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DC436 Autumn 11 results and press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:47 pm)
Germany was kind enough to send orders early, so we move on to Winter 11 adjustments.
France: ??Removes ??1 unit.
Germany: ??Builds ?? 2 units.

Italy: ??Builds ?? 1 unit.
Winter 11 adjustment orders are due Wednesday, January 9 at 8:30 pm MST ??(03:30 10-1-13 GMT)
Also, remember the end-of-game proposal votes are due with your Spring 12 orders.

Retreat orders for Fall of 1911.
Germany: disband F English Channel.
Unit locations:
France: ?? ??A Burgundy, F English Channel, F Gulf of Lyon, F London, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F North Atlantic Ocean, A Picardy, A Wales, A Yorkshire.

Germany: ?? A Belgium, F Denmark, A Holland, F Norway, A Sweden.Italy: ?? ?? F Aegean Sea, A Budapest, A Bulgaria, F Eastern Mediterranean, A Galicia, A Greece, A Moscow, A Munich, F North Africa, A Rumania, F Tunis, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Warsaw.

Russia: ?? ??A St Petersburg.Turkey: ?? ??F Constantinople, A Sevastopol, F Smyrna, A Ukraine.
Ownership of supply centers:
France: ?? ??Brest, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.

Germany: ?? Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Norway, Sweden.Italy: ?? ?? Budapest, Bulgaria, Greece, Moscow, Munich, Naples, Rome, Rumania, Serbia, Trieste, Tunis, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw.Russia: ?? ??St Petersburg.

Turkey: ?? ??Ankara, Constantinople, Sevastopol, Smyrna.
Austria: ?? ??0 Supply centers, ??0 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.England: ?? ??0 Supply centers, ??0 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.

France: ?? ?? 8 Supply centers, ??9 Units: ??Removes ??1 unit.Germany: ?? ??7 Supply centers, ??5 Units: ??Builds ?? 2 units.Italy: ?? ?? 14 Supply centers, 13 Units: ??Builds ?? 1 unit.Russia: ?? ?? 1 Supply center, ?? 1 Unit: ?? Builds ?? 0 units.

Turkey: ?? ?? 4 Supply centers, ??4 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.
The next phase of DC436 will be Adjustments for Winter of 1911.
For Immediate Release...

--------------------------Germany to Italy. ??My disband and subsequent builds are meant as a deterrent for to a solo bid. I very much appreciated the freedom to hold off France. ??Still I wouldn't blame you if you had a go at it. ??I will vote for the three way draw only at this point.


---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Fall 11 results with Maps. press and End-of-... - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:46 pm)
There was at least one vote no. We proceed with the game.

Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.... I am back from my 3-day, 1700 mile road trip. Now I can get back to letting you play this game!

France will be losing Belgium this year, taking him down 1 supply center, but was able to dislodge Germany in the English Channel. Germany attempted to work on gaining more from France, but mainly supported his own units in Scandinavia. The "Great Bear" of Russia once again made his best shot at taking Moscow. However Italy and Turkey did the most fighting of Moscow with Italy holding it securely. The other big scuffle between Italy and Turkey was over Rumania. Italy was successful in dislodging Turkey and gaining his 14th supply center.

Germany was dislodged from the English Channel, with the Irish Sea or disbanding as the only two options.

Germany, I need a retreat order from you by Wednesday 1-9-13 at 8:30 pm MST (03:30 10-01-13 GMT) - If you mark your orders as "final" and send them early, I will process the retreat early as well.

I have had several end-of-game proposals this week, after the previous one failed = i) Italy solo; ii) F/G/I three-way tie; and iii) DIAS

Since I have three proposals, I need three votes from each remaining (eligible) player. If any eligible player??votes NO to a proposal, the proposal does not pass
and the game continues. If all eligible players vote YES on any one proposal, then the game
is over immediately. This (obviously) is a secret vote and is to be
submitted with
(or before) your Spring 12 orders.

i) Italy Solo. Please vote YES to approve the SOLO,
and vote NO to reject the SOLO.

ii) France, Germany, Italy three-way tie. Please vote YES to approve the 3-way tie,
and vote NO to reject the 3-way tie.

iii) DIAS - all remaining players (France, Germany, Italy, Russia and
Turkey) share a draw. Please vote YES to approve the DIAS,
and vote NO to reject the DIAS.

Movement results for Fall of 1911.

France: A Burgundy Hold.France: F Gulf of Lyon Hold.France: F London Supports F North Sea - English Channel.

France: F North Sea - English Channel.France: F Norwegian Sea - North Atlantic Ocean.France: A Picardy - Brest (*Bounce*).France: A Wales Hold.France: F Western Mediterranean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.

France: A Yorkshire Hold.
Germany: A Belgium Supports A Munich - Burgundy (*Void*).Germany: F English Channel - Brest (*Dislodged*).Germany: A Holland Supports A Belgium.

Germany: F Kiel - Denmark.Germany: F Norway Hold.Germany: A Sweden Supports F Norway.
Italy: F Aegean Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Constantinople (*Cut*).Italy: A Bulgaria - Constantinople (*Fails*).

Italy: F Eastern Mediterranean - Smyrna (*Fails*).Italy: A Galicia Supports A Serbia - Rumania.Italy: A Greece - Bulgaria (*Bounce*).Italy: F Ionian Sea - Tunis.Italy: A Moscow Hold.

Italy: A Munich Hold.Italy: A Serbia - Rumania.Italy: A Trieste - Budapest.Italy: F Tunis - North Africa.Italy: F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Ionian Sea - Tunis.Italy: A Warsaw Supports A Moscow.

Russia: A St Petersburg - Moscow (*Fails*).
Turkey: F Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc) (*Bounce*).Turkey: A Rumania Supports F Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc) (*Disbanded*).

Turkey: A Sevastopol Supports A Ukraine - Moscow.Turkey: F Smyrna - Aegean Sea (*Fails*).Turkey: A Ukraine - Moscow (*Fails*).
The following units were dislodged:

German F English Channel can retreat to Irish Sea.
Unit locations:
France: ?? ??A Burgundy, F English Channel, F Gulf of Lyon, F London, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F North Atlantic Ocean, A Picardy, A Wales, A Yorkshire.

Germany: ?? A Belgium, F Denmark, A Holland, F Norway, A Sweden.Italy: ?? ?? F Aegean Sea, A Budapest, A Bulgaria, F Eastern Mediterranean, A Galicia, A Greece, A Moscow, A Munich, F North Africa, A Rumania, F Tunis, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Warsaw.

Russia: ?? ??A St Petersburg.Turkey: ?? ??F Constantinople, A Sevastopol, F Smyrna, A Ukraine.
Ownership of supply centers:

France: ?? ??Belgium, Brest, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.Germany: ?? Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Norway, Sweden.Italy: ?? ?? Budapest, Bulgaria, Greece, Moscow, Munich, Naples, Rome, Serbia, Trieste, Tunis, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw.

Russia: ?? ??St Petersburg.Turkey: ?? ??Ankara, Constantinople, Rumania, Sevastopol, Smyrna.
Austria: ?? ??0 Supply centers, ??0 Units:

England: ?? ??0 Supply centers, ??0 UnitsConfused?
France: ?? ?? 9 Supply centers, ??9 Units:
Germany: ?? ??6 Supply centers, ??5 UnitsConfused?
Italy: ?? ?? 13 Supply centers, 13 Units:

Russia: ?? ?? 1 Supply center, ?? 1 Unit:
Turkey: ?? ?? 5 Supply centers, ??4 Units:

The next phase of DC436 will be Retreats for Fall of 1911.

For Immediate Release:

France - Russia: Thanks for the offer old bean, but I don't think it was the real Germany that replied to me in
such a 'stupid' way, as you put it. I hope you can hang on for a survival in this game.
Yes it was I, the Tsar (yes the real one) that voted no to the DIAS! You
see I have cleverly been growing Russian cells in each of your lands
(insert evil laugh here) and they are just waiting for my signal to rise
up and crush you all. (clears throat) Sadly it seems that I have
misplaced the paper that I wrote the signal on and I can't remember it.
But when I find it you will all be in big trouble....really big trouble.
I mean it!
France - Germany: Whether you want to keep taking SCs or not, unless
you and I call a truce Italy will solo - end of story. I'm willing to
call a truce and redeploy my forces against Italy as best I can, are


---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Press 11 - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:45 pm)
For Immediate Release...
Dear France,

Seeing as Germany are being so foolish, and I cannot take Moscow, allow me to support you into Norway if only to be useful and teach impudence a lesson.

Stp support nts-nor (you can secure it with nwg support yourself. Pointless me supporting nwg as nts support can be cut)

Yours sincerely

The final Tsarist unit
Germany to France. ??Don't believe everything you read. I haven't posted press since 1902, until I felt the need to respond to this of course. ??Your offer is under consideration, and your moves will determine how I respond.


---Just Keep Swimming---

On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 2:45 PM, Craig Connell <cbconnell(at)gmail.com> wrote:

For Immediate Release...

Germany ??? France

No deal. Don???t get me wrong - I hate Italy, but you have stabbed me haplessly and I am not about to turn my back to you and be the front-line in a fruitless task. You have attempted to violate my sovereignty and you then expect me to be your ally and leave myself open to you? My target is to get the highest number of centers - period.


---Just Keep Swimming---

On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 7:16 AM, Craig Connell <cbconnell(at)gmail.com> wrote:

> For Immediate Release...

> --------------------------
> France - Germany:
> OK, you've got me. My stab of you has failed miserably, Italy is going to solo this game if you and I keep going at one another (unless the DIAS passes, which I very highly doubt). To solo, you would need to eliminate me and also take ground off of Italy. I don't think you can eliminate me before Italy eliminates Turkey and solos him/herself, therefore I believe our best chances of doing better than a survival is cooperate to stop Italy soloing and then press for a draw. If you agree with my assessment, what are your terms for peace between the two of us?

> --------------------------
> ---Just Keep Swimming---


DC436 Press 11 - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:44 pm)
For Immediate Release...--------------------------France - Germany:

OK, you've got me. My stab of you has failed miserably, Italy is going to solo this game if you and I keep going at one another (unless the DIAS passes, which I very highly doubt). To solo, you would need to eliminate me and also take ground off of Italy. I don't think you can eliminate me before Italy eliminates Turkey and solos him/herself, therefore I believe our best chances of doing better than a survival is cooperate to stop Italy soloing and then press for a draw. If you agree with my assessment, what are your terms for peace between the two of us???


---Just Keep Swimming---


DC436 Press 11 (dc436) cbconnell Jan 25, 04:45 pm
For Immediate Release...
Dear France,

Seeing as Germany are being so foolish, and I cannot take Moscow, allow me to support you into Norway if only to be useful and teach impudence a lesson.

Stp support nts-nor (you can secure it with nwg support yourself. Pointless me supporting nwg as nts support can be cut)

Yours sincerely

The final Tsarist unit
Germany to France. ??Don't believe everything you read. I haven't posted press since 1902, until I felt the need to respond to this of course. ??Your offer is under consideration, and your moves will determine how I respond.


---Just Keep Swimming---

On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 2:45 PM, Craig Connell <cbconnell(at)gmail.com> wrote:

For Immediate Release...

Germany ??? France

No deal. Don???t get me wrong - I hate Italy, but you have stabbed me haplessly and I am not about to turn my back to you and be the front-line in a fruitless task. You have attempted to violate my sovereignty and you then expect me to be your ally and leave myself open to you? My target is to get the highest number of centers - period.


---Just Keep Swimming---

On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 7:16 AM, Craig Connell <cbconnell(at)gmail.com> wrote:

> For Immediate Release...

> --------------------------
> France - Germany:
> OK, you've got me. My stab of you has failed miserably, Italy is going to solo this game if you and I keep going at one another (unless the DIAS passes, which I very highly doubt). To solo, you would need to eliminate me and also take ground off of Italy. I don't think you can eliminate me before Italy eliminates Turkey and solos him/herself, therefore I believe our best chances of doing better than a survival is cooperate to stop Italy soloing and then press for a draw. If you agree with my assessment, what are your terms for peace between the two of us?

> --------------------------
> ---Just Keep Swimming---
DC436 Summer 11 results with maps and End of Game... - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:43 pm)
Turkey provided his retreat early, so we move on to Fall 1911.
However, we have had an end-of-game proposal... a DIAS - all remaining players (France, Germany, Italy, Russia and Turkey) share a draw. This (obviously) is a secret vote and is to be submitted with your Fall 11 orders. Please vote YES to approve the DIAS, and vote NO to reject the DIAS.

If any eligible player??votes NO, the proposal does not pass and the game continues. If all eligible players vote YES, then the game is over immediately.??
Fall 1911 orders (and the end-of-game vote) are due on Saturday, January 5 at 8:30 pm MST (03:30 6-1-13 GMT).?? However, I will be traveling at that time and probably won't adjudicate until Sunday or Monday. I will let you know right away re: the proposal, but probably won't get the results out until Monday.

Retreat orders for Spring of 1911.??
Turkey: A Galicia - Ukraine.
Unit locations:
France: ?? ??A Burgundy, F Gulf of Lyon, F London, F North Sea, F Norwegian Sea, A Picardy, A Wales, F Western Mediterranean, A Yorkshire.

Germany: ?? A Belgium, F English Channel, A Holland, F Kiel, F Norway, A Sweden.Italy: ?? ?? F Aegean Sea, A Bulgaria, F Eastern Mediterranean, A Galicia, A Greece, F Ionian Sea, A Moscow, A Munich, A Serbia, A Trieste, F Tunis, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Warsaw.

Russia: ?? ??A St Petersburg.Turkey: ?? ??F Constantinople, A Rumania, A Sevastopol, F Smyrna, A Ukraine.
Austria: ?? ??0 Supply centers, ??0 Units:England: ?? ??0 Supply centers, ??0 Units:

France: ?? ?? 9 Supply centers, ??9 UnitsConfused?Germany: ?? ??6 Supply centers, ??6 Units:Italy: ?? ?? 13 Supply centers, 13 Units:Russia: ?? ?? 1 Supply center, ?? 1 UnitConfused?Turkey: ?? ?? 5 Supply centers, ??5 Units:

The next phase of DC436 will be Movement for Fall of 1911.
--- Just Keep Swimming---


DC436 Spring 11 results with maps - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:42 pm)
Welcome back to the game.... and Happy New Year!
France and Germany had two skirmishes this season, one over Belgium and one over Denmark. Germany was able to take Belgium, but Denmark was a draw. Russia is staying alive holding on to St Petersburg, and made a bold move to retake Moscow - which failed. Italy and Turkey both tried for Budapest, with??neither taking the prize, but Italy did prevail and dislodged Turkey in Galicia.

Turkey needs to provide retreat orders to Silesia, Bohemia, Ukraine or to disband.
Summer retreat orders are due Friday, January 4 at 8:30 pm MST (03:30 5-1-13 GMT). *Turkey, I will accept orders marked "final" earlier than that and process the turn quickly.*

Movement results for Spring of 1911.??
France: A Burgundy Supports A Picardy - Belgium.France: A Edinburgh - Yorkshire.France: F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Western Mediterranean.

France: A Liverpool - Wales.France: F London - North Sea (*Fails*).France: F North Sea - Denmark (*Bounce*).France: F Norwegian Sea Supports F London - North Sea (*Fails*).

France: A Picardy - Belgium (*Fails*).France: F Western Mediterranean Supports F Gulf of Lyon.
Germany: F English Channel Supports A Ruhr - Belgium.Germany: A Holland Supports A Ruhr - Belgium.

Germany: F Kiel - Denmark (*Bounce*).Germany: F Norway Hold.Germany: A Ruhr - Belgium.Germany: A Sweden Supports F Norway.
Italy: F Aegean Sea, no move received.

Italy: A Bulgaria Supports F Aegean Sea - Constantinople (*Void*).Italy: F Eastern Mediterranean - Smyrna (*Fails*).Italy: F Ionian Sea Convoys A Naples - Greece.Italy: A Moscow - Sevastopol (*Fails*).

Italy: A Munich Hold.Italy: A Naples - Greece.Italy: A Serbia Supports A Bulgaria.Italy: A Trieste - Budapest (*Bounce*).Italy: F Tunis Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea.

Italy: F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Tunis.Italy: A Vienna - Galicia.Italy: A Warsaw Supports A Vienna - Galicia.
Russia: A St Petersburg - Moscow (*Fails*).

Turkey: F Constantinople Supports F Smyrna.Turkey: A Galicia Supports A Rumania - Budapest (*Dislodged*).Turkey: A Rumania - Budapest (*Bounce*).Turkey: A Sevastopol - Rumania (*Fails*).

Turkey: F Smyrna Supports F Constantinople (*Cut*).
The following units were dislodged:
Turkish A Galicia can retreat to Silesia or Bohemia or Ukraine.

Unit locations:
France: ?? ??A Burgundy, F Gulf of Lyon, F London, F North Sea, F Norwegian Sea, A Picardy, A Wales, F Western Mediterranean, A Yorkshire.Germany: ?? A Belgium, F English Channel, A Holland, F Kiel, F Norway, A Sweden.

Italy: ?? ?? F Aegean Sea, A Bulgaria, F Eastern Mediterranean, A Galicia, A Greece, F Ionian Sea, A Moscow, A Munich, A Serbia, A Trieste, F Tunis, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Warsaw.Russia: ?? ??A St Petersburg.

Turkey: ?? ??F Constantinople, A Rumania, A Sevastopol, F Smyrna.
The next phase of DC436 will be Retreats for Spring of 1911.
---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Winter 10 adjustments with maps and press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:42 pm)
Here are the results of the Autumn and Winter adjustments.
With Christmas and New Years over the next week or so, we will be taking a break until January 2, 2013.

Spring 1911 orders are Due on Tuesday, January 2 at 8:30 PM MST (03:30 3-1-13 GMT)

Retreat orders for Autumn of 1910.

England: A Liverpool - ClydeGermany: F North Sea - English ChannelRussia: A Moscow - Livonia
Adjustment orders for Winter of 1910.

England: Remove A Clyde.Germany: Build F Kiel.
Italy: Build A Naples.
Russia: Remove A Livonia.
Turkey: Build F Smyrna.

Unit locations:

France: ?? ??A Burgundy, A Edinburgh, F Gulf of Lyon, A Liverpool, F London, F North Sea, F Norwegian Sea, A Picardy, F Western Mediterranean.Germany: ?? F English Channel, A Holland, F Kiel, F Norway, A Ruhr, A Sweden.

Italy: ?? ?? F Aegean Sea, A Bulgaria, F Eastern Mediterranean, F Ionian Sea, A Moscow, A Munich, A Naples, A Serbia, A Trieste, F Tunis, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Vienna, A Warsaw.Russia: ?? ??A St Petersburg.

Turkey: ?? ??F Constantinople, A Galicia, A Rumania, A Sevastopol, F Smyrna.
Ownership of supply centers:
France: ?? ??Belgium, Brest, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.

Germany: ?? Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Norway, Sweden.Italy: ?? ?? Budapest, Bulgaria, Greece, Moscow, Munich, Naples, Rome, Serbia, Trieste, Tunis, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw.Russia: ?? ??St Petersburg.

Turkey: ?? ??Ankara, Constantinople, Rumania, Sevastopol, Smyrna.
Austria: ?? ??0 Supply centers, ??0 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.England: ?? ??0 Supply centers, ??0 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.

France: ?? ?? 9 Supply centers, ??9 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.Germany: ?? ??6 Supply centers, ??6 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.Italy: ?? ?? 13 Supply centers, 13 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.Russia: ?? ?? 1 Supply center, ?? 1 Unit: ?? Builds ?? 0 units.

Turkey: ?? ?? 5 Supply centers, ??5 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.
The next phase of DC436 will be Movement for Spring of 1911.
For Immediate Release...-----------------------------

Italy to France

I liked your Mediterranean orders, hope you liked mine. We should try it again sometime.
Italy to Germany

Could have taken ber or kie and been a real pain. But I did not. Nor will I. Munich is my only territorial claim and it was simply because at the time you were moving on me. Leave mun to me and all is fine, I???ll fight you for it if you build an army and try and take it. If you???re smart build a fleet and retreat nts somewhere interesting. We can be friends and you are very much back on track.


---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Fall 10 results with maps and press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:41 pm)
Alright... here we go.
England finally lost Liverpool to France, taking away his last supply center. Thank you "England" for playing. France was able to dislodge Germany from the North Sea and remains the only power in the West. Germany was thwarted at every side, and needs to find a new home for the fleet previously in the North Sea. Russia is also loosing a supply center this turn with Moscow falling to Italy. Turkey and Italy went at it again, this time with Turkey (temporarily) loosing a fleet in the Aegean Sea.??

I need retreats from three countries.Technically, I need a retreat from England even though the army will be removed in the Winter. Clyde or Yorkshire are the two options. With Russia, the only legal retreat from Moscow is to??LVN?? Germany has a choice: retreat to English Channel, Helgoland Bight, Denmark, Skagerrak, Yorkshire or disband to rebuild in Winter.

Autumn retreats are due Thursday, December 20 at 8:30 PM MST (03:30 21-12-12 GMT)
After winter adjustments this weekend, we will take a break until after January 1 for the holidays.

Movement results for Fall of 1910.
England: A Liverpool - Edinburgh (*Dislodged*).
France: A Burgundy - Belgium (*Bounce*).France: A Edinburgh Supports A Wales - Liverpool.

France: F English Channel - London.France: F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Western Mediterranean.France: F Norway - North Sea.France: F Norwegian Sea Supports F Norway - North Sea.

France: A Picardy Supports A Burgundy - Belgium.France: A Wales - Liverpool.France: F Western Mediterranean Supports F Gulf of Lyon.
Germany: A Holland - Belgium (*Bounce*).

Germany: F North Sea - Norwegian Sea (*Dislodged*).Germany: A Ruhr Supports A Holland - Belgium.Germany: F Skagerrak - Norway.Germany: A Sweden Supports F Skagerrak - Norway.

Italy: A Bulgaria Supports A Serbia - Rumania (*Cut*).Italy: F Eastern Mediterranean - Smyrna (*Bounce*).Italy: F Greece - Aegean Sea.Italy: F Ionian Sea Supports F Greece - Aegean Sea.

Italy: A Munich Hold.Italy: A Serbia - Rumania (*Fails*).Italy: A Trieste - Budapest (*Bounce*).Italy: F Tunis Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea.Italy: F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Tunis.

Italy: A Ukraine - Moscow.Italy: A Vienna - Galicia (*Fails*).Italy: A Warsaw Supports A Ukraine - Moscow.
Russia: A Moscow - Sevastopol (*Dislodged*).Russia: A St Petersburg - Moscow (*Fails*).

Turkey: F Aegean Sea - Smyrna (*Disbanded*).Turkey: F Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc) (*Fails*).Turkey: A Galicia - Budapest (*Bounce*).Turkey: A Rumania Supports A Galicia - Budapest (*Cut*).

Turkey: A Sevastopol Supports A Rumania (*Cut*).
The following units were dislodged:
English A Liverpool is disbanded and looses the last remaining supply center

Russian A Moscow can retreat to Livonia, but must disband one unit in Winter.German F North Sea can retreat to English Channel, Helgoland Bight, Denmark, Skagerrak, Yorkshire or disband to rebuild in Winter.

Unit locations:
France: ?? ??A Burgundy, A Edinburgh, F Gulf of Lyon, A Liverpool, F London, F North Sea, F Norwegian Sea, A Picardy, F Western Mediterranean.Germany: ?? A Holland, F Norway, A Ruhr, A Sweden.

Italy: ?? ?? F Aegean Sea, A Bulgaria, F Eastern Mediterranean, F Ionian Sea, A Moscow, A Munich, A Serbia, A Trieste, F Tunis, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Vienna, A Warsaw.Russia: ?? ??A St Petersburg.Turkey: ?? ??F Constantinople, A Galicia, A Rumania, A Sevastopol.

Ownership of supply centers:
England: ?? Liverpool.France: ?? ??Belgium, Brest, Edinburgh, London, Marseilles, Norway, Paris, Portugal, Spain.Germany: ?? Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Sweden.

Italy: ?? ?? Budapest, Greece, Munich, Naples, Rome, Rumania, Serbia, Trieste, Tunis, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw.Russia: ?? ??Moscow, St Petersburg.Turkey: ?? ??Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Sevastopol, Smyrna.

The next phase of DC436 will be Retreats for Fall of 1910.

For Immediate Release...-----------------------------
Meanie Bo Beanie - Hot Lips: say, kid, do you think they're talkin' 'bout us?

Well my Italian friend, the Turk is still in Gal, you lied to me once before. Have you seen the error of your ways or next do I offer my meager forces to the ever patient Turk? Are you now a man of your word or are you still a meanie bo beanie?


---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Summer 10 Press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:40 pm)
For Immediate Release....
Errrmm???. ??Sweden or Belgium, they???re both so tempting, which one shall I have?

Italy to Russia

I shall support you into sev this turn, to take back your rightful centre. In return I would like peace and future cooperation. Who knows what might happen if you could thereafter get into Armenia.

Italy to Germany

See I was not a meanie, I have other fish to fry. I love kebabs.

---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Summer 10 results with maps - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:39 pm)
Here are the Summer 10 results.
Fall 10 orders are due on Wednesday, December 19 at 8:30 PM MST (03:30 19-12-12 GMT)

After we make our Winter 1910 moves this week, we will take a break until after January 1, 2013
Retreat orders for Spring of 1910. ??(DC436)
Italy: F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean.

Italy: A Rumania - Ukraine.
Unit locations:
England: ?? A Liverpool.France: ?? ??A Burgundy, A Edinburgh, F English Channel, F Gulf of Lyon, F Norway, F Norwegian Sea, A Picardy, A Wales, F Western Mediterranean.

Germany: ?? A Holland, F North Sea, A Ruhr, F Skagerrak, A Sweden.Italy: ?? ?? A Bulgaria, F Eastern Mediterranean, F Greece, F Ionian Sea, A Munich, A Serbia, A Trieste, F Tunis, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Ukraine, A Vienna, A Warsaw.

Russia: ?? ??A Moscow, A St Petersburg.Turkey: ?? ??F Aegean Sea, F Constantinople, A Galicia, A Rumania, A Sevastopol.
Ownership of supply centers:
England: ?? Liverpool.

France: ?? ??Belgium, Brest, Edinburgh, London, Marseilles, Norway, Paris, Portugal, Spain.Germany: ?? Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Sweden.Italy: ?? ?? Budapest, Greece, Munich, Naples, Rome, Rumania, Serbia, Trieste, Tunis, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw.

Russia: ?? ??Moscow, St Petersburg.Turkey: ?? ??Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Sevastopol, Smyrna.

The next phase of DC436 will be Movement for Fall of 1910.

---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Spring 10 results - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:38 pm)
Here are the results from Spring 10:
France is moving north and south... not sure what that means for his supply centers in the west. Germany was able to move from Denmark to Skagerrak. Russia once again seemed frozen while Italy and Turkey traded??territories, with Turkey able to dislodge Italy in two locations.??

The following units were dislodged:
Italy's Fleet in the Aegean Sea can retreat to Eastern Mediterranean, or disband. And Italy's Army in Rumania can retreat to Ukraine or Budapest or disband.

Italy's Summer retreats are due on Tuesday, December 18 at 8:30 PM MST (03:30 19-12-12 GMT)
Movement results for Spring of 1910.??

England: A Clyde - Liverpool.
France: A Brest - Wales.France: A Burgundy - Belgium (*Bounce*).France: F English Channel Convoys A Brest - Wales.France: F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyon.

France: F Norway - North Sea (*Fails*).France: F Norwegian Sea Supports A Yorkshire - Edinburgh.France: A Paris - Picardy.France: F Western Mediterranean Supports F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyon.

France: A Yorkshire - Edinburgh.
Germany: F Denmark - Skagerrak.Germany: A Holland - Belgium (*Bounce*).Germany: F North Sea Supports A Holland - Belgium (*Cut*).

Germany: A Ruhr - Burgundy (*Fails*).Germany: A Sweden Supports A St Petersburg - Norway (*Void*).
Italy: F Aegean Sea - Constantinople (*Dislodged*).Italy: A Albania - Serbia.

Italy: F Greece Supports A Serbia - Bulgaria.Italy: A Munich Hold.Italy: F Naples - Ionian Sea.Italy: F Rome - Tyrrhenian Sea.Italy: A Rumania - Sevastopol (*Dislodged*).

Italy: A Serbia - Bulgaria.Italy: A Tyrolia - Vienna.Italy: F Tyrrhenian Sea - Tunis.Italy: A Venice - Trieste.Italy: A Warsaw Hold.
Russia: A Moscow - Sevastopol (*Bounce*).

Russia: A St Petersburg - Moscow (*Fails*).
Turkey: A Bulgaria - Rumania.Turkey: F Constantinople Supports F Smyrna - Aegean Sea.Turkey: A Galicia Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania.

Turkey: A Sevastopol Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Cut*).Turkey: F Smyrna - Aegean Sea.
The following units were dislodged:
Italian F Aegean Sea can retreat to Eastern Mediterranean.

Italian A Rumania can retreat to Ukraine or Budapest.
Unit locations:
England: ?? A Liverpool.France: ?? ??A Burgundy, A Edinburgh, F English Channel, F Gulf of Lyon, F Norway, F Norwegian Sea, A Picardy, A Wales, F Western Mediterranean.

Germany: ?? A Holland, F North Sea, A Ruhr, F Skagerrak, A Sweden.Italy: ?? ?? A Bulgaria, F Greece, F Ionian Sea, A Munich, A Serbia, A Trieste, F Tunis, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Vienna, A Warsaw.Russia: ?? ??A Moscow, A St Petersburg.

Turkey: ?? ??F Aegean Sea, F Constantinople, A Galicia, A Rumania, A Sevastopol.
The next phase of DC436 will be Retreats for Spring of 1910.


DC436 1910 Press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:37 pm)
For Immediate Release-----------------------------------Italy to France

You will see from my moves they are entirely defensive. Please let???s keep a truce.


Italy to Germany

I have no territorial ambitions in your direction
Italy to Turkey

Can???t we be bestest friends?
-----------------------------------Deep Throat to Mr Floppy

Errr??? ??I need a little help here, perhaps with your two fleets and my one mighty army we might work together?
The sleeping but now awaking bear of the East wishes to work with the honourable Wilhelm II. Please support me into Norway and help relieve the tyranny of our common foe and restore the fortunes of my once great nation.


...Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Winter 09 results with maps and press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:37 pm)
Here are the results for the Winter 09.??
We move on to Spring 10. Orders are due on Monday, December 17 at 8:30 pm MST (03:30 18-12-12 GMT)

Adjustment orders for Winter of 1909.

France: Build A Brest.France: Build F Marseilles.Germany: Remove A Berlin.
Italy: Build F Naples.
Italy: Build F Rome.Italy: Build A Venice.

Turkey: Remove F Eastern Mediterranean.

Unit locations:
England: ?? A Clyde.France: ?? ??A Brest, A Burgundy, F English Channel, F Marseilles, F Norway, F Norwegian Sea, A Paris, F Western Mediterranean, A Yorkshire.

Germany: ?? F Denmark, A Holland, F North Sea, A Ruhr, A Sweden.Italy: ?? ?? F Aegean Sea, A Albania, F Greece, A Munich, F Naples, F Rome, A Rumania, A Serbia, A Tyrolia, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Venice, A Warsaw.

Russia: ?? ??A Moscow, A St Petersburg.Turkey: ?? ??A Bulgaria, F Constantinople, A Galicia, A Sevastopol, F Smyrna.
Ownership of supply centers:
England: ?? Liverpool.

France: ?? ??Belgium, Brest, Edinburgh, London, Marseilles, Norway, Paris, Portugal, Spain.Germany: ?? Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Sweden.Italy: ?? ?? Budapest, Greece, Munich, Naples, Rome, Rumania, Serbia, Trieste, Tunis, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw.

Russia: ?? ??Moscow, St Petersburg.Turkey: ?? ??Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Sevastopol, Smyrna.
Austria: ?? ??0 Supply centers, ??0 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.England: ?? ??1 Supply center, ?? 1 Unit: ?? Builds ?? 0 units.

France: ?? ?? 9 Supply centers, ??9 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.Germany: ?? ??5 Supply centers, ??5 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.Italy: ?? ?? 12 Supply centers, 12 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.Russia: ?? ?? 2 Supply centers, ??2 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.

Turkey: ?? ?? 5 Supply centers, ??5 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.
The next phase of DC436 will be Movement for Spring of 1910.
For Immediate Release....-----------------------------

Italy to Turkey

Remove a gal and we can do business.
Italy to Russia

If turkey does not remove a gal I will support you into sev.
Italy to France.

Nothing would please our enemies more than us opening up a new battle between us. Therefore let???s not give them an early present. I???ve been faithful with my moves, please don???t build a fleet in Marseilles and please leave the med.


...Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Fall 09 results with Maps and Press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:35 pm)
We have the results from the Fall 09 orders. England bounced and stays in the game. Other than France's inability to remove England, he is moving through Europe like wildfire - taking Norway this season. Germany also was not able to take back Munich either. Russia was able to make it back to his supply centers and hold on again this year. While Turkey and Italy continue to battle throughout??Eurasia. Italy has proven to be the powerhouse again this year with three new units

Adjustments due are:France: ??Builds ?? 2 units.Germany: ??Removes ??1 unit.Italy: ??Builds ?? 3 units.Turkey: ??Removes ??1 unit.

Winter 09 orders are due on Saturday Dec 15 at 8:30 pm MST (03:30 16-12-12 GMT)
If you mark your orders final, and I get all the orders early, I will try to adjudicate sooner too.

Movement results for Fall of 1909.
England: A Clyde - Liverpool (*Bounce*).
France: F Belgium - English Channel.France: A Burgundy - Belgium (*Bounce*).

France: F Gulf of Lyon - Western Mediterranean.France: F North Sea - Norway.France: F Norwegian Sea Supports F North Sea - Norway.France: A Paris - Burgundy (*Fails*).France: A Yorkshire - Liverpool (*Bounce*).

Germany: A Berlin - Munich (*Fails*).Germany: F Denmark Supports F Skagerrak - North Sea.Germany: A Holland - Belgium (*Bounce*).Germany: A Kiel - Ruhr.Germany: F Skagerrak - North Sea.

Germany: A Sweden - Norway (*Fails*).
Italy: A Albania Supports A Serbia.Italy: A Budapest - Rumania.Italy: F Greece - Bulgaria(sc) (*Fails*).Italy: F Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea.

Italy: A Munich Supports F Burgundy - Ruhr (*Void*).Italy: A Serbia Supports A Budapest - Rumania.Italy: A Tyrolia Supports A Munich.Italy: F Tyrrhenian Sea Hold.Italy: A Warsaw - Moscow (*Fails*).

Russia: A Livonia - Moscow.Russia: A St Petersburg Supports A Livonia - Moscow.
Turkey: A Bulgaria Supports A Sevastopol - Rumania (*Cut*).Turkey: F Constantinople Supports A Bulgaria.

Turkey: A Rumania - Galicia.Turkey: A Sevastopol - Rumania (*Fails*).Turkey: F Smyrna Supports F Syria - Eastern Mediterranean.Turkey: F Syria - Eastern Mediterranean.

Unit locations:
England: ?? A Clyde.France: ?? ??A Burgundy, F English Channel, F Norway, F Norwegian Sea, A Paris, F Western Mediterranean, A Yorkshire.Germany: ?? A Berlin, F Denmark, A Holland, F North Sea, A Ruhr, A Sweden.

Italy: ?? ?? F Aegean Sea, A Albania, F Greece, A Munich, A Rumania, A Serbia, A Tyrolia, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Warsaw.Russia: ?? ??A Moscow, A St Petersburg.Turkey: ?? ??A Bulgaria, F Constantinople, F Eastern Mediterranean, A Galicia, A Sevastopol, F Smyrna.

Ownership of supply centers:
England: ?? Liverpool.France: ?? ??Belgium, Brest, Edinburgh, London, Marseilles, Norway, Paris, Portugal, Spain.Germany: ?? Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Sweden.

Italy: ?? ?? Budapest, Greece, Munich, Naples, Rome, Rumania, Serbia, Trieste, Tunis, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw.Russia: ?? ??Moscow, St Petersburg.Turkey: ?? ??Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Sevastopol, Smyrna.

Austria: ?? ??0 Supply centers, ??0 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.England: ?? ??1 Supply center, ?? 1 Unit: ?? Builds ?? 0 units.France: ?? ?? 9 Supply centers, ??7 Units: ??Builds ?? 2 units.

Germany: ?? ??5 Supply centers, ??6 Units: ??Removes ??1 unit.Italy: ?? ?? 12 Supply centers, ??9 Units: ??Builds ?? 3 units.Russia: ?? ?? 2 Supply centers, ??2 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.Turkey: ?? ?? 5 Supply centers, ??6 Units: ??Removes ??1 unit.

The next phase of DC436 will be Adjustments for Winter of 1909.
For Immediate Release....--------------------------------
Italy to turkey

Hi turkey, we are still in stalemate. Please get your fleet into bla and call a truce.

Alan Calhamer to Italy: You found it, dude! Well done! Now the only barrier to your solo is the other players buddying up to stop you. Still think playing Italy is such a gip???

Hi turkey, so has the penny dropped we are not making progress against each other. You have a disband, so make it a fleet get an army take ukr and then Moscow and stop this pointless stalemate. I will build armies and head for Germany???s northern coast.

---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Spring 09 results with maps and press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:35 pm)
...Just Keep Swimming...
Wow, that was an interesting season! ??There was lots of supports, bounces, disbands, cuts, etc. It sure kept me busy! England is still holding on, even with France in easy striking range. Even with assistance from Italy, France was not able to make headway against Germany, and even lost a unit in Skagerrak. Just in time after winter, Russia unfroze and moved a little... did anyone notice? Italy was dislodged in Syria, but was able to take Serbia. Turkey did lose??Serbia, but was able to dislodge Italy in Syria.

Fall 09 orders are due on Wednesday 12-12-12 at 8:30 pm MST (03:30 13-12-12 GMT)
Movement results for Spring of 1909.
England: A Clyde - Liverpool (*Bounce*).

France: F Belgium Supports F London - North Sea.France: A Burgundy - Ruhr (*Bounce*).France: F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea.France: F London - North Sea.France: A Paris - Burgundy (*Fails*).

France: F Skagerrak Supports F London - North Sea (*Disbanded*).France: F Western Mediterranean - Gulf of Lyon.France: A Yorkshire - Liverpool (*Bounce*).
Germany: A Berlin - Munich (*Fails*).

Germany: F Denmark Supports F Norway - Skagerrak.Germany: A Holland - Ruhr (*Bounce*).Germany: A Kiel - Ruhr (*Bounce*).Germany: F Norway - Skagerrak.Germany: A Sweden Hold.

Italy: A Albania Supports A Trieste - Serbia.Italy: A Budapest, no move received.Italy: F Greece - Bulgaria(sc) (*Fails*).Italy: F Ionian Sea Supports F??Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea.

Italy: A Munich Supports A Burgundy - Ruhr (*Cut*).Italy: F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea.Italy: F Syria - Smyrna (*Disbanded*).Italy: A Trieste - Serbia.Italy: A Tyrolia Supports A Munich.

Italy: A Warsaw - Moscow (*Bounce*).
Russia: A Prussia - Livonia.Russia: A St Petersburg - Moscow (*Bounce*).
Turkey: F Black Sea - Constantinople.

Turkey: A Bulgaria Supports A Serbia (*Cut*).Turkey: F Eastern Mediterranean - Syria.Turkey: A Rumania - Budapest (*Fails*).Turkey: A Serbia Supports A Rumania - Budapest (*Disbanded*).

Turkey: A Sevastopol - Moscow (*Bounce*).Turkey: F Smyrna Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Syria.
Unit locations:
England: A Clyde.France: F Belgium, A Burgundy, F Gulf of Lyon, F North Sea, F Norwegian Sea, A Paris, A Yorkshire.

Germany: A Berlin, F Denmark, A Holland, A Kiel, F Skagerrak, A Sweden.Italy: ??A Albania, A Budapest, F Greece, F Ionian Sea, A Munich, A Serbia, A Tyrolia, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Warsaw.Russia: A Livonia, A St Petersburg.

Turkey: A Bulgaria, F Constantinople, A Rumania, A Sevastopol, F Smyrna, F Syria.
The next phase of DC436 will be Movement for Fall of 1909.
For Immediate Release...

France - Italy:

Thanks! I'll repay the??favor??sometime.
Turkey to Italy - that was a mis-order?

---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 09 Press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:33 pm)
For Immediate Release.....-------------------------------
Hi Turkey, as you can see I mis-ordered hence no move received for bud, I expect you???re real sorry about that. Any deal you want to make let me know.

Italy to France

I think we have better things to do back off and I will leave you be. I???m supporting you into ruh if you want it, a gesture of good will.

---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Autumn/Winter 08 results with maps - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:33 pm)
Here are the results from the Autumn retreats and Winter adjustments.??
Spring orders are due on Monday, December 10 at 8:30 PM MST (03:30 11-12-12 GMT)

Retreat orders for Fall of 1908.

England: A Edinburgh - Clyde.
Italy: F Eastern Mediterranean - Syria.

Adjustment orders for Winter of 1908.
England: Remove F Liverpool.

Italy: Build F Naples.

Unit locations:
England: ?? A Clyde.France: ?? ??F Belgium, A Burgundy, F Edinburgh, F London, A Paris, F Skagerrak, F Western Mediterranean, A Yorkshire.

Germany: ?? A Berlin, F Denmark, A Holland, A Kiel, F Norway, A Sweden.Italy: ?? ?? A Albania, A Budapest, F Greece, F Ionian Sea, A Munich, F Naples, F Syria, A Trieste, A Tyrolia, A Warsaw.Russia: ?? ??A Prussia, A St Petersburg.

Turkey: ?? ??F Black Sea, A Bulgaria, F Eastern Mediterranean, A Rumania, A Serbia, A Sevastopol, F Smyrna.
Ownership of supply centers:
England: ?? Liverpool.

France: ?? ??Belgium, Brest, Edinburgh, London, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.Germany: ?? Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Norway, Sweden.Italy: ?? ?? Budapest, Greece, Munich, Naples, Rome, Trieste, Tunis, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw.

Russia: ?? ??Moscow, St Petersburg.Turkey: ?? ??Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Rumania, Serbia, Sevastopol, Smyrna.
Austria: ?? ??0 Supply centers, ??0 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.

England: ?? ??1 Supply center, ?? 1 Unit: ?? Builds ?? 0 units.France: ?? ?? 8 Supply centers, ??8 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.Germany: ?? ??6 Supply centers, ??6 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.Italy: ?? ?? 10 Supply centers, 10 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.

Russia: ?? ?? 2 Supply centers, ??2 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.Turkey: ?? ?? 7 Supply centers, ??7 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.
The next phase of DC436 will be Movement for Spring of 1909.

---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Fall 08 results with maps - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:32 pm)
England tried his best to hold on this season, but was ousted by France in Edinburgh. France and Germany had some tussle over the North Sea, but neither were able to take it. Italy was able to hold on to Munich for an additional supply center, but lost Serbia to Turkey. Russia is still in the game, with no perceivable motion (winter must have started early - everyone is frozen??)

England and Italy are the only two players that need to submit??adjustments:England was dislodged in Edinburgh, and has lost a supply center, so I need to know if you want to retreat to Clyde and disband Liverpool or retreat to Clyde and disband Clyde, or just disband Edinburgh directly.

Italy was dislodged in Eastern Mediterranean and can retreat to Syria or disband. Italy will have one build if you retreat, or two if you disband.
Autumn retreats and Winter adjustments are due Thursday, December 6 at 8:30 pm MST (03:30 7-12-12 GMT)

Movement results for Fall of 1908.
England: A Edinburgh Hold (*Dislodged*).England: F Liverpool Hold.
France: F Holland - Belgium.

France: F London - North Sea (*Bounce*).France: A Marseilles - Burgundy.France: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western Mediterranean.France: F North Sea - Edinburgh.France: A Paris Supports A Marseilles - Burgundy.

France: F Skagerrak Supports F London - North Sea.France: A Yorkshire Supports F North Sea - Edinburgh.
Germany: F Denmark Supports F Norway - North Sea.Germany: A Kiel Supports A Ruhr - Holland.

Germany: F Norway - North Sea (*Bounce*).Germany: A Ruhr - Holland.Germany: A Silesia - Berlin.Germany: A Sweden - Norway (*Fails*).
Italy: A Albania Supports F Greece.

Italy: A Budapest, no move received.Italy: F Eastern Mediterranean - Aegean Sea (*Dislodged*).Italy: F Greece Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Aegean Sea (*Cut*).Italy: A Munich Supports A Prussia - Berlin (*Void*).

Italy: A Trieste - Serbia (*Fails*).Italy: A Tyrolia Supports A Munich.Italy: F Tyrrhenian Sea - Ionian Sea.Italy: A Warsaw - Moscow (*Bounce*).
Russia: A Prussia - Warsaw (*Fails*).

Russia: A St Petersburg - Moscow (*Bounce*).
Turkey: F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean.Turkey: A Armenia - Sevastopol.Turkey: F Black Sea Supports A Sevastopol - Rumania.

Turkey: A Bulgaria Supports A Serbia - Greece.Turkey: A Serbia - Greece (*Fails*).Turkey: A Sevastopol - Rumania.Turkey: F Smyrna Supports F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean.

The following units were dislodged:
Italian F Eastern Mediterranean can retreat to Syria or disband.English A Edinburgh can retreat to Clyde or disband

Unit locations:
England: ?? F Liverpool.France: ?? ??F Belgium, A Burgundy, F Edinburgh, F London, A Paris, F Skagerrak, F Western Mediterranean, A Yorkshire.Germany: ?? A Berlin, F Denmark, A Holland, A Kiel, F Norway, A Sweden.

Italy: ?? ?? A Albania, A Budapest, F Greece, F Ionian Sea, A Munich, A Trieste, A Tyrolia, A Warsaw.Russia: ?? ??A Prussia, A St Petersburg.Turkey: ?? ??F Black Sea, A Bulgaria, F Eastern Mediterranean, A Rumania, A Serbia, A Sevastopol, F Smyrna.

The next phase of DC436 will be Retreats / Adjustments for Fall/Winter of 1908.

---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Summer 08 Press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:31 pm)
For Immediate Release.....---------------------------------
Italy to Russia

I???ve supported you into berlin-why not take me up on the offer.

Russia to Germany

Very nice of you but I???m done with this game, I???ll support you in.
A message from England

Not sure if anyone has noticed but I???m about to get battered and the only person who is going to benefit is France.

France - Italy: Please don't be alarmed by my southern fleet movement, I'm just a little nervous since your fleet build in Naples. This is just an insurance policy.


Hi Turkey,

I???ll help you into Warsaw and vacate it for you if you concede Serbia. Now is the time to reorientate our forces to more profitable fields, we are wasting time swapping centres while others grow.

Mr Floppy to Meanie Bo Beanie: can I join in? I promise to bring the wet celery and the flying helmet this time...
Allan Calhamer - italy: Yes, but despite the fact Turkey's defense is so good, surely you can see the way in? He's there for the taking if only you can see it...


--Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Summer 08 results with maps and press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:30 pm)
Not much to report, just some record keeping...
Fall 08 orders are due on Wednesday, December 5 at 8:30 pm MST (03:30 6-12-12 GMT)

Retreat orders for Spring of 1908.??

Germany: A Munich - Silesia.Italy: A Serbia - Albania.

Unit locations:
England: ?? A Edinburgh, F Liverpool.France: ?? ??F Holland, F London, A Marseilles, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F North ??Sea, A Paris, F Skagerrak, A Yorkshire.

Germany: ?? F Denmark, A Kiel, F Norway, A Ruhr, A Silesia, A Sweden.Italy: ?? ?? A Albania, A Budapest, F Eastern Mediterranean, F Greece, A Munich, ??A Trieste, A Tyrolia, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Warsaw.

Russia: ?? ??A Prussia, A St Petersburg.Turkey: ?? ??F Aegean Sea, A Armenia, F Black Sea, A Bulgaria, A Serbia, A Sevastopol, F Smyrna.

The next phase of DC436 will be Movement for Fall of 1908.

For Immediate Release...------------------------------Meanie Bo Beanie to Strangely Brown: Whassup good look-in'? You want to come play with me?

Italy to Alan Calhamer - yeah but come on man! Surely you could have made Italy a bit easier to play, I got Turkey crawling all over my ass here!

Germany to Russia. Warsaw in the fall for you then?

Italy to turkey

This just is not working??? real world war one stalemate, see if you can disband a fleet and turn it into an army then we can stop knocking our heads together pointlessly.

Deep Throat - Mr Floppy: I've a feeling my feet are going to get wet before too long, baby!

--- Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Spring 08 results with maps and press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:28 pm)
Here are the Spring 08 results.
England is holding on, but is facing threats from France once again. France and Germany faced off in several locations, with no change. Italy was able to advance on Germany in Munich, but lost ground to Turkey in Serbia. Russia was able to hold off attack this round, and Turkey made a small advance on Italy.

Germany's Munich can retreat to Silesia, Berlin or disband. Italy will retreat to Albania unless I hear from you to disband.

We proceed to Summer 08 retreats. Orders are due Tuesday, Dec 4 at 8:30 pm MST (03:30 5-12-12 GMT)

Movement results for Spring of 1908.
England: A Edinburgh Supports F Liverpool.England: F Liverpool Hold.
France: A Belgium - Yorkshire.

France: F Holland Supports F North Sea.France: F London Supports A Belgium - Yorkshire.France: A Marseilles - Burgundy (*Bounce*).France: F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.

France: F North Sea Convoys A Belgium - Yorkshire.France: A Paris Supports A Marseilles - Burgundy.France: F Skagerrak - Denmark (*Fails*).
Germany: A Berlin - Kiel.

Germany: F Denmark Supports F Norway - North Sea (*Cut*).Germany: A Munich - Burgundy (*Dislodged*).Germany: F Norway - North Sea (*Fails*).Germany: A Ruhr Supports A Munich - Burgundy.

Germany: A Sweden Supports F Denmark.
Italy: A Bohemia - Munich.Italy: A Budapest - Rumania (*Bounce*).Italy: F Eastern Mediterranean - Aegean Sea (*Fails*).
Italy: F Ionian Sea - Greece.
Italy: F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea.Italy: A Serbia Supports F Ionian Sea - Greece (*Dislodged*).Italy: A Tyrolia Supports A Bohemia - Munich.Italy: A Venice - Trieste.Italy: A Warsaw - Moscow (*Bounce*).

Russia: A Prussia - Warsaw (*Fails*).Russia: A St Petersburg - Moscow (*Bounce*).
Turkey: F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean (*Fails*).Turkey: A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Fails*).

Turkey: A Bulgaria Supports A Greece - Serbia.Turkey: A Greece - Serbia.Turkey: F Rumania - Black Sea.Turkey: A Sevastopol - Rumania (*Bounce*).Turkey: F Smyrna Hold.

The following units were dislodged:
German A Munich can retreat to Silesia or Berlin.Italian A Serbia can retreat to Albania.
Unit locations:

England: ?? A Edinburgh, F Liverpool.France: ?? ??F Holland, F London, A Marseilles, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F North Sea, A Paris, F Skagerrak, A Yorkshire.Germany: ?? F Denmark, A Kiel, F Norway, A Ruhr, A Sweden.

Italy: ?? ?? A Budapest, F Eastern Mediterranean, F Greece, A Munich, A Trieste, A Tyrolia, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Warsaw.Russia: ?? ??A Prussia, A St Petersburg.Turkey: ?? ??F Aegean Sea, A Armenia, F Black Sea, A Bulgaria, A Serbia, A Sevastopol, F Smyrna.

The next phase of DC436 will be Retreats for Spring of 1908.

For Immediate Release....-----------------------------From the Tsar (YES THE REAL ONE DANG IT!!!!)Confused? I have issued a national decree that all you other leaders are to be considered, from this day forward, through all eternity:



---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Autumn / Winter 07 results with maps - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:28 pm)
Sorry they are late....
Spring 08 orders are due on Monday, December 3 at 8:30 pm MST (03:30 4-12-12 GMT)
Retreat orders for Fall of 1907.??

France: F Denmark - Skagerrak.France: F Liverpool - North Atlantic Ocean.Turkey: A Serbia - Bulgaria.

Adjustment orders for Winter of 1907. ??

Germany: Remove A Burgundy.Italy: Build F Naples.
Italy: Build A Venice.Russia: Remove F Livonia.

Unit locations:
England: ?? A Edinburgh, F Liverpool.

France: ?? ??A Belgium, F Holland, F London, A Marseilles, F North Atlantic Ocean, F North Sea, A Paris, F Skagerrak.Germany: ?? A Berlin, F Denmark, A Munich, F Norway, A Ruhr, A Sweden.Italy: ?? ?? A Bohemia, A Budapest, F Eastern Mediterranean, F Ionian Sea, F Naples, A Serbia, A Tyrolia, A Venice, A Warsaw.

Russia: ?? ??A Prussia, A St Petersburg.Turkey: ?? ??F Aegean Sea, A Armenia, A Bulgaria, A Greece, F Rumania, A Sevastopol, F Smyrna.
Ownership of supply centers:

England: ?? Edinburgh, Liverpool.France: ?? ??Belgium, Brest, Holland, London, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.Germany: ?? Berlin, Denmark, Kiel, Munich, Norway, Sweden.Italy: ?? ?? Budapest, Naples, Rome, Serbia, Trieste, Tunis, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw.

Russia: ?? ??Moscow, St Petersburg.Turkey: ?? ??Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Rumania, Sevastopol, Smyrna.
Austria: ?? ??0 Supply centers, ??0 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.

England: ?? ??2 Supply centers, ??2 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.France: ?? ?? 8 Supply centers, ??8 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.Germany: ?? ??6 Supply centers, ??6 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.Italy: ?? ?? ??9 Supply centers, ??9 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.

Russia: ?? ?? 2 Supply centers, ??2 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.Turkey: ?? ?? 7 Supply centers, ??7 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.
The next phase of DC436 will be Movement for Spring of 1908.

No Press...
---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Press 07 - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:27 pm)
For Immediate Release...--------------------------Italy to turkey.

Disband and rebuild an army in ank, let???s call a truce and find other more profitable areas for expansion e.g.russia and then the north. Use f aeg to fill in bul. I will withdraw from ems. With or without my builds you are not in a position to deliver a decisive blow against me. Our fleets are evenly matched, your and my units are pinned down. The stalemate is going to be long and unprofitable and should you succeed, indeed you may well, it will be something of a pyrrhic victory as the time it will take for you to make gains will be poor compared to other nations. I think this makes sense.

Italy to Russia

Sorry buddy but couldn???t be sure of success in mun so needed that extra build.--------------------------

---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Fall 07 results with maps - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:26 pm)
This is the Ocean, silly, we're not the only two in here.

We had some fun this time. England was able to push France out of Liverpool this round, recapturing his own supply center. France was ousted from Denmark and Liverpool, but was able to claim the North Sea. Germany took Denmark, was able to hold Munich, but lost Budapest. Russia was trying to rebuild the empire, but got stymied and lost Warsaw to Italy. Italy was able to reclaim Serbia, but also took Budapest and Warsaw. Turkey, for all the planning... was able to move to Rumania!

I am going to try to compress the Autumn and Winter moves this time. These are the adjustments that need to be made.
French F Denmark can retreat to Skagerrak, Helgoland Bight or disband & rebuild.

French F Liverpool can retreat to Clyde, North Atlantic Ocean, Irish Sea or disband & rebuild.
Turkish A Serbia can retreat to Albania, Bulgaria or disband & rebuild.Germany remove 1 unit

Italy build 2 units.Russia remove 1 unit.
Adjustment orders are due Thursday, November 29 at 8:30 pm MST (03:30 30-11-12 GMT)
Movement results for Fall of 1907.??

England: A Edinburgh Supports F Wales - Liverpool.England: F Wales - Liverpool.
France: A Belgium - Ruhr (*Fails*).France: F Denmark - Kiel (*Dislodged*).

France: F English Channel - North Sea.France: F Holland Supports F Denmark - Kiel (*Cut*).France: F Liverpool Hold (*Dislodged*).France: F London Supports F English Channel - North Sea.

France: A Marseilles - Gascony (*Bounce*).France: A Paris - Gascony (*Bounce*).
Germany: F Baltic Sea - Denmark.Germany: A Berlin - Kiel (*Bounce*).Germany: A Burgundy Supports A Munich.

Germany: A Munich Hold.Germany: F Norway - North Sea (*Fails*).Germany: A Ruhr - Holland (*Fails*).Germany: A Sweden Supports F Baltic Sea - Denmark.
Italy: A Bohemia - Munich (*Fails*).

Italy: A Budapest Supports A Trieste - Serbia.Italy: F Eastern Mediterranean - Aegean Sea (*Fails*).Italy: A Galicia - Warsaw.Italy: F Ionian Sea - Greece (*Fails*).Italy: A Trieste - Serbia.

Italy: A Tyrolia Supports A Bohemia - Munich.
Russia: F Livonia - St Petersburg(sc) (*Fails*).Russia: A Prussia - Berlin (*Fails*).Russia: A St Petersburg - Moscow (*Bounce*).

Turkey: F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea (*Fails*).Turkey: A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Fails*).Turkey: F Black Sea - Rumania.Turkey: A Greece Supports A Serbia (*Cut*).

Turkey: A Serbia Supports F Black Sea - Rumania (*Dislodged*).Turkey: A Sevastopol - Moscow (*Bounce*).Turkey: F Smyrna - Eastern Mediterranean (*Fails*).
The following units were dislodged:

French F Denmark can retreat to Skagerrak or Helgoland Bight.French F Liverpool can retreat to Clyde or North Atlantic Ocean or Irish Sea.Turkish A Serbia can retreat to Albania or Bulgaria.

Unit locations:
England: ?? A Edinburgh, F Liverpool.France: ?? ??A Belgium, F Holland, F London, A Marseilles, F North Sea, A Paris.Germany: ?? A Berlin, A Burgundy, F Denmark, A Munich, F Norway, A Ruhr, A Sweden.

Italy: ?? ?? A Bohemia, A Budapest, F Eastern Mediterranean, F Ionian Sea, A Serbia, A Tyrolia, A Warsaw.Russia: ?? ??F Livonia, A Prussia, A St Petersburg.Turkey: ?? ??F Aegean Sea, A Armenia, A Greece, F Rumania, A Sevastopol, F Smyrna.

The next phase of DC436 will be Retreats for Fall and Adjustments for Winter of 1907.

---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Summer 07 retreat results with maps and pres... - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:25 pm)
Here are the retreat orders for Summer.
Fall 07 orders are due Wednesday, November 28 at 8:30 PM MST (03:30 29-11-12 GMT)

Retreat orders for Spring of 1907.??

Italy: A Serbia - Trieste.
Unit locations:
England: ?? A Edinburgh, F Wales.France: ?? ??A Belgium, F Denmark, F English Channel, F Holland, F Liverpool, F London, A Marseilles, A Paris.

Germany: ?? F Baltic Sea, A Berlin, A Burgundy, A Munich, F Norway, A Ruhr, A Sweden.Italy: ?? ?? A Bohemia, A Budapest, F Eastern Mediterranean, A Galicia, F Ionian Sea, A Trieste, A Tyrolia.Russia: ?? ??F Livonia, A Prussia, A St Petersburg.

Turkey: ?? ??F Aegean Sea, A Armenia, F Black Sea, A Greece, A Serbia, A ??Sevastopol, F Smyrna.
The next phase of DC436 will be Movement for Fall of 1907.

For Immediate Release...

Italy to France can Russia. Seeing as you are both fighting Germany it is in all our interests to bring a disband. Plus once into mun I can reciprocate support to you both therefore:

Dear France can you see your way to cut any support to mun offered by ruh and bur.
Dear Russia

Can you please cut and support offered by a ber to mun.

Best wishes


---Just Keep Swimming


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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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