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Dc 449: Winter 1904 Adjudication - AlanRFarrington   (May 06, 2013, 2:52 am)
Hey All,

We say goodbye to Italy with this coming turn.  Thanks for playing, and I'm sure we'll see you again Shawn.

Next Deadline:
Spring 1905 Adjudication is due Friday, May 10th at Midnight GMT (7:00pm EST)

Build A Trieste

Build F Brest

Build A Munich

Remove A Gascony
Remove F Gulf of Lyon
Remove F Western Mediterranean

Build F Smyrna

Ownership of Supply Centers

Austria:   Budapest, Greece, Naples, Rome, Rumania, Serbia,
           Trieste, Tunis, Venice.
England:   Edinburgh, Liverpool, London.
France:    Belgium, Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany:   Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Norway,
           Sweden, Vienna.
Russia:    Moscow, St Petersburg, Warsaw.
Turkey:    Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Sevastopol, Smyrna.

Alan Farrington


DC450 Fall 03 Results - Joral   (May 04, 2013, 10:46 pm)
And that brings fall to a close, if a little late... again. One of these days I'll get it back on track.

A lot of moves failed this turn, but no units dislodged. So we're on to Winter 03. As soon as I get these three adjustments I'll run it. Hopefully tomorrow.

Austria: Supp 5 Unit 5 Build 0
England: Supp 3 Unit 4 Remove 1
France: Supp 7 Unit 6 Build 1
Germany: Supp 4 Unit 4 Build 0
Italy: Supp 5 Unit 4 Build 1
Russia: Supp 7 Unit 7 Build 0
Turkey: Supp 3 Unit 3 Build 0


F Aegean Sea Supports A Serbia - Bulgaria
A Budapest - Serbia
A Serbia - Bulgaria
A Trieste Supports A Vienna - Tyrolia
A Vienna - Tyrolia

A Denmark - Kiel (*Bounce*)
F Edinburgh - North Sea (*Fails*)
F English Channel - London (*Fails*)
A Yorkshire - Liverpool (*Bounce*)

A Belgium Hold
F Brest - English Channel (*Fails*)
A Gascony - Spain
F Irish Sea - Liverpool (*Bounce*)
A London Hold
A Marseilles Hold

A Holland - Kiel (*Bounce*)
F Kiel - Baltic Sea
A Munich - Berlin (*Bounce*)
F North Sea Supports F Brest - English Channel (*Cut*)

A Apulia - Venice (*Fails*)
A Greece Hold
F Ionian Sea Supports A Greece
A Venice - Tyrolia (*Fails*)

A Armenia - Syria
F Black Sea Supports A Sevastopol - Armenia
A Norway Hold
A Prussia - Berlin (*Bounce*)
A Rumania Supports A Serbia - Bulgaria
A Sevastopol - Armenia
F Sweden Supports A Denmark (*Ordered to Move*)

A Ankara Supports A Smyrna
F Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc) (*Fails*)
A Smyrna Supports A Ankara


DC450 Fall 03 Results (dc450) Joral May 06, 08:00 pm
And a bit late again, but here is the results of the winter.

Spring 04 Due Saturday (at) 00:00 (Same time as usual, Hopefully my weekend won't be psycho)


Remove F Edinburgh

Build A Paris

Build F Naples
dc458 Pre-Game Start! - fhizzo   (May 03, 2013, 8:19 pm)
Hi Mike, my preferences are GEFRTIA. Best regards, Fabio.


dc451 winter 05 - catsfather   (May 03, 2013, 5:39 pm)
Adjustment orders for Winter of 1905.  (dc451)

England: Build A London.

Russia: Remove A Prussia.

Turkey: Build F Smyrna.

Turkey: Build A Ankara.

Unit locations:

Austria:   A Bohemia, A Galicia, F Ionian Sea, A Trieste, A Tyrolia, A Ukraine.

England:   F Baltic Sea, F Barents Sea, A Berlin, F Gulf of Bothnia, F 

           Helgoland Bight, A Kiel, A Livonia, A London, F North Sea, A St 


France:    F Gulf of Lyon, A Marseilles, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, A Munich, F 

           Rome, A Silesia, F Tunis, A Tuscany, F Tyrrhenian Sea.

Russia:    A Moscow, A Warsaw.

Turkey:    A Albania, A Ankara, F Apulia, F Constantinople, A Naples, F 

           Sevastopol, F Smyrna.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria:   Budapest, Rumania, Serbia, Trieste, Venice, Vienna.

England:   Berlin, Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel, Liverpool, London, 

           Norway, St Petersburg, Sweden.

France:    Belgium, Brest, Marseilles, Munich, Paris, Portugal, Rome, Spain, 


Russia:    Moscow, Warsaw.

Turkey:    Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Naples, Sevastopol, Smyrna.

Austria:    6 Supply centers,  6 Units:  Builds   0 units.

England:   10 Supply centers, 10 Units:  Builds   0 units.

France:     9 Supply centers,  9 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Germany:    0 Supply centers,  0 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Italy:      0 Supply centers,  0 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Russia:     2 Supply centers,  2 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Turkey:     7 Supply centers,  7 Units:  Builds   0 units.

The next phase of dc451 will be Movement for Spring of 1906.


dc452 appeal, winter 1905, English revised disband... - gizmo8204   (May 03, 2013, 5:04 pm)
Hey Garry,
I wanted to file an appeal about my revised
disbands not being accepted at the deadline for my second round Blitz game.

I dunno how much (if any) ground I have to stand on, or even if it will really benefit me as far game play, but in addition to this email string between myself and Michael, I'm going to forward you the adjudication we got, and my submission of revised orders.

What you'll see is that I sent them before the deadline, although it seems they were received after the adjudication. It also seems to me that the adjudication was put out before the deadline actually passed. Dunno if that make any difference, but as I see it, the conflict arises with the rules about results only coming out after the deadline & orders being accepted up until results are published. My email and the results publication seem to have passed each other in the ether, but since the results were published early, I don't know if that means I have a case. I guess I'd just like your

Thanks for looking it over!Matt
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Matt O'Donnell <gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com>
To: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>
Sent: Friday, May 3, 2013 5:45 PM
Subject: Re: dc452, winter 1905, English revised disbands

Uh, when you put like that, yeah, I guess that's what I was asking, lol.

From: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>
To: Matt O'Donnell <gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, May 3, 2013 5:11 PM
Subject: RE: dc452, winter 1905, English revised disbands

What grounds do I think you should cite to defeat my own position?  Wink

The rule is on the WB page... it reads along the lines of (from memory)... moves will be accepted up till the deadline, or after the deadline but up until a GM starts to adjudicate.  Since I started adjudicating this even before the dl
to get it out right on time, no revisions received after the dl would have been accepted.

It's not a big deal, tho I'm pretty sure he wouldn't overturn
it.  We don't overturn unless there's a clear reason to do so.  Any vagueness at all and we stand by the GM adjudication.


From: Matt O'Donnell [mailto:gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com]
Sent: Fri 5/3/2013 3:55 PM
To: Michael Sims
Subject: Re: dc452, winter 1905, English revised disbands

Well, yeah, and that's the benefit of prelims & confirmations. Anyone could say they sent in orders before the deadline/adjudication and the email just happened to be slow.

I guess it can't hurt to appeal to Garry. I think I'm playing with him in another game. That won't be a big deal right? Is this his email: garry b <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com> ?

What kind of grounds
do you think I should cite? My email actually says the I
received the results at 3:58pm. Of course, I'm sure most computers/email servers differ by a couple minutes fast or slow. Should I forward him this string of emails?

Thanks so much Michael!


From: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>
To: Matt O'Donnell <gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, May 3, 2013 4:32 PM
Subject: RE: dc452, winter 1905, English revised disbands

Oh I know, I totally believe you... but, flirting w the deadline can lead to this.  Even if you sent it at 2:40 and the mail gets delayed in transit 25 min (it happens) then it would reach me at 3:05 and be past deadline.  Even then I would accept it still unless I
already sent out the results between 3 and


From: Matt O'Donnell [mailto:gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com]
Sent: Fri 5/3/2013 3:16 PM
To: Michael Sims
Subject: Re: dc452, winter 1905, English revised disbands

For what it's worth, I sent the revision before the adjudication showed up on my end...


From: Matt O'Donnell <gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com>
To: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>; Me <matthew.odonnell1982(at)gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, May 3, 2013 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: dc452, winter 1905, English revised disbands

Ah, hmp.
I pretty much sent it at the last second there I guess. And you're the final authority, so i guess there's no appealing...


From: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>
To: Matt O'Donnell <gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com>; Me <matthew.odonnell1982(at)gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, May 3, 2013 4:02 PM
Subject: RE: dc452, winter 1905, English revised disbands

This received at 3:01 pm -- moments after results were sent!  Very Happy  If it was at 2:59 I'd have taken it no questions asked...


From: Matt O'Donnell [mailto:gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com]
Sent: Fri 5/3/2013 3:01 PM
To: Michael Sims; Michael Penner; Me
Cc: orders
Subject: Re: dc452, winter 1905, English revised disbands

Remove F Liverpool
Remove F North Atlantic Ocean



dc452 w05 builds! - gizmo8204   (May 03, 2013, 3:06 pm)
Oh, did our emails pass in the ether there? I thought we had until 3pm central time.

From: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>
To: bschoner(at)gmail.com; gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com; hapolley(at)yahoo.ca; stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com; psychosis1973(at)yahoo.com; Greg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com; russ(at)russdennis.net
Cc: Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; mvpenner(at)yahoo.com; WB <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Friday, May 3, 2013 3:56 PM
Subject: RE: dc452 w05 builds!

And map...

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Fri 5/3/2013 2:55 PM
Subject: dc452 w05 builds!

Some quick and easy builds... NEXT is Monday!
England: Remove F North Atlantic, A Ruhr
Germany: Build A Kiel
Italy: Build A Naples
Monday 3pm Central


dc452 w05 builds! - FuzzyLogic   (May 03, 2013, 2:56 pm)
And map...

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Fri 5/3/2013 2:55 PM
Subject: dc452 w05 builds!

Some quick and easy builds... NEXT is Monday!
England: Remove F North Atlantic, A Ruhr
Germany: Build A Kiel
Italy: Build A Naples
Monday 3pm Central


dc452 w05 builds! - FuzzyLogic   (May 03, 2013, 2:55 pm)
Some quick and easy builds... NEXT is Monday!
England: Remove F North Atlantic, A Ruhr
Germany: Build A Kiel
Italy: Build A Naples
Monday 3pm Central


dc452 w05 builds! (Winter Blitz) FuzzyLogic May 03, 02:56 pm
And map...

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Fri 5/3/2013 2:55 PM
Subject: dc452 w05 builds!

Some quick and easy builds... NEXT is Monday!
England: Remove F North Atlantic, A Ruhr
Germany: Build A Kiel
Italy: Build A Naples
Monday 3pm Central
dc452 w05 builds! (Winter Blitz) gizmo8204 May 03, 03:06 pm
Oh, did our emails pass in the ether there? I thought we had until 3pm central time.

From: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>
To: bschoner(at)gmail.com; gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com; hapolley(at)yahoo.ca; stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com; psychosis1973(at)yahoo.com; Greg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com; russ(at)russdennis.net
Cc: Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; mvpenner(at)yahoo.com; WB <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Friday, May 3, 2013 3:56 PM
Subject: RE: dc452 w05 builds!

And map...

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Fri 5/3/2013 2:55 PM
Subject: dc452 w05 builds!

Some quick and easy builds... NEXT is Monday!
England: Remove F North Atlantic, A Ruhr
Germany: Build A Kiel
Italy: Build A Naples
Monday 3pm Central
dc458 Pre-Game Start! - FuzzyLogic   (May 03, 2013, 2:53 pm)
We have our 7!  All in the same day, which is very refreshing...
I'll be back in touch by tomorrow w a game-start.  If you have preferences you'd like to send, feel free to do so.

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Fri 5/3/2013 8:07 AM
Cc: dc458
Subject: dc458 Pre-Game Start!

Welcome everyone, to what is about to become the four hundred and fifty-eighth game of Diplomaticcorp Diplomacy!
This will be a normal pace game.  For anyone playing in the blitz, that should warrant a deep sigh of relief... we'll run at about a week per major season.  So 5 days for a Spring/Fall and 2 days for a Summer/Winter will be pretty standard.  I've come to like that pace for keeping the game moving yet giving everyone enough time to negotiate.
There are quite a few new players in this game -- please write back and let me and the group know that you've actually played the game before, understand the rules, how email Diplomacy works, etc.  Everyone should send out a little intro really... like... "I'm 39, lie often in these games, and will most likely stab you when you least expect it."  Or... maybe a little less honest, or perhaps touch on a bit of non-Dip stuff and let ppl figure that part of you out as you go.  Like me!  Besides running games, we're renovating our basement this year and last year finished a mega tree fort project... (www.sims-family.net/treehouse)
What else... Oh yes, the rules.  You should take a look over my house rules:  www.sims-family.net/dip/houserules.htm.  At least click the link, see how long they are, then decide not to read them.  Or read the first and sixth word of each line and presume the rest.  Or just figure rules are rules and wait till one bites you in the butt to protest.  They basically cover things related to the email adaptation of Diplomacy -- like delays and deadlines.  I can't emphasize enough that I like to run the turns when I say I will -- so if you are late, chances are you will just get an NMR and all your units will hold.
And speaking of NMRs... At least for those of you who are new, I do need to know that you are here to play this game to the end, even if you get slammed right off!  Gotta figure by the probabilities alone, around half of you are going to have things go ways you'd rather they not.  Be sure you are committed to a game that could go 6 months to a year of real life time!  If you're moving to Saturn next month, please don't join the game now, then tell me in a month "sorry I gotta go I'm moving to Saturn".
So at this point, we have 9 ppl listed here for a 7 player game.  You all need to reply to me, the group, etc, let me know you're ready to go.  The first 7 to do so will get in!  The other two can join the next open game, which is already open.


dc458 Pre-Game Start! (dc458) fhizzo May 03, 08:19 pm
Hi Mike, my preferences are GEFRTIA. Best regards, Fabio.
dc458 Pre-Game Start! - fhizzo   (May 03, 2013, 2:52 pm)
Hi all. I'm Fabio, 44 years old, from Buenos Aires (Argentina). I've played the game before but not here, at diplomaticcorp. I'm looking forward to playing with all of you.
----- Mensaje original -----
De: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>
Fecha: Viernes, Mayo 3, 2013 10:07 am
Asunto: dc458 Pre-Game Start!
> Greetings!
> Welcome everyone, to what is about to become the four hundred and
> fifty-eighth game of Diplomaticcorp Diplomacy!
> This will be a normal pace game.  For anyone playing in the blitz,
> that should warrant a deep sigh of relief... we'll run at about a
> week per major season.  So 5 days for a Spring/Fall and 2 days for
> a Summer/Winter will be pretty standard.  I've come to like that
> pace for keeping the game moving yet giving everyone enough time
> to negotiate.
> There are quite a few new players in this game -- please write
> back and let me and the group know that you've actually played the
> game before, understand the rules, how email Diplomacy works, etc.
> Everyone should send out a little intro really... like... "I'm
> 39, lie often in these games, and will most likely stab you when

> you least expect it."  Or... maybe a little less honest, or
> perhaps touch on a bit of non-Dip stuff and let ppl figure that
> part of you out as you go.  Like me!  Besides running games, we're
> renovating our basement this year and last year finished a mega
> tree fort project... (www.sims-family.net/treehouse)
> What else... Oh yes, the rules.  You should take a look over my
> house rules:  www.sims-family.net/dip/houserules.htm.  At least
> click the link, see how long they are, then decide not to read
> them.  Or read the first and sixth word of each line and presume
> the rest.  Or just figure rules are rules and wait till one bites
> you in the butt to protest.  They basically cover things related
> to the email adaptation of Diplomacy -- like delays and deadlines.

> I can't emphasize enough that I like to run the turns when I say
> I will -- so if you are late, chances are you will just get an NMR
> and all your units will hold.
> And speaking of NMRs... At least for those of you who are new, I
> do need to know that you are here to play this game to the end,
> even if you get slammed right off!  Gotta figure by the
> probabilities alone, around half of you are going to have things
> go ways you'd rather they not.  Be sure you are committed to a
> game that could go 6 months to a year of real life time!  If
> you're moving to Saturn next month, please don't join the game
> now, then tell me in a month "sorry I gotta go I'm moving to Saturn".
> So at this point, we have 9 ppl listed here for a 7 player game. 
> You all need to reply to me, the group, etc, let me know you're

> ready to go.  The first 7 to do so will get in!  The other two can
> join the next open game, which is already open.
> Enjoy!
> -mike


dc458 Pre-Game Start! - dandip2011   (May 03, 2013, 2:14 pm)
Hello from Wellington, New Zealand - looking forward to a a great game, and chuffed to have the one and only fuzzylogic as our GM!  Best regards, Dan

On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 1:07 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Welcome everyone, to what is about to become the four hundred and fifty-eighth game of Diplomaticcorp Diplomacy!
This will be a normal pace game.  For anyone playing in the blitz, that should warrant a deep sigh of relief... we'll run at about a week per major season.  So 5 days for a Spring/Fall and 2 days for a Summer/Winter will be pretty standard.  I've come to like that pace for keeping the game moving yet giving everyone enough time to negotiate.
There are quite a few new players in this game -- please write back and let me and the group know that you've actually played the game before, understand the rules, how email Diplomacy works, etc.  Everyone should send out a little intro really... like... "I'm 39, lie often in these games, and will most likely stab you when you least expect it."  Or... maybe a little less honest, or perhaps touch on a bit of non-Dip stuff and let ppl figure that part of you out as you go.  Like me!  Besides running games, we're renovating our basement this year and last year finished a mega tree fort project... (www.sims-family.net/treehouse)
What else... Oh yes, the rules.  You should take a look over my house rules:  www.sims-family.net/dip/houserules.htm.  At least click the link, see how long they are, then decide not to read them.  Or read the first and sixth word of each line and presume the rest.  Or just figure rules are rules and wait till one bites you in the butt to protest.  They basically cover things related to the email adaptation of Diplomacy -- like delays and deadlines.  I can't emphasize enough that I like to run the turns when I say I will -- so if you are late, chances are you will just get an NMR and all your units will hold.
And speaking of NMRs... At least for those of you who are new, I do need to know that you are here to play this game to the end, even if you get slammed right off!  Gotta figure by the probabilities alone, around half of you are going to have things go ways you'd rather they not.  Be sure you are committed to a game that could go 6 months to a year of real life time!  If you're moving to Saturn next month, please don't join the game now, then tell me in a month "sorry I gotta go I'm moving to Saturn".
So at this point, we have 9 ppl listed here for a 7 player game.  You all need to reply to me, the group, etc, let me know you're ready to go.  The first 7 to do so will get in!  The other two can join the next open game, which is already open.


dc458 Pre-Game Start! - WalkingDude   (May 03, 2013, 1:32 pm)
Hi all. I'm in. I'm getting back info email Dip after taking a few years off. Looking forward to playing with all of you.
Sent from my iPhone
On May 3, 2013, at 11:05, joral(at)darkenedpath.com wrote:
After getting soundly trashed in two consecutive Haven games, I think it's time to drop back to the original for some remedial training.

I'm Justin, a 34 yo software engineer who is also running a game on DC at the moment. (DC450). I'm still pretty new to this, but do have a couple games under my belt now. No wins though.

I'm in

-----Original Message-----
From: "Michael Sims"
Sent: Friday, May 3, 2013 9:07am
To: tom.s.holmes(at)gmail.com, cartesian.i(at)gmail.com, wt.joseph(at)gmail.com, dandip2011(at)gmail.com, fhizzo(at)fibertel.com.ar, dmenear(at)frontier.com, joral(at)darkenedpath.com, Maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk, pokerthief(at)gmail.com
Cc: "dc458"
Subject: dc458 Pre-Game Start!

Welcome everyone, to what is about to become the four hundred and fifty-eighth game of Diplomaticcorp Diplomacy!

This will be a normal pace game. For anyone playing in the blitz, that should warrant a deep sigh of relief... we'll run at about a week per major season. So 5 days for a Spring/Fall and 2 days for a Summer/Winter will be pretty standard. I've come to like that pace for keeping the game moving yet giving everyone enough time to negotiate.

There are quite a few new players in this game -- please write back and let me and the group know that you've actually played the game before, understand the rules, how email Diplomacy works, etc. Everyone should send out a little intro really... like... "I'm 39, lie often in these games, and will most likely stab you when you least expect it." Or... maybe a little less honest, or perhaps touch on a bit of non-Dip stuff and let ppl figure that part of you out as you go. Like me! Besides running games, we're renovating our basement this year and last year finished a mega tree fort project... (www.sims-family.net/treehouse)

What else... Oh yes, the rules. You should take a look over my house rules: www.sims-family.net/dip/houserules.htm. At least click the link, see how long they are, then decide not to read them. Or read the first and sixth word of each line and presume the rest. Or just figure rules are rules and wait till one bites you in the butt to protest. They basically cover things related to the email adaptation of Diplomacy -- like delays and deadlines. I can't emphasize enough that I like to run the turns when I say I will -- so if you are late, chances are you will just get an NMR and all your units will hold.

And speaking of NMRs... At least for those of you who are new, I do need to know that you are here to play this game to the end, even if you get slammed right off! Gotta figure by the probabilities alone, around half of you are going to have things go ways you'd rather they not. Be sure you are committed to a game that could go 6 months to a year of real life time! If you're moving to Saturn next month, please don't join the game now, then tell me in a month "sorry I gotta go I'm moving to Saturn".

So at this point, we have 9 ppl listed here for a 7 player game. You all need to reply to me, the group, etc, let me know you're ready to go. The first 7 to do so will get in! The other two can join the next open game, which is already open.


DC 454 W05 Adjudication - untitled36   (May 03, 2013, 11:10 am)
F Black Sea - Rumania
disband A Munich
A Serbia - Greece
Build F edi

IDCountryNameEmailLocationbunwarpgazooItalyJohn Robillardjohn.robillard(at)telia.comHärnösand, SEConradWEnglandCharles Welshwelsh_stroud(at)msn.comEllicott City, MD, USddz999cat23TurkeyDaniel Dzikowiczddz999cat23(at)yahoo.comhurupGermanyPoul Huruphurup(at)pc.dkinitdoby5RussiaDan Sinenskydan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.comUSMikeFarringtonFranceMike Farringtonmichael_farrington(at)msn.comBrewer, ME, USsirdanilotAustriaDanilo Bliekdanilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.comTerneuzen, ZL, NL


dc458 Pre-Game Start! - Joral   (May 03, 2013, 11:05 am)
After getting soundly trashed in two consecutive Haven games, I think it's time to drop back to the original for some remedial training.

I'm Justin, a 34 yo software engineer who is also running a game on DC at the moment. (DC450). I'm still pretty new to this, but do have a couple games under my belt now. No wins though.

I'm in

-----Original Message-----
From: "Michael Sims"
Sent: Friday, May 3, 2013 9:07am
To: tom.s.holmes(at)gmail.com, cartesian.i(at)gmail.com, wt.joseph(at)gmail.com, dandip2011(at)gmail.com, fhizzo(at)fibertel.com.ar, dmenear(at)frontier.com, joral(at)darkenedpath.com, Maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk, pokerthief(at)gmail.com
Cc: "dc458"
Subject: dc458 Pre-Game Start!

Welcome everyone, to what is about to become the four hundred and fifty-eighth game of Diplomaticcorp Diplomacy!

This will be a normal pace game. For anyone playing in the blitz, that should warrant a deep sigh of relief... we'll run at about a week per major season. So 5 days for a Spring/Fall and 2 days for a Summer/Winter will be pretty standard. I've come to like that pace for keeping the game moving yet giving everyone enough time to negotiate.

There are quite a few new players in this game -- please write back and let me and the group know that you've actually played the game before, understand the rules, how email Diplomacy works, etc. Everyone should send out a little intro really... like... "I'm 39, lie often in these games, and will most likely stab you when you least expect it." Or... maybe a little less honest, or perhaps touch on a bit of non-Dip stuff and let ppl figure that part of you out as you go. Like me! Besides running games, we're renovating our basement this year and last year finished a mega tree fort project... (www.sims-family.net/treehouse)

What else... Oh yes, the rules. You should take a look over my house rules: www.sims-family.net/dip/houserules.htm. At least click the link, see how long they are, then decide not to read them. Or read the first and sixth word of each line and presume the rest. Or just figure rules are rules and wait till one bites you in the butt to protest. They basically cover things related to the email adaptation of Diplomacy -- like delays and deadlines. I can't emphasize enough that I like to run the turns when I say I will -- so if you are late, chances are you will just get an NMR and all your units will hold.

And speaking of NMRs... At least for those of you who are new, I do need to know that you are here to play this game to the end, even if you get slammed right off! Gotta figure by the probabilities alone, around half of you are going to have things go ways you'd rather they not. Be sure you are committed to a game that could go 6 months to a year of real life time! If you're moving to Saturn next month, please don't join the game now, then tell me in a month "sorry I gotta go I'm moving to Saturn".

So at this point, we have 9 ppl listed here for a 7 player game. You all need to reply to me, the group, etc, let me know you're ready to go. The first 7 to do so will get in! The other two can join the next open game, which is already open.


dc458 Pre-Game Start! - pieandmash   (May 03, 2013, 10:06 am)
Hello All from London, Looking forward to a fun and interesting game

From: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>
To: tom.s.holmes(at)gmail.com; cartesian.i(at)gmail.com; wt.joseph(at)gmail.com; dandip2011(at)gmail.com; fhizzo(at)fibertel.com.ar; dmenear(at)frontier.com; joral(at)darkenedpath.com; Maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk; pokerthief(at)gmail.com
Cc: dc458 <dc458(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Friday, 3 May 2013, 14:07
Subject: dc458 Pre-Game

Welcome everyone, to what is about to become the four hundred and fifty-eighth game of Diplomaticcorp Diplomacy!
This will be a normal pace game.  For anyone playing in the blitz, that should warrant a deep sigh of relief... we'll run at about a week per major season.  So 5 days for a Spring/Fall and 2 days for a Summer/Winter will be pretty standard.  I've come to like that pace for keeping the game moving yet giving everyone enough time to negotiate.
There are quite a few new players in this game -- please write back and let me and the group know that you've actually played the game before, understand the rules, how email Diplomacy works, etc.  Everyone should send out a little intro really... like... "I'm 39, lie often in these games, and will most likely stab you when you least expect it."  Or... maybe a little less honest, or perhaps touch on a bit of non-Dip stuff and let ppl figure that part of you out as you go.  Like me!  Besides running games, we're renovating our basement this year and last year finished a mega tree fort project... (www.sims-family.net/treehouse)
What else... Oh yes, the rules.  You should take a look over my house rules:  www.sims-family.net/dip/houserules.htm.  At least click the link, see how long they are, then decide not to read them.  Or read the first and sixth word of each line and presume the rest.  Or just figure rules are rules and wait till one bites you in the butt to protest.  They basically cover things related to the email adaptation of Diplomacy -- like delays and deadlines.  I can't emphasize enough that I like to run the turns when I say I will -- so if you are late, chances are you will just get an NMR and all your units will hold.
And speaking of NMRs... At least for those of you who are new, I do need to know that you are here to play this game to the end, even if you get slammed right off!  Gotta figure by the probabilities alone, around half of you are going to have things go ways you'd rather they not.  Be sure you are committed to a game that could go 6 months to a year of real life time!  If you're moving to Saturn next month, please don't join the game now, then tell me in a month "sorry I gotta go I'm moving to Saturn".
So at this point, we have 9 ppl listed here for a 7 player game.  You all need to reply to me, the group, etc, let me know you're ready to go.  The first 7 to do so will get in!  The other two can join the next open game, which is already open.


dc458 Pre-Game Start! - AFreakyName   (May 03, 2013, 8:51 am)
I'm good to go, when everyone else is, Mike.
About me, for everyone else, my name is Thomas I am 25, make a living selling stuff to people and spend a lot of time replying via my phone. That being said, sometimes my spell check sneaks weird words past me that proof reading doesn't catch. I am playing two other games on DC, DC442 and DC455 which I am substituting for since someone couldn't play and missed a turn.  
- Thomas  Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone. From: Michael SimsSent: Friday, May 3, 2013 9:09 AMTo: tom.s.holmes(at)gmail.com; cartesian.i(at)gmail.com; wt.joseph(at)gmail.com; dandip2011(at)gmail.com; fhizzo(at)fibertel.com.ar; dmenear(at)frontier.com; joral(at)darkenedpath.com; Maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk; pokerthief(at)gmail.comCc: dc458Subject: dc458 Pre-Game Start!

Welcome everyone, to what is about to become the four hundred and fifty-eighth game of Diplomaticcorp Diplomacy!
This will be a normal pace game.  For anyone playing in the blitz, that should warrant a deep sigh of relief... we'll run at about a week per major season.  So 5 days for a Spring/Fall and 2 days for a Summer/Winter will be pretty standard.  I've come to like that pace for keeping the game moving yet giving everyone enough time to negotiate.
There are quite a few new players in this game -- please write back and let me and the group know that you've actually played the game before, understand the rules, how email Diplomacy works, etc.  Everyone should send out a little intro really... like... "I'm 39, lie often in these games, and will most likely stab you when you least expect it."  Or... maybe a little less honest, or perhaps touch on a bit of non-Dip stuff and let ppl figure that part of you out as you go.  Like me!  Besides running games, we're renovating our basement this year and last year finished a mega tree fort project... (www.sims-family.net/treehouse)
What else... Oh yes, the rules.  You should take a look over my house rules:  www.sims-family.net/dip/houserules.htm.  At least click the link, see how long they are, then decide not to read them.  Or read the first and sixth word of each line and presume the rest.  Or just figure rules are rules and wait till one bites you in the butt to protest.  They basically cover things related to the email adaptation of Diplomacy -- like delays and deadlines.  I can't emphasize enough that I like to run the turns when I say I will -- so if you are late, chances are you will just get an NMR and all your units will hold.
And speaking of NMRs... At least for those of you who are new, I do need to know that you are here to play this game to the end, even if you get slammed right off!  Gotta figure by the probabilities alone, around half of you are going to have things go ways you'd rather they not.  Be sure you are committed to a game that could go 6 months to a year of real life time!  If you're moving to Saturn next month, please don't join the game now, then tell me in a month "sorry I gotta go I'm moving to Saturn".
So at this point, we have 9 ppl listed here for a 7 player game.  You all need to reply to me, the group, etc, let me know you're ready to go.  The first 7 to do so will get in!  The other two can join the next open game, which is already open.


dc458 Pre-Game Start! - FuzzyLogic   (May 03, 2013, 8:07 am)
Welcome everyone, to what is about to become the four hundred and fifty-eighth game of Diplomaticcorp Diplomacy!
This will be a normal pace game.  For anyone playing in the blitz, that should warrant a deep sigh of relief... we'll run at about a week per major season.  So 5 days for a Spring/Fall and 2 days for a Summer/Winter will be pretty standard.  I've come to like that pace for keeping the game moving yet giving everyone enough time to negotiate.
There are quite a few new players in this game -- please write back and let me and the group know that you've actually played the game before, understand the rules, how email Diplomacy works, etc.  Everyone should send out a little intro really... like... "I'm 39, lie often in these games, and will most likely stab you when you least expect it."  Or... maybe a little less honest, or perhaps touch on a bit of non-Dip stuff and let ppl figure that part of you out as you go.  Like me!  Besides running games, we're renovating our basement this year and last year finished a mega tree fort project... (www.sims-family.net/treehouse)
What else... Oh yes, the rules.  You should take a look over my house rules:  www.sims-family.net/dip/houserules.htm.  At least click the link, see how long they are, then decide not to read them.  Or read the first and sixth word of each line and presume the rest.  Or just figure rules are rules and wait till one bites you in the butt to protest.  They basically cover things related to the email adaptation of Diplomacy -- like delays and deadlines.  I can't emphasize enough that I like to run the turns when I say I will -- so if you are late, chances are you will just get an NMR and all your units will hold.
And speaking of NMRs... At least for those of you who are new, I do need to know that you are here to play this game to the end, even if you get slammed right off!  Gotta figure by the probabilities alone, around half of you are going to have things go ways you'd rather they not.  Be sure you are committed to a game that could go 6 months to a year of real life time!  If you're moving to Saturn next month, please don't join the game now, then tell me in a month "sorry I gotta go I'm moving to Saturn".
So at this point, we have 9 ppl listed here for a 7 player game.  You all need to reply to me, the group, etc, let me know you're ready to go.  The first 7 to do so will get in!  The other two can join the next open game, which is already open.


dc458 Pre-Game Start! (dc458) AFreakyName May 03, 08:51 am
I'm good to go, when everyone else is, Mike.
About me, for everyone else, my name is Thomas I am 25, make a living selling stuff to people and spend a lot of time replying via my phone. That being said, sometimes my spell check sneaks weird words past me that proof reading doesn't catch. I am playing two other games on DC, DC442 and DC455 which I am substituting for since someone couldn't play and missed a turn.  
- Thomas  Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone. From: Michael SimsSent: Friday, May 3, 2013 9:09 AMTo: tom.s.holmes(at)gmail.com; cartesian.i(at)gmail.com; wt.joseph(at)gmail.com; dandip2011(at)gmail.com; fhizzo(at)fibertel.com.ar; dmenear(at)frontier.com; joral(at)darkenedpath.com; Maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk; pokerthief(at)gmail.comCc: dc458Subject: dc458 Pre-Game Start!

Welcome everyone, to what is about to become the four hundred and fifty-eighth game of Diplomaticcorp Diplomacy!
This will be a normal pace game.  For anyone playing in the blitz, that should warrant a deep sigh of relief... we'll run at about a week per major season.  So 5 days for a Spring/Fall and 2 days for a Summer/Winter will be pretty standard.  I've come to like that pace for keeping the game moving yet giving everyone enough time to negotiate.
There are quite a few new players in this game -- please write back and let me and the group know that you've actually played the game before, understand the rules, how email Diplomacy works, etc.  Everyone should send out a little intro really... like... "I'm 39, lie often in these games, and will most likely stab you when you least expect it."  Or... maybe a little less honest, or perhaps touch on a bit of non-Dip stuff and let ppl figure that part of you out as you go.  Like me!  Besides running games, we're renovating our basement this year and last year finished a mega tree fort project... (www.sims-family.net/treehouse)
What else... Oh yes, the rules.  You should take a look over my house rules:  www.sims-family.net/dip/houserules.htm.  At least click the link, see how long they are, then decide not to read them.  Or read the first and sixth word of each line and presume the rest.  Or just figure rules are rules and wait till one bites you in the butt to protest.  They basically cover things related to the email adaptation of Diplomacy -- like delays and deadlines.  I can't emphasize enough that I like to run the turns when I say I will -- so if you are late, chances are you will just get an NMR and all your units will hold.
And speaking of NMRs... At least for those of you who are new, I do need to know that you are here to play this game to the end, even if you get slammed right off!  Gotta figure by the probabilities alone, around half of you are going to have things go ways you'd rather they not.  Be sure you are committed to a game that could go 6 months to a year of real life time!  If you're moving to Saturn next month, please don't join the game now, then tell me in a month "sorry I gotta go I'm moving to Saturn".
So at this point, we have 9 ppl listed here for a 7 player game.  You all need to reply to me, the group, etc, let me know you're ready to go.  The first 7 to do so will get in!  The other two can join the next open game, which is already open.
dc458 Pre-Game Start! (dc458) pieandmash May 03, 10:06 am
Hello All from London, Looking forward to a fun and interesting game

From: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>
To: tom.s.holmes(at)gmail.com; cartesian.i(at)gmail.com; wt.joseph(at)gmail.com; dandip2011(at)gmail.com; fhizzo(at)fibertel.com.ar; dmenear(at)frontier.com; joral(at)darkenedpath.com; Maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk; pokerthief(at)gmail.com
Cc: dc458 <dc458(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Friday, 3 May 2013, 14:07
Subject: dc458 Pre-Game

Welcome everyone, to what is about to become the four hundred and fifty-eighth game of Diplomaticcorp Diplomacy!
This will be a normal pace game.  For anyone playing in the blitz, that should warrant a deep sigh of relief... we'll run at about a week per major season.  So 5 days for a Spring/Fall and 2 days for a Summer/Winter will be pretty standard.  I've come to like that pace for keeping the game moving yet giving everyone enough time to negotiate.
There are quite a few new players in this game -- please write back and let me and the group know that you've actually played the game before, understand the rules, how email Diplomacy works, etc.  Everyone should send out a little intro really... like... "I'm 39, lie often in these games, and will most likely stab you when you least expect it."  Or... maybe a little less honest, or perhaps touch on a bit of non-Dip stuff and let ppl figure that part of you out as you go.  Like me!  Besides running games, we're renovating our basement this year and last year finished a mega tree fort project... (www.sims-family.net/treehouse)
What else... Oh yes, the rules.  You should take a look over my house rules:  www.sims-family.net/dip/houserules.htm.  At least click the link, see how long they are, then decide not to read them.  Or read the first and sixth word of each line and presume the rest.  Or just figure rules are rules and wait till one bites you in the butt to protest.  They basically cover things related to the email adaptation of Diplomacy -- like delays and deadlines.  I can't emphasize enough that I like to run the turns when I say I will -- so if you are late, chances are you will just get an NMR and all your units will hold.
And speaking of NMRs... At least for those of you who are new, I do need to know that you are here to play this game to the end, even if you get slammed right off!  Gotta figure by the probabilities alone, around half of you are going to have things go ways you'd rather they not.  Be sure you are committed to a game that could go 6 months to a year of real life time!  If you're moving to Saturn next month, please don't join the game now, then tell me in a month "sorry I gotta go I'm moving to Saturn".
So at this point, we have 9 ppl listed here for a 7 player game.  You all need to reply to me, the group, etc, let me know you're ready to go.  The first 7 to do so will get in!  The other two can join the next open game, which is already open.
dc458 Pre-Game Start! (dc458) Joral May 03, 11:05 am
After getting soundly trashed in two consecutive Haven games, I think it's time to drop back to the original for some remedial training.

I'm Justin, a 34 yo software engineer who is also running a game on DC at the moment. (DC450). I'm still pretty new to this, but do have a couple games under my belt now. No wins though.

I'm in

-----Original Message-----
From: "Michael Sims"
Sent: Friday, May 3, 2013 9:07am
To: tom.s.holmes(at)gmail.com, cartesian.i(at)gmail.com, wt.joseph(at)gmail.com, dandip2011(at)gmail.com, fhizzo(at)fibertel.com.ar, dmenear(at)frontier.com, joral(at)darkenedpath.com, Maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk, pokerthief(at)gmail.com
Cc: "dc458"
Subject: dc458 Pre-Game Start!

Welcome everyone, to what is about to become the four hundred and fifty-eighth game of Diplomaticcorp Diplomacy!

This will be a normal pace game. For anyone playing in the blitz, that should warrant a deep sigh of relief... we'll run at about a week per major season. So 5 days for a Spring/Fall and 2 days for a Summer/Winter will be pretty standard. I've come to like that pace for keeping the game moving yet giving everyone enough time to negotiate.

There are quite a few new players in this game -- please write back and let me and the group know that you've actually played the game before, understand the rules, how email Diplomacy works, etc. Everyone should send out a little intro really... like... "I'm 39, lie often in these games, and will most likely stab you when you least expect it." Or... maybe a little less honest, or perhaps touch on a bit of non-Dip stuff and let ppl figure that part of you out as you go. Like me! Besides running games, we're renovating our basement this year and last year finished a mega tree fort project... (www.sims-family.net/treehouse)

What else... Oh yes, the rules. You should take a look over my house rules: www.sims-family.net/dip/houserules.htm. At least click the link, see how long they are, then decide not to read them. Or read the first and sixth word of each line and presume the rest. Or just figure rules are rules and wait till one bites you in the butt to protest. They basically cover things related to the email adaptation of Diplomacy -- like delays and deadlines. I can't emphasize enough that I like to run the turns when I say I will -- so if you are late, chances are you will just get an NMR and all your units will hold.

And speaking of NMRs... At least for those of you who are new, I do need to know that you are here to play this game to the end, even if you get slammed right off! Gotta figure by the probabilities alone, around half of you are going to have things go ways you'd rather they not. Be sure you are committed to a game that could go 6 months to a year of real life time! If you're moving to Saturn next month, please don't join the game now, then tell me in a month "sorry I gotta go I'm moving to Saturn".

So at this point, we have 9 ppl listed here for a 7 player game. You all need to reply to me, the group, etc, let me know you're ready to go. The first 7 to do so will get in! The other two can join the next open game, which is already open.
dc458 Pre-Game Start! (dc458) WalkingDude May 03, 01:32 pm
Hi all. I'm in. I'm getting back info email Dip after taking a few years off. Looking forward to playing with all of you.
Sent from my iPhone
On May 3, 2013, at 11:05, joral(at)darkenedpath.com wrote:
After getting soundly trashed in two consecutive Haven games, I think it's time to drop back to the original for some remedial training.

I'm Justin, a 34 yo software engineer who is also running a game on DC at the moment. (DC450). I'm still pretty new to this, but do have a couple games under my belt now. No wins though.

I'm in

-----Original Message-----
From: "Michael Sims"
Sent: Friday, May 3, 2013 9:07am
To: tom.s.holmes(at)gmail.com, cartesian.i(at)gmail.com, wt.joseph(at)gmail.com, dandip2011(at)gmail.com, fhizzo(at)fibertel.com.ar, dmenear(at)frontier.com, joral(at)darkenedpath.com, Maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk, pokerthief(at)gmail.com
Cc: "dc458"
Subject: dc458 Pre-Game Start!

Welcome everyone, to what is about to become the four hundred and fifty-eighth game of Diplomaticcorp Diplomacy!

This will be a normal pace game. For anyone playing in the blitz, that should warrant a deep sigh of relief... we'll run at about a week per major season. So 5 days for a Spring/Fall and 2 days for a Summer/Winter will be pretty standard. I've come to like that pace for keeping the game moving yet giving everyone enough time to negotiate.

There are quite a few new players in this game -- please write back and let me and the group know that you've actually played the game before, understand the rules, how email Diplomacy works, etc. Everyone should send out a little intro really... like... "I'm 39, lie often in these games, and will most likely stab you when you least expect it." Or... maybe a little less honest, or perhaps touch on a bit of non-Dip stuff and let ppl figure that part of you out as you go. Like me! Besides running games, we're renovating our basement this year and last year finished a mega tree fort project... (www.sims-family.net/treehouse)

What else... Oh yes, the rules. You should take a look over my house rules: www.sims-family.net/dip/houserules.htm. At least click the link, see how long they are, then decide not to read them. Or read the first and sixth word of each line and presume the rest. Or just figure rules are rules and wait till one bites you in the butt to protest. They basically cover things related to the email adaptation of Diplomacy -- like delays and deadlines. I can't emphasize enough that I like to run the turns when I say I will -- so if you are late, chances are you will just get an NMR and all your units will hold.

And speaking of NMRs... At least for those of you who are new, I do need to know that you are here to play this game to the end, even if you get slammed right off! Gotta figure by the probabilities alone, around half of you are going to have things go ways you'd rather they not. Be sure you are committed to a game that could go 6 months to a year of real life time! If you're moving to Saturn next month, please don't join the game now, then tell me in a month "sorry I gotta go I'm moving to Saturn".

So at this point, we have 9 ppl listed here for a 7 player game. You all need to reply to me, the group, etc, let me know you're ready to go. The first 7 to do so will get in! The other two can join the next open game, which is already open.
dc458 Pre-Game Start! (dc458) dandip2011 May 03, 02:14 pm
Hello from Wellington, New Zealand - looking forward to a a great game, and chuffed to have the one and only fuzzylogic as our GM!  Best regards, Dan

On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 1:07 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Welcome everyone, to what is about to become the four hundred and fifty-eighth game of Diplomaticcorp Diplomacy!
This will be a normal pace game.  For anyone playing in the blitz, that should warrant a deep sigh of relief... we'll run at about a week per major season.  So 5 days for a Spring/Fall and 2 days for a Summer/Winter will be pretty standard.  I've come to like that pace for keeping the game moving yet giving everyone enough time to negotiate.
There are quite a few new players in this game -- please write back and let me and the group know that you've actually played the game before, understand the rules, how email Diplomacy works, etc.  Everyone should send out a little intro really... like... "I'm 39, lie often in these games, and will most likely stab you when you least expect it."  Or... maybe a little less honest, or perhaps touch on a bit of non-Dip stuff and let ppl figure that part of you out as you go.  Like me!  Besides running games, we're renovating our basement this year and last year finished a mega tree fort project... (www.sims-family.net/treehouse)
What else... Oh yes, the rules.  You should take a look over my house rules:  www.sims-family.net/dip/houserules.htm.  At least click the link, see how long they are, then decide not to read them.  Or read the first and sixth word of each line and presume the rest.  Or just figure rules are rules and wait till one bites you in the butt to protest.  They basically cover things related to the email adaptation of Diplomacy -- like delays and deadlines.  I can't emphasize enough that I like to run the turns when I say I will -- so if you are late, chances are you will just get an NMR and all your units will hold.
And speaking of NMRs... At least for those of you who are new, I do need to know that you are here to play this game to the end, even if you get slammed right off!  Gotta figure by the probabilities alone, around half of you are going to have things go ways you'd rather they not.  Be sure you are committed to a game that could go 6 months to a year of real life time!  If you're moving to Saturn next month, please don't join the game now, then tell me in a month "sorry I gotta go I'm moving to Saturn".
So at this point, we have 9 ppl listed here for a 7 player game.  You all need to reply to me, the group, etc, let me know you're ready to go.  The first 7 to do so will get in!  The other two can join the next open game, which is already open.
dc458 Pre-Game Start! (dc458) fhizzo May 03, 02:52 pm
Hi all. I'm Fabio, 44 years old, from Buenos Aires (Argentina). I've played the game before but not here, at diplomaticcorp. I'm looking forward to playing with all of you.
----- Mensaje original -----
De: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>
Fecha: Viernes, Mayo 3, 2013 10:07 am
Asunto: dc458 Pre-Game Start!
> Greetings!
> Welcome everyone, to what is about to become the four hundred and
> fifty-eighth game of Diplomaticcorp Diplomacy!
> This will be a normal pace game.  For anyone playing in the blitz,
> that should warrant a deep sigh of relief... we'll run at about a
> week per major season.  So 5 days for a Spring/Fall and 2 days for
> a Summer/Winter will be pretty standard.  I've come to like that
> pace for keeping the game moving yet giving everyone enough time
> to negotiate.
> There are quite a few new players in this game -- please write
> back and let me and the group know that you've actually played the
> game before, understand the rules, how email Diplomacy works, etc.
> Everyone should send out a little intro really... like... "I'm
> 39, lie often in these games, and will most likely stab you when

> you least expect it."  Or... maybe a little less honest, or
> perhaps touch on a bit of non-Dip stuff and let ppl figure that
> part of you out as you go.  Like me!  Besides running games, we're
> renovating our basement this year and last year finished a mega
> tree fort project... (www.sims-family.net/treehouse)
> What else... Oh yes, the rules.  You should take a look over my
> house rules:  www.sims-family.net/dip/houserules.htm.  At least
> click the link, see how long they are, then decide not to read
> them.  Or read the first and sixth word of each line and presume
> the rest.  Or just figure rules are rules and wait till one bites
> you in the butt to protest.  They basically cover things related
> to the email adaptation of Diplomacy -- like delays and deadlines.

> I can't emphasize enough that I like to run the turns when I say
> I will -- so if you are late, chances are you will just get an NMR
> and all your units will hold.
> And speaking of NMRs... At least for those of you who are new, I
> do need to know that you are here to play this game to the end,
> even if you get slammed right off!  Gotta figure by the
> probabilities alone, around half of you are going to have things
> go ways you'd rather they not.  Be sure you are committed to a
> game that could go 6 months to a year of real life time!  If
> you're moving to Saturn next month, please don't join the game
> now, then tell me in a month "sorry I gotta go I'm moving to Saturn".
> So at this point, we have 9 ppl listed here for a 7 player game. 
> You all need to reply to me, the group, etc, let me know you're

> ready to go.  The first 7 to do so will get in!  The other two can
> join the next open game, which is already open.
> Enjoy!
> -mike
dc458 Pre-Game Start! (dc458) FuzzyLogic May 03, 02:53 pm
We have our 7!  All in the same day, which is very refreshing...
I'll be back in touch by tomorrow w a game-start.  If you have preferences you'd like to send, feel free to do so.

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Fri 5/3/2013 8:07 AM
Cc: dc458
Subject: dc458 Pre-Game Start!

Welcome everyone, to what is about to become the four hundred and fifty-eighth game of Diplomaticcorp Diplomacy!
This will be a normal pace game.  For anyone playing in the blitz, that should warrant a deep sigh of relief... we'll run at about a week per major season.  So 5 days for a Spring/Fall and 2 days for a Summer/Winter will be pretty standard.  I've come to like that pace for keeping the game moving yet giving everyone enough time to negotiate.
There are quite a few new players in this game -- please write back and let me and the group know that you've actually played the game before, understand the rules, how email Diplomacy works, etc.  Everyone should send out a little intro really... like... "I'm 39, lie often in these games, and will most likely stab you when you least expect it."  Or... maybe a little less honest, or perhaps touch on a bit of non-Dip stuff and let ppl figure that part of you out as you go.  Like me!  Besides running games, we're renovating our basement this year and last year finished a mega tree fort project... (www.sims-family.net/treehouse)
What else... Oh yes, the rules.  You should take a look over my house rules:  www.sims-family.net/dip/houserules.htm.  At least click the link, see how long they are, then decide not to read them.  Or read the first and sixth word of each line and presume the rest.  Or just figure rules are rules and wait till one bites you in the butt to protest.  They basically cover things related to the email adaptation of Diplomacy -- like delays and deadlines.  I can't emphasize enough that I like to run the turns when I say I will -- so if you are late, chances are you will just get an NMR and all your units will hold.
And speaking of NMRs... At least for those of you who are new, I do need to know that you are here to play this game to the end, even if you get slammed right off!  Gotta figure by the probabilities alone, around half of you are going to have things go ways you'd rather they not.  Be sure you are committed to a game that could go 6 months to a year of real life time!  If you're moving to Saturn next month, please don't join the game now, then tell me in a month "sorry I gotta go I'm moving to Saturn".
So at this point, we have 9 ppl listed here for a 7 player game.  You all need to reply to me, the group, etc, let me know you're ready to go.  The first 7 to do so will get in!  The other two can join the next open game, which is already open.
dc458 Pre-Game Start! (dc458) fhizzo May 03, 08:19 pm
Hi Mike, my preferences are GEFRTIA. Best regards, Fabio.
dc458 Pre-Game Start! (dc458) Cartesian May 07, 03:44 am
Hello, I'm John Langley from England, recently retired from working in health informatics. looking forward to this game with you!

On Friday, May 3, 2013, Michael Sims wrote:

We have our 7!  All in the same day, which is very refreshing...
I'll be back in touch by tomorrow w a game-start.  If you have preferences you'd like to send, feel free to do so.

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Fri 5/3/2013 8:07 AM
Cc: dc458
Subject: dc458 Pre-Game Start!

Welcome everyone, to what is about to become the four hundred and fifty-eighth game of Diplomaticcorp Diplomacy!
This will be a normal pace game.  For anyone playing in the blitz, that should warrant a deep sigh of relief... we'll run at about a week per major season.  So 5 days for a Spring/Fall and 2 days for a Summer/Winter will be pretty standard.  I've come to like that pace for keeping the game moving yet giving everyone enough time to negotiate.
There are quite a few new players in this game -- please write back and let me and the group know that you've actually played the game before, understand the rules, how email Diplomacy works, etc.  Everyone should send out a little intro really... like... "I'm 39, lie often in these games, and will most likely stab you when you least expect it."  Or... maybe a little less honest, or perhaps touch on a bit of non-Dip stuff and let ppl figure that part of you out as you go.  Like me!  Besides running games, we're renovating our basement this year and last year finished a mega tree fort project... (www.sims-family.net/treehouse)
What else... Oh yes, the rules.  You should take a look over my house rules:  www.sims-family.net/dip/houserules.htm.  At least click the link, see how long they are, then decide not to read them.  Or read the first and sixth word of each line and presume the rest.  Or just figure rules are rules and wait till one bites you in the butt to protest.  They basically cover things related to the email adaptation of Diplomacy -- like delays and deadlines.  I can't emphasize enough that I like to run the turns when I say I will -- so if you are late, chances are you will just get an NMR and all your units will hold.
And speaking of NMRs... At least for those of you who are new, I do need to know that you are here to play this game to the end, even if you get slammed right off!  Gotta figure by the probabilities alone, around half of you are going to have things go ways you'd rather they not.  Be sure you are committed to a game that could go 6 months to a year of real life time!  If you're moving to Saturn next month, please don't join the game now, then tell me in a month "sorry I gotta go I'm moving to Saturn".
So at this point, we have 9 ppl listed here for a 7 player game.  You all need to reply to me, the group, etc, let me know you're ready to go.  The first 7 to do so will get in!  The other two can join the next open game, which is already open.
dc458 Pre-Game Start! (dc458) Cartesian May 07, 03:50 am
I should have said that I have played before, about 4 or 5 games on the DC site..

On Tuesday, May 7, 2013, John Langley wrote:

Hello, I'm John Langley from England, recently retired from working in health informatics. looking forward to this game with you!

On Friday, May 3, 2013, Michael Sims wrote:

We have our 7!  All in the same day, which is very refreshing...
I'll be back in touch by tomorrow w a game-start.  If you have preferences you'd like to send, feel free to do so.

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Fri 5/3/2013 8:07 AM
Cc: dc458
Subject: dc458 Pre-Game Start!

Welcome everyone, to what is about to become the four hundred and fifty-eighth game of Diplomaticcorp Diplomacy!
This will be a normal pace game.  For anyone playing in the blitz, that should warrant a deep sigh of relief... we'll run at about a week per major season.  So 5 days for a Spring/Fall and 2 days for a Summer/Winter will be pretty standard.  I've come to like that pace for keeping the game moving yet giving everyone enough time to negotiate.

There are quite a few new players in this game -- please write back and let me and the group know that you've actually played the game before, understand the rules, how email Diplomacy works, etc.  Everyone should send out a little intro really... like... "I'm 39, lie often in these games, and will most likely stab you when you least expect it."  Or... maybe a little less honest, or perhaps touch on a bit of non-Dip stuff and let ppl figure that part of you out as you go.  Like me!  Besides running games, we're renovating our basement this year and last year finished a mega tree fort project... (www.sims-family.net/treehouse)

What else... Oh yes, the rules.  You should take a look over my house rules:  www.sims-family.net/dip/houserules.htm.  At least click the link, see how long they are, then decide not to read them.  Or read the first and sixth word of each line and presume the rest.  Or just figure rules are rules and wait till one bites you in the butt to protest.  They basically cover things related to the email adaptation of Diplomacy -- like delays and deadlines.  I can't emphasize enough that I like to run the turns when I say I will -- so if you are late, chances are you will just get an NMR and all your units will hold.

And speaking of NMRs... At least for those of you who are new, I do need to know that you are here to play this game to the end, even if you get slammed right off!  Gotta figure by the probabilities alone, around half of you are going to have things go ways you'd rather they not.  Be sure you are committed to a game that could go 6 months to a year of real life time!  If you're moving to Saturn next month, please don't join the game now, then tell me in a month "sorry I gotta go I'm moving to Saturn".

So at this point, we have 9 ppl listed here for a 7 player game.  You all need to reply to me, the group, etc, let me know you're ready to go.  The first 7 to do so will get in!  The other two can join the next open game, which is already open.

dc458 Pre-Game Start! (dc458) Cartesian May 07, 03:44 am
Hello, I'm John Langley from England, recently retired from working in health informatics. looking forward to this game with you!

On Friday, May 3, 2013, Michael Sims wrote:

We have our 7!  All in the same day, which is very refreshing...
I'll be back in touch by tomorrow w a game-start.  If you have preferences you'd like to send, feel free to do so.

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Fri 5/3/2013 8:07 AM
Cc: dc458
Subject: dc458 Pre-Game Start!

Welcome everyone, to what is about to become the four hundred and fifty-eighth game of Diplomaticcorp Diplomacy!
This will be a normal pace game.  For anyone playing in the blitz, that should warrant a deep sigh of relief... we'll run at about a week per major season.  So 5 days for a Spring/Fall and 2 days for a Summer/Winter will be pretty standard.  I've come to like that pace for keeping the game moving yet giving everyone enough time to negotiate.
There are quite a few new players in this game -- please write back and let me and the group know that you've actually played the game before, understand the rules, how email Diplomacy works, etc.  Everyone should send out a little intro really... like... "I'm 39, lie often in these games, and will most likely stab you when you least expect it."  Or... maybe a little less honest, or perhaps touch on a bit of non-Dip stuff and let ppl figure that part of you out as you go.  Like me!  Besides running games, we're renovating our basement this year and last year finished a mega tree fort project... (www.sims-family.net/treehouse)
What else... Oh yes, the rules.  You should take a look over my house rules:  www.sims-family.net/dip/houserules.htm.  At least click the link, see how long they are, then decide not to read them.  Or read the first and sixth word of each line and presume the rest.  Or just figure rules are rules and wait till one bites you in the butt to protest.  They basically cover things related to the email adaptation of Diplomacy -- like delays and deadlines.  I can't emphasize enough that I like to run the turns when I say I will -- so if you are late, chances are you will just get an NMR and all your units will hold.
And speaking of NMRs... At least for those of you who are new, I do need to know that you are here to play this game to the end, even if you get slammed right off!  Gotta figure by the probabilities alone, around half of you are going to have things go ways you'd rather they not.  Be sure you are committed to a game that could go 6 months to a year of real life time!  If you're moving to Saturn next month, please don't join the game now, then tell me in a month "sorry I gotta go I'm moving to Saturn".
So at this point, we have 9 ppl listed here for a 7 player game.  You all need to reply to me, the group, etc, let me know you're ready to go.  The first 7 to do so will get in!  The other two can join the next open game, which is already open.
dc458 Pre-Game Start! (dc458) Cartesian May 07, 03:50 am
I should have said that I have played before, about 4 or 5 games on the DC site..

On Tuesday, May 7, 2013, John Langley wrote:

Hello, I'm John Langley from England, recently retired from working in health informatics. looking forward to this game with you!

On Friday, May 3, 2013, Michael Sims wrote:

We have our 7!  All in the same day, which is very refreshing...
I'll be back in touch by tomorrow w a game-start.  If you have preferences you'd like to send, feel free to do so.

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Fri 5/3/2013 8:07 AM
Cc: dc458
Subject: dc458 Pre-Game Start!

Welcome everyone, to what is about to become the four hundred and fifty-eighth game of Diplomaticcorp Diplomacy!
This will be a normal pace game.  For anyone playing in the blitz, that should warrant a deep sigh of relief... we'll run at about a week per major season.  So 5 days for a Spring/Fall and 2 days for a Summer/Winter will be pretty standard.  I've come to like that pace for keeping the game moving yet giving everyone enough time to negotiate.

There are quite a few new players in this game -- please write back and let me and the group know that you've actually played the game before, understand the rules, how email Diplomacy works, etc.  Everyone should send out a little intro really... like... "I'm 39, lie often in these games, and will most likely stab you when you least expect it."  Or... maybe a little less honest, or perhaps touch on a bit of non-Dip stuff and let ppl figure that part of you out as you go.  Like me!  Besides running games, we're renovating our basement this year and last year finished a mega tree fort project... (www.sims-family.net/treehouse)

What else... Oh yes, the rules.  You should take a look over my house rules:  www.sims-family.net/dip/houserules.htm.  At least click the link, see how long they are, then decide not to read them.  Or read the first and sixth word of each line and presume the rest.  Or just figure rules are rules and wait till one bites you in the butt to protest.  They basically cover things related to the email adaptation of Diplomacy -- like delays and deadlines.  I can't emphasize enough that I like to run the turns when I say I will -- so if you are late, chances are you will just get an NMR and all your units will hold.

And speaking of NMRs... At least for those of you who are new, I do need to know that you are here to play this game to the end, even if you get slammed right off!  Gotta figure by the probabilities alone, around half of you are going to have things go ways you'd rather they not.  Be sure you are committed to a game that could go 6 months to a year of real life time!  If you're moving to Saturn next month, please don't join the game now, then tell me in a month "sorry I gotta go I'm moving to Saturn".

So at this point, we have 9 ppl listed here for a 7 player game.  You all need to reply to me, the group, etc, let me know you're ready to go.  The first 7 to do so will get in!  The other two can join the next open game, which is already open.

DC456 - Imperium - Winter 401 - Zoterik   (May 02, 2013, 11:00 pm)
Europe, which not long ago felt overcrowded, is now quite barren.  All the units which remain after the Great Purge lie within the borders of the quickly-falling Roman Empires.  We bid farewell to the Hunni (who can continue to receive the adjudications if desired), and enter a phase of the game which may proceed with some haste.  Your commentary on deadlines' lengths will be much appreciated.  

Spring 401 orders are due 5th May at 08:00 GMT.


Remove A Vandales
Remove A Sequanorum

Remove A Ripuari

Remove A Chersonesus
Remove A Iazygi

Remove A Hunni Primi
Remove A Hunni Quarti

Remove A Scytia
Remove A Visigothi

Remove A Haithabu
Remove A Jutii

Remove A Asdingi
Remove A Silingi

Alamanni: Vindobona. (1)
Franci: Colonia Agrippa, Lutetia. (2)
Gothi: Chersonesus. (1)
Saxones: Haithabu. (1)
Vandali: Castra Regina. (1)

Unowned (Roman): Alexandria, Ancona, Antiochia, Athenum, Brundisium, Burdigala, Byzantium, Capova, Carthago, Eburacum, Genova, Londinum, Massilia, Miletus, Olisipo, Ravenna, Rhegium, Roma, Rotomagus, Saguntum, Syracusae, Verona. (22)


dc451 fall 05 - catsfather   (May 02, 2013, 5:46 pm)
The season of convoys ... the French one is good, but I do like the English London - Kiel with Kiel - Livonia.  Could have so easily ended up as a lot of bounces.

So, how is this shaping up?  England, France -v- Austria, Turkey with Russia just taking a final kicking?

No retreats, as Turkey's fleet in Tunis was forced to disband.

England builds 1.
Russia removes 1.
Turkey builds 2.

Movement results for Fall of 1905.  (dc451)

Austria: F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea.

Austria: A Budapest - Trieste.

Austria: A Galicia Supports A Rumania - Ukraine.

Austria: A Rumania - Ukraine.

Austria: A Silesia - Bohemia.

Austria: A Vienna - Tyrolia.

England: F Baltic Sea Convoys A Kiel - Livonia.

England: A Berlin Supports A Munich - Silesia.

England: F Gulf of Bothnia Supports A Kiel - Livonia.

England: F Helgoland Bight Convoys A London - Kiel.

England: A Kiel - Livonia.

England: A London - Kiel.

England: F North Sea Convoys A London - Kiel.

England: A Norway - St Petersburg.

England: F St Petersburg(nc) - Barents Sea.

France: A Burgundy - Marseilles.

France: F Gulf of Lyon Convoys A Marseilles - Tuscany.

France: A Marseilles - Tuscany.

France: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - North Africa (*Bounce*).

France: A Munich - Silesia.

France: F Rome - Naples (*Fails*).

France: A Ruhr - Munich.

France: F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Western Mediterranean - Tunis.

France: F Western Mediterranean - Tunis.

Russia: A Moscow Supports A Ukraine - Warsaw.

Russia: A Prussia - Livonia (*Fails*).

Russia: A Ukraine - Warsaw.

Turkey: F Apulia Supports A Naples.

Turkey: F Black Sea - Constantinople.

Turkey: A Greece - Albania.

Turkey: A Naples Hold.

Turkey: F Sevastopol Hold.

Turkey: F Tunis - North Africa (*Disbanded*).

Unit locations:

Austria:   A Bohemia, A Galicia, F Ionian Sea, A Trieste, A Tyrolia, A Ukraine.

England:   F Baltic Sea, F Barents Sea, A Berlin, F Gulf of Bothnia, F 

           Helgoland Bight, A Kiel, A Livonia, F North Sea, A St Petersburg.

France:    F Gulf of Lyon, A Marseilles, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, A Munich, F 

           Rome, A Silesia, F Tunis, A Tuscany, F Tyrrhenian Sea.

Russia:    A Moscow, A Prussia, A Warsaw.

Turkey:    A Albania, F Apulia, F Constantinople, A Naples, F Sevastopol.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria:   Budapest, Rumania, Serbia, Trieste, Venice, Vienna.

England:   Berlin, Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel, Liverpool, London, 

           Norway, St Petersburg, Sweden.

France:    Belgium, Brest, Marseilles, Munich, Paris, Portugal, Rome, Spain, 


Russia:    Moscow, Warsaw.

Turkey:    Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Naples, Sevastopol, Smyrna.

Austria:    6 Supply centers,  6 Units:  Builds   0 units.

England:   10 Supply centers,  9 Units:  Builds   1 unit.

France:     9 Supply centers,  9 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Germany:    0 Supply centers,  0 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Italy:      0 Supply centers,  0 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Russia:     2 Supply centers,  3 Units:  Removes  1 unit.

Turkey:     7 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   2 units.

The next phase of dc451 will be Adjustments for Winter of 1905.


DC437 END GAME STATEMENTS - hapolley   (May 02, 2013, 5:19 pm)
It was a fun game, at least for me. My initial strategy was talk my way into 3 centers, build extra fleets early and focus on the western half of the map. I started by telling Indonesia that we could be friends if I could get wci.  I told USA the same thing regarding mau.  I told them both I would go after Marshall Islands, which I eventually did.
Indonesia was not fooled by my initial builds at all.  Luckily for me I had made a deal with Australia to divide up the Indonesian centers.  Indonesia threatened to defend against only me, throwing
his centers to Australia.  I essentially said to go ahead, but he really didn't.  I think he was trying to defend against both of us which was a uphill battle for him.
The big game changer was when Indonesia was clearly defeated I offered to not eliminate him if he would help against Australia.  I had no idea it would work so well.  Those 2 and later 3 forward Indonesian fleets were critical to Japan's success.
Meanwhile USA and I kept Marshall Islands in check.  It's a tough group of islands to invade, not many avenues of approach. I was lucky that France attacked the USA and distracted him.  I was able to get a bead on WAK and pin the Marshall Islands fleet.  Once Marshall Islands moved his fleet from WEM-kwa, the restricted movement worked against him and I didn't need to fear his fleet slipping past me and causing havoc in the rear.
was slow going in the Marshall Islands, but since no one was interfering I could afford to take my time.  Every once in a while I sent an encouraging message to France to keep up the fight and provided the occasional suggestion; but I don't know if it swayed him.  Probably he and New Zealand should have made some type of agreement when they saw that Indonesia was actively helping Japan and that Marshal Islands couldn't break out of confinement on his own; but they never did.  By the time New Zealand was victorious and turned to face me it was too late.
But I must admit that the single-most important factor in the game was the very active help from Indonesia.  We had words at one point when he captured a center and I took one of his home centers, preventing his build.  I did not apologize, and reminded him that I only promised he would not be eliminated. I would try to make him bigger than Marshall
Islands, but wouldn't be held to it.  I do feel a little guilty taking 2 more centers from him at the end; but felt that taking a win was worth being a little heavy-handed.  If I hadn't, I would have risked a long, drawn out conflict with New Zealand with no guarantee of success.  The guilt is compounded, because my success was so dependent on Indonesia's loyalty.
About the map.  It seems to me that fleets are necessary everywhere, but especially so in the western half.  The fleets are also SLOW, so they need to be built early.  I figured early on that the final showdown would be somewhere to the east of where it actually was.  Armies would be necessary to hop around, but fleets would be required to support them. So I did go heavy on fleets initially, figuring the armies could catch up.
Another thing I noticed is that threatened armies on island groups need to be
mobile.  That is they should be on the attack.  It's very difficult to defend when other armies can hop around so much.  I think that's another reason to build fleets early; so they can get to where they can support the armies.
Thanks to Hugh for running the game; and thanks everyone for playing,  I hope all the players will take a little time to send in some commentary. -- John Barringer
My apologies to those that might have been anticipating an EOG from me. Truth be told, I really enjoy reading other peoples EOGs, but I truly suck at getting around to it myself.
Loooong story short, I feel that I was my own worst enemy. I messed up on a couple of rules, and had one NMR that really hurt. That said, Brian turned out to be a very tough piece of hide
to chew. He turned in a couple of really good order sets after it became clear that I was going to fight him.... really set me back as well.  Good on ya Brian.
If I had not messed up, I think it would have been a lot closer. I should have been helping Oz way before I managed to get there.... same for Marshall Islands as well. But, great game John, congrats.  See you next time. -- Warren Fleming
I agree with Warren ??? Hugh, you did a great job.  Thank you very much for GMing here in DC. As for End of Game for DC437 ??? I regret to be late in writing it, especially since Jonny B did such a good write up and asked for same. But, I enjoyed the game, new map for me, and a good crowd.
Australia's story:  Well, I teamed up early with neighbors to see what may
work, ended up that I allied strongly with New Zealand on my right, and Japan to my north. There was not a lot of mutual action possible with New Zealand and Australia, but we kept a good border and a few mutual supports as we moved northwards.
My alliance with Japan was reasonable solid, as he had no reason to fear me, lots of open space to his east to expand into, leaving Indonesia to be crushed between the two of us. So that worked great for a while, but Indonesia was played by a tough customer who could hang in with the best of them.  So, it turned into a death struggle with Indonesia and I, with a very tough movement prospects for Australia (once I committed to defending the continent). The hard part is the continent and the big islands that do not allow army airlift. That was a real handicap for Indonesia and Australia both I think. Anyway, that struggle finally lead to the inevitable Japanese stab ??? inevitable
because all his forces were south, and I was just too big and easy a target based on geography, poor positioning on my part, and overmatch in Japanese forces. Also, as Jonny of Japan pointed out, the swing of the Indonesian forces to his side was decisive for sure. I should have done more diplomacy and perhaps that would have gone my way instead.
Also, Japan had three good things going for him:  1) no competition from the east ??? Mar, Fra, USA were to engaged to threaten him, 2) the island hopping efficiencies and really good unit (fleet/army) choices by Johnny, and finally, 3) Johnny is just a darn good player. Better than I am, for sure.  He earned the solo through good diplomacy and good tactics. Let that be a lesson to us all. I look forward to playing all of you again sometime.  Good luck all. -- Jason (stomped down-under (so to
I had just about given up on seeing or giving an EOG. Thanks to Hugh for hosting the game...  GMing is always a challenge.
This was my 2nd time playing Oceania.  Previously, I had played New Zealand and it went pretty much the same way with the exception that Japan was prevented from winning the game by a successful organizing of a stop the leader movement in time.
This game I was lulled by sweet nothings spoken by Japan which allowed him to grow up to my borders with minimal effort on his part the first year. I had hoped to move in tandem with him eastwards instead of getting to play monkey in the middle between Japan and Australia.
The lack of anybody contesting Japan other than Indonesia in the early years of the game along
with the collapse of USA  made Japan's supremacy inevitable.
Jonny's offer of survival was sufficient for me to turn, though the alternative of conceding and being spared the effort of playing a janissary position was Tempting. Jon allowed me some freedom of movement and I contributed ideas, but I disagree that my forces were decisive. Japan would've won anyway w/o a united opposition to him, though it would've been a bit slower.
I suggest two changes in order to strengthen Indonesia and weaken Japan.  Sam should be made an Indonesia Home SC while Tim is dropped.  This would make Indonesia an edge power along with every other power.  Japan should have Mau as a Home SC with the corresponding loss of Manila.  This would move Japan out of the excessively strong corner position and make it more vulnerable. I'd also suggest moving the border between NTS and WNZ so that CHC borders
both.  This could weaken the peace between Australia and New Zealand that always prevails.  This would help both France and New Zealand. These adjustments and perhaps others could bring more balance to this map. [GM: Thanks for the suggestions I will have a look before next game is offered.]
Thanks for the game and hope to meet you again. -- Cheers,: Mark Smith
Thanks to one and all for giving me a chance to try out this game with my adjudicator.  To my surprise I had no problem handling the rules thanks to my adjudicators no-retreat option. As this was a test game I gave lots of leeway for deadlines and enjoyed hearing from the players and following the game as it progressed.  Once the Winter Blitz is done I look forward to running another game    of Oceania on the
Diplomaticcorp Web Site!  I think Japan is this games Turkey as I did well with Japan in uncompleted game of Oceania. Thanks Mark for your suggestions I will give them a good look over before next game. A GM no matter how he truly did Game Mastering loves to hear a bit of praise, hope some of you will sign up for next game. -- Hugh Polley


dc453 Autumn 05 adjudication - jerome777   (May 02, 2013, 4:14 pm)
Hi everyone,

Here's your moves:


F Albania Supports A Serbia - Trieste
A Galicia - Vienna (*Bounce*)
F Ionian Sea - Naples (*Dislodged*)
A Serbia - Trieste

F London - North Sea

F Gulf of Lyon, no move received

F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move received
A Paris, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Piedmont, no move received
A Yorkshire, no move received

A Brest Supports A Picardy - Paris
F Denmark Supports A Norway - Sweden

A Munich - Berlin
F North Sea - Edinburgh
A Norway - Sweden
A Picardy - Paris
A Ruhr - Burgundy
A St Petersburg Hold (*Disbanded*)

A Trieste Supports A Bulgaria - Serbia (*Dislodged*)
F Tunis Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea

A Tyrolia - Vienna (*Bounce*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples (*Bounce*)

F Baltic Sea - Sweden (*Fails*)
A Finland - St Petersburg
A Livonia Supports A Finland - St Petersburg
F Rumania Hold
F Skagerrak - Norway

A Ukraine - Moscow
A Warsaw - Silesia

F Aegean Sea Supports F Greece
A Bulgaria - Serbia
F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
F Greece Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea

So, we have retreats:

Austrian F Ionian Sea can retreat to Apulia or Adriatic Sea.
Italian A Trieste can retreat to Budapest or Venice.

Assuming these two units stay on the board, and assuming Trieste retreats to Venice, here's your adjustments:

Austria:   Supp  3 Unit  4 Remove  1

England:   Supp  1 Unit  1 Build  0
France:    Supp  4 Unit  4 Build  0
Germany:   Supp 10 Unit  7 Build  2
Italy:     Supp  4 Unit  4 Build  0
Russia:    Supp  7 Unit  7 Build  0
Turkey:    Supp  5 Unit  4 Build  1

Alternatively, if these two units stay on the board, and assuming Trieste retreats to Budapest, here's your adjustments:

Austria:   Supp  2 Unit  4 Remove  2

England:   Supp  1 Unit  1 Build  0
France:    Supp  4 Unit  4 Build  0
Germany:   Supp 10 Unit  7 Build  2
Italy:     Supp  5 Unit  4 Build  1
Russia:    Supp  7 Unit  7 Build  0
Turkey:    Supp  5 Unit  4 Build  1

Alan - I suggest you send contingent disbands to cover both eventualities.

Your retreats and adjustments are due by the deadline, 2000GMT tomorrow, Friday 3 May.




DC 454 F05 Adjudication - MikeFarrington   (May 02, 2013, 3:39 pm)
Argggh!  Sorry all.  Prelims sitting in my unsent mailbox.


From: untitled36(at)hotmail.com
To: john.robillard(at)telia.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com; hurup(at)pc.dk; dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com; michael_farrington(at)msn.com; danilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.com; blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com; catsfather(at)gmail.com
Subject: DC 454 F05 Adjudication
Date: Thu, 2 May 2013 08:36:50 -0500

*France AWOL!*
*Moscow Sacked by German Looters*
*Italy Clings to Life*

Hey all,

     Russia is fragmented, Italy hangs by a thread, and Austria actually goes on the offensive. There's a bit of center trading, with  four centers changing hands, but the net total is England gets a center and Russia loses one. 

We have Three retreats:
Russian F Bla can retreat to Arm, Sev, Rum, or OTB
Russian A Mun can retreat to Bur, Sil, Boh, Trl, or OTB
Turkish A Ser can retreat to Gre or OTB

Austria: Even
England: +1 (+Hol)
France: Even
Germany: Even (-Hol, +Mos)
Italy: Even
Russia: -1 (-Mos, +Ser, -Bul) (Even or +1 if one or both units retreat OTB, however, no open build spots)
Turkey: Even (+Bul, -Ser) (+1 if Ser retreats OTB)

Austria: A Budapest Supports A Rumania - SerbiaF Trieste - AlbaniaA Vienna - Trieste
England: F Gulf of Bothnia - SwedenF North Sea Convoys A Norway - HollandA Norway - HollandF Norwegian Sea - NorwayA St Petersburg Supports A Ukraine - MoscowF Wales - London
France: A Brest, no move receivedF Gulf of Lyon, no move receivedA Marseilles, no move receivedF Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move receivedA Piedmont, no move receivedF Western Mediterranean, no move received
Germany: F Baltic Sea - BerlinA Berlin - MunichA Kiel Supports A Berlin - MunichA Ruhr Supports A Berlin - MunichA Ukraine - Moscow
Italy: A Tyrolia - Venice
Russia: F Black Sea - Bulgaria(ec) (*Dislodged*)A Moscow - WarsawA Munich - Berlin (*Dislodged*)F Prussia Supports A Munich - BerlinA Rumania - Serbia
Turkey: F Ankara - Black SeaA Bulgaria Supports A Serbia - Rumania (*Cut*)F Constantinople Supports F Ankara - Black SeaF Ionian Sea - Adriatic SeaA Naples - ApuliaF Rome - Tyrrhenian SeaA Serbia - Rumania (*Dislodged*)F Tunis Supports F Rome - Tyrrhenian Sea

IDCountryNameEmailLocationbunwarpgazooItalyJohn Robillardjohn.robillard(at)telia.comHärnösand, SEConradWEnglandCharles Welshwelsh_stroud(at)msn.comEllicott City, MD, USddz999cat23TurkeyDaniel Dzikowiczddz999cat23(at)yahoo.comhurupGermanyPoul Huruphurup(at)pc.dkinitdoby5RussiaDan Sinenskydan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.comUSMikeFarringtonFranceMike Farringtonmichael_farrington(at)msn.comBrewer, ME, USsirdanilotAustriaDanilo Bliekdanilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.comTerneuzen, ZL, NL


dc452 f05 results! - FuzzyLogic   (May 02, 2013, 3:17 pm)
Nothing to retreat - builds due tomorrow!
England: Remove 2
Germany: Build 1
Italy: Build 1
3pm Central 5/3.
A Budapest - Trieste (*Bounce*)
F Baltic Sea - Gulf of Bothnia
A Finland Supports A Moscow - St Petersburg (*Void*)
F Liverpool - Irish Sea (*Fails*)
A London - Wales
F North Atlantic Ocean Supports F Liverpool - Irish Sea
F North Sea - London
A Ruhr - Munich (*Fails*)
F Skagerrak - Norway
A Belgium Hold
A Bohemia Supports A Munich
F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F English Channel Supports F Irish Sea
F Irish Sea Supports F Liverpool - Wales (*Void*)
A Munich Supports A Picardy - Burgundy (*Cut*)
A Picardy - Burgundy
A Berlin Supports A Ruhr - Munich
F Kiel - Holland
F Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea (*Fails*)
A Trieste - Serbia (*Fails*)
F Tunis - Ionian Sea (*Bounce*)
A Venice - Trieste (*Bounce*)
A Vienna - Budapest (*Fails*)
A Galicia - Rumania
A Moscow Supports F Sevastopol
F Sevastopol Supports A Galicia - Rumania
A St Petersburg Hold
A Ukraine Supports A Galicia - Rumania
F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea (*Bounce*)
F Albania - Greece
A Armenia - Rumania (*Fails*)
F Black Sea Convoys A Armenia - Rumania
A Bulgaria Supports A Armenia - Rumania
A Serbia Supports A Armenia - Rumania (*Cut*)


DC455 - Aberration - Fall 1902 - Zoterik   (May 02, 2013, 12:00 pm)
Alliances begin to rise, and yet some may have already fallen.  Byzantium can't seem to catch a break-under attack from three of four neighbors, missives bearing the Roman seal will likely have an extra urgency to them.  Meanwhile, Poland emerges atop the supply centre chart, Burgundy boldly strikes in two directions, Sicily expands into Africa, and the Hungarians solidify their position.  

Four units were dislodged, but no retreats are needed (one disbanded, three auto-retreat).
Winter 1902 adjustments are due 6th May at 08:00 GMT.


A Gascony - BrittanyA Languedoc - Gascony (*bounce*)
F Heligoland Bight - North Sea (*fails*)F Brussels - Anglican Sea
A Hague - BrusselsA Bavaria Hold


F Ionian Sea - Malta Sea (*dislodged*)F Athens - Albania (*fails*)
A Anatolia - Constantinople (*dislodged*)A Bulgaria S A Anatolia - Constantinople (*cut*)
F Armenia - Anatolia (*dislodged*)

F Skagerrak - Denmark (*fails*)
F North Sea S F Skagerrak - Denmark (*cut*)F Irish Sea - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*bounce*)
F English Channel S Bur A Gascony - BrittanyA Picardy S Bur A Gascony - Brittany


A Croatia - VeneziaF Adriatic Sea - Croatia
A Serbia - ZaraA Transylvania - Serbia
A Bohemia HoldA Austria S A Bohemia


A Syria - ArmeniaA Cilicia S Ukr F East Black Sea - Anatolia
F Libyan Sea - Pylos Sea

F Bornholm Sea - Denmark
F Sweden S F Bornholm Sea - DenmarkA Saxony - Silesia (*bounce*)
A Warsaw - Silesia (*bounce*)A Livonia - Novgorod
A Podolia S Ukr A Rumania (*ordered to move*)

F Apulia - Ionian Sea
F Albania S F Apulia - Ionian Sea (*cut*)F Malta Sea S F Apulia - Ionian Sea
F Tripolitania - CyrenaicaA Piedmont Hold


A Toledo - CataloniaA Santander - Gascony (*bounce*)
F Brittany S A Santander - Gascony (*disbanded*)F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Bay of Biscay
F South Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*bounce*)F Western Mediterranean - Palma Sea

F Georgia S Isr A Syria - Armenia
F East Black Sea - Anatolia
F West Black Sea - Constantinople (*bounce*)A Rumania - Bulgaria (*fails*)
A Taurida - Odessa

RetreatsByzantine A Anatolia can retreat to Pisidia, so ordered.
Byzantine F Armenia can retreat to East Black Sea, so ordered.Byzantine F Ionian Sea can retreat to Adriatic Sea, so ordered.
Spanish F Brittany has no valid retreats, disbanded.

Burgundy: +1 (7)Byzantium: -1 (4)
Éire: 0 (5)Hungary: 0 (6)
Israel: +1 (4)Poland: +2 (Cool
Sicily: +1 (6)Spain: 0 (5)
Ukraine: +1 (6)


DC 454 F05 Adjudication - untitled36   (May 02, 2013, 8:36 am)
*France AWOL!*
*Moscow Sacked by German Looters*
*Italy Clings to Life*

Hey all,

     Russia is fragmented, Italy hangs by a thread, and Austria actually goes on the offensive. There's a bit of center trading, with  four centers changing hands, but the net total is England gets a center and Russia loses one. 

We have Three retreats:
Russian F Bla can retreat to Arm, Sev, Rum, or OTB
Russian A Mun can retreat to Bur, Sil, Boh, Trl, or OTB
Turkish A Ser can retreat to Gre or OTB

Austria: Even
England: +1 (+Hol)
France: Even
Germany: Even (-Hol, +Mos)
Italy: Even
Russia: -1 (-Mos, +Ser, -Bul) (Even or +1 if one or both units retreat OTB, however, no open build spots)
Turkey: Even (+Bul, -Ser) (+1 if Ser retreats OTB)

Austria: A Budapest Supports A Rumania - SerbiaF Trieste - AlbaniaA Vienna - Trieste
England: F Gulf of Bothnia - SwedenF North Sea Convoys A Norway - HollandA Norway - HollandF Norwegian Sea - NorwayA St Petersburg Supports A Ukraine - MoscowF Wales - London
France: A Brest, no move receivedF Gulf of Lyon, no move receivedA Marseilles, no move receivedF Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move receivedA Piedmont, no move receivedF Western Mediterranean, no move received
Germany: F Baltic Sea - BerlinA Berlin - MunichA Kiel Supports A Berlin - MunichA Ruhr Supports A Berlin - MunichA Ukraine - Moscow
Italy: A Tyrolia - Venice
Russia: F Black Sea - Bulgaria(ec) (*Dislodged*)A Moscow - WarsawA Munich - Berlin (*Dislodged*)F Prussia Supports A Munich - BerlinA Rumania - Serbia
Turkey: F Ankara - Black SeaA Bulgaria Supports A Serbia - Rumania (*Cut*)F Constantinople Supports F Ankara - Black SeaF Ionian Sea - Adriatic SeaA Naples - ApuliaF Rome - Tyrrhenian SeaA Serbia - Rumania (*Dislodged*)F Tunis Supports F Rome - Tyrrhenian Sea

IDCountryNameEmailLocationbunwarpgazooItalyJohn Robillardjohn.robillard(at)telia.comHärnösand, SEConradWEnglandCharles Welshwelsh_stroud(at)msn.comEllicott City, MD, USddz999cat23TurkeyDaniel Dzikowiczddz999cat23(at)yahoo.comhurupGermanyPoul Huruphurup(at)pc.dkinitdoby5RussiaDan Sinenskydan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.comUSMikeFarringtonFranceMike Farringtonmichael_farrington(at)msn.comBrewer, ME, USsirdanilotAustriaDanilo Bliekdanilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.comTerneuzen, ZL, NL


DC 454 F05 Adjudication (Winter Blitz) MikeFarrington May 02, 03:39 pm
Argggh!  Sorry all.  Prelims sitting in my unsent mailbox.


From: untitled36(at)hotmail.com
To: john.robillard(at)telia.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com; hurup(at)pc.dk; dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com; michael_farrington(at)msn.com; danilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.com; blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com; catsfather(at)gmail.com
Subject: DC 454 F05 Adjudication
Date: Thu, 2 May 2013 08:36:50 -0500

*France AWOL!*
*Moscow Sacked by German Looters*
*Italy Clings to Life*

Hey all,

     Russia is fragmented, Italy hangs by a thread, and Austria actually goes on the offensive. There's a bit of center trading, with  four centers changing hands, but the net total is England gets a center and Russia loses one. 

We have Three retreats:
Russian F Bla can retreat to Arm, Sev, Rum, or OTB
Russian A Mun can retreat to Bur, Sil, Boh, Trl, or OTB
Turkish A Ser can retreat to Gre or OTB

Austria: Even
England: +1 (+Hol)
France: Even
Germany: Even (-Hol, +Mos)
Italy: Even
Russia: -1 (-Mos, +Ser, -Bul) (Even or +1 if one or both units retreat OTB, however, no open build spots)
Turkey: Even (+Bul, -Ser) (+1 if Ser retreats OTB)

Austria: A Budapest Supports A Rumania - SerbiaF Trieste - AlbaniaA Vienna - Trieste
England: F Gulf of Bothnia - SwedenF North Sea Convoys A Norway - HollandA Norway - HollandF Norwegian Sea - NorwayA St Petersburg Supports A Ukraine - MoscowF Wales - London
France: A Brest, no move receivedF Gulf of Lyon, no move receivedA Marseilles, no move receivedF Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move receivedA Piedmont, no move receivedF Western Mediterranean, no move received
Germany: F Baltic Sea - BerlinA Berlin - MunichA Kiel Supports A Berlin - MunichA Ruhr Supports A Berlin - MunichA Ukraine - Moscow
Italy: A Tyrolia - Venice
Russia: F Black Sea - Bulgaria(ec) (*Dislodged*)A Moscow - WarsawA Munich - Berlin (*Dislodged*)F Prussia Supports A Munich - BerlinA Rumania - Serbia
Turkey: F Ankara - Black SeaA Bulgaria Supports A Serbia - Rumania (*Cut*)F Constantinople Supports F Ankara - Black SeaF Ionian Sea - Adriatic SeaA Naples - ApuliaF Rome - Tyrrhenian SeaA Serbia - Rumania (*Dislodged*)F Tunis Supports F Rome - Tyrrhenian Sea

IDCountryNameEmailLocationbunwarpgazooItalyJohn Robillardjohn.robillard(at)telia.comHärnösand, SEConradWEnglandCharles Welshwelsh_stroud(at)msn.comEllicott City, MD, USddz999cat23TurkeyDaniel Dzikowiczddz999cat23(at)yahoo.comhurupGermanyPoul Huruphurup(at)pc.dkinitdoby5RussiaDan Sinenskydan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.comUSMikeFarringtonFranceMike Farringtonmichael_farrington(at)msn.comBrewer, ME, USsirdanilotAustriaDanilo Bliekdanilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.comTerneuzen, ZL, NL

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