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Fall 1904 Results, Winter Builds Due Jan. 3rd - oybert   (Jan 01, 2011, 11:47 am)


DC350: 12h for Winter 1901 - Rocketship   (Jan 01, 2011, 8:39 am)
Hi Everyone,
This is your friendly 12h reminder for Winter 1901. I'm still missing build orders from England and Turkey.
Happy New Year!


DC350: 12h for Winter 1901 (dc350) Rocketship Jan 01, 11:17 pm
DC350: Winter 1901
Build A Budapest
Build F London
Build F Brest
Build A Marseilles
Build F Kiel
Build A Munich
Build F Naples
Build A Sevastopol
Build F St Petersburg(nc)
Build A Smyrna

Your deadline for Spring, 1902 is set at Friday, January 7, 2010, at 05:00GMT.
DC 338 Winter 08 Results - derekthefeared2   (Dec 31, 2010, 11:50 pm)
Here are winter results for 08.  Let's set the spring 09 for next Thursday, January 6th at 3:00 PM us eastern time.  Happy new year everyone!

Build A Budapest

Build A Edinburgh

Remove F Adriatic Sea
Remove A Warsaw

Build A Venice

Remove A Livonia


dc354 - New Year - FuzzyLogic   (Dec 31, 2010, 10:18 pm)
Hey all,

Your Civs have their New Years resolutions ready to go?  “I will not club other races on the head”… “I will refrain from fluttering about in creatures ears”… “I will always turn in prelims”…


That last one is my recommendation.  It’s never too early to turn in prelims! 


“What’s a prelim?” You may ask…


Well… a pre-lim is not what comes before a post-lim.  Rather, it’s the orders you turn in, before you know what you really want to order, just to have something turned in!  It’s your first instinct on what to order… so that later, when you get called away on last minute business, or you stub your toe and have to go to the hospital, or your dog eats your computer… or aliens land in your back yard, abduct your cat, and you run off on a whirlwind quest to galaxies far far away to rescue him from the evil Vogons… then before you know it, the deadline passes and your units all hold – but NO… you turned in prelims!  You’re covered.  Woohoo!  Two thumbs WAY up!  So you can heal your toe, extract your computer, rescue your cat, and save the galaxy, knowing all the time you’ve got a backup turned in.




You get the idea.

About half of you have turned in at least something.  Everyone should!


And may all your races prosper in the new year…






From: Michael Sims
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 12:36 PM
Subject: dc354 - Game Start!


Ok folks here we go!


The only race not requested by anyone... was... The Magicians.  Who go to one of the lucky "give me what's left" players.  Smile

Of which, there were only two!


The other unpopular ones were the Barbarians and Undead, which only made one list each.


The most requested?  Well the Dwarves are no surprise, but we had a tie... with the Leprechauns!  I found that interesting.  Those two made 8 lists, including being the first choice on 4.  The Ogres and Dwarves were tied for the most popular 1st pick, being the first pick for 3 people each.


All the rest not noted above made 4, 5, or 6 lists, so pretty balanced for the rest of them.


Now on to our lineup!  It wasn't easy, but everyone got one of their top 3 picks.  9 got their top 1.  3 got their 2nd.  5 got their 3rd.  2 had no pref.


















Ellicott City






Little Rock




























































































FIRST DEADLINE:  Thursday Jan 6, 3pm Central (2100 GMT)


Most turns will not be 2 weeks, this is just cuz we're spanning several holidays here.  Most will be 5-6 days.


Feel free to copy me on anything you find interesting about the game.  I'm still learning it too, and like to know about some of the interactions that take place and how things come to be.  Be sure to send press.  Text, images, sound bytes, props... whatever works for ya. 


If this email doesn't come out nicely for you with the chart, find the players on the webpage:  www.diplomaticcorp.com?game=dc354.  Click on any player name to see their email address and history.






dc339 special holiday edition - FuzzyLogic   (Dec 31, 2010, 9:52 pm)
Hey all,

Let’s not forget what we’re doin here… the Draw Props are all great and I’ll try to make heads & tails of them with the winter results, which will be taken as proposals for spring…


One turn… draw is proposed.

Next turn… draw is voted on.  If any draw passes, game is over.  If all draws fail, moves are processed as submitted.


So be sure to get me those builds!  I’ll set a firm deadline of Tuesday 3pm.




From: Michael Sims
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:16 PM
To: 'coebq(at)yahoo.com'; 'hancockfc(at)yahoo.com'; 'justin(at)darkenedpath.com'; 'mjn82(at)yahoo.com'; 'ross826(at)gmail.com'; 'mlb767(at)aim.com'; 'clockheardt(at)yahoo.com'; 'fredrik(at)familjenblom.se'
Cc: dc339
Subject: dc339 special holiday edition


This special holiday edition of your Ancient World brings plenty of strife, lots of failed orders, and dislodgements all across the board.  Hope you’re all enjoying the holiday cheer…


2 retreats!


Carthaginian F Treva can retreat to Mare Suevieum or O.Germanicus or Scandia.

Roman A Genua can retreat to Helvetii.


I just nudged them to Scandia and Helvetii, to make the builds easier.  If Carthage prefers the Mare Suev or O.Ger, he’s welcome to amend w the winter turn by the winter deadline.


Seems like Germania and Rome are on Santa’s naughty list, and not only get coal for Christmas, but they owe up some units.  Persia is on the good list w a unit to build, and Macedonia, well, we don’t know what he’s up to w jolly ole’ Santa to get the big +2.  But good job nonetheless!


Germania: Remove 1

Macedonia: Build 2

Persia: Build 1

Rome: Remove 1

Carthage: Could pull the retreat and be +1 instead.


Want to squeak in builds this holiday?  How about by Monday / 27th, or I’ll send out whenever I get a set of 4.  But being the holidays, I won’t NMR anyone if you’re late for this one.


Enjoy, and Have a great Christmas,




F O.Britannicus - Aliso

F Numidian Sea Supports F Numidia - Carthage

A Gaetulia Supports F Numidia - Carthage

F Numidia - Carthage (*Fails*)

A Burdigala - Narbonensis (*Fails*)

A Lugdunum - Lutetia

F Treva Supports F O.Britannicus - Aliso (*Dislodged*)

A Narbonensis - Lugdunum (*Fails*)

F Sardinia - Tyrhennian Sea (*Fails*)



A Memphis Hold

A Thebes Supports A Memphis



A Helvetii - Lugdunum

A Aliso - Treva

A Raetia Supports A Aqueleia - Genua

A Belgica Supports A Helvetii - Lugdunum

F Britannia - O.Britannicus



F Ionian Sea - Sicilia (*Fails*)

F Aegaeum Mare - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)

F Pontus Euxinus Hold

A Aestui Supports A Aliso - Treva

A Aqueleia - Genua

F Apulia - Neapolis (*Bounce*)

A Umbria - Roma (*Fails*)

A Iazyges - Biskupin

A Pannonia - Aqueleia

F Creta Supports F Aegaeum Mare - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)



F Syrtis Major Supports F Carthage

F Lybian Sea Supports F Lycian Sea

F Gulf of Judea Supports F Lybian Sea

F Lycian Sea Supports F Lybian Sea

F Carthage Supports F Ionian Sea - Punic Sea (*Void*)

A Alexandria, no move received

A Sinai - Memphis (*Fails*)

A Cyrenaica Supports F Carthage

A Armenia - Cartenna (*Fails*)



F Tyrhennian Sea - Neapolis (*Bounce*)

A Genua Supports A Roma (*Dislodged*)

A Roma Supports A Genua (*Cut*)

F Sicilia - Neapolis (*Bounce*)



(DC 326) Gumball - Autumn/Winter 1917 Results - Corrino   (Dec 31, 2010, 7:01 pm)
Happy New Year, one and all!

Thanks to Germany and Austria for getting in their moves on time so I can publish this before I'm too far into my cups.


Austria:  Retreat A Silesia - Prussia
Italy:  Retreat A Marseilles - Burgundy


Build A Trieste
Build A Budapest

Remove A Piedmont
Remove F Clyde

Latest map is attached.

DEADLINE:  Spring 1918 is due Wednesday, January 5, at 8:00 p.m. EST.  As discussed early, we're going to try to speed up our turns a little bit from here on out.



(DC 326) Gumball - Autumn/Winter 1917 Results (dc326) Corrino Dec 31, 07:01 pm
Happy New Year, one and all!

Thanks to Germany and Austria for getting in their moves on time so I can publish this before I'm too far into my cups.


Austria:  Retreat A Silesia - Prussia
Italy:  Retreat A Marseilles - Burgundy


Build A Trieste
Build A Budapest

Remove A Piedmont
Remove F Clyde

Latest map is attached.

DEADLINE:  Spring 1918 is due Wednesday, January 5, at 8:00 p.m. EST.  As discussed early, we're going to try to speed up our turns a little bit from here on out.

(DC 326) Gumball - Autumn/Winter 1917 Results - Corrino   (Dec 31, 2010, 7:01 pm)
Happy New Year, one and all!

Thanks to Germany and Austria for getting in their moves on time so I can publish this before I'm too far into my cups.


Austria:  Retreat A Silesia - Prussia
Italy:  Retreat A Marseilles - Burgundy


Build A Trieste
Build A Budapest

Remove A Piedmont
Remove F Clyde

Latest map is attached.

DEADLINE:  Spring 1918 is due Wednesday, January 5, at 8:00 p.m. EST.  As discussed early, we're going to try to speed up our turns a little bit from here on out.



dc340 DCI 2010 - W05 Fleets Rule - garry.bledsoe   (Dec 31, 2010, 5:32 pm)
A lone army is built and two scuttled as F's seem the dominant force. We move to Spring06 on Jan 6 at 6pm.

Byz builds F Arm

Bur builds F Hag

Pol removes A Mas, A Rig

Isr builds A Cyr

Happy New Year all!

Lord of the March

From: kielmarch(at)hotmail.com
To: smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com; camorse22(at)yahoo.com; dirk(at)knemeyer.com; jhack16(at)gmail.com; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; m_don_j(at)hotmail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; untitled36(at)hotmail.com; michael.alan.walters(at)gmail.com; dci(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: dc340 DCI 2010 - F05 Ebbs and Flows
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2010 16:26:01 -0500

Is Ireland Creating Its Own Personal Stalemate Line? If there were just a F in BAY...
Spain and Poland Live On. What's the Over/Under on the First Elimination These Days? Poland in 07? Sorry Mikael.

The Noose Around Byzantium Loosens a Bit As Israel Transfers Its Affections But Sicily Remains Besieged (But Unblemished)

Several Powers Sit on 9 SCs but You Don't Really Feel Like There is A Front-Runner or Dominant Alliance Just Yet


Sorry for the delay to today. I thought I was going to get to this later last night and I had some stuff come up. Sigh. Oh well. We are back now with quite an exciting turn. Lots of interesting movement and lots of twists but little change in the end. We only have one retreat:

Ukraine F Geo can only retreat to Cir or OTB. I retreated it automatically to Cir. John can go OTB and rebuild if desired. 

With that auto-retreat, we are straight to Winter. Given the delay by your GM, let's set Winter further back than I originally anticipated. Let's go with a Winter turn of the 30th at 6pm CST and have Spring 1906 be Jan 6th at 6pm CST

Winter adjustments are as follows:

Burgundy Build 1

Israel Build 1

Poland Remove 2

Ukraine Build 1 IF AND ONLY IF F from Geo retreats OTB

Byzantium Build 1

Merry Christmas from the March.



F Bornholm Sea - Holstein

F Brussels - Hague (*Bounce*)

A France - Picardy

A Hesse - Hague (*Bounce*)

A Languedoc - Dijon

A Mark - Gdansk

A Saxony Supports A Mark - Gdansk

A Silesia Supports A Mark - Gdansk (*Cut*)


F Naples - Apulia (*Fails*)

F Palermo Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples (*Fails*)

F Portugal Hold

A Rome Supports F Naples - Apulia

A Tunisia Hold

F Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples (*Fails*)

F Valencia Supports A Estremadura - Catalonia


A Cornwall - Wessex

F Denmark Supports F Gdansk - Bornholm Sea

F English Channel - Brittany

F Gascony - Santander

F Helgoland Bight Supports F Wessex - Anglican Sea

F Irish Sea - English Channel

F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F English Channel - Brittany

F Sweden Supports F Gdansk - Bornholm Sea

F Wessex - Anglican Sea


F Apulia - Naples (*Fails*)

A Budapest - Galicia (*Bounce*)

A Lemburg - Podolia (*Fails*)

A Serbia - Bulgaria (*Fails*)

A Tuscany Supports A Venezia - Umbria

A Venezia - Umbria


F Aegean Sea Supports F Thrace - Constantinople

A Armenia - Georgia

A Iran Supports A Armenia - Georgia

F Malta Sea Supports F Apulia - Naples

F Tobruk Sea Supports F Malta Sea


F Gdansk - Bornholm Sea

A Masuria - Gdansk (*Fails*)

A Riga - Livonia


A Estremadura - Catalonia


A Bulgaria Supports A Constantinople - Rumania (*Cut*)

A Constantinople - Rumania

F East Black Sea Supports F Georgia - Armenia (*Cut*)

F Georgia - Armenia (*Dislodged*)

A Novgorod, no move received

A Podolia - Galicia (*Bounce*)

A Smyrna - Constantinople (*Disbanded*)

A Warsaw - Silesia (*Fails*)

F West Black Sea Convoys A Constantinople - Rumania


A Aitolia - Smyrna

F Anatolia - East Black Sea (*Fails*)

A Pisidia Supports A Aitolia - Smyrna

F Thrace - Constantinople


dc337 - Winter 1909 Results - z93blom   (Dec 31, 2010, 9:58 am)


dc337 - Winter 1909 Results (dc337) z93blom Jan 07, 12:34 pm
Haven map change - Krazick   (Dec 31, 2010, 7:34 am)

Prowling around the forum, and I found your note from January 2010 (almost a year back) about possible changes to the Haven Map. And you make a point that Dargaard Keep is in the middle of 5 powers, but that none of which can reach it with a land unit in 01 --

This is not quite true. I see two ways to get an Army there in Fall 01:

1. Rogue Fleet Ashan -> Pool of Radiance, Turn 2 Fleet Pool Radiance convoy Convoy Rogue Army to Dargaard Keep (from Moominvally/The Silver City/Ashan - take your pick).
2. Magi Fleet Ergoth -> ESS, Turn 2 Fleet ESS Convoy Undead Army to Dargaard Keep from either Evergoth or Ishtar.

The second is less likely, since it requires cooperation between players.

Having only studied the games that have been played so far, and starting up in DC354, I can't say I am much of an authority on these suggestions. But I would feel a link for Devils Canyon to Ice Reach provides a back door into both the north and south -- Requires at least one unit to sit and defend... I would say something like:

Break Devils Canyon into to regions (East/West), and place two connections (one from Ice Reach, other from Cathal to each.

This would require more coordinated assaults and defense... and less "Edges" to have at anyone's back.



Haven map change (Variants) laxrulz777 Jan 06, 03:22 pm
I'm playing in the newest Haven game (go Barbarians!). The Icereach to Devil's Canyon link strikes me as a really basic stalemate line. One unit holds it easily. It ends up having a weird dynamic where the Knights are trying to ally with whoever DOESN'T hold Devil's Canyon and whoever holds Devil's Canyon is trying to ally with the Barbarians/Centaurs. So it kind of encourages a 2v2 type arrangement... Not necessarily a good or bad thing but something to think about.

If you REALLY wanted to encourage that interaction, you could make Icereach and Devil's Canyon the same zone (taking it from simple stalemate line to nearly undefendable.

The other ideas are interesting, but if you do that, it's probably time to clean up the map a little. It's already a bit confusing and adding some sort of north south wrapping along with location specific links might make some peoples heads pop. I think it would be a bit more interesting if the location links were NOT SCs... creating a strategic item to fight over that isn't an SC would be an interesting dynamic.

Also, mages can double convoy (SAB->WSS->ESS-KEE). Also unlikely but technically possible (and probably slightly more likely then the mage and undead player collaborating in Y1.
Haven map change (Variants) laxrulz777 Jan 06, 03:22 pm
I'm playing in the newest Haven game (go Barbarians!). The Icereach to Devil's Canyon link strikes me as a really basic stalemate line. One unit holds it easily. It ends up having a weird dynamic where the Knights are trying to ally with whoever DOESN'T hold Devil's Canyon and whoever holds Devil's Canyon is trying to ally with the Barbarians/Centaurs. So it kind of encourages a 2v2 type arrangement... Not necessarily a good or bad thing but something to think about.

If you REALLY wanted to encourage that interaction, you could make Icereach and Devil's Canyon the same zone (taking it from simple stalemate line to nearly undefendable.

The other ideas are interesting, but if you do that, it's probably time to clean up the map a little. It's already a bit confusing and adding some sort of north south wrapping along with location specific links might make some peoples heads pop. I think it would be a bit more interesting if the location links were NOT SCs... creating a strategic item to fight over that isn't an SC would be an interesting dynamic.

Also, mages can double convoy (SAB->WSS->ESS-KEE). Also unlikely but technically possible (and probably slightly more likely then the mage and undead player collaborating in Y1.
Haven map change (Variants) laxrulz777 Jan 07, 10:41 am
What I see as the two changes needed (note, this is slightly from a Barbarian point of view but I think I'm being appropriately "neutral"Wink

I would make two slight tweaks to the map

1) The Barbarians biggest problem is that they are essentially FORCED to telegraph their moves. Every move out of their starting centers is unambiguous and it greatly reduces their ability to engage in diplomacy. While this may be flavorful, it is greatly exaggerated and not really in keeping with the spirit of the game. To this end, I would "massage" Eridu somewhat (possibly removing it altogether). Pendarin woods or Andarien Plains should be made to touch Gwynir (possibly both?). That gives the Barbarians some room for options and negotiations.

2) I think natural relations between the Fairies and their neighbors are too friendly. The Fairies have a very, very good chance of getting three builds (it would really take a concerted Knight/Rogue effort to keep them even to 1 build... and that's only doable if the Rogue sacrifices any hope of two builds by being willing to bounce in Gurgi and Dimmsdale). I considered the possibility of making Grimheim touch Gurgi. But this seems too god. A better choice might just be to make Daisy Meadows an SC. Something to create some friction between the two would be nice. Currently, only Dimmsdale does this but it's removed from both Fairy and Rogue home SCs so it's of limited use in that regard. The other possibility is to stretch WMO to touch Dimmsdale and switch Julianthes and Dimmsdale making Dimmsdale an Eternal Build Center. This would draw both the Dwarves and the Nomads in (This has the added benefit of making churning Rock not adjacent to two eternal build centers. This might make the Fairies TOO weak, however.
Haven map change (Variants) orathaic Jan 15, 09:50 pm
I saw a request to inform Michael sims if Haven had spread beyond dip corp, so i might present: http://www.vdiplomacy.com/variants.php?variantID=51

I'm pretty sure there's a bit of a division between web-client diplomacy players an older pbem crowd, but here is an implementation.

As it stands i don't think it has any special rules, just the basic (3d) geography, and eternal builds....
DC 333, New France, game update - stendaswargames   (Dec 30, 2010, 2:25 pm)
It's late and I need to sleep now, but will write you all tomorrow! I am an ICT Teacher from South Africa, and love Diplomacy!
I hope you will consider me a new player, with new ideas and not treat me as an extension of whatever may have happened before.
Dorian Love
From: Warren Fleming [alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com]
Sent: 30 December 2010 10:04 PM
To: naamanbathing(at)yahoo.com; tim_crosby(at)hotmail.com; ssuther17(at)gmail.com; october(at)gmail.com; Dorian Love
Cc: dc333(at)diplomaticcorp.com; Warren
Subject: DC 333, New France, game update
Hi folks,
We have a new France. Dorian Love has agreed to step in... thanks Dorian. I couldn't put France in CD considering the situation, so we'll go on from here with our new volunteer.
The game is still at the summer 08 season, waiting for retreats from England AND FRANCE, which I'm going to allow because noone is going into Civil Disorder. Retreats possible are pasted below this paragraph. I'm going to give until Monday January 3, 2011, 17:00 MST for discussions to take place before I adjudicate that summer turn, so you've all got a few days to chat.
English F English Channel can retreat to Mid-Atlantic Ocean or
Irish Sea or London or OTB.
French F Gulf of Lyon can retreat to Spain(sc) or OTB.

Here is the new player list for those active in the game.
ID : alhabashi
Ctry : Russia 0
Name : jim tapp
Email : naamanbathing(at)yahoo.com
Location : abercarn, GB
ID : fencertim
Ctry : Turkey 0
Name : Timothy Crosby
Email : tim_crosby(at)hotmail.com
Location : Gainesville, FL, US
ID : MunkMunk17
Ctry : Italy 0
Name : Scott Sutherland
Email : ssuther17(at)gmail.com
Location : Philadelphia, PA, US
ID : s2000chops
Ctry : England 1
Name : Salim Furth
Email : october(at)gmail.com
Location : Rochester, NY, US
ID : stendaswargames
Ctry : France 2
Name : Dorian Love
Email : dlove(at)roedeanschool.co.za
Location : Johannesburg, Gauteng, ZA

Is that it? I think so. Carry on people.
Information contained in any e-mail or attachment from Roedean School (SA) is confidential. You should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. The views and opinions expressed in this email may not reflect those of any member of Roedean School. If you are not the addressee (or responsible for delivery of the message to the addressee), please notify the originator immediately by return message and destroy the original message. This message and any attachments have been scanned for viruses prior to leaving the Roedean School network. However, Roedean School does not guarantee the security of this message and will not be responsible for any damages arising as a result of any virus being passed on or arising from any alteration of this message by a third party. Roedean School may monitor emails sent to and from the Roedean School network.


DC 333, New France, game update - alwayshunted   (Dec 30, 2010, 2:04 pm)
Hi folks,


We have a new France. Dorian Love has agreed to step in... thanks Dorian. I couldn't put France in CD considering the situation, so we'll go on from here with our new volunteer.


The game is still at the summer 08 season, waiting for retreats from England AND FRANCE, which I'm going to allow because noone is going into Civil Disorder.  Retreats possible are pasted below this paragraph. I'm going to give until Monday January 3, 2011, 17:00 MST for discussions to take place before I adjudicate that summer turn, so you've all got a few days to chat.


English F English Channel can retreat to Mid-Atlantic Ocean or
Irish Sea or London or OTB.
French F Gulf of Lyon can retreat to Spain(sc) or OTB.


Here is the new player list for those active in the game.


ID : alhabashi
Ctry : Russia 0
Name : jim tapp
Email : naamanbathing(at)yahoo.com
Location : abercarn, GB

ID : fencertim
Ctry : Turkey 0
Name : Timothy Crosby
Email : tim_crosby(at)hotmail.com
Location : Gainesville, FL, US

ID : MunkMunk17
Ctry : Italy 0
Name : Scott Sutherland
Email : ssuther17(at)gmail.com
Location : Philadelphia, PA, US

ID : s2000chops
Ctry : England 1
Name : Salim Furth
Email : october(at)gmail.com
Location : Rochester, NY, US

ID : stendaswargames
Ctry : France 2
Name : Dorian Love
Email : dlove(at)roedeanschool.co.za
Location : Johannesburg, Gauteng, ZA



Is that it? I think so. Carry on people.






DC 333, New France, game update (dc333) stendaswargames Dec 30, 02:25 pm
It's late and I need to sleep now, but will write you all tomorrow! I am an ICT Teacher from South Africa, and love Diplomacy!
I hope you will consider me a new player, with new ideas and not treat me as an extension of whatever may have happened before.
Dorian Love
From: Warren Fleming [alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com]
Sent: 30 December 2010 10:04 PM
To: naamanbathing(at)yahoo.com; tim_crosby(at)hotmail.com; ssuther17(at)gmail.com; october(at)gmail.com; Dorian Love
Cc: dc333(at)diplomaticcorp.com; Warren
Subject: DC 333, New France, game update
Hi folks,
We have a new France. Dorian Love has agreed to step in... thanks Dorian. I couldn't put France in CD considering the situation, so we'll go on from here with our new volunteer.
The game is still at the summer 08 season, waiting for retreats from England AND FRANCE, which I'm going to allow because noone is going into Civil Disorder. Retreats possible are pasted below this paragraph. I'm going to give until Monday January 3, 2011, 17:00 MST for discussions to take place before I adjudicate that summer turn, so you've all got a few days to chat.
English F English Channel can retreat to Mid-Atlantic Ocean or
Irish Sea or London or OTB.
French F Gulf of Lyon can retreat to Spain(sc) or OTB.

Here is the new player list for those active in the game.
ID : alhabashi
Ctry : Russia 0
Name : jim tapp
Email : naamanbathing(at)yahoo.com
Location : abercarn, GB
ID : fencertim
Ctry : Turkey 0
Name : Timothy Crosby
Email : tim_crosby(at)hotmail.com
Location : Gainesville, FL, US
ID : MunkMunk17
Ctry : Italy 0
Name : Scott Sutherland
Email : ssuther17(at)gmail.com
Location : Philadelphia, PA, US
ID : s2000chops
Ctry : England 1
Name : Salim Furth
Email : october(at)gmail.com
Location : Rochester, NY, US
ID : stendaswargames
Ctry : France 2
Name : Dorian Love
Email : dlove(at)roedeanschool.co.za
Location : Johannesburg, Gauteng, ZA

Is that it? I think so. Carry on people.
Information contained in any e-mail or attachment from Roedean School (SA) is confidential. You should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. The views and opinions expressed in this email may not reflect those of any member of Roedean School. If you are not the addressee (or responsible for delivery of the message to the addressee), please notify the originator immediately by return message and destroy the original message. This message and any attachments have been scanned for viruses prior to leaving the Roedean School network. However, Roedean School does not guarantee the security of this message and will not be responsible for any damages arising as a result of any virus being passed on or arising from any alteration of this message by a third party. Roedean School may monitor emails sent to and from the Roedean School network.
WB 3 days left! - FuzzyLogic   (Dec 30, 2010, 11:45 am)
Only 3 days left to enter the WB - get in quick!


(DC 326) Gumball - Fall 1917 results - Corrino   (Dec 30, 2010, 8:56 am)
Hi Players,

Hope you're enjoying this last week of 2010.  I know it hasn't been the best week for everyone, but here's wishing all of you a healthy and happy new year in 2011.

As you'll recall, we had three end-of-game proposals on the table:

1.  France/Germany/Austria
2.  France/Germany/Austria/Italy
3.  Austria/Italy

None of the proposals passed, though ALL of them had a majority in favor.  I'm not going to break it down further than that, except to say that every player did submit votes.  There were no abstentions.  You may submit new proposals (or resubmit a previous one) at any time.  Now on to the results for Fall 1917.

Headline:  "Austria-Hungary Rolls over Russia
as Kaiser's Scandinavian Buns are Buttered by Fleeing White Army"

In other words:

. Austria captures both Moscow and St. Pete, as the Tsar chooses to abandon the last defense of his homeland.  A difficult choice, I'm sure, but St. Pete would have fallen next year anyway if he had chosen to defend it this year at the cost of one of his remaining armies.

. Germany pays the price for not making amends for earlier transgressions on the Eastern front.  It looks like he was counting on goodwill that simply does not exist.  Now he must decide whether to shift forces away from England in order to recapture Scandinavia.  And what about his armies in the East and in Piedmont?  Somewhere, somehow, two German units need to be disbanded.  Which will go and which will stay?

. Fortunately for Germany's friend, France, the (soon-to-be-gone?) army in Piedmont did prove to be the key in his recapture of
Marseilles.  Sunbathers up and down the coast look up from their novels and order another glass of Beaujolais.

. Observers on both sides of the Atlantic (and on the moon, too, for that matter) are wondering why Italy chose to use his fleet in Western Med to signal the Germans in Norwegian Sea, rather than cut the French support from Spain.  Crazy, or genius?  It seems that in losing Marseilles the wily Italians have gained Burgundy.  Now THERE is a nightmare for France and Germany.

. And we can't leave without remarking that the plucky British forces are still sitting pretty at home, having successfully blocked yet another attempt to take away Edinburgh.  I think it is safe to say that no one is enjoying the current German and French predicaments more than they.

. Italian army Marseilles has been auto-retreated to Burgundy.  Let me know if you want to remove the unit instead,
. Austrian army Silesia has been dislodged and may retreat to Prussia, Warsaw or OTB.

ADJUSTMENTS:  Austria builds 2 new units.  Germany must remove 2.

DEADLINES:  Since only two players are involved in the Winter season, I'd like to do both retreats and adjustments together.  This assumes, of course, that the Kaiser can make his choices without knowing the Austrian retreats.  Let me know, Herr Kaiser. 

Officially:  The Austrian retreat is due ASAP, and Winter adjustments are due within 24 hours after I post the Austria retreat.


Orders as resolved:
A Livonia - St Petersburg
A Moscow Supports A Livonia - St Petersburg
A Sevastopol Supports A Moscow
A Silesia - Bohemia (*Dislodged*)
A Trieste - Tyrolia
A Ukraine - Galicia
F Venice Hold
A Vienna Supports A Trieste -

A Liverpool Supports A Yorkshire - Edinburgh
A Yorkshire - Edinburgh (*Bounce*)

F English Channel Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Gascony - Marseilles
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Spain(sc)
F Portugal Supports F Spain(sc)
F Spain(sc) Supports A Gascony - Marseilles
A Wales - London

A Belgium - Denmark
A Berlin Supports A Munich - Silesia
A Bohemia - Tyrolia (*Fails*)
F Clyde - Edinburgh (*Bounce*)
A Munich - Silesia
F North Sea Convoys A Belgium - Denmark
F Norwegian Sea Supports F Clyde - Edinburgh
A Piedmont Supports A Gascony - Marseilles

A Armenia Supports A Sevastopol
F Black Sea Convoys A Armenia - Edinburgh (*Void*)
F Gulf of Lyon Supports A Marseilles
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Marseilles Hold (*Dislodged*)
F North Africa Supports F Western Mediterranean
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Tuscany
F Western
Mediterranean Supports F Norwegian Sea - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Void*)

A Finland - Sweden
A St Petersburg - Norway


Austria (10):   Budapest, Moscow, Rumania, St Petersburg, Serbia, Sevastopol, Trieste, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw.
England (2):   Edinburgh, Liverpool.
France (6):    Brest, London, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany (6):   Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich.
Italy (Cool:     Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Naples, Rome, Smyrna, Tunis.
Russia (2):    Norway, Sweden.


Austria:   Supp  10 Unit  8 Build  2
England:   Supp  2 Unit  2 Build  0
France:    Supp  6 Unit  6 Build  0
Germany:   Supp  8 Unit  8
Remove  2
Italy:     Supp  8 Unit  8 Build  0
Russia:    Supp  2 Unit  2 Build  0
Turkey:    Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0    ... eliminated 1915


dc337 - Fall 1909 Results - z93blom   (Dec 30, 2010, 3:02 am)

The adjudication will be delayed since I'll be away this evening. I expect to be able to do the adjudication sometime tomorrow, so I'm moving the due date by 12 hours.

Next turn: Winter 1909 Adjustments.

Next Deadline: Friday 31th of December 2010, 7:00 GMT (7AM).



DC 333 - stendaswargames   (Dec 30, 2010, 1:27 am)
Count me in. Looking for an impossible situation to rescue!
From: lightbrigade(at)diplomaticcorp.com [lightbrigade(at)diplomaticcorp.com]
Sent: 30 December 2010 01:43 AM
To: Dorian Love
Subject: DC 333 [post:18875]

Alwayshunted posted in Light Brigade. The message was...
Tough spot folks. Preventative role most likely.
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DC350: Fall 1901 - Rocketship   (Dec 30, 2010, 12:24 am)
DC350: Fall 1901

A Serbia - Bulgaria (*Bounce*)
F Trieste - Albania
A Vienna - Galicia (*Bounce*)
F North Sea - Norway
F Wales - London (*Bounce*)
A Yorkshire - London (*Bounce*)
F English Channel Supports F Denmark - North Sea
A Picardy - Belgium
A Spain - Portugal
F Denmark - North Sea
A Kiel - Denmark
A Ruhr - Holland
A Apulia - Tunis
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Apulia - Tunis
A Rome - Apulia
F Gulf of Bothnia - Sweden
F Sevastopol - Rumania
A Ukraine Supports F Sevastopol - Rumania
A Warsaw - Galicia (*Bounce*)
F Ankara - Black Sea
A Bulgaria - Greece
A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Bounce*)

There are no retreats. However, we will now have our first Winter adjustments!

These would ordinarily be due in two days, but that would make the deadline on New Years Eve... so instead the deadline will be 05:00GMT on Jan 2, 2010. Your Spring 1902 deadline will then be on Jan 7, 2010 at 05:00GMT.


DC 333 - alwayshunted   (Dec 29, 2010, 5:43 pm)
Tough spot folks. Preventative role most likely.




DC 333 (Light Brigade) stendaswargames Dec 30, 01:27 am
Count me in. Looking for an impossible situation to rescue!
From: lightbrigade(at)diplomaticcorp.com [lightbrigade(at)diplomaticcorp.com]
Sent: 30 December 2010 01:43 AM
To: Dorian Love
Subject: DC 333 [post:18875]

Alwayshunted posted in Light Brigade. The message was...
Tough spot folks. Preventative role most likely.
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DC 347, Replacement found, on we go... - alwayshunted   (Dec 29, 2010, 5:41 pm)
Hi folks,


Welcome Andy White as our new England:


First: Andy
Last : White
Email: awhite8877(at)gmail.com
Yahoo: awhite
Game : dc347


And therefore, on we go. I'll give one week for ya'll to get aquainted. Fall 1903 is now due January 5, 2011, 17:00 MST.  I'll post the whole player list below here....




ID : awhite
Ctry : England 1
Name : Andy White
Email : awhite8877(at)gmail.com
Location : Spokane, WA, US

ID : coebq
Ctry : France 0
Name : Bruce Quinn
Email : coebq(at)yahoo.com
Location : Washington, DC, US

ID : ConradW
Ctry : Germany 0
Name : Charles Welsh
Email : welsh_stroud(at)msn.com
Location : Ellicott City, MD, US

ID : musclecat
Ctry : Italy 0
Name : Mike Benyon
Email : musclecat(at)ntlworld.com
Location : Loughton, ESSEX, UK

ID : pjh5000
Ctry : Russia 0
Name : Paul Harrington
Email : pjh5000(at)hotmail.com
Location : Boston, MA, US

ID : Timujin
Ctry : Turkey 0
Name : Llibert Vinyals
Email : llibertv(at)mixmail.com
Location : Vilanova, ES





DC 333, France needed - alwayshunted   (Dec 29, 2010, 5:41 pm)
A tough spot... maybe a job for the light brigade.


DC 333, New Plan - alwayshunted   (Dec 29, 2010, 5:20 pm)
Hi guys. All things considered I have decided that to not attempt to find a replacement for France at this stage wouldn't quite be just in all cases. Sorry Tim, but I'm going to query the light brigade and see if I can find a willing player.




Fall 1904 Results, Winter Builds Due Jan. 3rd - bpynnonen   (Dec 29, 2010, 5:00 pm)


Fall 1904 Results, Winter Builds Due Jan. 3rd (dc346) oybert Jan 01, 11:47 am
DC 347, replacement england needed - alwayshunted   (Dec 29, 2010, 3:07 pm)
Hi folks. England has gone AWOL in 347. The position is salvageable for a good diplomat.... have a look, and e-mail me if interested:




Need a new England - alwayshunted   (Dec 29, 2010, 3:00 pm)
Hey folks. Early in the game, England has gone AWOL and needs to be replaced. Have a look, lots of opportunity here still for an accomplished diplomat.


DC 347, Replacement needed - alwayshunted   (Dec 29, 2010, 2:58 pm)
Hi folks. Sorry I didn't get to this yesterday, and now I'm going to have to delay again as we have had our English player abandon us. It is too important a position right now to put him in CD, so I will seek a replacement and we'll try to run the fall turn again once we find one. It doesn't usually take very long, so hang in there.....




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