Ever get that feeling that
orders are due in just about a day?
From: Michael Sims
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2010 3:33 PM
Cc: dc339; Garry Bledsoe
Subject: dc339 s220bc results!
Only 2 bounces to speak of... One in the east as the
Scythians and Persians clash over Armenia, and the other in the west as the
Hordes from Germania and Gaul fight over Belgica. Little do they know the
ironic foreshadowing they tell, as 2179 years later, a game will be invented
that quickly focuses on civilized nations named France, Germany, Russia,
and Turkey fighting over these same spots of land...
Fall 220bc, due in 1 week! Wed 9/8, 3pm Central!
F Carthage - Cyrenaica
A Cartenna - Saguntum
A Saguntum - Pyrenaei
F Alexandria - Lybian Sea
A Memphis - Alexandria
A Thebes - Memphis
A Burdigala - Hispania
A Lugdunum - Belgica (*Bounce*)
F Lutetia - O.Britannicus
A Aliso - Belgica (*Bounce*)
F Treva - O.Germanicus
A Biskupin Hold
A Pella - Moesia
A Athens - Athos
F Sparta - Aegaeum Mare
F Attaleia - Gulf of Judea
A Antiochia - Judea
A Nineveh - Armenia (*Bounce*)
A Genua - Narbonensis
A Aqueleia - Pannonia
A Roma - Neapolis
F Neapolis - Sicilia
A Gelonus - Dacia
A Maikop - Armenia (*Bounce*)
F Kul Oba - Pontus Euxinus