For Immediate Release.....---------------------------------
Italy to Russia
I???ve supported you into berlin-why not take me up on the offer.
Russia to Germany
Very nice of you but I???m done with this game, I???ll support you in.
A message from England
Not sure if anyone has noticed but I???m about to get battered and the only person who is going to benefit is France.
France - Italy: Please don't be alarmed by my southern fleet movement, I'm just a little nervous since your fleet build in Naples. This is just an insurance policy.
Hi Turkey,
I???ll help you into Warsaw and vacate it for you if you concede Serbia. Now is the time to reorientate our forces to more profitable fields, we are wasting time swapping centres while others grow.
Mr Floppy to Meanie Bo Beanie: can I join in? I promise to bring the wet celery and the flying helmet this time...
Allan Calhamer - italy: Yes, but despite the fact Turkey's defense is so good, surely you can see the way in? He's there for the taking if only you can see it...
--Just Keep Swimming