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DC436 Autumn 11 results and press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:47 pm)
Germany was kind enough to send orders early, so we move on to Winter 11 adjustments.
France: ??Removes ??1 unit.
Germany: ??Builds ?? 2 units.

Italy: ??Builds ?? 1 unit.
[b]Winter 11 adjustment


DC436 Fall 11 results with Maps. press and End-of-... - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:46 pm)
There was at least one vote no. We proceed with the game.

Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.... I am back from my 3-day, 1700 mile road trip. Now I can get back to letting you pla


DC436 Press 11 - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:45 pm)
For Immediate Release...
Dear France,

Seeing as Germany are being so foolish, and I cannot take Moscow, allow me to support you into Norway if only to be useful and tea


DC436 Press 11 - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:44 pm)
For Immediate Release...--------------------------France - Germany:

OK, you've got me. My stab of you has failed miserably, Italy is going to solo this game if you and I keep going at one a


DC436 Press 11 (dc436) cbconnell Jan 25, 04:45 pm
For Immediate Release...
Dear France,

Seeing as Germany are being so foolish, and I cannot take Moscow, allow me to support you into Norway if only to be useful and tea
DC436 Summer 11 results with maps and End of Game... - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:43 pm)
Turkey provided his retreat early, so we move on to Fall 1911.
However, we have had an end-of-game proposal... a DIAS - all remaining players (France, Germany, Italy, Russia and Turkey) share a draw.


DC436 Spring 11 results with maps - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:42 pm)
Welcome back to the game.... and Happy New Year!
France and Germany had two skirmishes this season, one over Belgium and one over Denmark. Germany was able to take Belgium, but Denmark was a draw. Ru


DC436 Winter 10 adjustments with maps and press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:42 pm)
Here are the results of the Autumn and Winter adjustments.
With Christmas and New Years over the next week or so, we will be taking a break until January 2, 2013.

[b]Spring 1911 orders are Due o


DC436 Fall 10 results with maps and press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:41 pm)
Alright... here we go.
England finally lost Liverpool to France, taking away his last supply center. Thank you "England" for playing. France was able to dislodge Germany from the North Sea


DC436 Summer 10 Press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:40 pm)
For Immediate Release....
Errrmm???. ??Sweden or Belgium, they???re both so tempting, which one shall I have?

Italy to Russia

I shall sup


DC436 Summer 10 results with maps - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:39 pm)
Here are the Summer 10 results.
Fall 10 orders are due on Wednesday, December 19 at 8:30 PM MST (03:30 19-12-12 GMT)

[b]After we make our Winter 1910 moves this week, we will take


DC436 Spring 10 results - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:38 pm)
Here are the results from Spring 10:
France is moving north and south... not sure what that means for his supply centers in the west. Germany was able to move from Denmark to Skagerrak. Russia once a


DC436 1910 Press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:37 pm)
For Immediate Release-----------------------------------Italy to France

You will see from my moves they are entirely defensive. Please let???s keep a truce.



DC436 Winter 09 results with maps and press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:37 pm)
Here are the results for the Winter 09.??
We move on to Spring 10. Orders are due on Monday, December 17 at 8:30 pm MST (03:30 18-12-12 GMT)

Adjustment orders for Winter of 1909.



DC436 Fall 09 results with Maps and Press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:35 pm)
We have the results from the Fall 09 orders. England bounced and stays in the game. Other than France's inability to remove England, he is moving through Europe like wildfire - taking Norway this


DC436 Spring 09 results with maps and press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:35 pm)
...Just Keep Swimming...
Wow, that was an interesting season! ??There was lots of supports, bounces, disbands, cuts, etc. It sure kept me busy! England is still holding on, even with France in easy s


DC436 09 Press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:33 pm)
For Immediate Release.....-------------------------------
Hi Turkey, as you can see I mis-ordered hence no move received for bud, I expect you???re real sorry about that. Any deal you want to make le


DC436 Autumn/Winter 08 results with maps - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:33 pm)
Here are the results from the Autumn retreats and Winter adjustments.??
Spring orders are due on Monday, December 10 at 8:30 PM MST (03:30 11-12-12 GMT)

Retreat orders for Fall of 1908.


DC436 Fall 08 results with maps - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:32 pm)
England tried his best to hold on this season, but was ousted by France in Edinburgh. France and Germany had some tussle over the North Sea, but neither were able to take it. Italy was able to hold on


DC436 Summer 08 Press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:31 pm)
For Immediate Release.....---------------------------------
Italy to Russia

I???ve supported you into berlin-why not take me up on the offer.

Russia to German


DC436 Summer 08 results with maps and press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:30 pm)
Not much to report, just some record keeping...
Fall 08 orders are due on Wednesday, December 5 at 8:30 pm MST (03:30 6-12-12 GMT)

Retreat orders for Spring of 1908.??

Germany: A Munich


DC436 Spring 08 results with maps and press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:28 pm)
Here are the Spring 08 results.
England is holding on, but is facing threats from France once again. France and Germany faced off in several locations, with no change. Italy was able to advance on Ge


DC436 Autumn / Winter 07 results with maps - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:28 pm)
Sorry they are late....
Spring 08 orders are due on Monday, December 3 at 8:30 pm MST (03:30 4-12-12 GMT)
Retreat orders for Fall of 1907.??

France: F Denmark - Skagerrak.France: F Liv


DC436 Press 07 - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:27 pm)
For Immediate Release...--------------------------Italy to turkey.

Disband and rebuild an army in ank, let???s call a truce and find other more profitable areas for expansion e.g.russia and then th


DC436 Fall 07 results with maps - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:26 pm)
This is the Ocean, silly, we're not the only two in here.

We had some fun this time. England was able to push France out of Liverpool this round, recapturing his own supply center. Franc


DC436 Summer 07 retreat results with maps and pres... - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:25 pm)
Here are the retreat orders for Summer.
Fall 07 orders are due Wednesday, November 28 at 8:30 PM MST (03:30 29-11-12 GMT)

Retreat orders for Spring of 1907.??

Italy: A Serbia - Trieste.


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