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DC-184 Deadline Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
This is your 25 hour warning. I'm still missing three sets. Please don't be late.

The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


Aegean & Pericles tomorrow! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Stay tuned for the Greek-fest tomorrow as both Pericles and Aegean are due at 10am Pacific! I am missing some moves from both games. As a bonus, the first 3 players (in both games) to get orders in on time will get a bonus* unit to place wherever they want!


* Bonus units may not be used in CA, NV, PA, NJ, states west of the Atlantic, or countries that begin with a letter of the alphabet. Bonus units must be placed immediately upon receipt, and before the next deadline. Players will take delivery of bonus units after the next deadline. At that time any player still in retention of an unapplied bonus unit will be subject to bonus units being removed from play. If a bonus unit is removed from play that never entered play, the subject player will be required to hold his bonus unit on his head for the remainder of the game. Bonus units, once placed, cannot move, support, convoy, or claim centers. Additionally the existence of a bonus unit in any territory will not affect the movement of other units into or out of said territories, cut supports, or dislodge units. Bonus units are considered otherwise identical to normal units, except for the above features, and their invisible nature when placed on the map.


DC140 "Never Ending Story" winter 1909 a... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Russia once again waives builds, using only one of the three available. Elsewhere, England raises two armies, Turkey builds another fleet, and Italy scuttles his fleet in Tunis.

Spring 1910 orders will be due next Tuesday 6/17 at 3pm Central (US). Along with your orders, please cast your vote on an endgame proposal, a 3-way draw among England, Russia, and Turkey, with the other surviving powers ranked by supply centers owned. Remember, such a proposal must receive an affirmative vote from all active players, or it will fail.

Thanks, everyone!



Winter 1909 adjustments:

Build A Edinburgh
Build A London

Remove F Tunis

Build A Warsaw
Build waived
Build waived

Build F Ankara


Star Trek - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Space, the final frontier...

This is the continuing story of Diplomacy variants based on the Star Trek universe.

This approach includes the main races as brought forth in ST: TNG, ST: DS9, and ST: Voyager; those being the Borg, Cardassians, Ferengi, Klingons, Romulans, the Dominion, and of course the United Federation of Planets.

The variant uses only fleets, no armies, and therefore no convoys, but it should be pretty fast paced. The map of the galaxy was simplified and rescaled a bit so the major powers are close enough to go at it PDQ. The only special rule is Borg assimilation, which allows only the Borg to build in any vacant SC they own, everyone else builds only in their home centers, a-la standard Dip. The Bajoran wormhole is also represented which simply makes the Bajor province adjacent to the Idran province in Dominion space and vice-versa.

The files for RealWorld are available at my site: The Diplomacy Tribune

I'd like to run a game as set-up, but I also think a fog-of-war (hidden movement) game would be very interesting.
BW map with province abbreviations.

Playing with this I had some ideas for a grander version that would be larger and have more special rules - so you might think of this one as Star Trek lite.


dc182 Seismic f02 results! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Aggressive turn! 4 units are dislodged, 2 of them forcibly disbanded.

Russian A Bud can retreat to Vie or Gal by tomorrow 10am Pacific!
Russian F Rum is disbanded.
German F Den will auto retreat to HEL.
English A Hol is disbanded.

When I get the retreat orders, I'll publish the results, including
Seismics! Note Germany can opt to disband instead and rebuild in
Berlin, so I wont publish them until the 10am deadline hits, or G
confirms he'd like the ret to HEL.


F ECH -> Lon (sc)
F Nth S Hol (*Cut*)
A Hol hold (*Disbanded*)
F Nwy -> Den

A Bel xxx
A Bur S A Bel xxx
F GoL C A Mar-Tus
A Mar-Tus

A. Ruhr -> Holland
A. Kiel supports A. Ruhr -> Holland
A. Tyrolia -> Munich
Denmark -> North Sea (*Fails, Dislodged*)

A Venice -> Piedmont
A Vienna -> Tyrolia
A Naples Holds
F Adriatic -> Venice

A Fin-Swe
F Bal S F Nwy-Den
A Mos-War
A Arm-Sev
F Rum S A Bud (*Cut, Disbanded*)
A Bud S A Bul-Ser (*Void, Dislodged*)

F BLA S Austrian A Gal-Rum
A Bul-Bud
A Smy-Arm
A Ank S A Smy-Arm


DC172 Midsummer Night's Stab - Fall 1603 - A Midsu... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
TO freind-em-ies far and wide,

I must apologize for my GLACIALLY slow start in this game...I have several emails to answer..and stabs to orchestrate (for those who never even bothered to write! hah!)...and have been barely able to keep up at work. Further, I'll be absent on a long weekend but PROMISE TO catch up before then..or at best, next Monday.

My apologies! As Felix might say "Don't Kill Me!"

Fletcher the Frenchman

----- Original Message ----
From: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
To: dc172 <DC172(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Cc: Andrew Tanner <damienthryn(at)gmail.com>; Gregory Bim-Merle <gbimmerle(at)gmail.com>; Jerry Todd <sgttodd(at)mainecav.org>; Jonathan Kudlick <jkudlick(at)gmail.com>; Matt Kremer <matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu>; Mikael Johansson <m_don_j(at)hotmail.com>; Rob Bristol <rbristol(at)cogeco.ca>; Steve Caponigri <scaponig(at)yahoo.com>; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>; Thomas Fletcher <tfletch33(at)yahoo.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 7, 2008 8:24:21 AM
Subject: DC172 Midsummer Night's Stab - Fall 1603 - A Midsummer Night's Dream

Bless thee Bottom, bless thee! Thou art translated...

There's high adventure in the North Seas as Denmark and England swap centers. Meanwhile our new Frenchman conducts business admirably despite the slight handicap while Sweden takes a hit and the Ottoman Empire gets diced. My thanks to Rob, the Chicken of Bristol, for stepping in and manning that sinking ship.

Two retreats are required, although one is slightly irrelevent. Spain has to relocate the army in Tuscany and the Ottomans need to relocate their unit in Constantinople. We'll space the Autumn and Winter phases out slightly longer, this time around, to accomodate our travelling players schedule. Deadline for Early Winter 1603 retreats will be set for Wednesday, June 11th (11:59 PM GMT).

Please let me know if you spot any errors. Cheers folks!


Movement results for Fall of 1603. (DC172 03 FALL)

Denmark: F Norwegian Sea Supports F North Sea - Scotland.
Denmark: F North Sea - Scotland (*Fails*).
Denmark: F Ireland Hold.
Denmark: F Cornwall - Wales (*Bounce*).
Denmark: A Westphalia - Lorraine (*Fails*).
Denmark: A Netherlands Hold.
Denmark: A Holstein - Mecklenburg.
Denmark: A Scania - Smaland.

England: F Scotland - North Sea (*Fails*).
England: A Yorkshire - Wales (*Bounce*).
England: F London Supports F Scotland - North Sea.

France: A Savoy - Tuscany.
France: F Bay of Biscay - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*).
France: A Paris - Burgundy (*Bounce*).
France: F Gascony - Navarre (*Fails*).
France: A Provence Supports A Savoy - Tuscany.

HabsburgEmpire: A Greece Supports A Anatolia - Constantinople.
HabsburgEmpire: A Illyria Supports A Greece.
HabsburgEmpire: A Serbia Supports A Anatolia - Constantinople.
HabsburgEmpire: A Slovakia - Moravia.
HabsburgEmpire: A Silisia - Great Poland.
HabsburgEmpire: A Venice Hold.
HabsburgEmpire: A Bavaria - Lorraine.
HabsburgEmpire: A Saxony Supports A Bavaria - Lorraine.
HabsburgEmpire: A Warsaw Supports A Volhynia - White Russia.
HabsburgEmpire: A Cracow Supports A Warsaw.

OttomanEmpire: F Constantinople Hold (*Dislodged*).
OttomanEmpire: F Aegean Sea Supports F Constantinople.

Russia: A Anatolia - Constantinople.
Russia: F Crimea - Black Sea.
Russia: A Volhynia - White Russia.
Russia: A Ukraine Supports A Volhynia - White Russia.
Russia: A Uralsk - Moscow.
Russia: A Tula Supports A Novgorod - Pskov.
Russia: A Novgorod - Pskov.
Russia: A Archangel - Ingria (*Fails*).

Spain: F Libya - Ionian Sea.
Spain: F Egypt Hold.
Spain: A Tuscany - Provence (*Dislodged*).
Spain: F Flanders Supports A Netherlands.
Spain: F Navarre Supports F Granada - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Cut*).
Spain: A Castille Supports F Navarre.
Spain: F Granada - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*).
Spain: A Languedoc - Burgundy (*Bounce*).

Sweden: A Hesse Supports A Great Poland - Brandenburg.
Sweden: A Great Poland - Brandenburg.
Sweden: A Mazovia - Pomerelia.
Sweden: A White Russia - Mazovia.
Sweden: A Pskov - Estonia.
Sweden: A Karelia - Finland.
Sweden: A Ingria Hold.
Sweden: F Gulf of Bothnia Supports A Ingria.
Sweden: F Baltic Sea Hold.

The following units were dislodged:

Ottoman F Constantinople can retreat to Armenia or Bulgaria.
Spanish A Tuscany can retreat to Rome or Romagna or Milan.

Unit locations:

Denmark: F Norwegian Sea, F North Sea, F Ireland, F Cornwall, A Westphalia, A
Netherlands, A Mecklenburg, A Smaland.
England: F Scotland, A Yorkshire, F London.
France: A Tuscany, F Bay of Biscay, A Paris, F Gascony, A Provence.
HabsburgEmpire: A Greece, A Illyria, A Serbia, A Moravia, A Venice, A Lorraine,
A Saxony, A Great Poland, A Warsaw, A Cracow.
OttomanEmpire: F Constantinople, F Aegean Sea.
Russia: A Constantinople, F Black Sea, A White Russia, A Ukraine, A Moscow,
A Tula, A Pskov, A Archangel.
Spain: F Egypt, F Ionian Sea, A Tuscany, F Flanders, F Navarre, A Castille,
F Granada, A Languedoc.
Sweden: A Hesse, A Brandenburg, A Pomerelia, A Mazovia, A Ingria, F Gulf of
Bothnia, F Baltic Sea, A Finland, A Estonia.

Ownership of supply centers:

Denmark: Ireland, Netherlands, Bremen, Holstein, Jutland, Zealand, Scania,
England: Scotland, Wales, London.
France: Savoy, Paris, Gascony, Burgundy, Provence.
HabsburgEmpire: Greece, Transylvania, Western Hungary, Serbia, Bohemia,
Austria, Croatia, Venice, Lorraine, Bavaria, Warsaw, Cracow.
Russia: Anatolia, Constantinople, Central Asia, Azerbaijan, Crimea,
Bessarabia, White Russia, Voronezj, Moscow, Novgorod.
Spain: North Africa, Egypt, Rome, Flanders, Naples, Castille, Granada,
Sweden: Pomerania, Brandenburg, Prussia, Finland, Estonia, Stockholm,

Denmark: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
HabsburgEmpire: 12 Supply centers, 10 Units: Builds 2 units.
OttomanEmpire: 0 Supply centers, 2 Units: Removes 2 units.
Poland: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 10 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 2 units.
Spain: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.
Sweden: 7 Supply centers, 9 Units: Removes 2 units.



DC176 - Fall 1904 Adjudication - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Fall 1904 sees powers working together towards a common goal. Or should I say against a common foe?
Whereas the majority of the powers work together against Russia, it looks like France has joined the Russian side.
In Turkey the last surviving army in Smyrna managed to keep Italy out.

The results of the orders are included below.
Only one retreat: Russian Fleet in Holland has to retreat and can go to either Belgium or Helgoland.

Retreat is due by Wednesday 23.00 GMT.

F Bulgaria(sc) Hold
A Rumania Supports A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Void*)
A Serbia Supports A Rumania
A Tyrolia Supports A Bohemia - Munich
A Vienna - Budapest

F Denmark - Kiel
F Irish Sea - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*)
F North Sea Supports A Kiel - Holland
F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway
A Wales - Liverpool
F Yorkshire - London

F Belgium - English Channel
F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*)
A Burgundy - Marseilles (*Fails*)
F Marseilles - Spain(sc) (*Bounce*)
F North Atlantic Ocean - Norwegian Sea
A Ruhr Supports A Munich

A Berlin Supports A Bohemia - Munich (*Cut*)
A Bohemia - Munich (*Fails*)
A Gascony - Spain (*Bounce*)
A Kiel - Holland

F Aegean Sea Supports A Apulia - Greece
A Apulia - Greece
A Armenia - Smyrna (*Fails*)
F Constantinople - Bulgaria(ec) (*Fails*)
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Apulia - Greece
A Venice Hold

A Galicia - Rumania (*Fails*)
F Holland - Kiel (*Dislodged*)
A Munich Supports A Silesia - Berlin (*Cut*)
A Sevastopol Supports A Galicia - Rumania
A Silesia - Berlin (*Fails*)

F Smyrna Hold


Retreat is due by Wednesday 23.00 GMT.

Winter builds/disbands are due by Friday 23.00 GMT.
I will announce these once Russia has confirmed its retreat from Holland.

Your GM


DC176 - Fall 1904 Adjudication - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Et tu, Brutus?

Damn.. Now I have to rip holes in the back of all my jackets to make room for that knife-handle... =P


On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 7:11 PM, F Bielschowsky <bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com ([email]bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com[/email])> wrote:

Fall 1904 sees powers working together towards a common goal. Or should I say against a common foe?
Whereas the majority of the powers work together against Russia, it looks like France has joined the Russian side.
In Turkey the last surviving army in Smyrna managed to keep Italy out.

The results of the orders are included below.
Only one retreat: Russian Fleet in Holland has to retreat and can go to either Belgium or Helgoland.

Retreat is due by Wednesday 23.00 GMT.

F Bulgaria(sc) Hold
A Rumania Supports A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Void*)
A Serbia Supports A Rumania
A Tyrolia Supports A Bohemia - Munich
A Vienna - Budapest

F Denmark - Kiel
F Irish Sea - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*)
F North Sea Supports A Kiel - Holland
F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway
A Wales - Liverpool
F Yorkshire - London

F Belgium - English Channel
F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*)
A Burgundy - Marseilles (*Fails*)
F Marseilles - Spain(sc) (*Bounce*)
F North Atlantic Ocean - Norwegian Sea
A Ruhr Supports A Munich

A Berlin Supports A Bohemia - Munich (*Cut*)
A Bohemia - Munich (*Fails*)
A Gascony - Spain (*Bounce*)
A Kiel - Holland

F Aegean Sea Supports A Apulia - Greece
A Apulia - Greece
A Armenia - Smyrna (*Fails*)
F Constantinople - Bulgaria(ec) (*Fails*)
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Apulia - Greece
A Venice Hold

A Galicia - Rumania (*Fails*)
F Holland - Kiel (*Dislodged*)
A Munich Supports A Silesia - Berlin (*Cut*)
A Sevastopol Supports A Galicia - Rumania
A Silesia - Berlin (*Fails*)

F Smyrna Hold


Retreat is due by Wednesday 23.00 GMT.

Winter builds/disbands are due by Friday 23.00 GMT.
I will announce these once Russia has confirmed its retreat from Holland.

Your GM


Spring 2001 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
A lot of bouncing going on in the oceans around the world... everyone's either feeling it out or pretending to attack? Lots of headway made over land though... very interesting.

One quick note, especially for those of you on the edge of the map... any time a unit moves into a sea that rolls over the edge I'll move that unit to the other side, just so there are no surprises. Then, on the side the unit came from I'll add in a colored arrow to denote that there's a unit there (see Pacific Ocean)

We have no retreats necessary, so let's set the Fall 2001 deadline for next week, Tuesday the 17th of June, at 11pm Central.

North America:
F Alaska - Pacific Ocean (*fails*)
A Vancouver - Winnipeg
A Ontario - Illinois
F Quebec Holds
A Boston Holds

F Honolulu - Pacific Ocean (*fails*)
F Oaxaca - Galapagos Sea (*bounce*)
F Cuba - Bermuda Triangle
A Florida - Kansas
A Arizona - Oregon

South America:
F Rio de Janeiro - Recife
F Peru - Easter Sea
F Columbia (sc) - Galapagos Sea (*bounce*)

F Argentina - Rio de la Platta
A Bolivia - Sao Paulo

A Zagreb - Rumania
A Vienna - Zagreb
A Berlin - Paris
F Rome - Tyrrhenian Sea (*bounce*)
F London - North Sea (*bounce*)

F Oslo - North Sea (*bounce*)

F Murmansk - Baltic Sea
A Minsk - Poland
A Moscow - Ukraine
A Nizhniy-Novgorod - Kazakhstan

West Africa:
F Dakar - Cape Verde Sea
F Ouagadougou Supports F Dakar - Cape Verde Sea
F Morocco - Iberia
F Algeria - Tyrrhenian Sea (*bounce*)

F Libya - Ionian Sea

South Africa:
A Kenya - Sudan
A Dar es Salaam - Maputo
F Congo Supports F Angola - Sandwich Sea
F Angola - Sandwich Sea
F Pretoria - Cocos Sea (*bounce*)

A Ankara - Greece
A Baghdad - Riyadh
F Mumbai - Bay of Bengal
A Tehran - Ankara
A Pakistan - Delhi

F Vladivostok Supports F Honshu - Pacific Ocean
F Honshu - Pacific Ocean
F Taiwan - East China Sea
F Hong Kong - South China Sea (*bounce*)
A Beijing - Tibet

F Perth - Cocos Sea (*bounce*)
F Melbourne - Great Australian Bight
F Sydney - Arafura Sea
F Manila - South China Sea (*bounce*)
A Siam - Myanmar


DC161 Knights Who Say Ni! - Fall 831 - Army Protec... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
... No, the whole premise is silly and it's very badly written. I'm the senior officer here and I haven't had a funny line yet.

That's right - not one funny line... Unless it was the one about the two blokes that walked into a bar... You would have thought the second guy could see it coming...

No? Oh, all right then. Scotland takes the Emerald Isle as a prize, and the Anglo-Saxons hold their own against the Norse-Swedish hordes but lose vast swaths of land on the continent...

One retreat is necessary from the Scots as Norse fleets close in. Deadline for the Early Winter 831 retreat will be set for Thursday, June 12th (11:59 PM GMT). Please let me know if you spot any errors. Cheers!


Movement results for Fall of 831. (DC 161 831 FALL)

Scots: F Circinn - Firth of Forth (*Fails*).
Scots: F Dal Riada - Strathclyde.
Scots: F Hebridean Sea Hold.
Scots: F Irish Sea - Leinster.
Scots: A Meath Supports F Irish Sea - Leinster.
Scots: F Moray Firth Supports F Circinn - Firth of Forth (*Dislodged*).

Britons: F Atlantic Ocean - Dyfed (*Fails*).
Britons: F Brittany - Neustria.
Britons: A Hwicce Supports A Powys - Gwent.
Britons: F Lyme Bay - Cornwall (*Bounce*).
Britons: A Mercia Hold.
Britons: A Powys - Gwent (*Fails*).

Norse: F Arctic Ocean - Scapa Flow.
Norse: F East Anglia - Kent (*Fails*).
Norse: F Firth of Forth Supports F Rogaland Coast - Moray Firth (*Cut*).
Norse: F North Sea - Rogaland Coast.
Norse: F Norwegian Sea Supports F Rogaland Coast - Moray Firth.
Norse: F Rogaland Coast - Moray Firth.
Norse: A Sogn Hold.

AngloSaxons: F Dyfed Supports A Gwynned.
AngloSaxons: A Gwent - Powys (*Fails*).
AngloSaxons: A Gwynned Supports A Gwent - Powys.
AngloSaxons: F Kent Hold.
AngloSaxons: A Somerset - Cornwall (*Bounce*).
AngloSaxons: F Strait of Dover Supports F Kent.
AngloSaxons: A Sussex Supports F Kent.

Swedes: A Frisia Supports A Saxony - Austrasia.
Swedes: F Jelling - North Sea.
Swedes: A Middle Anglia Supports F East Anglia - Kent.
Swedes: A Pomerania - Saxony.
Swedes: A Saxony - Austrasia.
Swedes: F Skane - Bay of Pomerania.
Swedes: F The Wash Supports F West Frisian Coast.
Swedes: F West Frisian Coast Supports F East Anglia - Kent.

The following units were dislodged:

Scottish F Moray Firth can retreat to Fortrenn or Cait.

Unit locations:

Scots: F Circinn, F Hebridean Sea, F Leinster, A Meath, F Moray Firth, F
Britons: F Atlantic Ocean, A Hwicce, F Lyme Bay, A Mercia, F Neustria, A
Norse: F East Anglia, F Firth of Forth, F Moray Firth, F Norwegian Sea, F
Rogaland Coast, F Scapa Flow, A Sogn.
AngloSaxons: F Dyfed, A Gwent, A Gwynned, F Kent, A Somerset, F Strait of
Dover, A Sussex.
Swedes: A Austrasia, F Bay of Pomerania, A Frisia, A Middle Anglia, F North
Sea, A Saxony, F The Wash, F West Frisian Coast.

Ownership of supply centers:

Scots: Cait, Circinn, Dal Riada, Fortrenn, Leinster, Meath, Strathclyde,
Britons: Cornwall, Deira, Mercia, Neustria, Powys.
Norse: Agder, East Anglia, Hordaland, Jelling, Ribe, Trondelag, Vestfold.
AngloSaxons: Brittany, Gwent, Gwynned, Hamptonshire, Kent.
Swedes: Austrasia, Frisia, Gotar, Lappland, Pomerania, Prussia, Roskilde,
Skane, Svear.

Gaels: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Scots: 8 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 2 units.
Britons: 5 Supply centers, 6 Units: Removes 1 unit.
Norse: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
AngloSaxons: 5 Supply centers, 7 Units: Removes 2 units.
Danes: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Swedes: 9 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 1 unit.



GGS 1264 / DC110 - Winter 1873 Deadline Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Folks of the GGS,

Its the Winter chill... Please have your adjustments in to me within the next 18.5 hours. I believe I am still short a few sets of orders.




DC138 WOOD - Fall 2010 Deadline Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya Woodies,

Deadline for Fall 2010 orders is in just over 18.5 hours. Please consider this to be a gentle nudge from your friendly GM. Cheers!



DC191 Study In Baltic - Spring 1901 Deadline Remin... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya Baltic Boys,

Just sending the gentle nudge that Spring 1901 orders are due in just under 18.5 hours. I believe I have all but one set in - so please double-check and ensure that you have a confirmation from me. I have acknowledged all orders sent.




DC135 - Game Delay and Update - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya players of DC-135...

My apologies to all of you. Once again we seem to have suffered a little bit of a delay. Please do me a favour and get your Winter 09 adjustments in to me and I will issue the turn adjudication.

My deepest thanks to everyone for their patience in this. Cheers,



DC176 - Autumn 1904 Adjudication - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Russia has ordered its fleet in Holland to retreat to Belgium, with apologies to France.

Winter builds/disbands are due by Friday June 13, 23.00 GMT.

May adjudicate earlier if all builds/disbands received have been marked as Final.

Germany: disband 1
England: build 1
Italy: build 1
Austria: build 1
France: none
Russia: none
Turkey: Civil Disorder (keeps its unit)

Deadline for Spring 1905 orders are due by June 17, 23.00 GMT

Your GM


PS s07 results! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Aetolians take a beating with 3 units dislodged, one disbanded!

RETREATS: (due tomorrow, 10am Pacific!)

A dafni
F prian rhium


A achaia - pellea (*Disbanded*)
A calydon - thermium
A dafni - elis (*Dislodged*)
F prian rhium Supports F elis - zazynthus sinus (*Dislodged*)
A thermium - arcania

A anticyra - doloria
F athenae - eleusis
A callium - epictetus
A delion - thebae
A doris - callium
F euboeius sinus - mare mediterranea
F locris - prian rhium
A phocis - locris
F sinus corinthiucus Supports F locris - prian rhium

F argulicus sinus - prastos (*Fails*)
F laconicus sinus Supports F argulicus sinus - prastos (*Cut*)
F mare mediterranea - athenae
F saronieus sinus Supports F athenae - eleusis

A corinth - pellea (*Bounce*)
F epidaurus(nc) - iria(nc)
A megara - corinth (*Fails*)
A mycenae Supports A megara - corinth (*Fails*)
A patcae - achaia

F cypurissius sinus - zazynthus sinus (*Bounce*)
A ira - lycaion
A kaphyae Supports A patcae - achaia
F koidaunas - laconicus sinus (*Fails*)
A lycaion - protilae
A maniana - orchenenus
F messeniacus sinus - cypurissius sinus (*Fails*)
A pisatis Supports A protilae - dafni
F prastos Supports F koidaunas - laconicus sinus (*Fails*)
A sparta - cyn.

F elis - zazynthus sinus (*Bounce*)

F nicopolicus sinus - mare adriaticum
A protilae - dafni


dc182 Seismic f02 retreats & seismics! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Changes erupt all over Italy as "The Boot" is renamed "The Anchor"... or
perhaps more appropriately... "L'ancre".


E: F Lon/sc is beached, may jump to Lon/ec, or disband and rebuild

BUILDS: (due Friday 10am Pacific!)
A: 4/4, even
E: 5/3, +2 (+3 if disband)
F: 6/6, even
G: 4/3, +1
I: 4/4, even
R: 6/5, +1
T: 5/4, +1

SEISMIC RETREAT and BUILDS are all due together, Friday!



G: Remove F Den
R: A Rum-Vie


A: Split Ser/ADR, Join Tri/Alb
E: Split Lon/ECH, Join Wal/Bel
F: Split Tus/Pie, Join GOL/Ven
G: Split Den/NTH, Join SKA/HEL
I: Split GOL/TYS, Join Tus/WMS
R: Split Sev/Ank, Join Arm/BLA
T: Split Rum/Gal, Join Bud/Sev


DC143 spring 1907 results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Bad news, everyone, Russia has gone into Civil Disorder with a second consecutive major season NMR.

Now to the action -- France retakes Belgium from Germany, Germany grabs Sweden from the absent Russia and destroys an Austrian army, while Austria waltzes into Sevastopol (I couldn't help it!).

Three units are dislodged:
The Austrian army in Bohemia has no valid retreats and is destroyed.
The Germany army in Belgium may retreat to Ruhr or OTB.
The Russian army in Sweden is removed due to Civil Disorder.

Because only one retreat is available, I will take the liberty of ordering the Germany A Belgium - Ruhr to keep the game moving. Kris, if you would prefer to retreat OTB, please let me know within the next 24 hours.

Fall 1907 orders will be due next Tuesday 6/17 at 23:59 GMT. Thanks!



Spring 1907 results:

F Aegean Sea Hold
A Armenia Hold
A Bohemia - Silesia (*Disbanded*)
A Budapest - Galicia (*Fails*)
A Bulgaria - Rumania
F Constantinople - Black Sea
A Naples Hold
A Rumania - Sevastopol
A Trieste - Vienna (*Fails*)
A Tyrolia - Munich (*Bounce*)
A Venice Hold
A Vienna - Bohemia (*Fails*)

A Burgundy - Belgium
A Edinburgh - Yorkshire
F Liverpool - Clyde
A Marseilles - Burgundy
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English Channel
F North Sea - Holland (*Fails*)
A Picardy Supports A Burgundy - Belgium
A Portugal - Spain
F Western Mediterranean Hold

A Belgium Supports A Holland (*Dislodged*)
F Denmark - Sweden
A Holland Supports A Belgium (*Cut*)
A Kiel - Munich (*Bounce*)
A Munich - Bohemia
F Norway Supports F Denmark - Sweden
A Silesia Supports A Munich - Bohemia

A Galicia, no move received
F St Petersburg(sc), no move received
A Sweden, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Ukraine, no move received
A Warsaw, no move received


Summer 1907 retreat:

A Belgium - Ruhr


DC183 Summer 1902 retreats - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi folks

No changes in preliminary retreats as the deadline passes...with the English fleet retreating to SKA, the Turkish army to Albania and the Russian fleet to SEV.

Also, I managed to screw up the Italian orders last time - he supported his attempted move of ROM-TYS with TUN, not NAP and moved NAP to ION and not TUN - ION. As this didn't involve a substantial change in the position on the board, or affect any of the retreat decisions, I've not delayed the game. Were the error substantive, then I'd have informed and extended the deadline - I'll do this in future, using my judgement.

Anyway, the attached GIF file and realpolitick file includes the correct Italian spring moves and the above retreats.

The deadline for Fall 1903 is Monday 16th June at 2000 GMT.

Any problems, questions etc, let me know

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email.


PS s07 retreats! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Faster than a rolling O,
stronger than a silent E,
and able to leap a capital T in a single bound...

Who is it?

The Aetolians of course, and two retreats:

A Dafni - Ilia
F Prian Rhium - Nic Sin

NEXT: Fall 07, due in 1 week! Wed 6/18, 10am Pacific!

From: Michael Sims

Aetolians take a beating with 3 units dislodged, one disbanded!

RETREATS: (due tomorrow, 10am Pacific!)

A dafni
F prian rhium


A achaia - pellea (*Disbanded*)
A calydon - thermium
A dafni - elis (*Dislodged*)
F prian rhium Supports F elis - zazynthus sinus (*Dislodged*)
A thermium - arcania

A anticyra - doloria
F athenae - eleusis
A callium - epictetus
A delion - thebae
A doris - callium
F euboeius sinus - mare mediterranea
F locris - prian rhium
A phocis - locris
F sinus corinthiucus Supports F locris - prian rhium

F argulicus sinus - prastos (*Fails*)
F laconicus sinus Supports F argulicus sinus - prastos (*Cut*)
F mare mediterranea - athenae
F saronieus sinus Supports F athenae - eleusis

A corinth - pellea (*Bounce*)
F epidaurus(nc) - iria(nc)
A megara - corinth (*Fails*)
A mycenae Supports A megara - corinth (*Fails*)
A patcae - achaia

F cypurissius sinus - zazynthus sinus (*Bounce*)
A ira - lycaion
A kaphyae Supports A patcae - achaia
F koidaunas - laconicus sinus (*Fails*)
A lycaion - protilae
A maniana - orchenenus
F messeniacus sinus - cypurissius sinus (*Fails*)
A pisatis Supports A protilae - dafni
F prastos Supports F koidaunas - laconicus sinus (*Fails*)
A sparta - cyn.

F elis - zazynthus sinus (*Bounce*)

F nicopolicus sinus - mare adriaticum
A protilae - dafni


dc157 Spring 1906 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
After delays from two countries and finally myself, the Spring results are now published.

The Spring brought with it (mostly) a whole lot of nothing. Out of 34 orders a whole 50% of them were Bounced, Cut, Disbanded, or Failed! A whole lot of nothing was on whole. I understand that Austria and Russia might disagree with one forcing the other to disband a unit, and I suppose other countries had some good moves as well.

No retreats, so Fall 1906 will be due on Monday 16th June by 8pm EST.

A Armenia - Sevastopol
F Black Sea Supports A Armenia - Sevastopol
A Bohemia Supports A Galicia
A Galicia Supports A Sevastopol - Ukraine (*Cut*)
A Rumania Supports A Sevastopol - Ukraine
A Sevastopol - Ukraine
A Silesia - Warsaw (*Bounce*)
A Tyrolia Supports A Munich

F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
F Holland - Helgoland Bight
F London - North Sea (*Fails*)
F North Sea - Denmark (*Fails*)

A Burgundy - Munich (*Fails*)
F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Kiel Supports F North Sea - Denmark (*Cut*)
F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyon (*Bounce*)
A North Africa - Tunis (*Bounce*)
A Paris - Gascony
F Spain(sc) Supports F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyon

F Berlin - Kiel (*Fails*)
F Denmark Supports F Berlin - Kiel (*Cut*)
A Munich Supports F Berlin - Kiel (*Cut*)

A Ankara Hold
F Ionian Sea - Tunis (*Bounce*)
F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Fails*)
F Rome - Tuscany
A Tuscany - Piedmont
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon (*Bounce*)
F Western Mediterranean Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon

A Moscow Hold
A Norway Hold
A Prussia - Warsaw (*Bounce*)
A Ukraine Supports A Warsaw - Galicia (*Disbanded*)
A Warsaw - Galicia (*Fails*)


Dc159 Winter 1905 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Dc159 Winter 1905

Russia disbands Fleet north sea
Turkey disbands Fleet Greece and Albania.

NDR from France so the only units that stays is Fleet Mars. France is currently declared in CD but if Jake does return, I would like him to keep ordering that one unit but i am not seeking a replacement France at this point.

Dc159 Spring 1906 is due next Wednesday at 5pm, Australian EST.

There is a Turkey-Russia draw proposed. As France is in CD - he automatically votes YES unless I hear from Jake. I will inform all players if i hear from Jake

aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Lion)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

Hotmail on your mobile. Never miss another e-mail with


Dc189 Winter 851- 24 hour warning. - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Well I have 9 sets of orders not marked preliminary. Which means I am waiting for 1 more set of orders.

as per my house rules, I would adjudicate 24 hours after receiving 10* sets of non preliminary orders which in this case, will be at the deadline in 24 hours time.

As a step from my normal procedure, in the first YEAR of the game.. i am not going to publically name the missing player however from spring 852, in the 24 hour warning.. i will list the countries whose orders i have not received.


aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Lion)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

Find out: SEEK Salary Centre Are you paid what you're worth?


DC166 Fall 1912 Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya gang,

Please note that Fall 1912 orders are due up in about 10.5 hours. Also, please do not forget to vote yay or nay for the DIAS proposal.




DC173 Fall 04 Deadline Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya folks,

Apologies for the short notice, but thought better late than never. Deadline for Fall 1904 orders is in just under 10.5 hours. I believe I have most, if not all, sets in hand.




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