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dc334 s03 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Sep 08, 2010, 3:32 pm)
Player list for dc334

2 retreats!
Spartan F SIS
Macedonian A Thm
Both by Friday!  3pm Central.  Tho I'll put out retreats early, as soon as I get both orders.
F Aegina Supports F Athens - West Cyclades
F Athens - West Cyclades (*Bounce*)
A Megara - Athens (*Fails*)
F West Cyclades - West Aegean Sea (*Fails*)
F Ambracia, no move received
A Chalcis, no move received
A Delphi, no move received
F Naupactus, no move received
A Thebes, no move received
F Lemnos Hold
A Olynthus - Amphipolis (*Fails*)
A Therma Supports A Olynthus - Amphipolis (*Dislodged*)
F Cnossos - South Ionian Sea
F Delos Supports F East Cyclades - West Cyclades
F East Cyclades - West Cyclades (*Bounce*)
F Lesbos Supports F East Aegean Sea - West Aegean Sea
F North Cretan Sea - Gulf of Laconia
F Samos - North Sporades
F Amphipolis Hold
F East Aegean Sea - West Aegean Sea
A Halicarnassus Hold
A Odrysae Supports F Pieria - Therma
F Pergamum - East Aegean Sea
F Rhodes - Carpathian Sea
F South Cretan Sea Supports F Cnossos - South Ionian Sea
A Troia Hold
A Achaia - Naupactus (*Fails*)
A Arcadia Hold
F Gulf of Argolis - North Cretan Sea
F Ithaca - Gulf of Patrae
F South Ionian Sea Supports F Gulf of Argolis - North Cretan Sea
F Zarax Supports F Gulf of Argolis - North Cretan Sea
A Hestiaeotis - Dolopia
A Lamia - Phthiotis
A Larissa - Hestiaeotis
A Pella Supports F Pieria - Therma
F Pherae - Thermaic Gulf
F Pieria - Therma


Behold! dc339 f220bc results! - FuzzyLogic   (Sep 08, 2010, 3:23 pm)
Not surprisingly the only two bounces in the spring become uncaptured neutrals in the fall!  In fact lots of centers go uncaptured, not for lack of trying tho... we have a fierce amphibious assault as the Egyptian army fails to land on Crete, turned away by the Macedonians... and Sardinia, well, it sits there in the middle of the Western Med, a tranquil oasis with but a lone Roman raft floating towards its shores.  Lots of press!

Carthage's Offering:

Baal, Son of Dagan, borne upon the mountain,
cloaked in the rising thunderhead,
surveys a far land lit by cloud-fire,
Creator of the Maelstrom, Lord of the Earth.
O, Great Him! Accept this humble sacrifice and grant my units comprehension and mobility this fall!


“Hello, dear! I’m home!”
“*Smooch* Hello, darling. Find everything you needed at the shop?”
“Everything and more! You’ll never guess who I bumped into!”
“Shhh, no shouting. We have guests in the parlor.”
“Guests? What guests?
“Oh, just the Scythian Hordes.”
“The Scythian Hordes?”
“Yes. You know, those hairy fellows from the north. We saw that documentary on the telly about them. Anyway, they saw our notice for the room to let, so popped by to inquire.”
“Maggie, we can’t have the Scythian Hordes in the parlor!”
“Oh, George, once they let the room, I suspect they’ll keep to the kitchen. In the meantime, I put the plastic on the good couch.”
“That’s not what I mean! I’ve got the Persians in the front hall!”
“The Persians?”
“Yes, that’s who I ran into at the store. Asked them if they wouldn’t mind swinging around to appraise the new rug.”
“But the new rug’s—-”
“In the living room, yes!”
“Oh, George!”
“Now, don’t panic, Maggie. For all we know the Persians and the Scythians are the oldest of chums.”
“They’re hordes, George! Hordes don’t have chums!”
“You’re right, of course. Oh, what are we to do?”
“You go out in the front hall and tell the Persians I lent the rug to my sister for her tea with the vicar. And I’ll tell the Scythian Hordes that they’ll need to come back next week about the room because of the . . . the . . .”
“The bed bugs!”
“Brilliant, George! The bed bugs! The exterminator can’t come until Tuesday, so to come back after that!”
“Ah, I’m glad I married such a level-headed girl.”
“Oh, George.”
“But what are we to do if they both come back on the same day again?”
“We best stock up on biscuits, shouldn’t we then.”


You say that we've come far enough? That the lands we now occupy are enough. Well, I say that there are lands further on that are rich - just as rich as the lands we now occupy. There are also other powers out there - powers that will attempt to snatch our lands from under our hooves if we so much as turn our back on them.

The lands we now occupy are inhabited by weaklings. We should be able to keep moving into the richer steppes ahead - leaving our tamgas on their livestock, burning their homes, taking their women for ours and Litaking their gold. By spreading the word of the riches and the victories that we are accomplishing there shall be more waves of tribesmen that follow us. I say we do not rest until we have conquered this whole land - from sea to sea.

Famous speech by Lipoxais to the troops in Dacia, ca: 220 BC.
Now I can see why it was considered to have Bithynia be a possible supply center, as the Scythians find themselves... supply-center-less this winter... and also looking a bit exposed are the Egyptians who search for a new build in a region where there's none to be found.
Carthage: Build 2
Gaul: Build 2
Germania: Build 1
Macedonia: Build 2
Persia: Build 2
Rome: Build 3

BUILDS:  Due Friday!  3pm Central.
A Saguntum Supports A Pyrenaei - Hispania
A Pyrenaei - Hispania
F Cyrenaica Hold
F Lybian Sea Convoys A Alexandria - Creta
A Alexandria - Creta (*Bounce*)
A Memphis - Alexandria (*Fails*)
F O.Britannicus - Britannia
A Lugdunum - Belgica (*Bounce*)
A Hispania - Burdigala
F O.Germanicus - Scandia
A Aliso - Belgica (*Bounce*)
A Biskupin - Bojohaemum
F Aegaeum Mare - Creta (*Bounce*)
A Athos - Byzantium
A Moesia Supports A Athos - Byzantium (*Cut*)
F Gulf of Judea - Cyprus
A Nineveh - Armenia (*Bounce*)
A Judea Hold
A Neapolis - Sicilia
A Narbonensis - Lugdunum (*Fails*)
A Pannonia Supports A Moesia
F Sicilia - Tyrhennian Sea
F Pontus Euxinus Supports A Dacia - Moesia
A Maikop - Armenia (*Bounce*)
A Dacia - Moesia (*Fails*)


Behold! dc339 f220bc results! (dc339) FuzzyLogic Sep 08, 04:02 pm
Gaul does only get but a single build, not two!

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Wed 9/8/2010 3:23 PM
To: coebq(at)yahoo.com; hancockfc(at)yahoo.com; justin(at)darkenedpath.com; mjn82(at)yahoo.com; ross826(at)gmail.com; mlb767(at)aim.com; clockheardt(at)yahoo.com; fredrik(at)familjenblom.se
Cc: dc339
Subject: Behold! dc339 f220bc results!

Not surprisingly the only two bounces in the spring become uncaptured neutrals in the fall!  In fact lots of centers go uncaptured, not for lack of trying tho... we have a fierce amphibious assault as the Egyptian army fails to land on Crete, turned away by the Macedonians... and Sardinia, well, it sits there in the middle of the Western Med, a tranquil oasis with but a lone Roman raft floating towards its shores.  Lots of press!

Carthage's Offering:

Baal, Son of Dagan, borne upon the mountain,
cloaked in the rising thunderhead,
surveys a far land lit by cloud-fire,
Creator of the Maelstrom, Lord of the Earth.
O, Great Him! Accept this humble sacrifice and grant my units comprehension and mobility this fall!


“Hello, dear! I’m home!”
“*Smooch* Hello, darling. Find everything you needed at the shop?”
“Everything and more! You’ll never guess who I bumped into!”
“Shhh, no shouting. We have guests in the parlor.”
“Guests? What guests?
“Oh, just the Scythian Hordes.”
“The Scythian Hordes?”
“Yes. You know, those hairy fellows from the north. We saw that documentary on the telly about them. Anyway, they saw our notice for the room to let, so popped by to inquire.”
“Maggie, we can’t have the Scythian Hordes in the parlor!”
“Oh, George, once they let the room, I suspect they’ll keep to the kitchen. In the meantime, I put the plastic on the good couch.”
“That’s not what I mean! I’ve got the Persians in the front hall!”
“The Persians?”
“Yes, that’s who I ran into at the store. Asked them if they wouldn’t mind swinging around to appraise the new rug.”
“But the new rug’s—-”
“In the living room, yes!”
“Oh, George!”
“Now, don’t panic, Maggie. For all we know the Persians and the Scythians are the oldest of chums.”
“They’re hordes, George! Hordes don’t have chums!”
“You’re right, of course. Oh, what are we to do?”
“You go out in the front hall and tell the Persians I lent the rug to my sister for her tea with the vicar. And I’ll tell the Scythian Hordes that they’ll need to come back next week about the room because of the . . . the . . .”
“The bed bugs!”
“Brilliant, George! The bed bugs! The exterminator can’t come until Tuesday, so to come back after that!”
“Ah, I’m glad I married such a level-headed girl.”
“Oh, George.”
“But what are we to do if they both come back on the same day again?”
“We best stock up on biscuits, shouldn’t we then.”


You say that we've come far enough? That the lands we now occupy are enough. Well, I say that there are lands further on that are rich - just as rich as the lands we now occupy. There are also other powers out there - powers that will attempt to snatch our lands from under our hooves if we so much as turn our back on them.

The lands we now occupy are inhabited by weaklings. We should be able to keep moving into the richer steppes ahead - leaving our tamgas on their livestock, burning their homes, taking their women for ours and Litaking their gold. By spreading the word of the riches and the victories that we are accomplishing there shall be more waves of tribesmen that follow us. I say we do not rest until we have conquered this whole land - from sea to sea.

Famous speech by Lipoxais to the troops in Dacia, ca: 220 BC.
Now I can see why it was considered to have Bithynia be a possible supply center, as the Scythians find themselves... supply-center-less this winter... and also looking a bit exposed are the Egyptians who search for a new build in a region where there's none to be found.
Carthage: Build 2
Gaul: Build 2
Germania: Build 1
Macedonia: Build 2
Persia: Build 2
Rome: Build 3

BUILDS:  Due Friday!  3pm Central.
A Saguntum Supports A Pyrenaei - Hispania
A Pyrenaei - Hispania
F Cyrenaica Hold
F Lybian Sea Convoys A Alexandria - Creta
A Alexandria - Creta (*Bounce*)
A Memphis - Alexandria (*Fails*)
F O.Britannicus - Britannia
A Lugdunum - Belgica (*Bounce*)
A Hispania - Burdigala
F O.Germanicus - Scandia
A Aliso - Belgica (*Bounce*)
A Biskupin - Bojohaemum
F Aegaeum Mare - Creta (*Bounce*)
A Athos - Byzantium
A Moesia Supports A Athos - Byzantium (*Cut*)
F Gulf of Judea - Cyprus
A Nineveh - Armenia (*Bounce*)
A Judea Hold
A Neapolis - Sicilia
A Narbonensis - Lugdunum (*Fails*)
A Pannonia Supports A Moesia
F Sicilia - Tyrhennian Sea
F Pontus Euxinus Supports A Dacia - Moesia
A Maikop - Armenia (*Bounce*)
A Dacia - Moesia (*Fails*)
DC 335 Deadline Reminder - fencertim   (Sep 08, 2010, 2:48 pm)
A little more than 24 hours until the Fall
03 orders are due. I have 3 sets in hand.


DC 335 Deadline reminder (dc335) fencertim Sep 20, 07:40 pm
Less than 24 hours to the spring deadline….needing one set
of orders.
DC 335 Deadline Reminder (dc335) fencertim Oct 11, 03:35 pm
Spring 1905 orders and end game votes due
is less than 24 hours. I have 4 confirmed sets as of now.
Thanks all.
DC 335 Deadline Reminder (dc335) fencertim Oct 12, 01:09 pm
2 hours to go…..need 2 sets of
orders and votes.

From: Timothy Crosby

Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010
4:35 PM

To: 'Timothy Crosby';
jyjusy(at)hotmail.com; michael.alan.walters(at)gmail.com;
Simon.Langley-Evans(at)nottingham.ac.uk; matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu;
yannanth(at)gmail.com; 'Darryl Good'; wealllovekatamari(at)yahoo.com;

Subject: DC 335 Deadline Reminder

Spring 1905 orders and end game votes due
is less than 24 hours. I have 4 confirmed sets as of now.
Thanks all.
DC 335 Deadline Reminder (dc335) waltersm1 Oct 12, 01:23 pm
I am voting YES!

I hope everybody else does ... and we can say congrats to Russia,
Germany, and France!

On 10/12/2010 2:09 PM, Timothy Crosby wrote:

hours to go…..need 2 sets of
orders and votes.

From: Timothy Crosby

Monday, October 11, 2010
4:35 PM

'Timothy Crosby';
jyjusy(at)hotmail.com; michael.alan.walters(at)gmail.com;
yannanth(at)gmail.com; 'Darryl Good';

DC 335 Deadline Reminder

1905 orders and end game votes due
is less than 24 hours. I have 4 confirmed sets as of now.
dc337 - Autumn & Winter 1901 Results - z93blom   (Sep 08, 2010, 1:57 pm)
Is the tide turning back to the west? The retreats and the builds are in and the future will tell how it all turns out.
Autumn Retreats:Germany: 
F Denmark - Helgoland Bight
Winter Builds:Austria: Build A Vienna
Italy: Build A Milan
Build F St Petersburg(sc)
Next turn: Spring 1901 MovementNext Deadline: Monday, 13th of September 2010, 18:00 GMT (6PM).



dc337 - Autumn & Winter 1901 Results (dc337) z93blom Sep 13, 10:41 am
The orders are due in a few hours...
Next turn: Spring 1901 MovementNext Deadline: Monday, 13th of September 2010, 18:00 GMT (6PM).

2010/9/8 Fredrik Blom <fredrik(at)familjenblom.se>

Is the tide turning back to the west? The retreats and the builds are in and the future will tell how it all turns out.

Autumn Retreats:Germany: 
F Denmark - Helgoland Bight
Winter Builds:Austria: Build A Vienna
Italy: Build A Milan

Build F St Petersburg(sc)
Next turn: Spring 1901 MovementNext Deadline: Monday, 13th of September 2010, 18:00 GMT (6PM).

dc337 - Autumn & Winter 1901 Results (dc337) z93blom Sep 13, 02:38 pm
The adjudication will be delayed at least 12 hours. Orders will be accepted up until the start of the adjudication.
Den 13 sep 2010 17.41, "Fredrik Blom" <fredrik(at)familjenblom.se> skrev:

The orders are due in a few hours...

Next turn: Spring 1901 Movement
Next Deadline: Monday, 13th of September 2010, 18:00 GMT (6PM).
2010/9/8 Fredrik Blom <fredrik(at)familjenblom.se>

> Diplomats,
> Is the tide turning back to the west? The retreats and the builds are in and the...
dc320 f08 Game-End Draw!! - MrBallgame   (Sep 08, 2010, 1:09 pm)
Harrumph.  I believe Turkey's results and performance speaks for itself. Smile 
I am left feeling rather like the Black Knight at the Bridge in Monty Python and the Holy Grail: That would be me, shouting at Austria, "Come back! I'll bite your legs off!"
I consider myself the unintended vicitm of Russia's initial confusion. I DMZed the Black Sea to gain time for an attack north, but that actually delayed my necessary deployment to the Black Sea as an offshore bolster to my home defense. I had hoped to ally with Austria and break out north to take advantage of the Russian confusion, but he recognized sooner that Russia was the lesser threat to him. And only too late did it seem comprehensible to me that Italy could ally with Austria, rather than trade future gains for Greece, which I viewed as just too close to home to let him keep.  By then, Russia might have been an ally in spirit, but in no position to do anything about it.
I might have held out for  few turns longer, if I hadnt mistaken Bulgaria for the Ardennes forest and foolishly tried a last ditch 'surprise' offense move, instead of holding tight in Constantinople; I also forfeited a strategic positon in E Med to retreat, too soon, into Smyrna.  Let me know when you see that French fleet coming over the horizon from the West, will you?
My only other gripe would be to those who ignored me as they were intent on their conquests across the map -- if you have nothing to say or no business with my country, still you could email me, you dont have to promise, ally or threaten, you can even lie to me,  or respond with gossip or nonsense to keep the lines open.  Towards the end, I only heard the crickets chirp!  More than half the fun is staying in touch through the game!

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This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the email to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this email in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this email is strictly prohibited.
Benenden School (Kent) Ltd
Registered in England No.196353 Registered Charity No.307854
Registered Office: Benenden School, Cranbrook, Kent TN17 4AA

"It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be
happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing. The shadow, even the darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you - That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding onto something."
"What are we holding onto, Sam?"
"That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for."


dc320 f08 Game-End Draw!! - Wladimir7   (Sep 08, 2010, 11:38 am)
Fellow players,

What a roller-coaster of a game this was for me. I mean it started slowly ratcheting upwards like the beginning ascent of the coaster (typical gains of Denmark and Holland) only to collapse quickly (losing Denmark with a foreign army in Ruhr) to have a nice satisfying slow ending with my steady growth closing the game.
In the beginning, I wanted to foment war between England and France while keeping my Austrian ally safe from attack. Germany can never succeed without a strong Austria (in my opinion) so I tried to bring peace to my south. France and England eventually began fighting while allowed me to send a strong force east against the quiet Russia alongside an Austrian army. I wanted to gain a corner position on the board and the northeast seemed the easiest to obtain.
This decision didn't look that smart though when England began hammering Scandinavia while eventually gaining the all-important Denmark. This left me with a tough decision of continuing my war in the east at the expense of losing centers closer to my home. I felt like gaining the corner position was more important so I carried on and the builds gained from that campaign were fortunately placed back home protecting the Rhineland just in time.
England correctly sniffed out the Aunchluss early on and no doubt tried to rally the board against us but the eastern powers were subdued before they could do anything about it. The mid-game ended with Austria being the dominant player on the board with a strong Italy and weakened Germany taking on England and France.
Austria then acted in a way that was unfamiliar to me. He did not stab me when I was weak. He left me alone and actually held his forces allowing me to collect myself against a now isolated England with a France fighting for his life against Italy. It was this selfless act that decided my endgame strategy. Germany reached a dominant position in the northeast corner with its eye on the British Isles when peace was reached. Naturally I did consider the prospect of going for the solo but I could not bring myself to stab such a loyal ally. Truthfully, my abilty to survive was directly because of Austria's decision.
Enough of gushy stuff. Everyone played great and I especially enjoyed the successful testing of the Aunchluss. I learned that it is more difficult than the Western Triple or the RT Steamroller but it is very powerful in the mid-game. Plenty of trust is needed since our home centers are so close to one another.
Thanks to everyone for keeping this game going without much delay. Special thanks to Mike for keeping us on pace and for being prompt in the results distribution.

On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 8:23 PM, Alex Maslow <blueraider0(at)gmail.com> wrote:


This has been a particularly bizarre game.  On the one hand, I hate when one nation collapses quickly (Russia), and yet, such things are possible in the real world, so I gotta deal.

Ger and I were allied early and when Fletch missed the build I of course went for Lvp and held it like a knife to Fletch to hit Ger because of the Rus collapse.  Things looked good except for that misorder to Spa where I forgot to specify the coast that allowed Italy to get in.  I thought I could win it back, and depend on Austrian pressure on the other side of Alfred, but I misordered against Spa AGAIN and Austria wasn't being much help, and when I lost Mar, I knew that front was done, and when Fletch came against me with his righteous fury, well, there wasn't much more to be done.

I will say I think much of this was my fault, as egotistical as that is to say.  First, my misorders were sadly clutch, and embarrassingly repeated.  Also, Fletch kept alerting me to the central alliance, and I kept insisting it was just coincidence they would move against each other in time.  Mmmm, yeah I feel pretty darn stupid about that.  I took no interest against the east until it was absolutely too late.  But, you know, props to the east for being so stealthy about their grand alliance, which seems to have been well planned....

Ah well.  Good job to all and hope to play with you folks again.  Esp Theodore.  We made some plans but no chance came to make them work.  I hope next game together we get to actually interact.



On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 5:01 PM, NICOL, Alfred (AMN) <AMN(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk> wrote:

Hi all
Well done and many thanks to Mike for running the game, thanks to my allies ah and ger and of course all those players who kept issuing orders etc right to the end.
Some interesting things turned the game for me. I had no plan to go for ah but couldn't get the deal on gre I think is vital to Italy, so I risked early war and threatened tri, it worked and after that we got along fine. The second gamble was to go west, again not in my initial plan, but the missed build in liv let fra in and I feared a fra dominance that I had to curtail, it worked and the balance of power was restored.
The great strength of Italy usually is to be able to wait and see, but this game I didn't feel that was an option.
I think ah had a decent, but not sure chance, to go for a solo, probably when ger were snared up with the last rus unit and I was bogged down with fra. He didn't; fair play to him.
I enjoyed the game and look forward to playing with you all again

From: Michael Sims [mailto:mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net]

Sent: 07 September 2010 21:03
To: NICOL, Alfred (AMN); Blueraider0(at)gmail.com; jmc66(at)mac.com; tcooperstein730(at)att.net; tfletch33(at)yahoo.com; rk(at)giorsoine.dk; wmysonski(at)gmail.com

Cc: dc320
Subject: dc320 f08 Game-End Draw!!

5 yes votes equals a 3-way AGI draw!
England and France squeak by with survivals, and the big 3 declare world peace.  Congrats!  And so, our summerfest comes to a happy end, right on the day after Labor Day - the traditional end to summer.  Was it fate?  EOG's are encouraged from all!  It's been a pleasure and see you next game...


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This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the email to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this email in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this email is strictly prohibited.

Benenden School (Kent) Ltd
Registered in England No.196353 Registered Charity No.307854
Registered Office: Benenden School, Cranbrook, Kent TN17 4AA

"It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing. The shadow, even the darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you - That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding onto something."

"What are we holding onto, Sam?"
"That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for."


dc307 ~ Orient Express - sgttodd   (Sep 08, 2010, 8:23 am)
Deadline for Fall 1912 is Sunday, September 12th (at) 2359 UTC. (I have to work Monday night)

Sorry guys - I goofed; the last moves were for Spring, not Fall, so, the summer retreat was:

Siberia: F East China Sea - Honshu

Unit locations:

India: F Bay of Bengal, F Bombay, F Borneo, F Central Indian Ocean, A Delhi, A Kunlun, F Sri Lanka, A Sumatra.

Indonesia: F Celebes Sea, F East China Sea, F Jawan Sea, F Philippines.

Russia: A Afghanistan, F Arabian Sea, F Caspian Sea, F Eastern African Sea, A Iran, A Kazakhstan, A Moscow, A Oman, A Pakistan, F Red Sea, F Seychelles, F St. Petersburg, A Tien Shan, A Urals.

Siberia: A Ekaterinburg, F Hokkaido, F Honshu, F Kamchatka, A Laos, A Mongolia, A Novosibirsk, F South China Sea, F Shanghai, A Tibet, A Vietnam, A West Siberia.

Deadline for Fall 1912 is Sunday, September 12th (at) 2359 UTC.
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy


dc307 ~ Orient Express (dc307) sgttodd Sep 15, 03:38 pm
Sorry for the delay, but we were short two sets of orders and
only got one in - so - on with the show:

Deadline for Retreat: Thursday, September 16th (at) 2359 UTC.

Deadline for Winter 12 adjustments: Friday, September 17th (at) 2359

The following units were dislodged:

Indian F Borneo can retreat to Thai Sea or South China Sea.


India:      8 Supply centers,   8 Units.

Indonesia:  4 Supply centers,   4 Units.

Russia:    14 Supply centers,  14 Units.

Siberia:   14 Supply centers,  12 Units:  Builds   2 units.

Ownership of supply centers:

India:     Bombay, Burma, Calcutta, Delhi, Kunlun, Sri Lanka,
Sumatra, Thailand.

Indonesia: Australia, Borneo, Java, Philippines.

Russia:    Arabia, Balkans, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Madagascar, Moscow,
Oman, Pakistan, Sevastopol, St. Petersburg, Turkey, Urals,

Siberia:   Beijing, Hokkaido, Honshu, Irkutsk, Kamchatka, Korea,
Laos, Manchuria, Novosibirsk, Shanghai, Tibet, Vietnam, West
Siberia, Yakutsk.

Movement results for Fall of 1912.

India: F Bay of Bengal Supports F Bombay.

India: F Bombay Hold.

India: F Borneo Hold (*Dislodged*).

India: F Central Indian Ocean - South Indian Ocean.

India: A Delhi Supports A Kunlun.

India: A Kunlun Supports A Delhi.

India: F Sri Lanka Hold.

India: A Sumatra Hold.

Indonesia: F Celebes Sea - Borneo.

Indonesia: F East China Sea Supports F Shanghai - Yellow Sea

Indonesia: F Jawan Sea Supports F Celebes Sea - Borneo.

Indonesia: F Philippines Supports F East China Sea.

Russia: no moves received.

Siberia: A Ekaterinburg Supports A Novosibirsk.

Siberia: F Hokkaido - East China Sea (*Fails*).

Siberia: F Honshu - Yellow Sea (*Bounce*).

Siberia: F Kamchatka - Chucki Sea.

Siberia: A Laos Supports A Vietnam.

Siberia: A Mongolia Hold.

Siberia: A Novosibirsk Supports A Mongolia.

Siberia: F South China Sea - Celebes Sea.

Siberia: F Shanghai - Yellow Sea (*Bounce*).

Siberia: A Tibet Supports A Mongolia.

Siberia: A Vietnam Hold.

Siberia: A West Siberia Supports A Ekaterinburg.

Unit locations:

India:     F Bay of Bengal, F Bombay, F Borneo, A Delhi, A Kunlun, F
South Indian Ocean, F Sri Lanka, A Sumatra.

Indonesia: F Borneo, F East China Sea, F Jawan Sea, F Philippines.

Russia:    A Afghanistan, F Arabian Sea, F Caspian Sea, F Eastern
African Sea, A Iran, A Kazakhstan, A Moscow, A Oman, A Pakistan, F
Red Sea, F Seychelles, F St. Petersburg, A Tien Shan, A Urals.

Siberia:   F Celebes Sea, F Chucki Sea, A Ekaterinburg, F Hokkaido,
F Honshu, A Laos, A Mongolia, A Novosibirsk, F Shanghai, A Tibet, A
Vietnam, A West Siberia.

Deadline for Retreat: Thursday, September 16th (at) 2359 UTC.

Deadline for Winter 12 adjustments: Friday, September 17th (at) 2359

files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
dc307 ~ Orient Express (dc307) sgttodd Sep 17, 05:37 pm
Deadline for Spring 1913 orders is:  Wednesday, September 22nd (at)
2359 UTC.


India: F Borneo - Thai Sea

Adjustment orders for Winter of 1912.

Siberia: Build F Kamchatka.

Siberia: Build A Irkutsk.

Unit locations:

India:     F Bay of Bengal, F Bombay, A Delhi, A Kunlun, F South
Indian Ocean, F Sri Lanka, A Sumatra, F Thai Sea.

Indonesia: F Borneo, F East China Sea, F Jawan Sea, F Philippines.

Russia:    A Afghanistan, F Arabian Sea, F Caspian Sea, F Eastern
African Sea, A Iran, A Kazakhstan, A Moscow, A Oman, A Pakistan, F
Red Sea, F Seychelles, F St. Petersburg, A Tien Shan, A Urals.

Siberia:   F Celebes Sea, F Chucki Sea, A Ekaterinburg, F Hokkaido,
F Honshu, A Irkutsk, F Kamchatka, A Laos, A Mongolia, A Novosibirsk,
F Shanghai, A Tibet, A Vietnam, A West Siberia.

files:  http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
dc307 ~ Orient Express (dc307) sgttodd Sep 23, 09:25 pm
Russia NMRs - again.

I leave tomorrow morning for the weekend: if there isn't something
from Dale when I get back Sunday (9/26) - we'll go fishing for a

Assuming Russia's still in,

 the deadline for Fall 1913 orders will be Tuesday, September
28th (at) 2359 UTC.

Unit locations:

India:     F Arabian Sea, F Bay of Bengal, F Bombay, A Delhi, F
Eastern Indian Ocean, A Pakistan, A Sumatra, F Thai Sea.

Indonesia: F Australia, F Borneo, F Philippines, F South China Sea.

Russia:    A Afghanistan, F Arabian Sea, F Caspian Sea, F Eastern
African Sea, A Iran, A Kazakhstan, A Moscow, A Oman, A Pakistan, F
Red Sea, F Seychelles, F St. Petersburg, A Tien Shan, A Urals.

Siberia:   F Arctic Sea, F Celebes Sea, F East China Sea, A Hong
Kong, A Irkutsk, F Kamchatka, A Kazakhstan, A Mongolia, F Shanghai,
A Tibet, A Urals, A Vietnam, A West Siberia, F Yellow Sea.

Movement results for Spring of 1913.

India: F Bay of Bengal Supports F Sri Lanka - Arabian Sea.

India: F Bombay Supports A Delhi - Pakistan.

India: A Delhi - Pakistan.

India: A Kunlun - Delhi.

India: F South Indian Ocean - Eastern Indian Ocean.

India: F Sri Lanka - Arabian Sea.

India: A Sumatra Hold.

India: F Thai Sea Supports F Celebes Sea - Jawan Sea (*Void*).

Indonesia: F Borneo Supports F East China Sea - South China Sea.

Indonesia: F East China Sea - South China Sea.

Indonesia: F Jawan Sea - Australia.

Indonesia: F Philippines Supports F East China Sea - South China

Russia: A Afghanistan, no move received.

Russia: F Arabian Sea, no move received (*Disbanded*).

Russia: F Caspian Sea, no move received.

Russia: F Eastern African Sea, no move received.

Russia: A Iran, no move received.

Russia: A Kazakhstan, no move received (*Disbanded*).

Russia: A Moscow, no move received.

Russia: A Oman, no move received.

Russia: A Pakistan, no move received (*Disbanded*).

Russia: F Red Sea, no move received.

Russia: F Seychelles, no move received.

Russia: F St. Petersburg, no move received.

Russia: A Tien Shan, no move received.

Russia: A Urals, no move received (*Disbanded*).

Siberia: F Celebes Sea Supports F Shanghai - South China Sea.

Siberia: F Chucki Sea - Arctic Sea.

Siberia: A Ekaterinburg - Urals.

Siberia: F Hokkaido - East China Sea.

Siberia: F Honshu - Yellow Sea.

Siberia: A Irkutsk Hold.

Siberia: F Kamchatka Supports F Chucki Sea - Arctic Sea.

Siberia: A Laos - Hong Kong.

Siberia: A Mongolia Supports A Novosibirsk - Kazakhstan.

Siberia: A Novosibirsk - Kazakhstan.

Siberia: F Shanghai - South China Sea (*Fails*).

Siberia: A Tibet Supports A Mongolia.

Siberia: A Vietnam Hold.

Siberia: A West Siberia Supports A Ekaterinburg - Urals.

Deadline for Fall 1913 orders is Tuesday, September 28th (at) 2359

files:  http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
dc307 ~ Orient Express (dc307) coebq Sep 24, 06:22 am
Hey, I'll trade with Russia  !!!

From: Gerald Todd <sgttodd(at)mainecav.org>
To: Nick Powell <nick.s.powell(at)gmail.com>; David Knight <jkoss02(at)students.bbk.ac.uk>; Bruce Quinn <coebq(at)yahoo.com>; Wladimir Mysonski <wmysonski(at)gmail.com>; Jeff Myers <lilybeau(at)roadrunner.com>; Dale Turner <therealdaleturner(at)gmail.com>; Aidan Slattery <aislattery(at)aol.com>; Forum DC307 <dc307(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; GM <sgttodd(at)mainecav.org>
Sent: Thu, September 23, 2010 10:25:12 PM
Subject: dc307 ~ Orient Express

Russia NMRs - again.

I leave tomorrow morning for the weekend: if there isn't something from Dale when I get back Sunday (9/26) - we'll go fishing for a replacement.

Assuming Russia's still in,

deadline for Fall 1913 orders will be Tuesday, September 28th (at) 2359 UTC.

Unit locations:

India:     F Arabian Sea, F Bay of Bengal, F Bombay, A Delhi, F Eastern Indian Ocean, A Pakistan, A Sumatra, F Thai Sea.

Indonesia: F Australia, F Borneo, F Philippines, F South China Sea.

Russia:    A Afghanistan, F Arabian Sea, F Caspian Sea, F Eastern African Sea, A Iran, A Kazakhstan, A Moscow, A Oman, A Pakistan, F Red Sea, F Seychelles, F St. Petersburg, A Tien Shan, A Urals.

Siberia:   F Arctic Sea, F Celebes Sea, F East China Sea, A Hong Kong, A Irkutsk, F Kamchatka, A Kazakhstan, A Mongolia, F Shanghai, A Tibet, A Urals, A Vietnam, A West Siberia, F Yellow Sea.

Movement results for Spring of 1913.

India: F Bay of Bengal Supports F Sri Lanka - Arabian Sea.
India: F Bombay Supports A Delhi - Pakistan.
India: A Delhi - Pakistan.
India: A
Kunlun - Delhi.
India: F South Indian Ocean - Eastern Indian Ocean.
India: F Sri Lanka - Arabian Sea.
India: A Sumatra Hold.
India: F Thai Sea Supports F Celebes Sea - Jawan Sea (*Void*).

Indonesia: F Borneo Supports F East China Sea - South China Sea.
Indonesia: F East China Sea - South China Sea.
Indonesia: F Jawan Sea - Australia.
Indonesia: F Philippines Supports F East China Sea - South China Sea.

Russia: A Afghanistan, no move received.
Russia: F Arabian Sea, no move received (*Disbanded*).
Russia: F Caspian Sea, no move received.
Russia: F Eastern African Sea, no move received.
Russia: A Iran, no move received.
Russia: A Kazakhstan, no move received (*Disbanded*).
Russia: A Moscow, no move received.
Russia: A Oman, no move received.
Russia: A Pakistan, no move received (*Disbanded*).
Russia: F Red Sea, no move received.
Russia: F Seychelles, no move received.
Russia: F St.
Petersburg, no move received.
Russia: A Tien Shan, no move received.
Russia: A Urals, no move received (*Disbanded*).

Siberia: F Celebes Sea Supports F Shanghai - South China Sea.
Siberia: F Chucki Sea - Arctic Sea.
Siberia: A Ekaterinburg - Urals.
Siberia: F Hokkaido - East China Sea.
Siberia: F Honshu - Yellow Sea.
Siberia: A Irkutsk Hold.
Siberia: F Kamchatka Supports F Chucki Sea - Arctic Sea.
Siberia: A Laos - Hong Kong.
Siberia: A Mongolia Supports A Novosibirsk - Kazakhstan.
Siberia: A Novosibirsk - Kazakhstan.
Siberia: F Shanghai - South China Sea (*Fails*).
Siberia: A Tibet Supports A Mongolia.
Siberia: A Vietnam Hold.
Siberia: A West Siberia Supports A Ekaterinburg - Urals.

Deadline for Fall 1913 orders is Tuesday, September 28th (at) 2359 UTC.
files:  http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
dc307 ~ Orient Express (dc307) sgttodd Sep 28, 08:32 pm
Well, no joy on our Russian, so...
Let's vote...
A DIAS between India, Indonesia, and Siberia
Find a new Russia.
Let me know ASAP.
Remember, all voting has to be unanimous to pass.
dc307 ~ Orient Express (dc307) sgttodd Oct 03, 11:36 am
The DIAS vote did not pass, so a new Tzar was found.

Jack McHugh

Welcome aboard Jack!

Russia had two retreats that turned to disbands for being
unordered.  To be fair I'm giving Jack the chance to retreat those

F Arabian Sea can retreat to East Africa or Yemen or Central Indian
Ocean or Persian Gulf.

A Kazakhstan can retreat to Ekaterinburg or Uzbekistan.

The deadline for these retreats is Monday, October 6th (at) 2359

The dealine for Fall 1913 orders will be Thursday, October 9th (at)
2359 UTC.

  Sorry it's so short, but I'm going out of town Friday morning.


files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy/dc307

dc307 ~ Orient Express (dc307) sgttodd Oct 04, 04:02 pm
Jack was nimble, and Jack was quick - more importantly when is
came to getting orders in, Jack was on the stick!

Deadline for Fall 1913 orders: Thursday, October 9th (at)
2359 UTC.

Retreat orders for Spring of 1913.

Russia: F Arabian Sea - Persian Gulf.

Russia: A Kazakhstan - Ekaterinburg.

Unit locations:

India:     F Arabian Sea, F Bay of Bengal, F Bombay, A Delhi, F
Eastern Indian Ocean, A Pakistan, A Sumatra, F Thai Sea.

Indonesia: F Australia, F Borneo, F Philippines, F South China Sea.

Russia:    A Afghanistan, F Caspian Sea, F Eastern African Sea, A
Ekaterinburg, A Iran, A Moscow, A Oman, F Persian Gulf, F Red Sea, F
Seychelles, F St. Petersburg, A Tien Shan.

Siberia:   F Arctic Sea, F Celebes Sea, F East China Sea, A Hong
Kong, A Irkutsk, F Kamchatka, A Kazakhstan, A Mongolia, F Shanghai,
A Tibet, A Urals, A Vietnam, A West Siberia, F Yellow Sea.
dc307 ~ Orient Express (dc307) sgttodd Oct 07, 06:15 pm
Deadline for Autumn 1913 Retreats AND Winter 1913 adjustments:
Monday, October 11th (at) 2359 UTC.

The following units were dislodged:

Indian F Arabian Sea can retreat to Central Indian Ocean or Yemen or
Sri Lanka or East Africa.

Russian F St. Petersburg can retreat to Barents Sea.


India:     10 Supply centers,   8 Units:  Builds   1 unit.

Indonesia:  3 Supply centers,   3 Units.

Russia:    12 Supply centers,  12 Units.

Siberia:   15 Supply centers,  14 Units:  Builds   1 unit.

Unit locations:

India:     F Arabian Sea, F Bay of Bengal, F Bombay, A Burma, A
Delhi, F Java, A Pakistan, F Thai Sea.

Indonesia: F Borneo, F Jawan Sea, F Philippines, F South China Sea.

Russia:    A Afghanistan, F Arabian Sea, F Eastern African Sea, A
Ekaterinburg, A Iran, A Moscow, A Oman, F Persian Gulf, F
Seychelles, F St. Petersburg, A Tien Shan, F Uzbekistan.

Siberia:   F Arctic Sea, F Celebes Sea, F East China Sea, A Hong
Kong, A Kazakhstan, A Mongolia, A Novosibirsk, F Sea of Okhotsk, F
South China Sea, A St. Petersburg, A Tibet, A Vietnam, A West
Siberia, F Yellow Sea.

Ownership of supply centers:

India:     Bombay, Burma, Calcutta, Delhi, Java, Kunlun, Pakistan,
Sri Lanka, Sumatra, Thailand.

Indonesia: Australia, Borneo, Philippines.

Russia:    Arabia, Balkans, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Madagascar, Moscow,
Oman, Sevastopol, Turkey, Urals, Uzbekistan.

Siberia:   Beijing, Hokkaido, Honshu, Irkutsk, Kamchatka, Korea,
Laos, Manchuria, Novosibirsk, Shanghai, St. Petersburg, Tibet,
Vietnam, West Siberia, Yakutsk.

Movement results for Fall of 1913.

India: F Arabian Sea Supports A Pakistan (*Dislodged*).

India: F Bay of Bengal Convoys A Sumatra - Burma.

India: F Bombay Supports A Pakistan.

India: A Delhi - Kunlun (*Bounce*).

India: F Eastern Indian Ocean - Java.

India: A Pakistan Hold.

India: A Sumatra - Burma.

India: F Thai Sea Supports F Shanghai - South China Sea.

Indonesia: F Australia - Jawan Sea.

Indonesia: F Borneo - Celebes Sea (*Fails*).

Indonesia: F Philippines Hold.

Indonesia: F South China Sea - East China Sea (*Disbanded*).

Russia: A Afghanistan - Tien Shan (*Bounce*).

Russia: F Caspian Sea - Uzbekistan.

Russia: F Eastern African Sea Supports F Red Sea - Arabian Sea.

Russia: A Ekaterinburg - Urals (*Bounce*).

Russia: A Iran - Pakistan (*Fails*).

Russia: A Moscow Supports A Ekaterinburg - Urals (*Cut*).

Russia: A Oman Hold.

Russia: F Persian Gulf Supports F Red Sea - Arabian Sea.

Russia: F Red Sea - Arabian Sea.

Russia: F Seychelles Supports F Red Sea - Arabian Sea.

Russia: F St. Petersburg Supports A Ekaterinburg - Urals

Russia: A Tien Shan - Kunlun (*Bounce*).

Siberia: F Arctic Sea Supports A Urals - St. Petersburg.

Siberia: F Celebes Sea - Philippines (*Fails*).

Siberia: F East China Sea Supports F Celebes Sea - Philippines

Siberia: A Hong Kong Supports A Vietnam.

Siberia: A Irkutsk - Novosibirsk.

Siberia: F Kamchatka - Sea of Okhotsk.

Siberia: A Kazakhstan - Moscow (*Fails*).

Siberia: A Mongolia - Tien Shan (*Bounce*).

Siberia: F Shanghai - South China Sea.

Siberia: A Tibet Hold.

Siberia: A Urals - St. Petersburg.

Siberia: A Vietnam Hold.

Siberia: A West Siberia - Urals (*Bounce*).

Siberia: F Yellow Sea Supports F East China Sea.

Deadline for Autumn 1913 Retreats AND Winter 1913 adjustments:
Monday, October 11th (at) 2359 UTC.

files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
dc307 ~ Orient Express (dc307) sgttodd Oct 11, 07:00 pm
Deadline for Spring 1914 orders: Friday, October 15th (at) 2359 UTC.

Retreat orders for Fall of 1913.

India: F Arabian Sea - Sri Lanka.

Russia: F St. Petersburg - Barents Sea.

Adjustment orders for Winter of 1913.

India: Build A Calcutta.

Siberia: Build A Irkutsk.

Unit locations:

India:     F Bay of Bengal, F Bombay, A Burma, A Calcutta, A Delhi,
F Java, A Pakistan, F Sri Lanka, F Thai Sea.

Indonesia: F Borneo, F Jawan Sea, F Philippines.

Russia:    A Afghanistan, F Arabian Sea, F Barents Sea, F Eastern
African Sea, A Ekaterinburg, A Iran, A Moscow, A Oman, F Persian
Gulf, F Seychelles, A Tien Shan, F Uzbekistan.

Siberia:   F Arctic Sea, F Celebes Sea, F East China Sea, A Hong
Kong, A Irkutsk, A Kazakhstan, A Mongolia, A Novosibirsk, F Sea of
Okhotsk, F South China Sea, A St. Petersburg, A Tibet, A Vietnam, A
West Siberia, F Yellow Sea.

Deadline for Spring 1914 orders: Friday, October 15th (at) 2359 UTC.

files:  http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
dc307 ~ Orient Express (dc307) sgttodd Oct 15, 09:42 pm
Deadline for Russian retreat Monday, October 18th (at) 2359 UTC.

Deadline for Fall 1914 orders: Wednesday, October 20th (at) 2359 UTC.

The following units were dislodged:

Russian F Arabian Sea can retreat to Red Sea or Eastern African Sea
or Central Indian Ocean or Yemen or Pakistan or Oman or East Africa.

Unit locations:

India:     F Arabian Sea, F Bay of Bengal, F Borneo, A Burma, A
Delhi, F Eastern Indian Ocean, A Kunlun, F Sri Lanka, A Tien Shan.

Indonesia: F Java, F Jawan Sea, F Philippines.

Russia:    A Afghanistan, F Arabian Sea, F Barents Sea, F Caspian
Sea, A Ekaterinburg, A Iran, A Moscow, F Persian Gulf, F Seychelles,
F South Indian Ocean, A Tien Shan, A Uzbekistan.

Siberia:   F Arctic Sea, F Celebes Sea, F East China Sea, A
Ekaterinburg, A Kazakhstan, A Laos, A Mongolia, A Novosibirsk, F
Philippines, F Shanghai, A St. Petersburg, A Tibet, A Vietnam, A
West Siberia, F Yellow Sea.

Movement results for Spring of 1914.

India: F Bay of Bengal Supports F Bombay - Arabian Sea.

India: F Bombay - Arabian Sea.

India: A Burma Hold.

India: A Calcutta - Kunlun.

India: A Delhi Supports A Pakistan - Tien Shan.

India: F Java - Eastern Indian Ocean.

India: A Pakistan - Tien Shan.

India: F Sri Lanka Supports F Bombay - Arabian Sea.

India: F Thai Sea - Borneo.

Indonesia: F Borneo - Jawan Sea.

Indonesia: F Jawan Sea - Java.

Indonesia: F Philippines - Celebes Sea (*Disbanded*).

Russia: A Afghanistan Supports A Uzbekistan (*Ordered to Move*).

Russia: F Arabian Sea Supports F Eastern African Sea - Seychelles

Russia: F Barents Sea - St. Petersburg (*Fails*).

Russia: F Eastern African Sea - Seychelles.

Russia: A Ekaterinburg - Urals (*Disbanded*).

Russia: A Iran - Uzbekistan.

Russia: A Moscow Supports F Barents Sea - St. Petersburg (*Cut*).

Russia: A Oman - Iran.

Russia: F Persian Gulf Convoys A Oman - Iran.

Russia: F Seychelles - South Indian Ocean.

Russia: A Tien Shan Supports A Iran - Uzbekistan (*Disbanded*).

Russia: F Uzbekistan - Caspian Sea.

Siberia: F Arctic Sea - Urals (*Bounce*).

Siberia: F Celebes Sea Supports F South China Sea - Philippines.

Siberia: F East China Sea Supports F South China Sea - Philippines.

Siberia: A Hong Kong - Laos.

Siberia: A Irkutsk - Novosibirsk.

Siberia: A Kazakhstan - Moscow (*Fails*).

Siberia: A Mongolia Supports A Pakistan - Tien Shan.

Siberia: A Novosibirsk - Ekaterinburg.

Siberia: F Sea of Okhotsk - Yellow Sea.

Siberia: F South China Sea - Philippines.

Siberia: A St. Petersburg Supports A Kazakhstan - Moscow (*Cut*).

Siberia: A Tibet Hold.

Siberia: A Vietnam Hold.

Siberia: A West Siberia Supports A Novosibirsk - Ekaterinburg.

Siberia: F Yellow Sea - Shanghai.

Deadline for Russian retreat Monday, October 18th (at) 2359 UTC.

Deadline for Fall 1914 orders: Wednesday, October 20th (at) 2359 UTC.

files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
dc307 ~ Orient Express (dc307) sgttodd Oct 16, 11:03 am
Russia got his retreat in before I left town for the weekend -
again, so...

Deadline for Fall 1914 orders: Wednesday, October 20th (at) 2359

Retreat orders for Spring of 1914.

Russia: F Arabian Sea - Red Sea.

Unit locations:

India:     F Arabian Sea, F Bay of Bengal, F Borneo, A Burma, A
Delhi, F Eastern Indian Ocean, A Kunlun, F Sri Lanka, A Tien Shan.

Indonesia: F Java, F Jawan Sea.

Russia:    A Afghanistan, F Barents Sea, F Caspian Sea, A Iran, A
Moscow, F Persian Gulf, F Red Sea, F Seychelles, F South Indian
Ocean, A Uzbekistan.

Siberia:   F Arctic Sea, F Celebes Sea, F East China Sea, A
Ekaterinburg, A Kazakhstan, A Laos, A Mongolia, A Novosibirsk, F
Philippines, F Shanghai, A St. Petersburg, A Tibet, A Vietnam, A
West Siberia, F Yellow Sea.

files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

dc307 ~ Orient Express - sgttodd   (Sep 08, 2010, 8:20 am)
Deadline for Fall 1912 is Sunday, September 12th (at) 2359 UTC. (I have to work Monday night)

Sorry guys - I goofed; the last moves were for Spring, not Fall, so, the summer retreat was:

Siberia: F East China Sea - Honshu

Unit locations:

India: F Bay of Bengal, F Bombay, F Borneo, F Central Indian Ocean, A Delhi, A Kunlun, F Sri Lanka, A Sumatra.
Indonesia: F Celebes Sea, F East China Sea, F Jawan Sea, F Philippines.
Russia: A Afghanistan, F Arabian Sea, F Caspian Sea, F Eastern African Sea, A Iran, A Kazakhstan, A Moscow, A Oman, A Pakistan, F Red Sea, F Seychelles, F St. Petersburg, A Tien Shan, A Urals.
Siberia: A Ekaterinburg, F Hokkaido, F Honshu, F Kamchatka, A Laos, A Mongolia, A Novosibirsk, F South China Sea, F Shanghai, A Tibet, A Vietnam, A West Siberia.

Deadline for Fall 1912 is Sunday, September 12th (at) 2359 UTC.
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
Sent through e-mol. E-mail, Anywhere, Anytime. http://www.e-mol.com


DC 338 Fall Results Tonight - derekthefeared2   (Sep 08, 2010, 7:31 am)
Sorry I did send results out last night.  Expect them tonight.

--- On Mon, 9/6/10, Derek eyler <derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Derek eyler <derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: DC 338 Fall 00 Reminder
To: dc338(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Cc: rk(at)giorsoine.dk, tcooperstein730(at)att.net, paulnaples(at)hotmail.com, dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com, sanjat312(at)yahoo.com, mountaindew(at)btconnect.com, sigvaldprivat(at)gmail.com
Date: Monday, September 6, 2010, 4:14 PM

Orders are due tomorrow at 3:00 PM US Eastern time.  If you haven't sent order yet, get them in.


SV: dc320 f08 Game-End Draw!! - trezdk   (Sep 08, 2010, 3:19 am)
Hey all,
This was a most interesting game.
As Alfred said, from the first go Italy and I didn’t see
quite eye to eye on Greece, but we worked it out and from then we stood by each
other. And I could have gone for the solo and might even have achieved it, but
to what end? I would rather be known as a fair player than a backstabber J
Alfred and I quickly decided that in order for him and me to
survive we needed to take Turkey out, and since France didn’t seem
interested in Italy from the start it would be something we could achieve. On
top of this, Germany went for Russia with a small Austrian assistance so I
could go around the Black Sea.
After the East had been subdued there where really only one way
to go J
But a great game all J

Fra: Alex Maslow

Sendt: 8. september 2010 05:23

Til: NICOL, Alfred (AMN)

Cc: Michael Sims; jmc66(at)mac.com; tcooperstein730(at)att.net;
tfletch33(at)yahoo.com; rk(at)giorsoine.dk; wmysonski(at)gmail.com; dc320

Emne: Re: dc320 f08 Game-End Draw!!



This has been a particularly bizarre game.  On the one
hand, I hate when one nation collapses quickly (Russia), and yet, such things
are possible in the real world, so I gotta deal.


Ger and I were allied early and when Fletch missed the build
I of course went for Lvp and held it like a knife to Fletch to hit Ger because
of the Rus collapse.  Things looked good except for that misorder to Spa
where I forgot to specify the coast that allowed Italy to get in.  I
thought I could win it back, and depend on Austrian pressure on the other side
of Alfred, but I misordered against Spa AGAIN and Austria wasn't being much
help, and when I lost Mar, I knew that front was done, and when Fletch came
against me with his righteous fury, well, there wasn't much more to be done.


I will say I think much of this
was my fault, as egotistical as that is to say.  First, my misorders were
sadly clutch, and embarrassingly repeated.  Also, Fletch kept
alerting me to the central alliance, and I kept insisting it was just
coincidence they would move against each other in time.  Mmmm, yeah I feel
pretty darn stupid about that.  I took no interest against the east until
it was absolutely too late.  But, you know, props to the east for being so
stealthy about their grand alliance, which seems to have been well planned....

Ah well.  Good job to all and hope to play with you
folks again.  Esp Theodore.  We made some plans but no chance came to
make them work.  I hope next game together we get to actually interact.






On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 5:01 PM, NICOL, Alfred (AMN) <AMN(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk> wrote:

Hi all
Well done and many thanks to
Mike for running the game, thanks to my allies ah and ger and of course all
those players who kept issuing orders etc right to the end.
Some interesting things
turned the game for me. I had no plan to go for ah but couldn’t get the
deal on gre I think is vital to Italy, so I risked early war and threatened
tri, it worked and after that we got along fine. The second gamble was to go
west, again not in my initial plan, but the missed build in liv let fra in and
I feared a fra dominance that I had to curtail, it worked and the balance of
power was restored.
The great strength of Italy
usually is to be able to wait and see, but this game I didn’t feel that
was an option.
I think ah had a decent, but
not sure chance, to go for a solo, probably when ger were snared up with the
last rus unit and I was bogged down with fra. He didn’t; fair play to
I enjoyed the game and look
forward to playing with you all again

From: Michael Sims [mailto:mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net]

Sent: 07 September 2010 21:03

To: NICOL, Alfred (AMN); Blueraider0(at)gmail.com; jmc66(at)mac.com; tcooperstein730(at)att.net; tfletch33(at)yahoo.com; rk(at)giorsoine.dk; wmysonski(at)gmail.com

Cc: dc320

Subject: dc320 f08 Game-End Draw!!


5 yes votes equals a 3-way AGI


England and France squeak by with
survivals, and the big 3 declare world peace.  Congrats!  And so,
our summerfest comes to a happy end, right on the day after Labor Day
- the traditional end to summer.  Was it fate?  EOG's are
encouraged from all!  It's been a pleasure and see you next game...






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Benenden School (Kent) Ltd

Registered in England No.196353 Registered Charity No.307854

Registered Office: Benenden School, Cranbrook, Kent TN17 4AA


"It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered.
Full of darkness and danger they were. and sometimes you didn't want to know
the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the
way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing
thing. The shadow, even the darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when
the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that
stayed with you - That meant something. Even if you were too small to
understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in
those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn't. They kept
going because they were holding onto something."

"What are we holding onto, Sam?"

"That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting


dc325 Imterra - F06 Retreats - garry.bledsoe   (Sep 07, 2010, 11:22 pm)
A Ser retreats to RumF BAL retreats OTBF TYS retreats to Tun
We had a player request an extension until Sunday (valid reason) for Winter so I have chosen to move our deadline until Sunday at 6pm CST. Sorry for the delay but RL happens!
Our adjustments are:England Build 1France Build 1Germany Remove 1Russia Build 1
Please note - if you have already submitted Winter orders there is no need to re-submit them unless you wish to make a change. Thanks.

From: kielmarch(at)hotmail.com
To: timfuhrmeister(at)yahoo.com; dreamsynergy(at)hotmail.com; johnb229(at)gmail.com; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; sean_o_donnell(at)hotmail.com; loganlaw299(at)aol.com; mlb767(at)aim.com; dc325(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: dc325 Imterra - F06 Results: Axis vs Allies?
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2010 16:03:09 -0400

.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P
.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage

Sure Looks Like Axis Vs Allies - E/F Put the Squeeze on Germany and Russia On AustriaItaly Seems to be Lost in the Middle?An Audacious Italian Convoy (Tuscany to Albania) Fails As the French Go Touristing Around the Amalfi CoastAustria Strikes Back But Simply Trades Centers (Although Arguably in Better Positions)
Awesome! What action! I like watching it as a player; it is quite entertaining. Based on the current direction, I am betting that this game has much life left in it.
We do have several retreats and we will have quite a few adjustments after that. Let's do our retreats first:
German F BAL can retreat to Lvn, Pru, Ber or OTBRussian A Ser can retreat to Rum, Alb or OTBItalian F TYS can retreat to Rom, Nap, Tun or OTB
Let's have retreats by Tuesday at 6pm CST. From there we will do Winter adjustments for Thursday the 9th at 6pm CST. 
Preliminary adjustment info is:
Austria - no changeEngland - build 1France - build 1Germany - remove 2 unless F BAL retreats OTB (then only remove 1)Italy - no change unless F TYS retreats OTB (then build 1)Russia - build 1 unless A Ser retreats OTB (then build 2)

Austria: F Aegean Sea - Bulgaria(sc) (*Fails*)A Budapest Supports A Bulgaria - Serbia (*Cut*)A Bulgaria - SerbiaA Trieste Supports A Bulgaria - SerbiaA Vienna Supports A Budapest
England: F Denmark Supports F Gulf of Bothnia - Baltic SeaF Gulf of Bothnia - Baltic SeaF Helgoland Bight Supports A Belgium - HollandF Norwegian Sea - North SeaA St Petersburg HoldA Sweden Supports F Denmark
France: A Belgium - HollandA Burgundy - Munich (*Bounce*)F Gulf of Lyon - Tyrrhenian SeaF Mid-Atlantic Ocean - North AfricaA Tyrolia Supports A TriesteF Western Mediterranean Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Tyrrhenian Sea
Germany: F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Dislodged*)A Bohemia - Munich (*Bounce*)F Kiel Supports F Baltic Sea - DenmarkA Munich - RuhrA Prussia - Silesia
Italy: F Greece Supports A Bulgaria (*Ordered to Move*)F Ionian Sea Convoys A Tuscany - AlbaniaA Tuscany - Albania (*Fails*)F Tyrrhenian Sea Convoys A Tuscany - Albania (*Dislodged*)A Venice Hold
Russia: F Constantinople Supports A Rumania - BulgariaA Galicia - Budapest (*Fails*)A Moscow - UkraineA Rumania - BulgariaA Serbia Supports A Galicia - Budapest (*Dislodged*)A Warsaw Hold


dc320 f08 Game-End Draw!! - Blueraider0   (Sep 07, 2010, 10:23 pm)
This has been a particularly bizarre game.  On the one hand, I hate when one nation collapses quickly (Russia), and yet, such things are possible in the real world, so I gotta deal.

Ger and I were allied early and when Fletch missed the build I of course went for Lvp and held it like a knife to Fletch to hit Ger because of the Rus collapse.  Things looked good except for that misorder to Spa where I forgot to specify the coast that allowed Italy to get in.  I thought I could win it back, and depend on Austrian pressure on the other side of Alfred, but I misordered against Spa AGAIN and Austria wasn't being much help, and when I lost Mar, I knew that front was done, and when Fletch came against me with his righteous fury, well, there wasn't much more to be done.

I will say I think much of this was my fault, as egotistical as that is to say.  First, my misorders were sadly clutch, and embarrassingly repeated.  Also, Fletch kept alerting me to the central alliance, and I kept insisting it was just coincidence they would move against each other in time.  Mmmm, yeah I feel pretty darn stupid about that.  I took no interest against the east until it was absolutely too late.  But, you know, props to the east for being so stealthy about their grand alliance, which seems to have been well planned....

Ah well.  Good job to all and hope to play with you folks again.  Esp Theodore.  We made some plans but no chance came to make them work.  I hope next game together we get to actually interact.

On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 5:01 PM, NICOL, Alfred (AMN) <AMN(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk> wrote:

Hi all
Well done and many thanks to Mike for running the game, thanks to my allies ah and ger and of course all those players who kept issuing orders etc right to
the end.
Some interesting things turned the game for me. I had no plan to go for ah but couldn't get the deal on gre I think is vital to Italy, so I risked early war
and threatened tri, it worked and after that we got along fine. The second gamble was to go west, again not in my initial plan, but the missed build in liv let fra in and I feared a fra dominance that I had to curtail, it worked and the balance of power was
The great strength of Italy usually is to be able to wait and see, but this game I didn't feel that was an option.
I think ah had a decent, but not sure chance, to go for a solo, probably when ger were snared up with the last rus unit and I was bogged down with fra. He
didn't; fair play to him.
I enjoyed the game and look forward to playing with you all again

From: Michael Sims [mailto:mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net]

Sent: 07 September 2010 21:03

To: NICOL, Alfred (AMN); Blueraider0(at)gmail.com; jmc66(at)mac.com; tcooperstein730(at)att.net; tfletch33(at)yahoo.com; rk(at)giorsoine.dk; wmysonski(at)gmail.com

Cc: dc320

Subject: dc320 f08 Game-End Draw!!


5 yes votes equals a 3-way AGI draw!


England and France squeak by with survivals, and the big 3 declare world peace.  Congrats!  And so, our summerfest comes to a happy end, right on the day after
Labor Day - the traditional end to summer.  Was it fate?  EOG's are encouraged from all!  It's been a pleasure and see you next game...





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Benenden School (Kent) Ltd

Registered in England No.196353 Registered Charity No.307854

Registered Office: Benenden School, Cranbrook, Kent TN17 4AA

"It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing. The shadow, even the darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you - That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding onto something."

"What are we holding onto, Sam?"
"That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for."


dc334 w02 builds! - FuzzyLogic   (Sep 07, 2010, 9:31 pm)
Player list for dc334

Ever get that feeling that orders are due in just under a day??
Results tomorrow!  3pm Central…

From: Michael Sims

Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 7:38 PM

Cc: dc334

Subject: dc334 w02 builds!

Here we go w retreats and builds!
Sparta: F North Cretan Sea - Gulf of Argolis
Athens: Build F Athens
Macedonia: NBR, Remove F Thracian Sea
Ionia: Build F Samos
Persia: Build A Halicarnassus, F Pergamum
Sparta: Build F Zarax
Thessalia: Build F Pherae
NEXT:  Spring 03 due Wed 9/8, 3pm Central!
With 2 years done, let me take a moment to suggest prelims… I
know a few of you guys are new, but the best Diplomacy habit you can get into
is the habit of using prelims!  (that, and talk to every player every
round) When you get results (aka NOW) pick what you think your most likely set,
and turn them in.  Immediately.  That way you’ve got at least
something turned in.  As the turn progresses and you get a chance to talk
to ppl, you can revise as the deadline gets closer.  But it’s really
seeming like I get up to the day of the deadline, and at least half of you
don’t have anything turned in!  I’ve been a bit lax in this game knowing
it’s got quite a few newcomers – but in a  game of regulars you would not
get that leeway!
Now with a 2nd year done, I *am* going to start running
the turns right at the deadlines.  I usually do this in every game…
(except when I’m slacking off or late)
Let me also point out that no game is ever lost!  Even w a
couple units left… The DC Invitational was won this year by a Turkey who got
stuck on 3 centers for the first 10 years of the game!
GM spiel – OUT!  Smile


dc339 s220bc results! - FuzzyLogic   (Sep 07, 2010, 9:30 pm)
Ever get that feeling that
orders are due in just about a day?

From: Michael Sims

Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2010 3:33 PM

Cc: dc339; Garry Bledsoe

Subject: dc339 s220bc results!


Only 2 bounces to speak of...  One in the east as the
Scythians and Persians clash over Armenia, and the other in the west as the
Hordes from Germania and Gaul fight over Belgica.  Little do they know the
ironic foreshadowing they tell, as 2179 years later, a game will be invented
that quickly focuses on civilized nations named France, Germany, Russia,
and Turkey fighting over these same spots of land...


Fall 220bc, due in 1 week!  Wed 9/8, 3pm Central!



F Carthage - Cyrenaica

A Cartenna - Saguntum

A Saguntum - Pyrenaei



F Alexandria - Lybian Sea

A Memphis - Alexandria

A Thebes - Memphis



A Burdigala - Hispania

A Lugdunum - Belgica (*Bounce*)

F Lutetia - O.Britannicus



A Aliso - Belgica (*Bounce*)

F Treva - O.Germanicus

A Biskupin Hold



A Pella - Moesia

A Athens - Athos

F Sparta - Aegaeum Mare



F Attaleia - Gulf of Judea

A Antiochia - Judea

A Nineveh - Armenia (*Bounce*)



A Genua - Narbonensis

A Aqueleia - Pannonia

A Roma - Neapolis

F Neapolis - Sicilia



A Gelonus - Dacia

A Maikop - Armenia (*Bounce*)

F Kul Oba - Pontus Euxinus








dc307 ~ Orient Express - sgttodd   (Sep 07, 2010, 7:05 pm)
Deadline for Summer 1912 retreat: Wednesday, September 8th (at) 2359 UTC.

The following units were dislodged:

Siberian F East China Sea can retreat to Yellow Sea or Sea of Okhotsk or Bering Strait or Honshu.

Unit locations:

India: F Bay of Bengal, F Bombay, F Borneo, F Central Indian Ocean, A Delhi, A Kunlun, F Sri Lanka, A Sumatra.
Indonesia: F Celebes Sea, F East China Sea, F Jawan Sea, F Philippines.
Russia: A Afghanistan, F Arabian Sea, F Caspian Sea, F Eastern African Sea, A Iran, A Kazakhstan, A Moscow, A Oman, A Pakistan, F Red Sea, F Seychelles, F St. Petersburg, A Tien Shan, A Urals.
Siberia: A Ekaterinburg, F Hokkaido, F Kamchatka, A Laos, A Mongolia, A Novosibirsk, F South China Sea, F Shanghai, A Tibet, A Vietnam, A West Siberia, F East China Sea.

Movement results for Spring of 1912:

India: F Bay of Bengal Supports F Bombay.
India: F Bombay Supports F Sri Lanka - Arabian Sea (*Cut*).
India: F Central Indian Ocean Supports F Sri Lanka - Arabian Sea.
India: A Delhi Supports A Tien Shan - Kunlun.
India: F Sri Lanka - Arabian Sea (*Fails*).
India: A Sumatra Hold.
India: F Thai Sea - Borneo.
India: A Tien Shan - Kunlun.

Indonesia: F Celebes Sea Supports F South China Sea - East China Sea.
Indonesia: F Eastern Indian Ocean - Jawan Sea.
Indonesia: F Philippines Supports F South China Sea - East China Sea.
Indonesia: F South China Sea - East China Sea.

Russia: A Afghanistan Supports A Pakistan.
Russia: F Arabian Sea Convoys A Oman - Bombay.
Russia: F Eastern African Sea Supports F Arabian Sea.
Russia: A Iran Supports A Pakistan.
Russia: A Kazakhstan Supports A Uzbekistan - Tien Shan.
Russia: A Moscow Supports A Urals.
Russia: A Oman - Bombay (*Fails*).
Russia: A Pakistan Supports A Oman - Bombay.
Russia: F Red Sea Supports F Arabian Sea.
Russia: F Sevastopol(ec) - Caspian Sea.
Russia: F Seychelles Supports F Arabian Sea.
Russia: F St. Petersburg - Arctic Sea (*Bounce*).
Russia: A Urals Hold.
Russia: A Uzbekistan - Tien Shan.

Siberia: F East China Sea Supports F Hong Kong - South China Sea (*Dislodged*).
Siberia: A Ekaterinburg Supports A Irkutsk - Novosibirsk.
Siberia: F Hokkaido Supports F East China Sea.
Siberia: F Hong Kong - South China Sea.
Siberia: A Irkutsk - Novosibirsk.
Siberia: F Kamchatka - Arctic Sea (*Bounce*).
Siberia: A Laos Supports A Vietnam.
Siberia: A Mongolia Supports A Tien Shan (*Ordered to Move*).
Siberia: F Shanghai Supports F Hong Kong - South China Sea.
Siberia: A Tibet Supports A Mongolia.
Siberia: A Vietnam Hold.
Siberia: A West Siberia Supports A Ekaterinburg.

Deadline for Summer 1912 retreat: Wednesday, September 8th (at) 2359 UTC.
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy


dc330: Fa40 Results! - dknemeyer   (Sep 07, 2010, 6:36 pm)
Hi Everyone,
I think Britain also gets a build for the disbanded unit. Apologies: because I combine the autumn and winter seasons into one adjudication Realpolitik does not give me accurate build orders. I have to do them manually and am not accustomed to looking back for multiple disbands. Sorry.
Let me know what else I've missed! Wink

On Sep 7, 2010, at 7:27 PM, Dirk Knemeyer wrote:
Hi Everyone,
FYI, I made a mistake on the last adjudication. Since Italy had a disband last year he gets two builds instead of one.
Apologies for any confusion.

On Sep 7, 2010, at 5:44 PM, Dirk Knemeyer wrote:
Best season of this game, by far. There are only 3 builds despite many centers changing hands from one end of the continent to the next. Clarity seems to be forming around the end game: will momentum roll toward an inevitable result, or will the human factor take this massive conflict into a different direction?!
As 1940 starts winding to a close we take a moment to look away from the war and consider international affairs:
The indecisive posture of the United States is poignantly illustrated on August 4: General John J. Pershing urges all-out aid to Britain in a nationwide radio broadcast, while Charles Lindbergh is the features speaker at a large isolationist rally in Chicago
On August 21 Leon Trotsky died in Mexico from axe wounds sustained the previous day by an NKVD agent. In light of the present Soviet struggles in the European engagement one wonders if Trotsky's leadership might have made a difference
In September the United States begins converting National Guard Divisions: the newly-formed U.S. Army 45th Infantry Division is activated and ordered into federal service
On September 12, away from military activity, a group of young Frenchmen hiking in Lascaux discover 17,000 year-old cave paintings
President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 on September 16, creating the first peacetime draft in U.S. history
On October 16 draft registration begins. It is believed that 16 million men will eventually be so conscripted
Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected to an unprecedented third term as U.S. President on November 5
On December 14 plutonium is first isolated chemically in the laboratory
There are 2 retreats this season; upcoming deadlines at the end of this note: 
 Britain - sunchung / Sun Chung / sun.chung(at)gmail.com
 France - DrSwordopolis / Nick Powell / nick.s.powell(at)gmail.com
 Germany - charlesf / Charles Feaux de la Croix / charlesf(at)web.de
 Italy (and Nationalist Spain) - raistlin / David Gould / davidchegould(at)bigpond.com
 Poland - smileyrob / Robert Stein / smileyrob68(at)gmail.com
 Turkey - Wladimir7 / Wladimir Mysonski / wmysonski(at)gmail.com
 USSR (and Republican Spain) - Nitsch / Karsten Nitsch / karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de

 British Empire is officially closed as far-away holdings fall, in exchange for more regional gains
 French armies remain spritely, maneuvering throughout Paris and the countryside
 Re-conquest of Munich gives hope to beleaguered Wehrmacht Italians continue to show strategic and tactical class
 Polish expansion afar offset by defeats uncomfortably close to Warsaw
 Seedy bookmakers instal Turks as favourites to win the war after latest spectacular season
 Ironically, Stalin retreats to Stalingrad to make his last stand
 Joy of defeating Portugal is mixed with horror as British overrun Madrid
Britain: F Belgium Supports F North Sea - NetherlandsF Denmark - Helgoland BightF Morocco Hold (*Disbanded*)F Atlantic Ocean - Arabian Sea (*Bounce*)F English Channel - South-Western Approaches (*Bounce*)F North Sea - NetherlandsF Skaggerak - DenmarkF South-Western Approaches - Madrid
France: A Paris - GasconyA Picardy - Paris
Germany: A Czechia - Austria (*Bounce*)A Hamburg Supports A Saxony - MunichA Lorraine - Switzerland (*Dislodged*)A Saxony - Munich
Italy: F Algiers - MoroccoA Austria - HungaryA Burgundy Supports A Munich - LorraineA Croatia Supports A Austria - HungaryA Marseille - Switzerland (*Bounce*)A Munich - LorraineA Switzerland - Austria (*Bounce*)F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Western MediterraneanF Western Mediterranean Supports F Algiers - Morocco
Poland: A Byelorussia Supports A MoscowA Cracow - SlovakiaF Finland(sc) - SwedenA Leningrad Supports A MoscowA Moscow Supports A Western Ukraine - Eastern Ukraine (*Cut*)A Rumania - Serbia (*Dislodged*)A Transylvania - Hungary (*Fails*)A Western Ukraine - Eastern Ukraine (*Bounce*)F Gulf of Danzig Supports F Finland(sc) - Sweden
Turkey: A Bulgaria Supports A Dobruja - RumaniaA Dobruja - RumaniaA Eastern Anatolia - IranA Kazakhstan - SiberiaA Palestine - EgyptA Serbia Supports A Dobruja - RumaniaF Suez - Arabian Sea (*Bounce*)F Black Sea Supports A Dobruja - RumaniaF Eastern Mediterranean Convoys A Palestine - EgyptF Libyan Sea Convoys A Palestine - Egypt
USSR: A Eastern Ukraine - Western Ukraine (*Fails*)A Stalingrad - Moscow (*Fails*)
Republican_Spain: A Burgos Supports A Madrid - PortugalF Gibraltar - South-Western Approaches (*Bounce*)A Madrid - Portugal
Portugal: F Portugal Hold (*Dislodged*)
Retreats:German A Czechia can retreat to Rheinland or Picardy or OTBPolish A Rumania can retreat to Cracow or OTB
Winter 1940 Builds:




Ownership of supply centers

Britain:   Belgium, Denmark, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Madrid, Netherlands, Norway.
France:    Brest, Paris.
Germany:   Berlin, Czechia, Hamburg, Munich.
Italy:     Algiers, Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Marsailles, Milan, Morocco, Naples, Rome, Switzerland, Tripoli.
Poland:    Cracow, Finland, Gdynia, Latvia, Leningrad, Lithuania, Moscow, Sweden, Warsaw.
Turkey:    Ankara, Beirut, Bulgaria, Egypt, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Istanbul, Izmir, Rumania, Serbia, Suez.
USSR:      Stalingrad.
Republican_Spain: Burgos, Portugal, Valencia.

Britain:    8 Supply centers,  8 Units:  Builds   0 units.
France:     2 Supply centers,  2 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Germany:    4 Supply centers,  4 Units:  Builds   0 unit.
Italy:      11 Supply centers,  10 Units:  Builds   1 units.
Poland:     9 Supply centers,  9 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Turkey:     12 Supply centers,  10 Units:  Builds   2 unit.
USSR:       1 Supply center,  2 Units:  Removes   1 unit.
Republican_Spain:  3 Supply center,   3 Units:   Builds   0 unit.

Upcoming Deadlines (all orders are due at 5 PM EST, GMT -5)
 Winter 1940 Retreats/Adjustments, Thursday September 9
 Spring 1941 Prelims, Friday September 10
 Spring 1941 Orders, Tuesday September 14
 Summer 1941 Retreats, Thursday September 16 Fall 1941 Prelims, Friday September 17 Fall 1941 Orders, Tuesday September 21


dc330: Fa40 Results! - dknemeyer   (Sep 07, 2010, 6:27 pm)
Hi Everyone,
FYI, I made a mistake on the last adjudication. Since Italy had a disband last year he gets two builds instead of one.
Apologies for any confusion.

On Sep 7, 2010, at 5:44 PM, Dirk Knemeyer wrote:
Best season of this game, by far. There are only 3 builds despite many centers changing hands from one end of the continent to the next. Clarity seems to be forming around the end game: will momentum roll toward an inevitable result, or will the human factor take this massive conflict into a different direction?!
As 1940 starts winding to a close we take a moment to look away from the war and consider international affairs:
The indecisive posture of the United States is poignantly illustrated on August 4: General John J. Pershing urges all-out aid to Britain in a nationwide radio broadcast, while Charles Lindbergh is the features speaker at a large isolationist rally in Chicago
On August 21 Leon Trotsky died in Mexico from axe wounds sustained the previous day by an NKVD agent. In light of the present Soviet struggles in the European engagement one wonders if Trotsky's leadership might have made a difference
In September the United States begins converting National Guard Divisions: the newly-formed U.S. Army 45th Infantry Division is activated and ordered into federal service
On September 12, away from military activity, a group of young Frenchmen hiking in Lascaux discover 17,000 year-old cave paintings
President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 on September 16, creating the first peacetime draft in U.S. history
On October 16 draft registration begins. It is believed that 16 million men will eventually be so conscripted
Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected to an unprecedented third term as U.S. President on November 5
On December 14 plutonium is first isolated chemically in the laboratory
There are 2 retreats this season; upcoming deadlines at the end of this note: 
 Britain - sunchung / Sun Chung / sun.chung(at)gmail.com
 France - DrSwordopolis / Nick Powell / nick.s.powell(at)gmail.com
 Germany - charlesf / Charles Feaux de la Croix / charlesf(at)web.de
 Italy (and Nationalist Spain) - raistlin / David Gould / davidchegould(at)bigpond.com
 Poland - smileyrob / Robert Stein / smileyrob68(at)gmail.com
 Turkey - Wladimir7 / Wladimir Mysonski / wmysonski(at)gmail.com
 USSR (and Republican Spain) - Nitsch / Karsten Nitsch / karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de

 British Empire is officially closed as far-away holdings fall, in exchange for more regional gains
 French armies remain spritely, maneuvering throughout Paris and the countryside
 Re-conquest of Munich gives hope to beleaguered Wehrmacht Italians continue to show strategic and tactical class
 Polish expansion afar offset by defeats uncomfortably close to Warsaw
 Seedy bookmakers instal Turks as favourites to win the war after latest spectacular season
 Ironically, Stalin retreats to Stalingrad to make his last stand
 Joy of defeating Portugal is mixed with horror as British overrun Madrid
Britain: F Belgium Supports F North Sea - NetherlandsF Denmark - Helgoland BightF Morocco Hold (*Disbanded*)F Atlantic Ocean - Arabian Sea (*Bounce*)F English Channel - South-Western Approaches (*Bounce*)F North Sea - NetherlandsF Skaggerak - DenmarkF South-Western Approaches - Madrid
France: A Paris - GasconyA Picardy - Paris
Germany: A Czechia - Austria (*Bounce*)A Hamburg Supports A Saxony - MunichA Lorraine - Switzerland (*Dislodged*)A Saxony - Munich
Italy: F Algiers - MoroccoA Austria - HungaryA Burgundy Supports A Munich - LorraineA Croatia Supports A Austria - HungaryA Marseille - Switzerland (*Bounce*)A Munich - LorraineA Switzerland - Austria (*Bounce*)F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Western MediterraneanF Western Mediterranean Supports F Algiers - Morocco
Poland: A Byelorussia Supports A MoscowA Cracow - SlovakiaF Finland(sc) - SwedenA Leningrad Supports A MoscowA Moscow Supports A Western Ukraine - Eastern Ukraine (*Cut*)A Rumania - Serbia (*Dislodged*)A Transylvania - Hungary (*Fails*)A Western Ukraine - Eastern Ukraine (*Bounce*)F Gulf of Danzig Supports F Finland(sc) - Sweden
Turkey: A Bulgaria Supports A Dobruja - RumaniaA Dobruja - RumaniaA Eastern Anatolia - IranA Kazakhstan - SiberiaA Palestine - EgyptA Serbia Supports A Dobruja - RumaniaF Suez - Arabian Sea (*Bounce*)F Black Sea Supports A Dobruja - RumaniaF Eastern Mediterranean Convoys A Palestine - EgyptF Libyan Sea Convoys A Palestine - Egypt
USSR: A Eastern Ukraine - Western Ukraine (*Fails*)A Stalingrad - Moscow (*Fails*)
Republican_Spain: A Burgos Supports A Madrid - PortugalF Gibraltar - South-Western Approaches (*Bounce*)A Madrid - Portugal
Portugal: F Portugal Hold (*Dislodged*)
Retreats:German A Czechia can retreat to Rheinland or Picardy or OTBPolish A Rumania can retreat to Cracow or OTB
Winter 1940 Builds:




Ownership of supply centers

Britain:   Belgium, Denmark, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Madrid, Netherlands, Norway.
France:    Brest, Paris.
Germany:   Berlin, Czechia, Hamburg, Munich.
Italy:     Algiers, Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Marsailles, Milan, Morocco, Naples, Rome, Switzerland, Tripoli.
Poland:    Cracow, Finland, Gdynia, Latvia, Leningrad, Lithuania, Moscow, Sweden, Warsaw.
Turkey:    Ankara, Beirut, Bulgaria, Egypt, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Istanbul, Izmir, Rumania, Serbia, Suez.
USSR:      Stalingrad.
Republican_Spain: Burgos, Portugal, Valencia.

Britain:    8 Supply centers,  8 Units:  Builds   0 units.
France:     2 Supply centers,  2 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Germany:    4 Supply centers,  4 Units:  Builds   0 unit.
Italy:      11 Supply centers,  10 Units:  Builds   1 units.
Poland:     9 Supply centers,  9 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Turkey:     12 Supply centers,  10 Units:  Builds   2 unit.
USSR:       1 Supply center,  2 Units:  Removes   1 unit.
Republican_Spain:  3 Supply center,   3 Units:   Builds   0 unit.

Upcoming Deadlines (all orders are due at 5 PM EST, GMT -5)
 Winter 1940 Retreats/Adjustments, Thursday September 9
 Spring 1941 Prelims, Friday September 10
 Spring 1941 Orders, Tuesday September 14
 Summer 1941 Retreats, Thursday September 16 Fall 1941 Prelims, Friday September 17 Fall 1941 Orders, Tuesday September 21


DC329 W06 COL 9/13/10 NEXT - vegas_iwish   (Sep 07, 2010, 6:15 pm)
1 Player has some family issues so next mon for Spring. http://diplomaticcorp.com/game_page.php?game_id=dc329
Build A Delhi
Build A Bombay
Remove A Bokhara
Build A Tongking
Build F Annam
Build F Cochin
Defaults, removing F East China Sea
Defaults, removing F Sea of Japan
Remove F Mecca
Remove F East Indian Ocean
Build A Vladivostok


dc330: Fa40 Results! - dknemeyer   (Sep 07, 2010, 4:44 pm)
Best season of this game, by far. There are only 3 builds despite many centers changing hands from one end of the continent to the next. Clarity seems to be forming around the end game: will momentum roll toward an inevitable result, or will the human factor take this massive conflict into a different direction?!
As 1940 starts winding to a close we take a moment to look away from the war and consider international affairs:
The indecisive posture of the United States is poignantly illustrated on August 4: General John J. Pershing urges all-out aid to Britain in a nationwide radio broadcast, while Charles Lindbergh is the features speaker at a large isolationist rally in Chicago
On August 21 Leon Trotsky died in Mexico from axe wounds sustained the previous day by an NKVD agent. In light of the present Soviet struggles in the European engagement one wonders if Trotsky's leadership might have made a difference
In September the United States begins converting National Guard Divisions: the newly-formed U.S. Army 45th Infantry Division is activated and ordered into federal service
On September 12, away from military activity, a group of young Frenchmen hiking in Lascaux discover 17,000 year-old cave paintings
President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 on September 16, creating the first peacetime draft in U.S. history
On October 16 draft registration begins. It is believed that 16 million men will eventually be so conscripted
Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected to an unprecedented third term as U.S. President on November 5
On December 14 plutonium is first isolated chemically in the laboratory
There are 2 retreats this season; upcoming deadlines at the end of this note: 
 Britain - sunchung / Sun Chung / sun.chung(at)gmail.com
 France - DrSwordopolis / Nick Powell / nick.s.powell(at)gmail.com
 Germany - charlesf / Charles Feaux de la Croix / charlesf(at)web.de
 Italy (and Nationalist Spain) - raistlin / David Gould / davidchegould(at)bigpond.com
 Poland - smileyrob / Robert Stein / smileyrob68(at)gmail.com
 Turkey - Wladimir7 / Wladimir Mysonski / wmysonski(at)gmail.com
 USSR (and Republican Spain) - Nitsch / Karsten Nitsch / karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de

 British Empire is officially closed as far-away holdings fall, in exchange for more regional gains
 French armies remain spritely, maneuvering throughout Paris and the countryside
 Re-conquest of Munich gives hope to beleaguered Wehrmacht Italians continue to show strategic and tactical class
 Polish expansion afar offset by defeats uncomfortably close to Warsaw
 Seedy bookmakers instal Turks as favourites to win the war after latest spectacular season
 Ironically, Stalin retreats to Stalingrad to make his last stand
 Joy of defeating Portugal is mixed with horror as British overrun Madrid
Britain: F Belgium Supports F North Sea - NetherlandsF Denmark - Helgoland BightF Morocco Hold (*Disbanded*)F Atlantic Ocean - Arabian Sea (*Bounce*)F English Channel - South-Western Approaches (*Bounce*)F North Sea - NetherlandsF Skaggerak - DenmarkF South-Western Approaches - Madrid
France: A Paris - GasconyA Picardy - Paris
Germany: A Czechia - Austria (*Bounce*)A Hamburg Supports A Saxony - MunichA Lorraine - Switzerland (*Dislodged*)A Saxony - Munich
Italy: F Algiers - MoroccoA Austria - HungaryA Burgundy Supports A Munich - LorraineA Croatia Supports A Austria - HungaryA Marseille - Switzerland (*Bounce*)A Munich - LorraineA Switzerland - Austria (*Bounce*)F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Western MediterraneanF Western Mediterranean Supports F Algiers - Morocco
Poland: A Byelorussia Supports A MoscowA Cracow - SlovakiaF Finland(sc) - SwedenA Leningrad Supports A MoscowA Moscow Supports A Western Ukraine - Eastern Ukraine (*Cut*)A Rumania - Serbia (*Dislodged*)A Transylvania - Hungary (*Fails*)A Western Ukraine - Eastern Ukraine (*Bounce*)F Gulf of Danzig Supports F Finland(sc) - Sweden
Turkey: A Bulgaria Supports A Dobruja - RumaniaA Dobruja - RumaniaA Eastern Anatolia - IranA Kazakhstan - SiberiaA Palestine - EgyptA Serbia Supports A Dobruja - RumaniaF Suez - Arabian Sea (*Bounce*)F Black Sea Supports A Dobruja - RumaniaF Eastern Mediterranean Convoys A Palestine - EgyptF Libyan Sea Convoys A Palestine - Egypt
USSR: A Eastern Ukraine - Western Ukraine (*Fails*)A Stalingrad - Moscow (*Fails*)
Republican_Spain: A Burgos Supports A Madrid - PortugalF Gibraltar - South-Western Approaches (*Bounce*)A Madrid - Portugal
Portugal: F Portugal Hold (*Dislodged*)
Retreats:German A Czechia can retreat to Rheinland or Picardy or OTBPolish A Rumania can retreat to Cracow or OTB
Winter 1940 Builds:




Ownership of supply centers

Britain:   Belgium, Denmark, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Madrid, Netherlands, Norway.
France:    Brest, Paris.
Germany:   Berlin, Czechia, Hamburg, Munich.
Italy:     Algiers, Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Marsailles, Milan, Morocco, Naples, Rome, Switzerland, Tripoli.
Poland:    Cracow, Finland, Gdynia, Latvia, Leningrad, Lithuania, Moscow, Sweden, Warsaw.
Turkey:    Ankara, Beirut, Bulgaria, Egypt, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Istanbul, Izmir, Rumania, Serbia, Suez.
USSR:      Stalingrad.
Republican_Spain: Burgos, Portugal, Valencia.

Britain:    8 Supply centers,  8 Units:  Builds   0 units.
France:     2 Supply centers,  2 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Germany:    4 Supply centers,  4 Units:  Builds   0 unit.
Italy:      11 Supply centers,  10 Units:  Builds   1 units.
Poland:     9 Supply centers,  9 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Turkey:     12 Supply centers,  10 Units:  Builds   2 unit.
USSR:       1 Supply center,  2 Units:  Removes   1 unit.
Republican_Spain:  3 Supply center,   3 Units:   Builds   0 unit.

Upcoming Deadlines (all orders are due at 5 PM EST, GMT -5)
 Winter 1940 Retreats/Adjustments, Thursday September 9
 Spring 1941 Prelims, Friday September 10
 Spring 1941 Orders, Tuesday September 14
 Summer 1941 Retreats, Thursday September 16 Fall 1941 Prelims, Friday September 17 Fall 1941 Orders, Tuesday September 21


dc330: Fa40 Results! (dc330) dknemeyer Sep 07, 06:27 pm
Hi Everyone,
FYI, I made a mistake on the last adjudication. Since Italy had a disband last year he gets two builds instead of one.
Apologies for any confusion.

On Sep 7, 2010, at 5:44 PM, Dirk Knemeyer wrote:
Best season of this game, by far. There are only 3 builds despite many centers changing hands from one end of the continent to the next. Clarity seems to be forming around the end game: will momentum roll toward an inevitable result, or will the human factor take this massive conflict into a different direction?!
As 1940 starts winding to a close we take a moment to look away from the war and consider international affairs:
The indecisive posture of the United States is poignantly illustrated on August 4: General John J. Pershing urges all-out aid to Britain in a nationwide radio broadcast, while Charles Lindbergh is the features speaker at a large isolationist rally in Chicago
On August 21 Leon Trotsky died in Mexico from axe wounds sustained the previous day by an NKVD agent. In light of the present Soviet struggles in the European engagement one wonders if Trotsky's leadership might have made a difference
In September the United States begins converting National Guard Divisions: the newly-formed U.S. Army 45th Infantry Division is activated and ordered into federal service
On September 12, away from military activity, a group of young Frenchmen hiking in Lascaux discover 17,000 year-old cave paintings
President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 on September 16, creating the first peacetime draft in U.S. history
On October 16 draft registration begins. It is believed that 16 million men will eventually be so conscripted
Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected to an unprecedented third term as U.S. President on November 5
On December 14 plutonium is first isolated chemically in the laboratory
There are 2 retreats this season; upcoming deadlines at the end of this note: 
 Britain - sunchung / Sun Chung / sun.chung(at)gmail.com
 France - DrSwordopolis / Nick Powell / nick.s.powell(at)gmail.com
 Germany - charlesf / Charles Feaux de la Croix / charlesf(at)web.de
 Italy (and Nationalist Spain) - raistlin / David Gould / davidchegould(at)bigpond.com
 Poland - smileyrob / Robert Stein / smileyrob68(at)gmail.com
 Turkey - Wladimir7 / Wladimir Mysonski / wmysonski(at)gmail.com
 USSR (and Republican Spain) - Nitsch / Karsten Nitsch / karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de

 British Empire is officially closed as far-away holdings fall, in exchange for more regional gains
 French armies remain spritely, maneuvering throughout Paris and the countryside
 Re-conquest of Munich gives hope to beleaguered Wehrmacht Italians continue to show strategic and tactical class
 Polish expansion afar offset by defeats uncomfortably close to Warsaw
 Seedy bookmakers instal Turks as favourites to win the war after latest spectacular season
 Ironically, Stalin retreats to Stalingrad to make his last stand
 Joy of defeating Portugal is mixed with horror as British overrun Madrid
Britain: F Belgium Supports F North Sea - NetherlandsF Denmark - Helgoland BightF Morocco Hold (*Disbanded*)F Atlantic Ocean - Arabian Sea (*Bounce*)F English Channel - South-Western Approaches (*Bounce*)F North Sea - NetherlandsF Skaggerak - DenmarkF South-Western Approaches - Madrid
France: A Paris - GasconyA Picardy - Paris
Germany: A Czechia - Austria (*Bounce*)A Hamburg Supports A Saxony - MunichA Lorraine - Switzerland (*Dislodged*)A Saxony - Munich
Italy: F Algiers - MoroccoA Austria - HungaryA Burgundy Supports A Munich - LorraineA Croatia Supports A Austria - HungaryA Marseille - Switzerland (*Bounce*)A Munich - LorraineA Switzerland - Austria (*Bounce*)F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Western MediterraneanF Western Mediterranean Supports F Algiers - Morocco
Poland: A Byelorussia Supports A MoscowA Cracow - SlovakiaF Finland(sc) - SwedenA Leningrad Supports A MoscowA Moscow Supports A Western Ukraine - Eastern Ukraine (*Cut*)A Rumania - Serbia (*Dislodged*)A Transylvania - Hungary (*Fails*)A Western Ukraine - Eastern Ukraine (*Bounce*)F Gulf of Danzig Supports F Finland(sc) - Sweden
Turkey: A Bulgaria Supports A Dobruja - RumaniaA Dobruja - RumaniaA Eastern Anatolia - IranA Kazakhstan - SiberiaA Palestine - EgyptA Serbia Supports A Dobruja - RumaniaF Suez - Arabian Sea (*Bounce*)F Black Sea Supports A Dobruja - RumaniaF Eastern Mediterranean Convoys A Palestine - EgyptF Libyan Sea Convoys A Palestine - Egypt
USSR: A Eastern Ukraine - Western Ukraine (*Fails*)A Stalingrad - Moscow (*Fails*)
Republican_Spain: A Burgos Supports A Madrid - PortugalF Gibraltar - South-Western Approaches (*Bounce*)A Madrid - Portugal
Portugal: F Portugal Hold (*Dislodged*)
Retreats:German A Czechia can retreat to Rheinland or Picardy or OTBPolish A Rumania can retreat to Cracow or OTB
Winter 1940 Builds:




Ownership of supply centers

Britain:   Belgium, Denmark, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Madrid, Netherlands, Norway.
France:    Brest, Paris.
Germany:   Berlin, Czechia, Hamburg, Munich.
Italy:     Algiers, Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Marsailles, Milan, Morocco, Naples, Rome, Switzerland, Tripoli.
Poland:    Cracow, Finland, Gdynia, Latvia, Leningrad, Lithuania, Moscow, Sweden, Warsaw.
Turkey:    Ankara, Beirut, Bulgaria, Egypt, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Istanbul, Izmir, Rumania, Serbia, Suez.
USSR:      Stalingrad.
Republican_Spain: Burgos, Portugal, Valencia.

Britain:    8 Supply centers,  8 Units:  Builds   0 units.
France:     2 Supply centers,  2 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Germany:    4 Supply centers,  4 Units:  Builds   0 unit.
Italy:      11 Supply centers,  10 Units:  Builds   1 units.
Poland:     9 Supply centers,  9 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Turkey:     12 Supply centers,  10 Units:  Builds   2 unit.
USSR:       1 Supply center,  2 Units:  Removes   1 unit.
Republican_Spain:  3 Supply center,   3 Units:   Builds   0 unit.

Upcoming Deadlines (all orders are due at 5 PM EST, GMT -5)
 Winter 1940 Retreats/Adjustments, Thursday September 9
 Spring 1941 Prelims, Friday September 10
 Spring 1941 Orders, Tuesday September 14
 Summer 1941 Retreats, Thursday September 16 Fall 1941 Prelims, Friday September 17 Fall 1941 Orders, Tuesday September 21
dc330: Fa40 Results! (dc330) dknemeyer Sep 07, 06:36 pm
Hi Everyone,
I think Britain also gets a build for the disbanded unit. Apologies: because I combine the autumn and winter seasons into one adjudication Realpolitik does not give me accurate build orders. I have to do them manually and am not accustomed to looking back for multiple disbands. Sorry.
Let me know what else I've missed! Wink

On Sep 7, 2010, at 7:27 PM, Dirk Knemeyer wrote:
Hi Everyone,
FYI, I made a mistake on the last adjudication. Since Italy had a disband last year he gets two builds instead of one.
Apologies for any confusion.

On Sep 7, 2010, at 5:44 PM, Dirk Knemeyer wrote:
Best season of this game, by far. There are only 3 builds despite many centers changing hands from one end of the continent to the next. Clarity seems to be forming around the end game: will momentum roll toward an inevitable result, or will the human factor take this massive conflict into a different direction?!
As 1940 starts winding to a close we take a moment to look away from the war and consider international affairs:
The indecisive posture of the United States is poignantly illustrated on August 4: General John J. Pershing urges all-out aid to Britain in a nationwide radio broadcast, while Charles Lindbergh is the features speaker at a large isolationist rally in Chicago
On August 21 Leon Trotsky died in Mexico from axe wounds sustained the previous day by an NKVD agent. In light of the present Soviet struggles in the European engagement one wonders if Trotsky's leadership might have made a difference
In September the United States begins converting National Guard Divisions: the newly-formed U.S. Army 45th Infantry Division is activated and ordered into federal service
On September 12, away from military activity, a group of young Frenchmen hiking in Lascaux discover 17,000 year-old cave paintings
President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 on September 16, creating the first peacetime draft in U.S. history
On October 16 draft registration begins. It is believed that 16 million men will eventually be so conscripted
Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected to an unprecedented third term as U.S. President on November 5
On December 14 plutonium is first isolated chemically in the laboratory
There are 2 retreats this season; upcoming deadlines at the end of this note: 
 Britain - sunchung / Sun Chung / sun.chung(at)gmail.com
 France - DrSwordopolis / Nick Powell / nick.s.powell(at)gmail.com
 Germany - charlesf / Charles Feaux de la Croix / charlesf(at)web.de
 Italy (and Nationalist Spain) - raistlin / David Gould / davidchegould(at)bigpond.com
 Poland - smileyrob / Robert Stein / smileyrob68(at)gmail.com
 Turkey - Wladimir7 / Wladimir Mysonski / wmysonski(at)gmail.com
 USSR (and Republican Spain) - Nitsch / Karsten Nitsch / karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de

 British Empire is officially closed as far-away holdings fall, in exchange for more regional gains
 French armies remain spritely, maneuvering throughout Paris and the countryside
 Re-conquest of Munich gives hope to beleaguered Wehrmacht Italians continue to show strategic and tactical class
 Polish expansion afar offset by defeats uncomfortably close to Warsaw
 Seedy bookmakers instal Turks as favourites to win the war after latest spectacular season
 Ironically, Stalin retreats to Stalingrad to make his last stand
 Joy of defeating Portugal is mixed with horror as British overrun Madrid
Britain: F Belgium Supports F North Sea - NetherlandsF Denmark - Helgoland BightF Morocco Hold (*Disbanded*)F Atlantic Ocean - Arabian Sea (*Bounce*)F English Channel - South-Western Approaches (*Bounce*)F North Sea - NetherlandsF Skaggerak - DenmarkF South-Western Approaches - Madrid
France: A Paris - GasconyA Picardy - Paris
Germany: A Czechia - Austria (*Bounce*)A Hamburg Supports A Saxony - MunichA Lorraine - Switzerland (*Dislodged*)A Saxony - Munich
Italy: F Algiers - MoroccoA Austria - HungaryA Burgundy Supports A Munich - LorraineA Croatia Supports A Austria - HungaryA Marseille - Switzerland (*Bounce*)A Munich - LorraineA Switzerland - Austria (*Bounce*)F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Western MediterraneanF Western Mediterranean Supports F Algiers - Morocco
Poland: A Byelorussia Supports A MoscowA Cracow - SlovakiaF Finland(sc) - SwedenA Leningrad Supports A MoscowA Moscow Supports A Western Ukraine - Eastern Ukraine (*Cut*)A Rumania - Serbia (*Dislodged*)A Transylvania - Hungary (*Fails*)A Western Ukraine - Eastern Ukraine (*Bounce*)F Gulf of Danzig Supports F Finland(sc) - Sweden
Turkey: A Bulgaria Supports A Dobruja - RumaniaA Dobruja - RumaniaA Eastern Anatolia - IranA Kazakhstan - SiberiaA Palestine - EgyptA Serbia Supports A Dobruja - RumaniaF Suez - Arabian Sea (*Bounce*)F Black Sea Supports A Dobruja - RumaniaF Eastern Mediterranean Convoys A Palestine - EgyptF Libyan Sea Convoys A Palestine - Egypt
USSR: A Eastern Ukraine - Western Ukraine (*Fails*)A Stalingrad - Moscow (*Fails*)
Republican_Spain: A Burgos Supports A Madrid - PortugalF Gibraltar - South-Western Approaches (*Bounce*)A Madrid - Portugal
Portugal: F Portugal Hold (*Dislodged*)
Retreats:German A Czechia can retreat to Rheinland or Picardy or OTBPolish A Rumania can retreat to Cracow or OTB
Winter 1940 Builds:




Ownership of supply centers

Britain:   Belgium, Denmark, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Madrid, Netherlands, Norway.
France:    Brest, Paris.
Germany:   Berlin, Czechia, Hamburg, Munich.
Italy:     Algiers, Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Marsailles, Milan, Morocco, Naples, Rome, Switzerland, Tripoli.
Poland:    Cracow, Finland, Gdynia, Latvia, Leningrad, Lithuania, Moscow, Sweden, Warsaw.
Turkey:    Ankara, Beirut, Bulgaria, Egypt, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Istanbul, Izmir, Rumania, Serbia, Suez.
USSR:      Stalingrad.
Republican_Spain: Burgos, Portugal, Valencia.

Britain:    8 Supply centers,  8 Units:  Builds   0 units.
France:     2 Supply centers,  2 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Germany:    4 Supply centers,  4 Units:  Builds   0 unit.
Italy:      11 Supply centers,  10 Units:  Builds   1 units.
Poland:     9 Supply centers,  9 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Turkey:     12 Supply centers,  10 Units:  Builds   2 unit.
USSR:       1 Supply center,  2 Units:  Removes   1 unit.
Republican_Spain:  3 Supply center,   3 Units:   Builds   0 unit.

Upcoming Deadlines (all orders are due at 5 PM EST, GMT -5)
 Winter 1940 Retreats/Adjustments, Thursday September 9
 Spring 1941 Prelims, Friday September 10
 Spring 1941 Orders, Tuesday September 14
 Summer 1941 Retreats, Thursday September 16 Fall 1941 Prelims, Friday September 17 Fall 1941 Orders, Tuesday September 21
dc306 w76 builds! - FuzzyLogic   (Sep 07, 2010, 4:16 pm)
Aha!  For those of you paying attention, yes I did say there would be a couple EGP's.  Did anyone spot them in the last mail?  In case you couldn't find them, here they are again...
4-way MACU
5-way MACUO
Really they come down to the poor Hojo just getting a survival, and everyone else or everyone else less the Oda sharing in the draw.
Vote with spring!

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Tue 9/7/2010 3:46 PM
Cc: Benjamin Hester; dc306
Subject: dc306 w76 builds!

Waving builds - it's the biggest craze to hit Japan since Pokemon!
See just who's trendy and who's not...
Mori: Build F Nagato
Chosokabe: Build waived
Asakura: Build A Tango, A Yamashiro
Uesugi: Build waived
Hojo: Remove A Suruga
NEXT:  Spring 77 - Due Monday 9/13, 3pm Central!


dc320 f08 Game-End Draw!! - alfdog   (Sep 07, 2010, 4:01 pm)
Hi all
Well done and many thanks to Mike for running the game, thanks to my allies ah and ger and of course all those players who kept issuing orders etc right to
the end.
Some interesting things turned the game for me. I had no plan to go for ah but couldn’t get the deal on gre I think is vital to Italy, so I risked early war
and threatened tri, it worked and after that we got along fine. The second gamble was to go west, again not in my initial plan, but the missed build in liv let fra in and I feared a fra dominance that I had to curtail, it worked and the balance of power was
The great strength of Italy usually is to be able to wait and see, but this game I didn’t feel that was an option.
I think ah had a decent, but not sure chance, to go for a solo, probably when ger were snared up with the last rus unit and I was bogged down with fra. He
didn’t; fair play to him.
I enjoyed the game and look forward to playing with you all again

From: Michael Sims [mailto:mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net]

Sent: 07 September 2010 21:03

To: NICOL, Alfred (AMN); Blueraider0(at)gmail.com; jmc66(at)mac.com; tcooperstein730(at)att.net; tfletch33(at)yahoo.com; rk(at)giorsoine.dk; wmysonski(at)gmail.com

Cc: dc320

Subject: dc320 f08 Game-End Draw!!


5 yes votes equals a 3-way AGI draw!


England and France squeak by with survivals, and the big 3 declare world peace.  Congrats!  And so, our summerfest comes to a happy end, right on the day after
Labor Day - the traditional end to summer.  Was it fate?  EOG's are encouraged from all!  It's been a pleasure and see you next game...





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This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the email to the intended recipient,
be advised that you have received this email in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this email is strictly prohibited.

Benenden School (Kent) Ltd

Registered in England No.196353 Registered Charity No.307854

Registered Office: Benenden School, Cranbrook, Kent TN17 4AA


dc306 w76 builds! - FuzzyLogic   (Sep 07, 2010, 3:46 pm)
Waving builds - it's the biggest craze to hit Japan since Pokemon!
See just who's trendy and who's not...
Mori: Build F Nagato
Chosokabe: Build waived
Asakura: Build A Tango, A Yamashiro
Uesugi: Build waived
Hojo: Remove A Suruga
NEXT:  Spring 77 - Due Monday 9/13, 3pm Central!


dc306 w76 builds! (dc306) FuzzyLogic Sep 07, 04:16 pm
Aha!  For those of you paying attention, yes I did say there would be a couple EGP's.  Did anyone spot them in the last mail?  In case you couldn't find them, here they are again...
4-way MACU
5-way MACUO
Really they come down to the poor Hojo just getting a survival, and everyone else or everyone else less the Oda sharing in the draw.
Vote with spring!

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Tue 9/7/2010 3:46 PM
Cc: Benjamin Hester; dc306
Subject: dc306 w76 builds!

Waving builds - it's the biggest craze to hit Japan since Pokemon!
See just who's trendy and who's not...
Mori: Build F Nagato
Chosokabe: Build waived
Asakura: Build A Tango, A Yamashiro
Uesugi: Build waived
Hojo: Remove A Suruga
NEXT:  Spring 77 - Due Monday 9/13, 3pm Central!
dc306 w76 builds! (dc306) FuzzyLogic Sep 14, 07:41 am
Things get worse for the Hojo and Oda with some missed orders!
One retreat, but Uesugi F Noto could only go to Toyama Bay so I just nudged it there.
Both props are voted down.

A new draw prop is raised for a CRA... requires 6 yes-votes to pass.
NEXT:  Fall 77!  Due Monday 9/20, 3pm Central!
A Bingo Hold
A Hoki Hold
F Iwami Coast - Sea of Japan (*Fails*)
F Kaga - Noto
F Nagato - Kanmon Strait
F Sanin Coast Supports F Iwami Coast - Sea of Japan (*Fails*)
F Sea of Japan Supports F Kaga - Noto
F Wakasa Bay Supports F Kaga - Noto
F Atsumi Bay - Mikawa
F Kii Straits - South Pacific Ocean (*Fails*)
F Kumano Sea Supports F Sagami Bay
A Mikawa - Suruga
F Sagami Bay Convoys A Mikawa - Suruga
F Shima Supports F Atsumi Bay - Mikawa
F South Pacific Ocean - Pacific Ocean (*Fails*)
F Totomi Sea Convoys A Mikawa - Suruga
A Yamato - Kii
A Echizen Supports A Mino - Hida
F Inaba Supports A Tango
A Ise - Owari
A Mino - Hida
A Omi Supports A Owari - Mino
A Owari - Mino
A Tango Supports A Echizen
A Yamashiro - Ise
A South Shinano, no move received
A Totomi, no move received
A Etchu Supports A Hida - Kaga
A Hida - Kaga
A Kozuke - North Shinano
A Musashi Supports A Kozuke - North Shinano
F North Pacific Ocean Supports F Pacific Ocean
F North Sea of Japan Supports F Noto
F Noto Supports A Hida - Kaga (*Dislodged*)
A Kai, no move received
F Kazusa, no move received
F Pacific Ocean, no move received
A Sagami, no move received
A Hitachi, no move received
dc320 f08 Game-End Draw!! - FuzzyLogic   (Sep 07, 2010, 3:02 pm)
5 yes votes equals a 3-way AGI draw!
England and France squeak by with survivals, and the big 3 declare world peace.  Congrats!  And so, our summerfest comes to a happy end, right on the day after Labor Day - the traditional end to summer.  Was it fate?  EOG's are encouraged from all!  It's been a pleasure and see you next game...


dc320 f08 Game-End Draw!! (dc320) alfdog Sep 07, 04:01 pm
Hi all
Well done and many thanks to Mike for running the game, thanks to my allies ah and ger and of course all those players who kept issuing orders etc right to
the end.
Some interesting things turned the game for me. I had no plan to go for ah but couldn’t get the deal on gre I think is vital to Italy, so I risked early war
and threatened tri, it worked and after that we got along fine. The second gamble was to go west, again not in my initial plan, but the missed build in liv let fra in and I feared a fra dominance that I had to curtail, it worked and the balance of power was
The great strength of Italy usually is to be able to wait and see, but this game I didn’t feel that was an option.
I think ah had a decent, but not sure chance, to go for a solo, probably when ger were snared up with the last rus unit and I was bogged down with fra. He
didn’t; fair play to him.
I enjoyed the game and look forward to playing with you all again

From: Michael Sims [mailto:mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net]

Sent: 07 September 2010 21:03

To: NICOL, Alfred (AMN); Blueraider0(at)gmail.com; jmc66(at)mac.com; tcooperstein730(at)att.net; tfletch33(at)yahoo.com; rk(at)giorsoine.dk; wmysonski(at)gmail.com

Cc: dc320

Subject: dc320 f08 Game-End Draw!!


5 yes votes equals a 3-way AGI draw!


England and France squeak by with survivals, and the big 3 declare world peace.  Congrats!  And so, our summerfest comes to a happy end, right on the day after
Labor Day - the traditional end to summer.  Was it fate?  EOG's are encouraged from all!  It's been a pleasure and see you next game...





Please consider the environment - do you really need to print this email?

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the email to the intended recipient,
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Benenden School (Kent) Ltd

Registered in England No.196353 Registered Charity No.307854

Registered Office: Benenden School, Cranbrook, Kent TN17 4AA
dc320 f08 Game-End Draw!! (dc320) Blueraider0 Sep 07, 10:23 pm
This has been a particularly bizarre game.  On the one hand, I hate when one nation collapses quickly (Russia), and yet, such things are possible in the real world, so I gotta deal.

Ger and I were allied early and when Fletch missed the build I of course went for Lvp and held it like a knife to Fletch to hit Ger because of the Rus collapse.  Things looked good except for that misorder to Spa where I forgot to specify the coast that allowed Italy to get in.  I thought I could win it back, and depend on Austrian pressure on the other side of Alfred, but I misordered against Spa AGAIN and Austria wasn't being much help, and when I lost Mar, I knew that front was done, and when Fletch came against me with his righteous fury, well, there wasn't much more to be done.

I will say I think much of this was my fault, as egotistical as that is to say.  First, my misorders were sadly clutch, and embarrassingly repeated.  Also, Fletch kept alerting me to the central alliance, and I kept insisting it was just coincidence they would move against each other in time.  Mmmm, yeah I feel pretty darn stupid about that.  I took no interest against the east until it was absolutely too late.  But, you know, props to the east for being so stealthy about their grand alliance, which seems to have been well planned....

Ah well.  Good job to all and hope to play with you folks again.  Esp Theodore.  We made some plans but no chance came to make them work.  I hope next game together we get to actually interact.

On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 5:01 PM, NICOL, Alfred (AMN) <AMN(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk> wrote:

Hi all
Well done and many thanks to Mike for running the game, thanks to my allies ah and ger and of course all those players who kept issuing orders etc right to
the end.
Some interesting things turned the game for me. I had no plan to go for ah but couldn't get the deal on gre I think is vital to Italy, so I risked early war
and threatened tri, it worked and after that we got along fine. The second gamble was to go west, again not in my initial plan, but the missed build in liv let fra in and I feared a fra dominance that I had to curtail, it worked and the balance of power was
The great strength of Italy usually is to be able to wait and see, but this game I didn't feel that was an option.
I think ah had a decent, but not sure chance, to go for a solo, probably when ger were snared up with the last rus unit and I was bogged down with fra. He
didn't; fair play to him.
I enjoyed the game and look forward to playing with you all again

From: Michael Sims [mailto:mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net]

Sent: 07 September 2010 21:03

To: NICOL, Alfred (AMN); Blueraider0(at)gmail.com; jmc66(at)mac.com; tcooperstein730(at)att.net; tfletch33(at)yahoo.com; rk(at)giorsoine.dk; wmysonski(at)gmail.com

Cc: dc320

Subject: dc320 f08 Game-End Draw!!


5 yes votes equals a 3-way AGI draw!


England and France squeak by with survivals, and the big 3 declare world peace.  Congrats!  And so, our summerfest comes to a happy end, right on the day after
Labor Day - the traditional end to summer.  Was it fate?  EOG's are encouraged from all!  It's been a pleasure and see you next game...





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be advised that you have received this email in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this email is strictly prohibited.

Benenden School (Kent) Ltd

Registered in England No.196353 Registered Charity No.307854

Registered Office: Benenden School, Cranbrook, Kent TN17 4AA

"It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing. The shadow, even the darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you - That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding onto something."

"What are we holding onto, Sam?"
"That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for."
dc320 f08 Game-End Draw!! (dc320) Wladimir7 Sep 08, 11:38 am
Fellow players,

What a roller-coaster of a game this was for me. I mean it started slowly ratcheting upwards like the beginning ascent of the coaster (typical gains of Denmark and Holland) only to collapse quickly (losing Denmark with a foreign army in Ruhr) to have a nice satisfying slow ending with my steady growth closing the game.
In the beginning, I wanted to foment war between England and France while keeping my Austrian ally safe from attack. Germany can never succeed without a strong Austria (in my opinion) so I tried to bring peace to my south. France and England eventually began fighting while allowed me to send a strong force east against the quiet Russia alongside an Austrian army. I wanted to gain a corner position on the board and the northeast seemed the easiest to obtain.
This decision didn't look that smart though when England began hammering Scandinavia while eventually gaining the all-important Denmark. This left me with a tough decision of continuing my war in the east at the expense of losing centers closer to my home. I felt like gaining the corner position was more important so I carried on and the builds gained from that campaign were fortunately placed back home protecting the Rhineland just in time.
England correctly sniffed out the Aunchluss early on and no doubt tried to rally the board against us but the eastern powers were subdued before they could do anything about it. The mid-game ended with Austria being the dominant player on the board with a strong Italy and weakened Germany taking on England and France.
Austria then acted in a way that was unfamiliar to me. He did not stab me when I was weak. He left me alone and actually held his forces allowing me to collect myself against a now isolated England with a France fighting for his life against Italy. It was this selfless act that decided my endgame strategy. Germany reached a dominant position in the northeast corner with its eye on the British Isles when peace was reached. Naturally I did consider the prospect of going for the solo but I could not bring myself to stab such a loyal ally. Truthfully, my abilty to survive was directly because of Austria's decision.
Enough of gushy stuff. Everyone played great and I especially enjoyed the successful testing of the Aunchluss. I learned that it is more difficult than the Western Triple or the RT Steamroller but it is very powerful in the mid-game. Plenty of trust is needed since our home centers are so close to one another.
Thanks to everyone for keeping this game going without much delay. Special thanks to Mike for keeping us on pace and for being prompt in the results distribution.

On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 8:23 PM, Alex Maslow <blueraider0(at)gmail.com> wrote:


This has been a particularly bizarre game.  On the one hand, I hate when one nation collapses quickly (Russia), and yet, such things are possible in the real world, so I gotta deal.

Ger and I were allied early and when Fletch missed the build I of course went for Lvp and held it like a knife to Fletch to hit Ger because of the Rus collapse.  Things looked good except for that misorder to Spa where I forgot to specify the coast that allowed Italy to get in.  I thought I could win it back, and depend on Austrian pressure on the other side of Alfred, but I misordered against Spa AGAIN and Austria wasn't being much help, and when I lost Mar, I knew that front was done, and when Fletch came against me with his righteous fury, well, there wasn't much more to be done.

I will say I think much of this was my fault, as egotistical as that is to say.  First, my misorders were sadly clutch, and embarrassingly repeated.  Also, Fletch kept alerting me to the central alliance, and I kept insisting it was just coincidence they would move against each other in time.  Mmmm, yeah I feel pretty darn stupid about that.  I took no interest against the east until it was absolutely too late.  But, you know, props to the east for being so stealthy about their grand alliance, which seems to have been well planned....

Ah well.  Good job to all and hope to play with you folks again.  Esp Theodore.  We made some plans but no chance came to make them work.  I hope next game together we get to actually interact.



On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 5:01 PM, NICOL, Alfred (AMN) <AMN(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk> wrote:

Hi all
Well done and many thanks to Mike for running the game, thanks to my allies ah and ger and of course all those players who kept issuing orders etc right to the end.
Some interesting things turned the game for me. I had no plan to go for ah but couldn't get the deal on gre I think is vital to Italy, so I risked early war and threatened tri, it worked and after that we got along fine. The second gamble was to go west, again not in my initial plan, but the missed build in liv let fra in and I feared a fra dominance that I had to curtail, it worked and the balance of power was restored.
The great strength of Italy usually is to be able to wait and see, but this game I didn't feel that was an option.
I think ah had a decent, but not sure chance, to go for a solo, probably when ger were snared up with the last rus unit and I was bogged down with fra. He didn't; fair play to him.
I enjoyed the game and look forward to playing with you all again

From: Michael Sims [mailto:mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net]

Sent: 07 September 2010 21:03
To: NICOL, Alfred (AMN); Blueraider0(at)gmail.com; jmc66(at)mac.com; tcooperstein730(at)att.net; tfletch33(at)yahoo.com; rk(at)giorsoine.dk; wmysonski(at)gmail.com

Cc: dc320
Subject: dc320 f08 Game-End Draw!!

5 yes votes equals a 3-way AGI draw!
England and France squeak by with survivals, and the big 3 declare world peace.  Congrats!  And so, our summerfest comes to a happy end, right on the day after Labor Day - the traditional end to summer.  Was it fate?  EOG's are encouraged from all!  It's been a pleasure and see you next game...


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This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the email to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this email in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this email is strictly prohibited.

Benenden School (Kent) Ltd
Registered in England No.196353 Registered Charity No.307854
Registered Office: Benenden School, Cranbrook, Kent TN17 4AA

"It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing. The shadow, even the darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you - That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding onto something."

"What are we holding onto, Sam?"
"That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for."
dc320 f08 Game-End Draw!! (dc320) MrBallgame Sep 08, 01:09 pm
Harrumph.  I believe Turkey's results and performance speaks for itself. Smile 
I am left feeling rather like the Black Knight at the Bridge in Monty Python and the Holy Grail: That would be me, shouting at Austria, "Come back! I'll bite your legs off!"
I consider myself the unintended vicitm of Russia's initial confusion. I DMZed the Black Sea to gain time for an attack north, but that actually delayed my necessary deployment to the Black Sea as an offshore bolster to my home defense. I had hoped to ally with Austria and break out north to take advantage of the Russian confusion, but he recognized sooner that Russia was the lesser threat to him. And only too late did it seem comprehensible to me that Italy could ally with Austria, rather than trade future gains for Greece, which I viewed as just too close to home to let him keep.  By then, Russia might have been an ally in spirit, but in no position to do anything about it.
I might have held out for  few turns longer, if I hadnt mistaken Bulgaria for the Ardennes forest and foolishly tried a last ditch 'surprise' offense move, instead of holding tight in Constantinople; I also forfeited a strategic positon in E Med to retreat, too soon, into Smyrna.  Let me know when you see that French fleet coming over the horizon from the West, will you?
My only other gripe would be to those who ignored me as they were intent on their conquests across the map -- if you have nothing to say or no business with my country, still you could email me, you dont have to promise, ally or threaten, you can even lie to me,  or respond with gossip or nonsense to keep the lines open.  Towards the end, I only heard the crickets chirp!  More than half the fun is staying in touch through the game!

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This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the email to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this email in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this email is strictly prohibited.
Benenden School (Kent) Ltd
Registered in England No.196353 Registered Charity No.307854
Registered Office: Benenden School, Cranbrook, Kent TN17 4AA

"It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be
happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing. The shadow, even the darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you - That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding onto something."
"What are we holding onto, Sam?"
"That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for."
dc330Fa40 deadline approaching! - dknemeyer   (Sep 07, 2010, 2:01 pm)
Good Diplomats,
Less than two hours until the deadline and two sets of orders are still missing! Get those in!


dc337 - Fall 1901 Results - z93blom   (Sep 07, 2010, 1:03 pm)
Orders due in 24 hours!
Next turn: Autumn 1901 Retreat and Winter 1901 AdjustmentsNext Deadline: Wednesday, 8th of September 2010, 18:00 GMT (6PM).



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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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