*).
Russia: A Orenburg (orn) Supports A Sevastopol (sev) - Georgia (geo) (*Cut*).
Russia: A Perm (prm) Supports A Sevastopol (sev) - Georgia (geo).
Russia: A Prussia (pru) - Warsaw (war) (*Fails*).
Russia: A Sevastopol (sev) - Georgia (geo).
Russia: A Moscow (mos) Supports A Sevastopol (sev) - Georgia (geo).
USA: F Alaska (ala)(nc) - Bering Sea (bse) (*Bounce*).
USA: A Amazon (ama) Supports A Brasilia (bra).
USA: F Anchorage (anc) - Bering Sea (bse) (*Bounce*).
USA: F Baltic Sea (bal) Supports A Livonia (lvn).
USA: A Barcelone (brc) Supports A Amazon (ama).
USA: F Barents Sea (bar) Supports A St Petersburg (stp).
USA: A Caledonia (cld) Supports A Pramaiba (pra).
USA: F Cayenne (cyn) Supports F North East Trades (net).
USA: F Chesapeake Approaches (che) Supports F North Atlantic (nat).
USA: F Chilean Basin (cba) Supports F South Pacific (spa).
USA: F Counter Current (ccu) Supports F Hawaii (haw).
USA: F Denmark (den) Supports F North Sea (nth).
USA: F Eastern Carribean (eca) Supports F Sargasso (sar).
USA: F Eastern Pacific (epa) Supports F Kirbati Sea (kse).
USA: F Eastern Seaboard (ese) Supports F North Atlantic (nat).
USA: F Finland (fin)(nc) Supports A St Petersburg (stp).
USA: F Hawaii (haw) Supports F West Pacific (wpa).
USA: F Helgoland Bight (hel) Supports F Denmark (den).
USA: F Kirbati Sea (kse) Hold.
USA: A Livonia (lvn) Supports A St Petersburg (stp).
USA: F London (lon) Supports F North Sea (nth).
USA: F North Atlantic (nat) Hold.
USA: F North East Trades (net) Hold.
USA: F North Pacific (npa) Supports F Westerlies (wst).
USA: F North Passage (nps) Hold.
USA: F North Sea (nth) Supports F Denmark (den) (*Cut*).
USA: F Norwegian Sea (nwg) Supports F North Sea (nth).
USA: F Nova Scotia (nsc) Supports F North Atlantic (nat).
USA: F Pacific Basin (pba) Supports F Chilean Basin (cba).
USA: A Paramaribo (pmb) Hold.
USA: A Pramaiba (pra) Supports F Recife (rec).
USA: A Quito (qto) Supports A La Paz (lpa).
USA: A Ruperts Land (rla) Hold.
USA: F Sargasso (sar) Hold.
USA: F Society Islands (sct) Supports F South Pacific (spa).
USA: F South Pacific (spa) Supports F Chilean Basin (cba).
USA: A St Petersburg (stp) Supports A Livonia (lvn).
USA: F Virgin Islands (vis) Supports F Sargasso (sar).
USA: F West Pacific (wpa) Hold.
USA: F Westerlies (wst) Supports F West Pacific (wpa).
Retreat orders for Fall of 1876. (1876 EW)
China: F Shanghai (sha) - Peking (pek).
Holland: A Georgia (geo) - Omsk (oms).
Unit locations:
Britain: F Norway (nwy), F Sweden (swe).
China: A Chungking (chk), A Kashgar (ksg), A Kashmir (kas), A Kirghiz (kir),
F Peking (pek), A Rajputana (raj), A Tibet (tib), A Wuhan (wuh), A
Yunnan (yun).
France: F Adriatic Sea (adr), F The Azores (azo), A Bavaria (bav), F Bay of
Biscay (bob), A Bosnia (bos), A Brasilia (bra), F Brazil Current
(bcu), A Budapest (bud), F Cameroon (cmn), F Canary Seaway(cny), F
Cape Verde Islands (vrd), F Coast of Argentina (cag), A Cochabamba
(coh), A Crete (cre), A Croatia (cro), F Falkland Islands (fal), F
Greece (gre), F Gulf of Guinea (gog), F Holland (hol), F Ionian Sea
(ion), A Kiel (kie), A La Paz (lpa), F Middle Atlantic (mat), F Nantes
(nan), F Okrana (okn), A Oliveira (oli), F Recife (rec), A Rouen
(rou), A Ruhr (ruh), A Serbia (ser), F South Georgia Islands (sgr), A
Stuttgart (stu), A Tawarek (twr), F Tripoli (trp), A Tunis (tun), A
Uruguay (uru), A Vienna (vie), A Wallacia (wlc).
Holland: F Aegean Sea (aeg), A Afganistan (afg), F Angola (agl), F Antarctic
Indian Ocean(ain), F Antarctic Pacific Ocean(apa), F Arabian Sea(ara),
A Assam (asm), A Aswan (asw), A Baku (bku), F Barrier Sea (brr), A
Bengal (ben), F Bismark Sea (bis), F Black Sea (bla), A Bokhara (bkh),
A Burma (brm), A Cairo (cai), A Canton (can), F Caroline Islands
(crl), A Congo (cng), F Coral Sea (cor), F Damaraland (dml), A Dar Es
Sallam (dar), A Delhi (del), F Drake (dra), F East China Sea (ecs), F
Eastern Mediterranean (eas), F Equatorial CounterCurrent (eco), A Fezz
(fzz), F Fiji (fij), F Formosa (for), F Goodhope (goo), F Hong Kong
(hko), A Karachi (krc), A Khiva (khv), A Lucknow (lck), F Luzon (luz),
F Luzon Sea (lus), A Mandalay (mly), A Mandlah (mdh), F Marshal
Islands (mhl), F New Zealand (nzl), F Okinawa (oki), A Omsk (oms), F
Persian Gulf (pgu), F Philippine (phi), A Rumania (rum), F Shanghai
(sha), A Sofia (sof), F South Atlantic (sat), F South China Sea (scs),
F South West Pacific (swp), F Sunda (sun), A Tabrize (tbr), A Tehran
(teh), F Tonkin (tnk), F Tubruq (tbq).
Japan: F Izu Trench (izu), F Kagoshima (kag), A Kamchatka (kam), F Kuril
(kur), F Manchuria (mac), F Okhotsk (okh), F Sea of Japan (soj), F
Yellow Sea (yse).
Russia: A Berlin (ber), A Galicia (gal), A Georgia (geo), A Warsaw (war), A
Orenburg (orn), A Perm (prm), A Prussia (pru), A Moscow (mos).
USA: F Alaska (ala)(nc), A Amazon (ama), F Anchorage (anc), F Baltic Sea
(bal), A Barcelone (brc), F Barents Sea (bar), A Caledonia (cld), F
Cayenne (cyn), F Chesapeake Approaches (che), F Chilean Basin (cba), F
Counter Current (ccu), F Denmark (den), F Eastern Carribean (eca), F
Eastern Pacific (epa), F Eastern Seaboard (ese), F Finland (fin)(nc),
F Hawaii (haw), F Helgoland Bight (hel), F Kirbati Sea (kse), A
Livonia (lvn), F London (lon), F North Atlantic (nat), F North East
Trades (net), F North Pacific (npa), F North Passage (nps), F North
Sea (nth), F Norwegian Sea (nwg), F Nova Scotia (nsc), F Pacific Basin
(pba), A Paramaribo (pmb), A Pramaiba (pra), A Quito (qto), A Ruperts
Land (rla), F Sargasso (sar), F Society Islands (sct), F South Pacific
(spa), A St Petersburg (stp), F Virgin Islands (vis), F West Pacific
(wpa), F Westerlies (wst).
Ownership of supply centers:
Britain: Greenland (grn), Norway (nwy), Sweden (swe).
China: Chungking (chk), Irkutsk (irk), Kashmir (kas), Peking (pek), Sinkiang
(snk), Tashkent (tsh), Vladivostok (vla), Wuhan (wuh).
France: The Azores (azo), Bavaria (bav), Brasilia (bra), Budapest (bud),
Cameroon (cmn), Cape Verde Islands (vrd), Corsica (crs), Crete (cre),
Croatia (cro), Falkland Islands (fal), Gibraltar (gib), Grain Coast
(gcs), Greece (gre), Holland (hol), Ivory Coast (ivc), Kiel (kie), La
Paz (lpa), Marseilles (mar), Monrovia (mnv), Morocco (mrc), Nantes
(nan), Okrana (okn), Oliveira (oli), Paraguay (prg), Paris (par),
Piedmont (pie), Recife (rec), Rio de Janeiro (rdj), Rome (rom), Ruhr
(ruh), Salerno (sal), Serbia (ser), Sicily (sic), Sierra Leone (sie),
South Georgia Islands (sgr), Stuttgart (stu), Tripoli (trp), Tunis
(tun), Uruguay (uru), Valencia (vlc), Venice (ven), Vienna (vie).
Holland: Abyssinia (aby), Aden (ade), Andaman Islands (amn), Angora (ang),
Baghdad (bag), Baku (bku), Bangalore (ban), Bangkok (bnk), Bengal
(ben), Bombay (bom), Borneo (brn), Botswana (bsw), Burma (brm), Cairo
(cai), Cambodia (cmb), Canton (can), Cape Town (ctn), Caroline Islands
(crl), Ceylon (cey), Cochin (cch), Constantinople (con), Cyprus (cyp),
Delhi (del), Fiji (fij), Formosa (for), Hong Kong (hko), Irian Java
(ija), Java (jav), Karachi (krc), Khiva (khv), Luzon (luz), Madagascar
(mad), Madras (mds), Malaysia (mal), Maldives (mld), Marshal Islands
(mhl), Mindanao (mnd), New Guinea (ngu), New South Wales (nsw), New
Zealand (nzl), Okinawa (oki), Oman (oma), Omsk (oms), Perth (per),
Queensland (qnl), Rangoon (rng), Rhodesia (rho), Rumania (rum),
Sarawak (srw), Seychelles (sey), Shanghai (sha), Singapore (sin),
Sofia (sof), Sudan (sud), Sumatra (sum), Tehran (teh), Tonkin (tnk),
Transvaal (trn), Yuthia (yut).
Japan: Edo (edo), Fusan (fsn), Kagoshima (kag), Manchuria (mac), Port Arthur
(poa), Sakhurlin (sak), Sapporo (sap), Seoul (seo).
Russia: Berlin (ber), Georgia (geo), Warsaw (war), Orenburg (orn), Prussia
(pru), Sevastopol (sev), Silesia (sil), Moscow (mos).
USA: Alberta (alb), Anchorage (anc), Atlanta (atl), Austin (aus), The
Bahamas (bah), Barcelone (brc), Bogota (bgt), Cayenne (cyn), Chicago
(chc), Cuba (cub), Denmark (den), Detroit (det), Dublin (dub),
Edinburgh (edi), Galapagos (glp), Haiti (hai), Hawaii (haw), Honduras
(hon), Kansas (kan), Lima (lim), London (lon), Mazatlan (maz), Merida
(mer), Mexico City (mex), Nebraska (neb), New Mexico (nme), New
Orleans (nol), New York (nyc), Nova Scotia (nsc), Oklahoma (okl),
Oregon (ore), Panama (pan), Paramaribo (pmb), Quebec (que), Richmond
(ric), San Francisco (sfo), Seattle (sea), Society Islands (sct), St
Petersburg (stp), Vancouver (van), Victoria (vic), Virgin Islands
(vis), Washington DC (wdc), Yukon (yuk).
Austria: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Brazil: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Britain: 3 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 0 units.
China: 8 Supply centers, 9 Units: Removes 1 unit.
CSA: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 42 Supply centers, 38 Units: Builds 4 units.
Holland: 59 Supply centers, 56 Units: Builds 3 units.
Japan: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.
Mexico: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Prussia: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
USA: 44 Supply centers, 40 Units: Builds 4 units.