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DC290 autumn 1907 adjudication - bobbarkerfan1   (Jul 11, 2010, 9:26 am)
RETREAT:Germany: A Burgundy - Paris
Ownership:Austria:   Budapest, Serbia, Trieste.England:   Brest, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway, Sweden.France:    Marseilles, Portugal.Germany:   Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich,            Paris.Turkey:    Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Moscow,            Naples, Rome, Rumania, Sevastopol, Smyrna, Spain, St            Petersburg, Tunis, Venice, Vienna,
Adjustments:Austria:   Supp  3 Unit  7 Remove  4England:   Supp  6 Unit  6 Build  0France:    Supp  2 Unit  2 Build  0Germany:   Supp  7 Unit  7 Build  0Italy:     Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0Russia:    Supp  0 Unit  1 Remove  1Turkey:    Supp 16 Unit 10 Build  3
DEADLINE:The winter 1907 deadline will be set for ***Wednesday, July 14th, 9:00pm EST***
Have a great week everyone, and get those adjustments in! Joey


dc311 w15! - FuzzyLogic   (Jul 10, 2010, 7:51 pm)
German A Rum-Ukr
English F Spa-GOL
Austrian A Vie-Tri
Austria:  Build A Bud
England:  Remove F Gas
No map at the moment, but wanted to get those out – I thought I
had done so already!
Spring 16 Monday 3pm Central, along w that ever-so-popular 3-way
draw vote…


dc311 w15! (Winter Blitz) FuzzyLogic Jul 12, 07:54 am
A map... for those who appreciate such things...

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Sat 7/10/2010 7:59 PM
Subject: dc311 w15!

German A Rum-Ukr
English F Spa-GOL
Austrian A Vie-Tri
Austria:  Build A Bud
England:  Remove F Gas
No map at the moment, but wanted to get those out – I thought I had done so already!
Spring 16 Monday 3pm Central, along w that ever-so-popular 3-way draw vote…
DC310 Retreats - gehrig4   (Jul 10, 2010, 10:44 am)
I quit via e-mail about 3 weeks ago, so I’m not sure why there
is confusion about it.

From: Sam Buck

Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 9:46 AM

To: Steven Hu; Robert Choi; Kolin Loconti; Doegred Winsterhand; Stu
Hobbs; DC310 Forum; Adam Janis; Lee Clark

Subject: DC310 Retreats


Okay, so I have some bad news: we're going to have to
replace Two countries. Since I'm going away on sunday and will only have
limited email access, here's what we're going to do: Winter 1904 is going to be
due Saturday at 9:00 ET. (48 hours from now). As soon as I run that, The game
will get put up for recruitment. When I come back on the 23rd, We'll go ahead
with Spring. 


England NMRs and Disbands F Nwy and F Iri

Austria Retreats Bud- Vie


Austria Removes 1

England Builds 2

Italy Removes 1

Russia Builds 2 

Turkey Builds 3


Orders due Saturday the 10th at 9:00 ET. I apologize for the
absurd, inconsistant timing, but I'm not really sure who's quit the game and
who's still in it.


-Sam Buck

Your GM


Spring 1902 Deadline, Winter builds - cfisher6   (Jul 10, 2010, 10:16 am)
A couple of you have contacted me asking to push the deadline back a day to get back on the Monday track/avoid the end-of-weekend rush. This is fine by me, so we'll move the deadline for Spring 1902 moves to Monday 12th, 23:59.
Also one of you mentioned not having received the Winter builds map? I could have sworn I attached it to the original email, but it wouldn't be the first time I've forgotten an attachment. Here it is in any case.


Dc330: USSR embassy closed for party - Nitsch   (Jul 10, 2010, 4:17 am)
though there is not too much reason for celebration based on this year's
results, there is in real life. I will be partying my birthday this
weekend and having guests. I hope to have recovered from the tremendous
hangover I expect to have by Sunday, and will then begin to send out
diplomatic notes again.
Enjoy your weekend!


DC287 - Fall 2006 - Sean2010   (Jul 10, 2010, 1:07 am)
Hello Michael P,


Since I am unable to retreat into a supply center, I figure; there's no reason to leave the illusion of Saharan units being around longer than until after the winter.


Disband F Cas.


Thank you all for the interesting game, see you all again in the EOG statements.


from Sean


Enjoy your venture, Michael P.


DC287 - Fall 2006 - Viper   (Jul 09, 2010, 11:42 pm)
Well, I'm still short a set of orders, but the time has come... so here's the adjudication.  There's a lot going on here, but we only have three retreats to resolve.  Well, two, really... 'cause Sahara will be bowing out regardless of his retreat.  We say farewell to another of our valient fighters just as we're about to take a bit of a break.  I will be away from most of civilization for a week starting on Monday, so get those retreats in and we'll have a long winter.

F Belgium - North Sea (*fails*)
F Anchorage - Vancouver
A Wyoming Supports F Anchorage - Vancouver
F Bay of Alcatraz Supports F Honolulu
F Labrador Sea - Arctic Ocean
F Northwest Passage Supports F Labrador Sea - Arctic Ocean

F Halifax - Bay of Fundy
F Bogota - Trinidad & Tobago
A Panama - Bogota
F Caribbean Sea Supports F Bogota - Trinidad & Tobago
A Guadalajara Holds
A Haiti Holds

F Tokyo - East China Sea

F Micronesian Sea - Honolulu (*fails*)
F Pacific Ocean Supports F Micronesian Sea - Honolulu
F Queen Charlotte Sea - Anchorage

A Paris - Frankfurt
A Zagreb - Greece
A Ukraine Supports A Astana - Caucasus

A Nizhniy-Novgorod Supports A Astana - Caucasus
A Astana - Caucasus
A Yamalia - Astana
A Yakutsk - Xinjiang
A Vladivostok - Nunavut (*convoy disrupted*)

F Arctic Ocean Convoys A Vladivostok - Nunavut (*dislodged*)
F Bering Sea Supports F Queen Charlotte Sea - Anchorage
A Greenland Supports A Vladivostok - Nunavut (*invalid*)
F English Channel - London
F Norwegian Sea Supports F English Channel - London

F North Sea Supports F English Channel - London (*cut*)

F Cape Verde Sea - Atlantic Ocean
F Casablanca Supports F Cape Verde Sea - Atlantic Ocean (*dislodged*)

A Accra - Dakar
F Ascension Sea - Trinidad & Tobago (*fails*)

F Tyrrhenian Sea - Casablanca
A Algiers Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Casablanca
F Tunisia - Tyrrhenian Sea
F Atlantic Ocean - Bermuda Triangle
F Fortaleza - Amazon
A Amazon - Lima
A La Paz Supports A Amazon - Lima

F St. Helena Sea - Sandwich Sea
F Johannesburg - Cocos Sea

F Cameroon - St. Helena Sea
A Cairo - Jordan
A Sudan - Cairo
F Nairobi - Indian Ocean (*bounce*)
F Red Sea - Yemen

Persia (No Moves Received):
F Ankara Holds
A Caucasus Holds (*dislodged*)
A Uzbekistan Holds

A Karachi Holds
A Delhi Holds
F Mumbai Holds
F Orissa Holds
A Tibet Holds (*disbanded*)

A Beijing Supports A Tibet - Shanghai (*invalid*)
A Ulaanbaatar Holds

F Indian Ocean - Arabian Sea

F South China Sea - Indian Ocean (*bounce*)
F Bay of Bengal - Orissa (*fails*)
F Bangkok Supports A Bangladesh
F Arafura Sea - Philippines Sea
F Philippines Sea - Fijian Sea
F East China Sea - Sea of Japan

F Shanghai - Beijing (*fails*)
A Hong Kong - Tibet
A Bangladesh Supports A Hong Kong - Tibet
F Easter Sea - Lima (*fails*)
F Honolulu Supports F Philippines Sea - Fijian Sea (*cut*)

Russia's F Arctic Ocean may retreat to Nunavut, Baffin Bay, Iceland, Oslo, Karelia, Barents Sea, Yamalia, Yakutsk or OTB

Sahara's F Casablanca may retreat to Spain, Mali, Cape Verde Sea or OTB
Persia's A Caucasus may retreat to Tehran or OTB

Next Deadline:
Autumn 2006 retreats are due on Sunday, July 11, at 1pm CDT.


DC287 - Fall 2006 (dc287) Sean2010 Jul 10, 01:07 am
Hello Michael P,


Since I am unable to retreat into a supply center, I figure; there's no reason to leave the illusion of Saharan units being around longer than until after the winter.


Disband F Cas.


Thank you all for the interesting game, see you all again in the EOG statements.


from Sean


Enjoy your venture, Michael P.
dc325 Imterra - F04 Results: An Ice Raid, A Leapfr... - garry.bledsoe   (Jul 09, 2010, 6:05 pm)
England Invades Cold, Icy Northern RussiaThe Munich Dance (remember? the one where everybody moves but nobody ACTUALLY moves) Leaves Germany Intact...But They Do Have to Retreat, Possibly Deeper Into Russia?A French Army Leapfrogs Piedmont Via Convoy
All,Sorry for the slight delay. We have two retreats needed:
A StP can retreat to Lvn, Mos or OTB.A Gal can retreat to Ukr or OTB.
We will only have two adjustments. It will be a build for England and a removal for Russia (unless StP retreats OTB). Since it is HIGHLY unlikely that the English build is contingent on the Russian or German retreat, let's do an retreat and adjustment phase simultaneously. Let's have those due Tuesday the 13th at 6pm CST. 

Austria: F Aegean Sea Supports A BulgariaA Bohemia - Munich (*Fails*)A Budapest - Vienna (*Bounce*)A Bulgaria HoldA Silesia Supports A Prussia - Berlin (*Cut*)A Trieste - Vienna (*Bounce*)A Tyrolia Supports A Bohemia - Munich
England: F Barents Sea Supports A Norway - St PetersburgF Finland - Gulf of Bothnia (*Fails*)F North Sea HoldA Norway - St PetersburgF Sweden Supports F Denmark - Baltic Sea
France: A Burgundy Supports A MunichA Gascony - Marseilles (*Bounce*)F Gulf of Lyon Convoys A Marseilles - TuscanyA Marseilles - TuscanyA Picardy - BelgiumF Western Mediterranean - Tunis (*Fails*)
Germany: F Berlin Supports F Denmark - Baltic Sea (*Cut*)F Denmark - Baltic SeaA Galicia - Silesia (*Dislodged*)A Munich Supports F Berlin (*Cut*)A Ruhr Supports A Munich
Italy: A Apulia - VeniceF Ionian Sea - TunisF Naples Supports F Tyrrhenian SeaA Piedmont - Marseilles (*Bounce*)F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Ionian Sea - Tunis
Russia: F Black Sea Supports A RumaniaF Gulf of Bothnia Supports F Denmark - Sweden (*Void*)A Prussia - Berlin (*Fails*)A Rumania Supports A Warsaw - GaliciaA St Petersburg - Finland (*Dislodged*)A Warsaw - Galicia

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dc330: Sp38 Poland's diplomatic offices closed - smileyrob   (Jul 09, 2010, 1:55 pm)
I (Poland) will be pretty much out of internet contact now through Monday, so if i do not reply to your messages, please understand I am not ignoring you.

I will hopefully have plenty of opportunity to discuss whatever needs to be discussed tuesday through thursday.



DC287 - Almost Deadline - Viper   (Jul 09, 2010, 12:25 pm)
Hey there dipsters... we've got only about a half-hour until the deadline and I'm still missing some orders.  Please get those in.  I will be adjudicating today at the earliest possible time.



(DC 324) A Stab in the Dark - Spring 1910 Results - Corrino   (Jul 09, 2010, 10:20 am)
Hi Stabbers,

I'm back home again after nearly a week Down East.  Thanks for your patience and for continuing to hit all the deadlines.

The big news this season is that after a few quiet years in the North, England and Turkey have made contact once again.  Not much more than a skirmish this season, with Turkey winning the fight for Livonia.  Is this warm war about to get hot?

In contrast, the South is quiet as a morgue, with no activity at all in Italy or the Med.  Happy, happy?  Or just the calm before the storm?

Finally, just to prove that the more things change the more they stay the same, there was another battle in Spain.  This time the English strike from an unexpected (?) direction, dislodging the French defenders with an
attack from Gulf of Lyon.

RETREAT REQUIRED:  French army Spain needs a new place to pitch its tents.  Please send that destination to me as soon as you can, Monsieur le President.

NEXT DEADLINE:  Fall 1910 is due Tuesday, July 13, at 8 pm Eastern US time.  Monday is pretty open for me right now, so if I get final orders by then I should be able to adjudicate early.


F Gulf of Lyon - Spain(sc)
A Marseilles Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Spain(sc)
F Prussia - Berlin (*Bounce*)
F St Petersburg(sc) - Livonia (*Fails*)

A Spain - Marseilles (*Dislodged*)


A Moscow Supports A Warsaw - Livonia
A Silesia - Prussia (*Fails*)
A Warsaw - Livonia



dc320 w05 builds! - FuzzyLogic   (Jul 09, 2010, 10:10 am)
NEXT:  Spring 06 due Thurs 7/15, 3pm Central!
Standings, charts, etc are updated, www.diplomaticcorp.com?game=dc320
Austria: Build A Vienna
England: Build F Edinburgh
France: Remove A Ruhr
Germany: Build F Berlin
Italy: NBR / Build waived
Turkey: Remove F Smyrna


dc320 w05 builds! (dc320) tfletch33 Jul 11, 10:04 am
Hi all,
Just a quick note to you all...I will be out commercial fishing until Wed. Please do not take my silence as a sign...good or bad!
Good luck to all,

From: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>
To: amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk; Blueraider0(at)gmail.com; jmc66(at)mac.com; tcooperstein730(at)att.net; tfletch33(at)yahoo.com; rk(at)giorsoine.dk; wmysonski(at)gmail.com
Cc: dc320 <dc320(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Fri, July 9, 2010 7:10:53 AM
Subject: dc320 w05 builds!

NEXT:  Spring 06 due Thurs 7/15, 3pm Central!
Standings, charts, etc are updated, www.diplomaticcorp.com?game=dc320
Austria: Build A Vienna
England: Build F Edinburgh
France: Remove A Ruhr
Germany: Build F Berlin
Italy: NBR / Build waived
Turkey: Remove F Smyrna
dc320 w05 builds! (dc320) alfdog Jul 12, 02:26 pm
Dear all
Sorry for silence a holiday was great but the internet connection was not so good
I am now back on track and will try to catch up with you all very soon
Best wishes

From: Michael Sims [mailto:mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net]

Sent: 09 July 2010 16:11

To: NICOL, Alfred (AMN); Blueraider0(at)gmail.com; jmc66(at)mac.com; tcooperstein730(at)att.net; tfletch33(at)yahoo.com; rk(at)giorsoine.dk; wmysonski(at)gmail.com

Cc: dc320

Subject: dc320 w05 builds!


NEXT:  Spring 06 due Thurs 7/15, 3pm Central!


Standings, charts, etc are updated,


Austria: Build A Vienna

England: Build F Edinburgh

France: Remove A Ruhr

Germany: Build F Berlin

Italy: NBR / Build waived

Turkey: Remove F Smyrna



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(DC 326) Gumball - Spring 1905 Results - Corrino   (Jul 09, 2010, 9:13 am)
Hi Players,

It took a little while but you all got orders in before I got home so we're all good on that score.  Don't get used to it, though.  We're back on our regular schedule going forward.

Highlights of the Spring:
. England asserts her control of the waves, holding or reclaiming all the key water spaces around the British Isles, despite a nice psychic connection between France and Germany.
. Italian attacks on Turkey and France are thwarted, though one might say that unsupported attacks on Spain and Marseilles are really just love taps.
. Rumania changes hands again.  Of course it's not Fall yet, but maybe someone should think about putting in a Six Flags franchise?
. Turkey helps Russia (inadvertently?) by bouncing the English in
Moscow.  Think that'll make up for four years of war?  Hmmm... me neither.
. Looks like those German units have decided that the party in Russia in the East is just too much fun to ignore, but we can't quite tell which country or countries will be gaining the "pleasure" of their company in the Fall.
. And our favorite wandering Cossacks, somehow sensing that they have overstayed their welcome in Tyrolia, duck into Piedmont just in time to avoid a fight.  Enjoy your sightseeing, boys!

RETREATS:  Two retreats, but only one choice for each, so they have been made automatically (see below).  If France or Turkey would like to disband those units instead, they have 24 hours to let me know and I'll post the correction.

NEXT DEADLINE:  Fall 1905 is due Wednesday, July 14, at 8 pm Eastern US time.


Orders as resolved.  Check 'em over and let me know ASAP if you spot an
A Budapest Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania
A Bulgaria - Rumania
A Trieste Supports A Vienna - Tyrolia
F Venice Supports A Rome - Venice (*Invalid*)
A Vienna - Tyrolia

F Liverpool - Irish Sea
F London - English Channel
F North Atlantic Ocean Supports F Liverpool - Irish Sea
F North Sea Supports F London - English Channel (*Cut*)
A St Petersburg - Moscow (*Bounce*)
F Wales Supports F London - English Channel

A Brest - Picardy
F English Channel Supports F Helgoland Bight - North Sea (*Dislodged*)
F Irish Sea - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Marseilles Supports A Spain (*Cut*)
A Spain Supports A Marseilles (*Cut*)

A Belgium Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English Channel (*Invalid*)
A Berlin - Silesia
F Denmark - Sweden
F Helgoland Bight - North Sea (*Fails*)
A Munich - Bohemia
Ruhr - Kiel

F Aegean Sea - Constantinople (*Fails*)
A Greece Supports A Bulgaria (*Ordered to Move*)
F Gulf of Lyon - Marseilles (*Fails*)
F Smyrna Supports F Aegean Sea - Constantinople
F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc) (*Fails*)

A Rumania - Sevastopol
A Tyrolia - Piedmont
A Ukraine Supports A Rumania - Sevastopol

F Black Sea Supports A Constantinople
A Constantinople Hold
A Sevastopol - Moscow (*Dislodged*)



F English Channel - Brest

A Sevastopol - Armenia


DC310 Retreats - Samnuva   (Jul 09, 2010, 8:45 am)
Okay, so I have some bad news: we're going to have to replace Two countries. Since I'm going away on sunday and will only have limited email access, here's what we're going to do: Winter 1904 is going to be due Saturday at 9:00 ET. (48 hours from now). As soon as I run that, The game will get put up for recruitment. When I come back on the 23rd, We'll go ahead with Spring. 
England NMRs and Disbands F Nwy and F IriAustria Retreats Bud- Vie
Austria Removes 1England Builds 2Italy Removes 1Russia Builds 2 Turkey Builds 3
Orders due Saturday the 10th at 9:00 ET. I apologize for the absurd, inconsistant timing, but I'm not really sure who's quit the game and who's still in it.310Umbra-F1904B.jpg-Sam BuckYour GM


DC310 Retreats (dc310) gehrig4 Jul 10, 10:44 am
I quit via e-mail about 3 weeks ago, so I’m not sure why there
is confusion about it.

From: Sam Buck

Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 9:46 AM

To: Steven Hu; Robert Choi; Kolin Loconti; Doegred Winsterhand; Stu
Hobbs; DC310 Forum; Adam Janis; Lee Clark

Subject: DC310 Retreats


Okay, so I have some bad news: we're going to have to
replace Two countries. Since I'm going away on sunday and will only have
limited email access, here's what we're going to do: Winter 1904 is going to be
due Saturday at 9:00 ET. (48 hours from now). As soon as I run that, The game
will get put up for recruitment. When I come back on the 23rd, We'll go ahead
with Spring. 


England NMRs and Disbands F Nwy and F Iri

Austria Retreats Bud- Vie


Austria Removes 1

England Builds 2

Italy Removes 1

Russia Builds 2 

Turkey Builds 3


Orders due Saturday the 10th at 9:00 ET. I apologize for the
absurd, inconsistant timing, but I'm not really sure who's quit the game and
who's still in it.


-Sam Buck

Your GM
DC310 Retreats (dc310) Samnuva Aug 30, 01:35 am
My Internet has been dead for the last week, so SERIOUS apologies for the break.
Russian A Berlin to Prussia
Austria Disbands Bohemia
France Builds 3
Turkey Builds 2
Get me orders by Tuesday at Noon, Eastern time. I'll adjudicate early if I get them early, as long as you don't tell me otherwise.
DC310 Retreats (dc310) redblueeagleuk Sep 07, 01:01 pm
Hi Sam,
Any update on the builds and next turn?
-----Original Message-----
From: Sam Buck [mailto:sam_buck_productions(at)me.com]
Sent: 30 August 2010 07:35
To: Dirk Knemeyer; DC310 Forum; Lee Clark; Stu Hobbs; Robert Choi
Subject: DC310 Retreats
My Internet has been dead for the last week, so SERIOUS apologies for the
Russian A Berlin to Prussia
Austria Disbands Bohemia
France Builds 3
Turkey Builds 2
Get me orders by Tuesday at Noon, Eastern time. I'll adjudicate early if I
get them early, as long as you don't tell me otherwise.
No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 9.0.851 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/3100 - Release Date: 08/30/10
DC 306: Sengoku Rev6DP - Fall 1574: Date Masamune - Kenshi777   (Jul 09, 2010, 8:41 am)
The retreat to Atsumi Bay is official, still pending arrival at training for the final deadline - plan on the 15th.

On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 3:36 PM, Benjamin Hester <screwtape777(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Ryuzoji Takanobu of Hizen province was a rising daimyo that ultimately bit off more than he could chew.  His attempts to suppress the rebellious clans of the Shimabara peninsula in Hizen resulted in an appeal by the Arima clan to by the powerful Shimazu clain of Satsuma.  The Shimazu would ultimately claim both the Ryuzoji lands and the life of Takanobu himself.  Before this untimely demise however, Takanobu was one of the three great daimyo of Kyushu, alongside the Otomo of Bungo province, and the Shimazu of Satsuma.
***TEAHOUSE COMMENTARY:  In our Sengoku-jidai, the Ryuzoji name is a distant memory, a minor nuisance crushed under the heel of the Mori clan, who have since turned their attentions to the north.  Their assistance to the Asakura is not enough to prevent the destruction of Kaga by Uesugi forces however.  In the south, the Chosokabe succeed in advancing to the critical Totomi Sea, and shifting the naval fight in their favor.  Hojo and Oda remain locked in a bitter struggle for the heart of Honshu.  Meanwhile, Satomi Yoshihiro of Hitachi enjoys peacefully watching the cherry blossoms fall, and notes the absence of emissaries in his court.

Seppuku too good
for unpoetic daimyo
just go off yourselves Smile
Shimazu Yoshihisa - Isaac Zinner (*eliminated 1573*)
Mori Motonari - Jim Atkins
Chosokabe Motochika - Jean-Luc Lefebvre
Asakura Yoshikage - Garry Bledsoe
Oda Nobunaga - Joe Babinsack
Takeda Shingen - Nathan Deily (*eliminated 1572*)

Uesugi Kenshin - Fredrik Blom
Hojo Ujiyasu - Michael Thompson

Michael has a single retreat, with a single option available.  F Totomi Sea may retreat to Atsumi Bay.  I have automatically retreated this fleet there for now - Michael, please let me know in the next 48 hours if you want to retreat it OTB instead.
A five-way Chosokabe/Mori/Asakura/Uesugi/Hojo draw has been proposed.  Please include your votes with your fall orders on this proposal.  Failure to vote counts as an abstention, not a vote against - so be certain to include your vote!  The vote must have all favorable votes and/or abstentions to pass - a single vote against defeats the proposal.

Fall 1575 will tentatively be due Thursday, July 15th, 1700 EST.  I leave for training on Sunday, and will touch base to confirm connectivity as soon as possible thereafter.
A Bingo - Izumo

A Hoki Supports F Inaba
F Inaba Supports F Tango
F Iwami Coast Supports F Sea of Japan
F Izumo - Sanin Coast
A Nagato - Iwami
F Sea of Japan Supports F Kaga - Noto (*Cut*)
F South Sea of Japan Supports F Sea of Japan
A Awa Hold
A Bizen - Harima
F Kii - Totomi Sea

F Kii Straits Supports F Kumano Sea
F Kumano Sea Supports F Kii - Totomi Sea
F Shima Supports F Kii - Totomi Sea
F South Pacific Ocean - Pacific Ocean (*Fails*)
F Tosa Bay - South Pacific Ocean (*Fails*)

F Yamato - Kii
A Echizen Supports A Owari - Mino
F Kaga - Noto (*Disbanded*)
A Omi Supports A Echizen
F Sanin Coast - Wakasa Bay
A Settsu - Yamashiro
F Tango Supports F Sanin Coast - Wakasa Bay
A Mikawa Supports A Mino - Totomi (*Cut*)
A Mino - Totomi (*Fails*)
A Owari - Mino (*Fails*)
A Etchu Supports F Wakasa Bay - Kaga
A Hida Supports F Wakasa Bay - Kaga
F North Pacific Ocean Supports F Pacific Ocean

F North Sea of Japan - Sea of Japan (*Fails*)
A North Shinano Supports A Hida
F Noto Supports F North Sea of Japan - Sea of Japan (*Cut*)
F Wakasa Bay - Kaga
A Kai - Sagami
F Pacific Ocean Supports F Sagami Bay (*Cut*)

F Sagami Bay Supports F Pacific Ocean
A South Shinano Supports F Totomi
A Suruga Supports A South Shinano
F Totomi Supports F Totomi Sea - Mikawa (*Cut*)
F Totomi Sea - Mikawa (*Dislodged*)
A Hitachi takes up kendo to pass the idle time. 


Diplomacy in Texas!

Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants

Diplomacy in Texas!


Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants


DC290 Spring 1907 adjudication - neversawthatcoming   (Jul 08, 2010, 10:17 pm)
Well that wasn't very nice...it was a good run...but it finally came crashing down...


I am going to go ahead and remove any units that could possibly defend my 3 remaining home centers.  Based on this, it appears to me that Michael will be at 18 by fall of '08.


I propose that we vote Turkey a solo.


I will continue to send in orders...but it based on what will be my ordered disbands, it would appear that Turkey's win is inevitable.


My congratulations to Mike and I would ask that Joey put the T-solo up for a vote.


Thank you,





-----Original Message-----

From: Joey Pedicini <bobbarkerfan1ped(at)yahoo.com>

To: Blueraider0 <Blueraider0(at)gmail.com>; mike <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>; krudge <krudge(at)goldenwestradio.com>; justin <justin(at)darkenedpath.com>; kangaroohp <kangaroohp(at)aol.com>; rocketship.rocketship <rocketship.rocketship(at)gmail.com>; ross826 <ross826(at)gmail.com>; michael.alan.walters <michael.alan.walters(at)gmail.com>; dc290 <dc290(at)diplomaticcorp.com>

Sent: Thu, Jul 8, 2010 9:37 pm

Subject: Re: DC290 Spring 1907 adjudication

#AOLMsgPart_2_e40a4eb3-2694-43a8-a0a5-497ff8f6e03d td{color: black;} #AOLMsgPart_2_e40a4eb3-2694-43a8-a0a5-497ff8f6e03d DIV {margin:0px;}

Sorry everyone, 

Long night at work last night and a busy day. Wasn't expecting that. Sorry I haven't been very responsive either. Please, start sending me threatening e-mails or spam me or something if you have a question or concern so that I know that it needs to be replied to. As for orders being on time, all the orders that I received were sent before the scheduled deadline. The English orders are missing and a grace period has already been used by Kyle so I am sorry to inform you that you will have to receive a NMR. With all that being said, here is how the Fall of 1907 played out:



A Bohemia Supports A Silesia - Munich

F Gulf of Lyon Hold

A Marseilles - Burgundy

A Silesia - Munich (*Bounce*)

A Tyrolia Supports A Silesia - Munich

A Venice - Piedmont

A Vienna - Trieste


F Brest, no move received

F English Channel, no move received

F Irish Sea, no move received

F North Atlantic Ocean, no move received

F North Sea, no move received

A Norway, no move received


A Gascony Supports A Marseilles - Burgundy

F Portugal Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Void*)

F Spain(nc) Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Disbanded*)


F Baltic Sea Supports A Prussia

A Berlin Supports A Munich - Silesia (*Void*)

A Burgundy - Munich (*Dislodged*)

A Kiel Supports A Burgundy - Munich

A Munich Supports A Berlin (*Cut*)

A Prussia Supports A Munich - Silesia (*Void*)

A Ruhr Supports A Burgundy - Munich


A Finland Hold


A Galicia - Vienna

F Ionian Sea - Greece

A Livonia - Warsaw

F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain(sc)

A Moscow Supports A St Petersburg

A Rome - Venice

A St Petersburg Supports A Finland - Norway (*Void*)

F Tyrrhenian Sea - Rome

A Warsaw - Galicia

F Western Mediterranean Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain(sc)



A Burgundy, no move received


Autumn 1907 will be due Saturday if that's fine with you Matthew. Winter 1907 will be due probably next Wednesday or maybe Tuesday.


Ctry    : England

Name    : Kyle Rudge

Email    : krudge(at)goldenwestradio.com

Ctry    : Russia

Name    : Justin Card

Email    : justin(at)darkenedpath.com

Ctry    : France

Name    : Ross Yaggy

Email    : ross826(at)gmail.com

Ctry    : Austria

Name    : Joe Rizzo

Email    : kangaroohp(at)aol.com

Ctry    : Germany

Name    : Matthew Stevenson

Email    : rocketship.rocketship(at)gmail.com

Ctry    : Turkey

Name    : Michael Walters

Email    : michael.alan.walters(at)gmail.com

Sorry about the delay again! Have a good weekend,




DC290 Spring 1907 adjudication - bobbarkerfan1   (Jul 08, 2010, 9:37 pm)
Sorry everyone, 
Long night at work last night and a busy day. Wasn't expecting that. Sorry I haven't been very responsive either. Please, start sending me threatening e-mails or spam me or something if you have a question or concern so that I know that it needs to be replied to. As for orders being on time, all the orders that I received were sent before the scheduled deadline. The English orders are missing and a grace period has already been used by Kyle so I am sorry to inform you that you will have to receive a NMR. With all that being said, here is how the Fall of 1907 played out:
ORDERS:Austria: A Bohemia Supports A Silesia - MunichF Gulf of Lyon HoldA
Marseilles - BurgundyA Silesia - Munich (*Bounce*)A Tyrolia Supports A Silesia - MunichA Venice - PiedmontA Vienna - Trieste
England: F Brest, no move receivedF English Channel, no move receivedF Irish Sea, no move receivedF North Atlantic Ocean, no move receivedF North Sea, no move receivedA Norway, no move received
France: A Gascony Supports A Marseilles - BurgundyF Portugal Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Void*)F Spain(nc) Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Disbanded*)
Germany: F Baltic Sea Supports A PrussiaA Berlin Supports A Munich - Silesia (*Void*)A Burgundy - Munich (*Dislodged*)A Kiel Supports A Burgundy - MunichA Munich Supports A Berlin (*Cut*)A
Prussia Supports A Munich - Silesia (*Void*)A Ruhr Supports A Burgundy - Munich
Russia: A Finland Hold
Turkey: A Galicia - ViennaF Ionian Sea - GreeceA Livonia - WarsawF Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain(sc)A Moscow Supports A St PetersburgA Rome - VeniceA St Petersburg Supports A Finland - Norway (*Void*)F Tyrrhenian Sea - RomeA Warsaw - GaliciaF Western Mediterranean Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain(sc)
RETREATS:Germany: A Burgundy, no move received
DEADLINE:Autumn 1907
will be due Saturday if that's fine with you Matthew. Winter 1907 will be due probably next Wednesday or maybe Tuesday.
PLAYERS:Ctry    : England
Name    : Kyle Rudge
Email    : krudge(at)goldenwestradio.com
Ctry    : RussiaName    : Justin Card
Email    : justin(at)darkenedpath.com
Ctry    : France
Name    : Ross Yaggy
Email    : ross826(at)gmail.com
Ctry    : Austria
Name    : Joe Rizzo
Email    : kangaroohp(at)aol.com
Ctry    : Germany
Name    : Matthew Stevenson
Email    : rocketship.rocketship(at)gmail.com
Ctry    : Turkey
Name    : Michael Walters
Email    : michael.alan.walters(at)gmail.com
Sorry about the delay again! Have a good weekend,


DC329 W03 next fri next - vegas_iwish   (Jul 08, 2010, 6:23 pm)
Defaults, removing A pun
Build F ann
Build A ang
Build A vla


DC329 COL AUT03 WINTER THURS 7/8 - vegas_iwish   (Jul 08, 2010, 6:10 pm)
clearly not true + no sign of your adj at deadline

--- On Wed, 7/7/10, Sean O'Donnell <sean_o_donnell(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

From: Sean O'Donnell <sean_o_donnell(at)hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: DC329 COL AUT03 WINTER THURS 7/8
To: "MICHAEL BOUTOT vegas_iwish DC GM" <vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com>, "Garry Bledsoe GM DC" <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>, "Nick Powell DrSwordopolis DC" <nick.s.powell(at)gmail.com>, "William Duncan CPT23862 DC" <cpt23862(at)yahoo.ca>, "Aidan Slattery Lane DC" <aislattery(at)aol.com>, "Poul Hurup hurup DC" <hurup(at)pc.dk>, "Justin Card Joral DC" <justin(at)darkenedpath.com>
Cc: dc329(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Date: Wednesday, July 7, 2010, 6:08 AM

Hello Michael,
The Summer map on the website shows a British army in both Pun and Del.
from Sean


DC319: Spring 1941 Moves - charlesf   (Jul 08, 2010, 4:57 pm)
Hallo zusammen,
afraid I couldn't muster the energy following yesterday's game to adjucate,
so it had to wait until tonight. Not that I'm too disheartened, there's always
Poland/Ukraine 2012 and Brazil 2014 to look forward to! Just now gotta slowly
adapt to WC withdrawal symptome come Sunday. Decided that reading about the
beautiful game's the best antidote and I shall be taking my copy of "The Ball is
Round: A Global History of Football" down to Greece (I shall be down there 16-26
July) as part of my holiday reading. I recommend it!
As for the events this spring, there's an uncanny quiet in the East, while
things are more on the move elsewhere.
The Fall 1941 Moves are scheduled
for Wednesday, 14 July.
Liebe Grüsse,
    BRITAIN: DavidCheGould
    FRANCE: Joao Queiros
    GERMANY: Ghostine, Jimmy
    ITALY & NAT. SPAIN: Dirk Knemeyer
    POLAND: Kyle Overby-Lee
Phillips <nephilli99(at)hotmail.com> (eliminated
Winter 193Cool
    TURKEY: Repu Maoni

PRESS: None.
PIC OF THE DAY: British WW2 home front
QUOTE OF THE DAY: "Gentlemen, you may
be sure that of the three courses open to the enemy, he will always choose the
fourth." -Helmuth von Moltke
F Belgium Supports F Helgoland Bight - Netherlands
F Brest
- Picardy (*Fails*)
F Edinburgh Supports F English Channel - North Sea
Egypt(sc) - Atlantic Ocean
F Tripoli Hold
F Helgoland Bight -
F London - Yorkshire
A Lorraine - Paris
A Austria - Slovenia
A Czechia - Austria
F Denmark -
A Hamburg - Rhineland
A Hungary Supports A Czechia - Austria
Munich Supports A Hamburg - Rhineland
A Netherlands - Belgium
A Picardy Supports A Netherlands - Belgium (*Cut*)
F North
Sea - Denmark
A Burgundy - Switzerland (*Fails*)
A Croatia Hold
Dodecanese - Libyan Sea
A Switzerland Hold
A Trentino Hold
F Ionian Sea
Supports F Dodecanese - Libyan Sea
A Byelorussia - Ukraine (*Bounce*)
A Cracow - Slovakia
Finland - Norway
A Moscow Hold
F Norway - Norwegian Sea
A Rumania
Supports A Transylvania
A Siberia Hold
A Transylvania Supports A
A Volhynia - Ukraine (*Bounce*)
F Gulf of Danzig - Sweden
A Bulgaria Supports A Serbia
F Greece Hold
A Iraq
F Izmir Hold
A Kurdistan Hold
A Palestine Hold
A Serbia
Supports A Bulgaria
F Stalingrad(wc) Hold
F Suez - Arabian Sea
A Thrace
Supports A Serbia
F Eastern Mediterranean Hold
F Burgos - Bay of Biscay
A Marseille -
A Morocco - Southern Algeria
F Valencia - Western
F English Channel - North Sea
F Western Mediterranean -
Tyrrhenian Sea

(Winter 1940):

    Britain(6): Belgium,
Brest, Edinburgh, Egypt, Liverpool, Tripoli.
France(2): London, Paris.
    Germany(9): Austria,
Berlin, Czechia, Denmark, Hamburg, Hungary, Munich, Netherlands,
    Italy(6): Algiers, Croatia, Milan, Naples,
Rome, Switzerland.
    Poland(10): Cracow, Finland,
Gdynia, Latvia, Leningrad, Lithuania, Moscow, Norway, Rumania,
    Turkey(11): Ankara, Beirut, Bulgaria, Greece,
Iraq, Istanbul, Izmir, Persia, Serbia, Stalingrad, Suez.
    Nationalist Spain(6): Burgos,
Madrid, Marseille, Morocco, Portugal, Valencia. 

DEADLINE SCHEDULE: (all orders are due NLT 6PM
CET (GMT+1)...not local time)
    o Fall 1941 Moves: (12) 14 July


dc330: Wi37 Results! - dknemeyer   (Jul 08, 2010, 4:24 pm)
Quick correction: prelims for Spring ***1938*** are due in just under 24 hours!

On Jul 8, 2010, at 5:19 PM, Dirk Knemeyer wrote:
No historical flavour this adjudication, I'm afraid. A pile of work and crying baby preclude such indulgences. Getting stabbed in the Winterblitz didn't help matters much, either. Wink
Prelims for Spring 1937 are due in just under 24 hours! Other upcoming deadlines are at the end of this note.

Britain - sunchung / Sun Chung / sun.chung(at)gmail.com
France - DrSwordopolis / Nick Powell / nick.s.powell(at)gmail.com
Germany - charlesf / Charles Feaux de la Croix / charlesf(at)web.de
Italy (and Nationalist Spain) - raistlin / David Gould / davidchegould(at)bigpond.com
Poland - smileyrob / Robert Stein / smileyrob68(at)gmail.com
Turkey - Wladimir7 / Wladimir Mysonski / wmysonski(at)gmail.com
USSR (and Republican Spain) - Nitsch / Karsten Nitsch / karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de

   British Generals threaten sit-in over continued naval investments   Marseilles garrison flees to Gascony   Kriegsmarine suffers cutbacks while Wehrmacht looks east   Il Duce continues to diversify war machine   New cavalry regiments trained and deployed in Poland   Turkish navy continues expansion and modernization programme   Spaniards of both persuasion worry that the continental struggle will consumer Iberia

France: A Marseille - Gascony
Germany: disband F Denmark


Britain: Build F Edinburgh
Germany: Build A Berlin
Italy: Build A MilanBuild F Naples
Poland: Build A WarsawBuild A Cracow
Turkey: Build F Istanbul
Ownership of supply centers

Britain:   Denmark, Edinburgh, Egypt, Liverpool, London, Norway, Suez.
France:    Algiers, Belgium, Brest, Morocco, Paris.
Germany:   Austria, Berlin, Czechia, Hamburg, Munich, Netherlands.
Italy:     Croatia, Marseille, Milan, Naples, Rome, Tripoli, Valencia.
Poland:    Cracow, Gdynia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Rumania, Serbia, Warsaw.
Turkey:    Ankara, Beirut, Bulgaria, Greece, Istanbul, Izmir.
USSR:      Finland, Iran, Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad.
Nationalist_Spain: Burgos.
Republican_Spain: Madrid.

Britain:    7 Supply centers,  7 Units:  Builds   0 units.
France:     5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Germany:    6 Supply centers,  6 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Italy:      7 Supply centers,  7 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Poland:     8 Supply centers,  8 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Turkey:     6 Supply centers,  6 Units:  Builds   0 units.
USSR:       5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Nationalist_Spain:  1 Supply center,   1 Unit:   Builds   0 units.
Republican_Spain:  1 Supply center,   1 Unit:   Builds   0 units.

Upcoming Deadlines (all orders are due at 5 PM EST, GMT -5)
 Spring 1938 Prelims, Friday July 9
 Spring 1938 Orders, Thursday July 15
 Summer 1938 Retreats, Friday July 16 Fall 1938 Prelims, Friday July 16 Fall 1938 Orders, Tuesday July 20
GM Notes: None


dc330: Wi37 Results! - DrSwordopolis   (Jul 08, 2010, 4:22 pm)
England's only stabbed you what, 5 times now? No way I'd see that coming...

On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 2:19 PM, Dirk Knemeyer <dirk(at)knemeyer.com> wrote:

No historical flavour this adjudication, I'm afraid. A pile of work and crying baby preclude such indulgences. Getting stabbed in the Winterblitz didn't help matters much, either. Wink

Prelims for Spring 1937 are due in just under 24 hours! Other upcoming deadlines are at the end of this note.

Britain - sunchung / Sun Chung / sun.chung(at)gmail.com

France - DrSwordopolis / Nick Powell / nick.s.powell(at)gmail.com
Germany - charlesf / Charles Feaux de la Croix / charlesf(at)web.de

Italy (and Nationalist Spain) - raistlin / David Gould / davidchegould(at)bigpond.com
Poland - smileyrob / Robert Stein / smileyrob68(at)gmail.com

Turkey - Wladimir7 / Wladimir Mysonski / wmysonski(at)gmail.com
USSR (and Republican Spain) - Nitsch / Karsten Nitsch / karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de

   British Generals threaten sit-in over continued naval investments   Marseilles garrison flees to Gascony   Kriegsmarine suffers cutbacks while Wehrmacht looks east   Il Duce continues to diversify war machine
   New cavalry regiments trained and deployed in Poland   Turkish navy continues expansion and modernization programme   Spaniards of both persuasion worry that the continental struggle will consumer Iberia

France: A Marseille - Gascony
Germany: disband F Denmark


Build F Edinburgh
Germany: Build A Berlin
Italy: Build A MilanBuild F Naples
Poland: Build A Warsaw
Build A Cracow
Turkey: Build F Istanbul
Ownership of supply centers

Britain:   Denmark, Edinburgh, Egypt, Liverpool, London, Norway, Suez.
France:    Algiers, Belgium, Brest, Morocco, Paris.

Germany:   Austria, Berlin, Czechia, Hamburg, Munich, Netherlands.
Italy:     Croatia, Marseille, Milan, Naples, Rome, Tripoli, Valencia.
Poland:    Cracow, Gdynia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Rumania, Serbia, Warsaw.

Turkey:    Ankara, Beirut, Bulgaria, Greece, Istanbul, Izmir.
USSR:      Finland, Iran, Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad.
Nationalist_Spain: Burgos.
Republican_Spain: Madrid.

Britain:    7 Supply centers,  7 Units:  Builds   0 units.

France:     5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Germany:    6 Supply centers,  6 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Italy:      7 Supply centers,  7 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Poland:     8 Supply centers,  8 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Turkey:     6 Supply centers,  6 Units:  Builds   0 units.
USSR:       5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Nationalist_Spain:  1 Supply center,   1 Unit:   Builds   0 units.
Republican_Spain:  1 Supply center,   1 Unit:   Builds   0 units.

Upcoming Deadlines (all orders are due at 5 PM EST, GMT -5)
 Spring 1938 Prelims, Friday July 9
 Spring 1938 Orders, Thursday July 15
 Summer 1938 Retreats, Friday July 16 Fall 1938 Prelims, Friday July 16
 Fall 1938 Orders, Tuesday July 20
GM Notes: None


dc330: Wi37 Results! - dknemeyer   (Jul 08, 2010, 4:19 pm)
No historical flavour this adjudication, I'm afraid. A pile of work and crying baby preclude such indulgences. Getting stabbed in the Winterblitz didn't help matters much, either. Wink
Prelims for Spring 1937 are due in just under 24 hours! Other upcoming deadlines are at the end of this note.

Britain - sunchung / Sun Chung / sun.chung(at)gmail.com
France - DrSwordopolis / Nick Powell / nick.s.powell(at)gmail.com
Germany - charlesf / Charles Feaux de la Croix / charlesf(at)web.de
Italy (and Nationalist Spain) - raistlin / David Gould / davidchegould(at)bigpond.com
Poland - smileyrob / Robert Stein / smileyrob68(at)gmail.com
Turkey - Wladimir7 / Wladimir Mysonski / wmysonski(at)gmail.com
USSR (and Republican Spain) - Nitsch / Karsten Nitsch / karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de

   British Generals threaten sit-in over continued naval investments   Marseilles garrison flees to Gascony   Kriegsmarine suffers cutbacks while Wehrmacht looks east   Il Duce continues to diversify war machine   New cavalry regiments trained and deployed in Poland   Turkish navy continues expansion and modernization programme   Spaniards of both persuasion worry that the continental struggle will consumer Iberia

France: A Marseille - Gascony
Germany: disband F Denmark


Britain: Build F Edinburgh
Germany: Build A Berlin
Italy: Build A MilanBuild F Naples
Poland: Build A WarsawBuild A Cracow
Turkey: Build F Istanbul
Ownership of supply centers

Britain:   Denmark, Edinburgh, Egypt, Liverpool, London, Norway, Suez.
France:    Algiers, Belgium, Brest, Morocco, Paris.
Germany:   Austria, Berlin, Czechia, Hamburg, Munich, Netherlands.
Italy:     Croatia, Marseille, Milan, Naples, Rome, Tripoli, Valencia.
Poland:    Cracow, Gdynia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Rumania, Serbia, Warsaw.
Turkey:    Ankara, Beirut, Bulgaria, Greece, Istanbul, Izmir.
USSR:      Finland, Iran, Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad.
Nationalist_Spain: Burgos.
Republican_Spain: Madrid.

Britain:    7 Supply centers,  7 Units:  Builds   0 units.
France:     5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Germany:    6 Supply centers,  6 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Italy:      7 Supply centers,  7 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Poland:     8 Supply centers,  8 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Turkey:     6 Supply centers,  6 Units:  Builds   0 units.
USSR:       5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Nationalist_Spain:  1 Supply center,   1 Unit:   Builds   0 units.
Republican_Spain:  1 Supply center,   1 Unit:   Builds   0 units.

Upcoming Deadlines (all orders are due at 5 PM EST, GMT -5)
 Spring 1938 Prelims, Friday July 9
 Spring 1938 Orders, Thursday July 15
 Summer 1938 Retreats, Friday July 16 Fall 1938 Prelims, Friday July 16 Fall 1938 Orders, Tuesday July 20
GM Notes: None


dc330: Wi37 Results! (dc330) DrSwordopolis Jul 08, 04:22 pm
England's only stabbed you what, 5 times now? No way I'd see that coming...

On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 2:19 PM, Dirk Knemeyer <dirk(at)knemeyer.com> wrote:

No historical flavour this adjudication, I'm afraid. A pile of work and crying baby preclude such indulgences. Getting stabbed in the Winterblitz didn't help matters much, either. Wink

Prelims for Spring 1937 are due in just under 24 hours! Other upcoming deadlines are at the end of this note.

Britain - sunchung / Sun Chung / sun.chung(at)gmail.com

France - DrSwordopolis / Nick Powell / nick.s.powell(at)gmail.com
Germany - charlesf / Charles Feaux de la Croix / charlesf(at)web.de

Italy (and Nationalist Spain) - raistlin / David Gould / davidchegould(at)bigpond.com
Poland - smileyrob / Robert Stein / smileyrob68(at)gmail.com

Turkey - Wladimir7 / Wladimir Mysonski / wmysonski(at)gmail.com
USSR (and Republican Spain) - Nitsch / Karsten Nitsch / karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de

   British Generals threaten sit-in over continued naval investments   Marseilles garrison flees to Gascony   Kriegsmarine suffers cutbacks while Wehrmacht looks east   Il Duce continues to diversify war machine
   New cavalry regiments trained and deployed in Poland   Turkish navy continues expansion and modernization programme   Spaniards of both persuasion worry that the continental struggle will consumer Iberia

France: A Marseille - Gascony
Germany: disband F Denmark


Build F Edinburgh
Germany: Build A Berlin
Italy: Build A MilanBuild F Naples
Poland: Build A Warsaw
Build A Cracow
Turkey: Build F Istanbul
Ownership of supply centers

Britain:   Denmark, Edinburgh, Egypt, Liverpool, London, Norway, Suez.
France:    Algiers, Belgium, Brest, Morocco, Paris.

Germany:   Austria, Berlin, Czechia, Hamburg, Munich, Netherlands.
Italy:     Croatia, Marseille, Milan, Naples, Rome, Tripoli, Valencia.
Poland:    Cracow, Gdynia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Rumania, Serbia, Warsaw.

Turkey:    Ankara, Beirut, Bulgaria, Greece, Istanbul, Izmir.
USSR:      Finland, Iran, Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad.
Nationalist_Spain: Burgos.
Republican_Spain: Madrid.

Britain:    7 Supply centers,  7 Units:  Builds   0 units.

France:     5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Germany:    6 Supply centers,  6 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Italy:      7 Supply centers,  7 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Poland:     8 Supply centers,  8 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Turkey:     6 Supply centers,  6 Units:  Builds   0 units.
USSR:       5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Nationalist_Spain:  1 Supply center,   1 Unit:   Builds   0 units.
Republican_Spain:  1 Supply center,   1 Unit:   Builds   0 units.

Upcoming Deadlines (all orders are due at 5 PM EST, GMT -5)
 Spring 1938 Prelims, Friday July 9
 Spring 1938 Orders, Thursday July 15
 Summer 1938 Retreats, Friday July 16 Fall 1938 Prelims, Friday July 16
 Fall 1938 Orders, Tuesday July 20
GM Notes: None
dc330: Wi37 Results! (dc330) dknemeyer Jul 08, 04:24 pm
Quick correction: prelims for Spring ***1938*** are due in just under 24 hours!

On Jul 8, 2010, at 5:19 PM, Dirk Knemeyer wrote:
No historical flavour this adjudication, I'm afraid. A pile of work and crying baby preclude such indulgences. Getting stabbed in the Winterblitz didn't help matters much, either. Wink
Prelims for Spring 1937 are due in just under 24 hours! Other upcoming deadlines are at the end of this note.

Britain - sunchung / Sun Chung / sun.chung(at)gmail.com
France - DrSwordopolis / Nick Powell / nick.s.powell(at)gmail.com
Germany - charlesf / Charles Feaux de la Croix / charlesf(at)web.de
Italy (and Nationalist Spain) - raistlin / David Gould / davidchegould(at)bigpond.com
Poland - smileyrob / Robert Stein / smileyrob68(at)gmail.com
Turkey - Wladimir7 / Wladimir Mysonski / wmysonski(at)gmail.com
USSR (and Republican Spain) - Nitsch / Karsten Nitsch / karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de

   British Generals threaten sit-in over continued naval investments   Marseilles garrison flees to Gascony   Kriegsmarine suffers cutbacks while Wehrmacht looks east   Il Duce continues to diversify war machine   New cavalry regiments trained and deployed in Poland   Turkish navy continues expansion and modernization programme   Spaniards of both persuasion worry that the continental struggle will consumer Iberia

France: A Marseille - Gascony
Germany: disband F Denmark


Britain: Build F Edinburgh
Germany: Build A Berlin
Italy: Build A MilanBuild F Naples
Poland: Build A WarsawBuild A Cracow
Turkey: Build F Istanbul
Ownership of supply centers

Britain:   Denmark, Edinburgh, Egypt, Liverpool, London, Norway, Suez.
France:    Algiers, Belgium, Brest, Morocco, Paris.
Germany:   Austria, Berlin, Czechia, Hamburg, Munich, Netherlands.
Italy:     Croatia, Marseille, Milan, Naples, Rome, Tripoli, Valencia.
Poland:    Cracow, Gdynia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Rumania, Serbia, Warsaw.
Turkey:    Ankara, Beirut, Bulgaria, Greece, Istanbul, Izmir.
USSR:      Finland, Iran, Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad.
Nationalist_Spain: Burgos.
Republican_Spain: Madrid.

Britain:    7 Supply centers,  7 Units:  Builds   0 units.
France:     5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Germany:    6 Supply centers,  6 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Italy:      7 Supply centers,  7 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Poland:     8 Supply centers,  8 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Turkey:     6 Supply centers,  6 Units:  Builds   0 units.
USSR:       5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Nationalist_Spain:  1 Supply center,   1 Unit:   Builds   0 units.
Republican_Spain:  1 Supply center,   1 Unit:   Builds   0 units.

Upcoming Deadlines (all orders are due at 5 PM EST, GMT -5)
 Spring 1938 Prelims, Friday July 9
 Spring 1938 Orders, Thursday July 15
 Summer 1938 Retreats, Friday July 16 Fall 1938 Prelims, Friday July 16 Fall 1938 Orders, Tuesday July 20
GM Notes: None
DC 306: Sengoku Rev6DP - Fall 1574: Date Masamune - Kenshi777   (Jul 08, 2010, 3:36 pm)
Ryuzoji Takanobu of Hizen province was a rising daimyo that ultimately bit off more than he could chew.  His attempts to suppress the rebellious clans of the Shimabara peninsula in Hizen resulted in an appeal by the Arima clan to by the powerful Shimazu clain of Satsuma.  The Shimazu would ultimately claim both the Ryuzoji lands and the life of Takanobu himself.  Before this untimely demise however, Takanobu was one of the three great daimyo of Kyushu, alongside the Otomo of Bungo province, and the Shimazu of Satsuma.
***TEAHOUSE COMMENTARY:  In our Sengoku-jidai, the Ryuzoji name is a distant memory, a minor nuisance crushed under the heel of the Mori clan, who have since turned their attentions to the north.  Their assistance to the Asakura is not enough to prevent the destruction of Kaga by Uesugi forces however.  In the south, the Chosokabe succeed in advancing to the critical Totomi Sea, and shifting the naval fight in their favor.  Hojo and Oda remain locked in a bitter struggle for the heart of Honshu.  Meanwhile, Satomi Yoshihiro of Hitachi enjoys peacefully watching the cherry blossoms fall, and notes the absence of emissaries in his court.

Seppuku too good
for unpoetic daimyo
just go off yourselves Smile
Shimazu Yoshihisa - Isaac Zinner (*eliminated 1573*)
Mori Motonari - Jim Atkins
Chosokabe Motochika - Jean-Luc Lefebvre
Asakura Yoshikage - Garry Bledsoe
Oda Nobunaga - Joe Babinsack
Takeda Shingen - Nathan Deily (*eliminated 1572*)

Uesugi Kenshin - Fredrik Blom
Hojo Ujiyasu - Michael Thompson

Michael has a single retreat, with a single option available.  F Totomi Sea may retreat to Atsumi Bay.  I have automatically retreated this fleet there for now - Michael, please let me know in the next 48 hours if you want to retreat it OTB instead.
A five-way Chosokabe/Mori/Asakura/Uesugi/Hojo draw has been proposed.  Please include your votes with your fall orders on this proposal.  Failure to vote counts as an abstention, not a vote against - so be certain to include your vote!  The vote must have all favorable votes and/or abstentions to pass - a single vote against defeats the proposal.

Fall 1575 will tentatively be due Thursday, July 15th, 1700 EST.  I leave for training on Sunday, and will touch base to confirm connectivity as soon as possible thereafter.
A Bingo - Izumo
A Hoki Supports F Inaba
F Inaba Supports F Tango
F Iwami Coast Supports F Sea of Japan
F Izumo - Sanin Coast
A Nagato - Iwami
F Sea of Japan Supports F Kaga - Noto (*Cut*)
F South Sea of Japan Supports F Sea of Japan
A Awa Hold
A Bizen - Harima
F Kii - Totomi Sea
F Kii Straits Supports F Kumano Sea
F Kumano Sea Supports F Kii - Totomi Sea
F Shima Supports F Kii - Totomi Sea
F South Pacific Ocean - Pacific Ocean (*Fails*)

F Tosa Bay - South Pacific Ocean (*Fails*)
F Yamato - Kii
A Echizen Supports A Owari - Mino
F Kaga - Noto (*Disbanded*)
A Omi Supports A Echizen
F Sanin Coast - Wakasa Bay
A Settsu - Yamashiro
F Tango Supports F Sanin Coast - Wakasa Bay
A Mikawa Supports A Mino - Totomi (*Cut*)
A Mino - Totomi (*Fails*)
A Owari - Mino (*Fails*)
A Etchu Supports F Wakasa Bay - Kaga
A Hida Supports F Wakasa Bay - Kaga
F North Pacific Ocean Supports F Pacific Ocean
F North Sea of Japan - Sea of Japan (*Fails*)
A North Shinano Supports A Hida
F Noto Supports F North Sea of Japan - Sea of Japan (*Cut*)

F Wakasa Bay - Kaga
A Kai - Sagami
F Pacific Ocean Supports F Sagami Bay (*Cut*)
F Sagami Bay Supports F Pacific Ocean
A South Shinano Supports F Totomi
A Suruga Supports A South Shinano
F Totomi Supports F Totomi Sea - Mikawa (*Cut*)

F Totomi Sea - Mikawa (*Dislodged*)
A Hitachi takes up kendo to pass the idle time. 

Diplomacy in Texas!

Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants


dc311 f15 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Jul 08, 2010, 3:01 pm)
A lot of center-swapping going on but no major breakthrus...
German A Rumania can retreat to Ukraine.
English F Spain(sc) can retreat to Gulf of Lyon or Portugal.
Austrian A Vienna can retreat to Trieste or Budapest.

Austria:  BUILD 1
England: REMOVE 1
Germany can only build if he takes the retreat OTB.
RETREATS and BUILDS due tomorrow!  Friday, 3pm Central.
A Budapest - Rumania
A Bulgaria Supports A Budapest - Rumania
F Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea
A Marseilles - Spain
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Gascony - Brest
A Serbia Supports A Budapest - Rumania
F Smyrna - Constantinople (*Fails*)
A Tyrolia - Vienna (*Fails*)
A Venice - Piedmont
A Vienna - Galicia (*Dislodged*)
F Western Mediterranean Supports A Marseilles - Spain
F Clyde - Edinburgh
F English Channel Supports F London - North Sea (*Cut*)
F Gascony - Brest (*Bounce*)
F Gulf of Lyon - Marseilles
F London - North Sea
F Norwegian Sea Supports F London - North Sea
F Spain(sc) Supports F Gascony - Marseilles (*Dislodged*)
F Belgium - English Channel (*Fails*)
A Bohemia - Vienna
A Burgundy - Gascony (*Fails*)
F Denmark - North Sea (*Fails*)
A Galicia Supports A Bohemia - Vienna
A Livonia - St Petersburg
A Munich - Tyrolia (*Fails*)
F North Sea - Norway
A Paris Supports A Picardy - Brest
A Picardy - Brest (*Bounce*)
A Rumania - Budapest (*Dislodged*)
A Sevastopol - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Silesia - Bohemia
F Sweden Supports F North Sea - Norway
F Black Sea Supports A Constantinople
A Constantinople Hold


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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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