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DC 260 (Asian): F1906 Adjudication - AceRimmer   (Sep 25, 2009, 1:34 pm)
Returned from our brief vacation, we find ourselves living in the post-stab era. Flaming meteors pulverize the ground, and cool CGI effects cause waves of concrete to wash over the heads of terrified pedestrians. Plus, there is a large reptilian creature smashing buildings with its tail while firing random bolts from something called an 'ion cannon'. Some buxom starlet is covered with mud, but she looks both pissed off and extremely hot. But, mostly, we're living with the shock waves of the Indonesian stab of India. Burma and Laos change hands. And did I mention that Siberia actually moved two units? Be afraid. Be very afraid.

There is one retreat:

Indian A Mongolia may retreat to Kunlun, Tibet, or OTB

In the Winter, India will have two disbands. Indonesia will have two builds. Everybody else chills.

Let's do both on Monday, okay? 10 CST. Then perhaps next Thursday for S1907? Good.

F1906 Adjudication:

F Arabian Sea Supports F Bombay - Bay of Bengal (*Cut*)
A Beijing Hold
F Bombay - Bay of Bengal
A Chongqing - Burma (*Fails*)
A Delhi Supports A Pakistan
A Kunlun - Calcutta
A Mongolia Supports A Tien Shan (*Dislodged*)
A Pakistan Supports A Tien Shan
F Sri Lanka Supports F Bombay - Bay of Bengal
A Tien Shan Supports A Mongolia

F Bay of Bengal - Burma
F Central Indian Ocean Hold
F East China Sea Supports F South China Sea - Shanghai
A Hong Kong Supports F South China Sea - Shanghai
A Laos Supports F Bay of Bengal - Burma
F Philippines Supports F East China Sea
F South China Sea - Shanghai
F Seychelles Supports F Central Indian Ocean
F Shanghai - Yellow Sea

F Hokkaido - Sea of Okhotsk (*Fails*)
F Honshu Hold

A Afghanistan Supports A Uzbekistan
F Caspian Sea Supports A Moscow
F East Africa - Red Sea (*Bounce*)
A Iran Supports A Afghanistan
A Livonia Supports A Moscow
A Moscow Hold
F Oman - Arabian Sea (*Fails*)
F Persian Gulf Supports A Iran
A Uzbekistan Supports A Afghanistan
F Yemen - Red Sea (*Bounce*)

F Bering Strait Supports F Sea of Okhotsk
A Ekaterinburg - Kazakhstan
A Kazakhstan - Mongolia
A Korea Supports A Manchuria
A Manchuria Supports A Kazakhstan - Mongolia
A Novosibirsk Supports A Kazakhstan - Mongolia
F Sea of Okhotsk Hold
A St. Petersburg Supports A Urals
A Urals Supports A St. Petersburg


DC 260 (Asian): F1906 Adjudication (dc260) rodtheworm Sep 26, 07:40 am
Oh dear. Looks like everyone's out to get a piece of me. Anyone fancy a vassal state working for them Janissary-style? Any offer considered... Wink


Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 11:34:44 -0700
From: smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com
Subject: DC 260 (Asian): F1906 Adjudication
To: dc260(at)diplomaticcorp.com; jkudlick(at)gmail.com; briankingfox(at)hotmail.com; mdemagogue(at)gmail.com; wecanworkthisout(at)yahoo.com; ecommander0(at)hotmail.com; aislattery(at)aol.com; rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com

Returned from our brief vacation, we find ourselves living in the post-stab era. Flaming meteors pulverize the ground, and cool CGI effects cause waves of concrete to wash over the heads of terrified pedestrians. Plus, there is a large reptilian creature smashing buildings with its tail while firing random bolts from something called an 'ion cannon'. Some buxom starlet is covered with mud, but she looks both pissed off and extremely hot. But, mostly, we're living with the shock waves of the Indonesian stab of India. Burma and Laos change hands. And did I mention that Siberia actually moved two units? Be afraid. Be very afraid.

There is one retreat:

Indian A Mongolia may retreat to Kunlun, Tibet, or OTB

In the Winter, India will have two disbands. Indonesia will have two builds. Everybody else chills.

Let's do both on Monday, okay? 10 CST. Then perhaps next Thursday for S1907? Good.

F1906 Adjudication:

F Arabian Sea Supports F Bombay - Bay of Bengal (*Cut*)
A Beijing Hold
F Bombay - Bay of Bengal
A Chongqing - Burma (*Fails*)
A Delhi Supports A Pakistan
A Kunlun - Calcutta
A Mongolia Supports A Tien Shan (*Dislodged*)
A Pakistan Supports A Tien Shan
F Sri Lanka Supports F Bombay - Bay of Bengal
A Tien Shan Supports A Mongolia

F Bay of Bengal - Burma
F Central Indian Ocean Hold
F East China Sea Supports F South China Sea - Shanghai
A Hong Kong Supports F South China Sea - Shanghai
A Laos Supports F Bay of Bengal - Burma
F Philippines Supports F East China Sea
F South China Sea - Shanghai
F Seychelles Supports F Central Indian Ocean
F Shanghai - Yellow Sea

F Hokkaido - Sea of Okhotsk (*Fails*)
F Honshu Hold

A Afghanistan Supports A Uzbekistan
F Caspian Sea Supports A Moscow
F East Africa - Red Sea (*Bounce*)
A Iran Supports A Afghanistan
A Livonia Supports A Moscow
A Moscow Hold
F Oman - Arabian Sea (*Fails*)
F Persian Gulf Supports A Iran
A Uzbekistan Supports A Afghanistan
F Yemen - Red Sea (*Bounce*)

F Bering Strait Supports F Sea of Okhotsk
A Ekaterinburg - Kazakhstan
A Kazakhstan - Mongolia
A Korea Supports A Manchuria
A Manchuria Supports A Kazakhstan - Mongolia
A Novosibirsk Supports A Kazakhstan - Mongolia
F Sea of Okhotsk Hold
A St. Petersburg Supports A Urals
A Urals Supports A St. Petersburg

New! Receive and respond to mail from other email accounts from within Hotmail Find out how.
dc252 - Draw! - FuzzyLogic   (Sep 25, 2009, 8:42 am)
A relatively short and sweet game at only 166 days, dc252 is called a 3-way Draw between Carthage, Persia, and Rome. Egypt eeks out a Survival, and Greece didn't quite make it to the Middle Ages. This is one of my favorite variants, and has now been played 6 times with Carthage and Persia still retaining the highest overall performaces following this game.

See: http://www.diplomaticcorp.com/country_stats.php?map=Ancient Med.

End-Game-Statements are appreciated from all so send those in while the game is fresh on your mind. Thanks are due to the players for making this an easy one to GM, as there was rarely a time that I was tracking anyone down for orders.

See you next game,
Order of the Lion


DC261: Fall 1905 Reminder - aramis604   (Sep 24, 2009, 11:46 pm)
Orders are due tomorrow by 9pm pacific time.

- Josh


dc266 deadline extension - MattTheLesser   (Sep 24, 2009, 8:32 pm)
A player has requested to use his grace, so the deadline is extended for
all players by 24 hours until tomorrow, Friday, at 9 eastern.



DC-239 Slight Deadline Extension - TheWhiteWolf   (Sep 24, 2009, 5:57 pm)
A 24 hour extension has been requested and granted. New Fall 1911 deadline is Saturday, 26 September at 2pm EDT (6pm GMT.) Yes, it's a weekend. If you have weekend access problems, I suggest you pretend there isn't an extension.


I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


DC-272 Winter 1455 Adjudication - TheWhiteWolf   (Sep 24, 2009, 5:24 pm)
Thanks for getting everything in on time.

"One change always leaves the way prepared for the introduction of another." - Niccoló Machiavelli, The Prince. 1537


Austria: Aidan Slattery <AiSlattery(at)aol.com>
France: Mark Utterbach <MDemagogue(at)gmail.com>
Florence: Joe Babinsack <chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com>
Milan: Nick Cherrier <zeclient(at)hotmail.com>
Naples: Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>
Papacy: Kevin Burt <Brutus(at)wbhsi.net>
Turkey: Max Victory <maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk>
Venice: Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>


Build A Austria

Build F Lucca
Build F Piombino
Build A Pisa
Build A Arezzo
Build A Florence

Remove F Bari

Remove A Patrimony

Build F Tunis
Build F Durazzo

Build A Padua
Build A Ferrara

Unit Positions: (SCs/Units)

Austria: (5/5)
Armies - Aus, Sla, Trn, Tur, Tyr

France: (5/5)
Armies - Avi, Swi, Slu
Fleets - GOL, Sav

Florence: (10/10)
Armies - Are, Bol, Flo, Per, Psa, Sie
Fleets - Cor, Luc, Mod, Pio

Milan: (5/5)
Armies - Com, Cre, Gen, Mon, Pav

Naples: (3/3)
Armies - Spo
Fleets - Cap, TS

Papacy: (2/2)
Armies - Rom, Urb

Turkey: (7/7)
Armies - Rag
Fleets - Dur, LA, Mes, Otr, Sar, Tun

Venice: (7/7)
Armies - Crn, Fer, Man, Pad, Trv
Fleets - Cro, UA


Spring 1456 is due Wednesday, 30 September at 2pm EDT (6pm GMT.)
Any issues or errors, let me know.

Map and RP file are attached for your convenience, enjoy!

Thanks all,
The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


1648 090623: End-Game Proposal - charlesf   (Sep 24, 2009, 4:58 pm)
Aye, "Die Macher" is one of the few good election (board)games. Though I do prefer "1960: The Making of a President" and "Koalition". "Die Macher" has a couple of issues, if you ask me.

But, hm, I ought to get that game on the table in honour of our elections.

Anyway, I'm really excited about the upcoming "Campaign Manager 2008". Not that I believe McCain actually had much of a chance, but having read the rules, I must say it's right up my alley!

As for "Europa ohne Türkei" posters, I trust they would have been those of the right-wing fringe party called "Die Republikaner". They're as nutty as the US Republicans of the Limbaugh/Beck creed, but fortunately only get 1-2% or so. Really, the bulk of "protest voters" vote for the (ex?)commies.

Of the tiny parties, really all the buzz is about the PIRATENPARTEI (i.e. Pirate Party). They first stood for election earlier this year - for the EU parliament. In Sweden they're the third-largest party in terms of membership and made into the EU parliament. Not that they've got a chance to break the 5% hurdle for our national elections, but perhaps their anti-copyright/internet-freedom platform will one day be enough? I wonder whether they'll pull off the same as they have in Sweden. Odder things have happened.


DC 262: Angstskrik - Winter 828 Adjudication - Kenshi777   (Sep 24, 2009, 4:35 pm)
Honored Kings of the Dark Ages -

...and so we see the next phase of the war unfold, as new Gaelic
fleets spring up from Leinster, while the Norse and Scots remove a
fleet each. Meanwhile the Danes raise an army and a fleet, and
prepare for the counterattack from last years stab. But how many have
answered the Norse call to arms? The Scots now hold key terrain in
West Frisian Coast - where will they turn next? And what fate is
awaiting the Bretons, who face what appears to be a Gaelic/Anglo-Saxon
alliance? Will they find a champion for their cause, or be abandoned
to the invasion by land and sea?

Stay tuned...the Spring 929 Deadline will be Thursday October 1, at 1700 EDT

DC 262 Player List:

Nick Higgins - Cyning of the Angles and Saxons (Anglo-Saxons)
congressofvienna1814 AT yahoo DOT com

Matthew Kelly - Brenin of the Brythons (Britons)
kelly058 AT verizon DOT net

Gregory Bim-Merle - Kong of the Dani (Danes)
gbimmerle AT gmail DOT com

Nathan Deily - Ard Rí na hÉireann (Gaels)
ndeily AT yahoo DOT com

Scott Troemel - Kong of the Norge (Norse)
brn2dip AT yahoo DOT com

Nigel Phillips - Rí Alban (Scots)
nephilli99 AT hotmail DOT com

Mark Duffield - Konung of the Suetidi (Swedes)
captain_sicarius AT hotmail DOT com

and me, your humble GM, B. (Benjamin Hester)
screwtape777 AT gmail DOT com


Build F Leinster

Remove F Atlantic Ocean

Remove F Scapa Flow

Build F Jelling(wc)
Build A Ribe

Remove F Bay of Bothnia


Diplomacy in Texas!

Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South
American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants


1648 090623: End-Game Proposal - Kenshi777   (Sep 24, 2009, 4:03 pm)
All I remember of German elections when I lived there was 5 million
signs saying Ohne Turkei in Europa, usually posted in predominantly
Turkish areas. But that was deep in Bayern...


On 9/24/09, Roger Leroux <yrl1967(at)gmail.com> wrote:

German elections are always fun. Makes me want to play Die Macher.

2009/9/24 Charles Féaux de la Croix <charlesf(at)web.de>

[quote:4bfd7ce0e5]Hi guys,

as you know, Mikael has put forward a end-game proposal to concede victory
to Austria.

Any votes need to be submitted in advance of the upcoming deadline, i.e.
September 6 PM CET, either in public or in private. A non-vote shall be
considered a rejection of said proposal. Votes may either be made in
or in private.

In the event of affirmative votes by all player involved, I shall announce
the conclusion of the game prior to the deadline.

Hm, all this voting... Gets me in the mood for Sunday, when we here in
Germany go to the polls. Smile Essentially we Germans are getting the choice
between two two-way draw proposals. :p Black-Yellow (i.e. a
Christian-Democrat/Libertarian coalition) or continuation of the present
Black-Red "Grand Coalition" (i.e. Christian-Democrat/Social-Democrat).
Though there's some scope for more exotic colour combinations such as the
one commonly refered to as the "Jamaica Coalition" or, most unlikely, the
"Traffic Light Coalition". Could be quite a nail-biter on election night.
Though I'm personally perhaps as excited about who'll win the local
constituency, Berlin Mitte, a prestigious seat since it's at the heart of
the capital and is composed of both formerly Eastern and Western parts of
town. It's also unusual three-way race between Red, Black and Green. Ah, I
love election-time! Smile

Anyway, we shall now see how our own vote works out.




Diplomacy in Texas!

Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South
American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants


1648 090623: End-Game Proposal - leroy43   (Sep 24, 2009, 3:59 pm)
German elections are always fun. Makes me want to play Die Macher.

2009/9/24 Charles Féaux de la Croix <charlesf(at)web.de ([email]charlesf(at)web.de[/email])>

Hi guys,

as you know, Mikael has put forward a end-game proposal to concede victory to Austria.

Any votes need to be submitted in advance of the upcoming deadline, i.e. 30 September 6 PM CET, either in public or in private. A non-vote shall be considered a rejection of said proposal. Votes may either be made in public or in private.
In the event of affirmative votes by all player involved, I shall announce the conclusion of the game prior to the deadline.
Hm, all this voting... Gets me in the mood for Sunday, when we here in Germany go to the polls. Smile Essentially we Germans are getting the choice between two two-way draw proposals. :p Black-Yellow (i.e. a Christian-Democrat/Libertarian coalition) or continuation of the present Black-Red "Grand Coalition" (i.e. Christian-Democrat/Social-Democrat). Though there's some scope for more exotic colour combinations such as the one commonly refered to as the "Jamaica Coalition" or, most unlikely, the "Traffic Light Coalition". Could be quite a nail-biter on election night. Though I'm personally perhaps as excited about who'll win the local constituency, Berlin Mitte, a prestigious seat since it's at the heart of the capital and is composed of both formerly Eastern and Western parts of town. It's also unusual three-way race between Red, Black and Green. Ah, I love election-time! Smile
Anyway, we shall now see how our own vote works out.




1648 090623: End-Game Proposal - charlesf   (Sep 24, 2009, 3:14 pm)
Hi guys,

as you know, Mikael has put forward a end-game proposal to concede victory to Austria.

Any votes need to be submitted in advance of the upcoming deadline, i.e. 30 September 6 PM CET, either in public or in private. A non-vote shall be considered a rejection of said proposal. Votes may either be made in public or in private.

In the event of affirmative votes by all player involved, I shall announce the conclusion of the game prior to the deadline.

Hm, all this voting... Gets me in the mood for Sunday, when we here in Germany go to the polls. Smile Essentially we Germans are getting the choice between two two-way draw proposals. :p Black-Yellow (i.e. a Christian-Democrat/Libertarian coalition) or continuation of the present Black-Red "Grand Coalition" (i.e. Christian-Democrat/Social-Democrat). Though there's some scope for more exotic colour combinations such as the one commonly refered to as the "Jamaica Coalition" or, most unlikely, the "Traffic Light Coalition". Could be quite a nail-biter on election night. Though I'm personally perhaps as excited about who'll win the local constituency, Berlin Mitte, a prestigious seat since it's at the heart of the capital and is composed of both formerly Eastern and Western parts of town. It's also unusual three-way race between Red, Black and Green. Ah, I love election-time! Smile

Anyway, we shall now see how our own vote works out.




1648 090623: End-Game Proposal (dc264) leroy43 Sep 24, 03:59 pm
German elections are always fun. Makes me want to play Die Macher.

2009/9/24 Charles Féaux de la Croix <charlesf(at)web.de ([email]charlesf(at)web.de[/email])>

Hi guys,

as you know, Mikael has put forward a end-game proposal to concede victory to Austria.

Any votes need to be submitted in advance of the upcoming deadline, i.e. 30 September 6 PM CET, either in public or in private. A non-vote shall be considered a rejection of said proposal. Votes may either be made in public or in private.
In the event of affirmative votes by all player involved, I shall announce the conclusion of the game prior to the deadline.
Hm, all this voting... Gets me in the mood for Sunday, when we here in Germany go to the polls. Smile Essentially we Germans are getting the choice between two two-way draw proposals. :p Black-Yellow (i.e. a Christian-Democrat/Libertarian coalition) or continuation of the present Black-Red "Grand Coalition" (i.e. Christian-Democrat/Social-Democrat). Though there's some scope for more exotic colour combinations such as the one commonly refered to as the "Jamaica Coalition" or, most unlikely, the "Traffic Light Coalition". Could be quite a nail-biter on election night. Though I'm personally perhaps as excited about who'll win the local constituency, Berlin Mitte, a prestigious seat since it's at the heart of the capital and is composed of both formerly Eastern and Western parts of town. It's also unusual three-way race between Red, Black and Green. Ah, I love election-time! Smile
Anyway, we shall now see how our own vote works out.



1648 090623: End-Game Proposal (dc264) Kenshi777 Sep 24, 04:03 pm
All I remember of German elections when I lived there was 5 million
signs saying Ohne Turkei in Europa, usually posted in predominantly
Turkish areas. But that was deep in Bayern...


On 9/24/09, Roger Leroux <yrl1967(at)gmail.com> wrote:

German elections are always fun. Makes me want to play Die Macher.

2009/9/24 Charles Féaux de la Croix <charlesf(at)web.de>

[quote:4bfd7ce0e5]Hi guys,

as you know, Mikael has put forward a end-game proposal to concede victory
to Austria.

Any votes need to be submitted in advance of the upcoming deadline, i.e.
September 6 PM CET, either in public or in private. A non-vote shall be
considered a rejection of said proposal. Votes may either be made in
or in private.

In the event of affirmative votes by all player involved, I shall announce
the conclusion of the game prior to the deadline.

Hm, all this voting... Gets me in the mood for Sunday, when we here in
Germany go to the polls. Smile Essentially we Germans are getting the choice
between two two-way draw proposals. :p Black-Yellow (i.e. a
Christian-Democrat/Libertarian coalition) or continuation of the present
Black-Red "Grand Coalition" (i.e. Christian-Democrat/Social-Democrat).
Though there's some scope for more exotic colour combinations such as the
one commonly refered to as the "Jamaica Coalition" or, most unlikely, the
"Traffic Light Coalition". Could be quite a nail-biter on election night.
Though I'm personally perhaps as excited about who'll win the local
constituency, Berlin Mitte, a prestigious seat since it's at the heart of
the capital and is composed of both formerly Eastern and Western parts of
town. It's also unusual three-way race between Red, Black and Green. Ah, I
love election-time! Smile

Anyway, we shall now see how our own vote works out.




Diplomacy in Texas!

Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South
American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants
1648 090623: End-Game Proposal (dc264) charlesf Sep 24, 04:58 pm
Aye, "Die Macher" is one of the few good election (board)games. Though I do prefer "1960: The Making of a President" and "Koalition". "Die Macher" has a couple of issues, if you ask me.

But, hm, I ought to get that game on the table in honour of our elections.

Anyway, I'm really excited about the upcoming "Campaign Manager 2008". Not that I believe McCain actually had much of a chance, but having read the rules, I must say it's right up my alley!

As for "Europa ohne Türkei" posters, I trust they would have been those of the right-wing fringe party called "Die Republikaner". They're as nutty as the US Republicans of the Limbaugh/Beck creed, but fortunately only get 1-2% or so. Really, the bulk of "protest voters" vote for the (ex?)commies.

Of the tiny parties, really all the buzz is about the PIRATENPARTEI (i.e. Pirate Party). They first stood for election earlier this year - for the EU parliament. In Sweden they're the third-largest party in terms of membership and made into the EU parliament. Not that they've got a chance to break the 5% hurdle for our national elections, but perhaps their anti-copyright/internet-freedom platform will one day be enough? I wonder whether they'll pull off the same as they have in Sweden. Odder things have happened.
Updated SAS rgn file - FuzzyLogic   (Sep 24, 2009, 1:02 pm)
If you replace your .rgn file with this one, you'll be able to see the names w/o the units covering them up.
Just go into c:\program files\realpolitik\variant files\sas and save this there, overwrite the existing one.


dc266 tonight - MattTheLesser   (Sep 24, 2009, 9:24 am)
look at my glorious math skills...make that 10 and a half hours!

Matt Kremer wrote:

13 and a half hours away and I'm still missing sets of orders! So if
you don't have a confirmation, get them in!



dc266 tonight - MattTheLesser   (Sep 24, 2009, 9:22 am)
13 and a half hours away and I'm still missing sets of orders! So if
you don't have a confirmation, get them in!



1648 090623: Spring 1654 Moves - m_don_j   (Sep 24, 2009, 2:46 am)
Well it's over now, might as well call it a day. I propose an Austrian solo - and vote yes to that openly.

/ Mikael

Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 01:18:46 +0000
Subject: Re: 1648 090623: Spring 1654 Moves
From: c.p.mcinerney(at)gmail.com
To: charlesf(at)web.de
CC: dirk(at)knemeyer.com; hmtucaz(at)gmail.com; jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com; m_don_j(at)hotmail.com; matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu; nathanbalbright(at)yahoo.com; psychosis(at)sky.com; yrl1967(at)gmail.com; charlesf(at)web.de; dc264(at)diplomaticcorp.com; R.Jenulis(at)gmail.com; congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com; jeffreykase(at)yahoo.com; jfburgess(at)gmail.com; mellinger(at)blitzbardgett.com; moskatoe(at)gmail.com; screwtape777(at)gmail.com; woelpad(at)yahoo.com


My apologies to all. I've been run ragged the past couple of days, and this game just slipped through the cracks.

cm kolla in resten av Windows LiveT. Inte bara e-post - Windows LiveT är mycket mer än din inkorg. Mer än bara meddelanden


DC 257: MoV Fall set - The_Gentleman   (Sep 24, 2009, 12:54 am)
And then there were four... Russia is eliminated today. And Austria NMRs. An NMR that could be responsible for France's now 17 centers - one away from a Solo victory. When will that last center come? Or will it.....

A Budapest, no move received
A Galicia, no move received
F Rome, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Serbia, no move received
A Trieste, no move received
A Venice, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Warsaw, no move received

F Denmark - Kiel (*Dislodged*)
A Edinburgh - Liverpool (*Fails*)
F St Petersburg(nc) Supports F Sweden - Norway (*Cut*)
F Sweden - Norway
F Yorkshire - North Sea (*Fails*)

A Apulia - Venice
A Brest - Wales
A Burgundy - Munich
F English Channel Convoys A Brest - Wales
F Gulf of Lyon - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Holland - Denmark
A Kiel Supports A Holland - Denmark
F Liverpool Hold
A London - Yorkshire (*Fails*)
F Naples Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Rome
F North Sea Convoys A Holland - Denmark
A Piedmont Supports A Apulia - Venice
A Tyrolia - Trieste (*Fails*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Rome

F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc) (*Fails*)
A Ukraine - Moscow (*Bounce*)

F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea
F Black Sea Supports A Sevastopol (*Ordered to Move*)
A Bulgaria - Serbia (*Fails*)
F Greece Supports A Bulgaria - Serbia (*Fails*)
A Rumania - Budapest (*Fails*)
A Sevastopol - Moscow (*Bounce*)

Retreats: (Realpolitik disbands units that NMR, so Austrian retreat not shown)
Retreats can go OTB:
English F Denmark can retreat to Helgoland Bight or Sweden or
Baltic Sea or Skagerrak.
Austrian A Ven can retreat to Tuscany

Adjustments: (Assuming no OTB retreatsSmile

Austria: Supp 6 Unit 6 Build 6
England: Supp 4 Unit 5 Remove 1
France: Supp 17 Unit 14 Build 3
Germany: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Italy: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Russia: Supp 0 Unit 2 Remove 2
Turkey: Supp 7 Unit 6 Build 1

Retreats are due to me by Thursday, Sept 24th at 5:00 PM PST
Winter Adjustments will be due Friday by 7:00 PM PST


DC267 Spring 2013 Results - MattTheLesser   (Sep 23, 2009, 11:55 pm)
Sorry for the delay; the last two days have been ridiculously busy.
This season sees the Norwegians pushed to the brink as the Danes force
their way into the Barents Sea, leaving Tromso as the only center in
which a Norwegian unit still resides. The Americans also see foreign
units claiming their centers as the Russians finally head to Anchorage
and the Canadians head back to Yellowknife; however, the Americans look
well positioned to survive past at least the next adjustment phase as
they follow the ice melt and sail into the Chukchi Sea.

There was one retreat needed as the Norwegian fleet in the Barents Sea
was dislodged; for the sake of speed I have retreated it to the Kara
Sea. Kevin, if you would prefer Novaya Zemlya or OTB just let me know.

The next deadline will be for Summer 2013, and that will be this coming
Monday, September 28, at 9 pm eastern. Don't forget about the
territories melting for the summer (listed below the adjudication)!



A Arctic Wasteland - North Pole (*Fails*)
F Churchill S A Victoria Island - Yellowknife
A Queen Elizabeth Islands - Alpha Ridge (*Bounce*)
A Victoria Island - Yellowknife

F Longyearbyen - Barents Sea
F North Atlantic Ocean - Labrador Sea
A Northwest Greenland - Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge
F Norwegian Sea Supports F Longyearbyen - Barents Sea
F Oslo - Tromso (*Fails*)
F Station Nord - Greenland Sea
F Torshavn Supports F Norwegian Sea
A Yermak Plateau - Franz Joseph Land

F Barents Sea Supports F Tromso (*Cut*) (*Dislodged*)
F Tromso Supports F Barents Sea (*Cut*)

F Archangel - Lapland
A Beaufort Sea - Victoria Island
F Juneau - Anchorage
F Magadan - Kamchatka
A North Pole - Alpha Ridge (*Bounce*)
A Pevek Supports F Magadan - Kamchatka
A Western Siberia - Yakutsk
F White Sea Supports F Tromso
A Yakutsk - Severnaya Zemlya
A Yukon - Barrow

F Sea of Okhtosk - Kamchatka (*Fails*)
F Seward Peninsula - Chukchi Sea

Territories melting for the summer:
Beaufort Sea
Chukchi Abyssal Plain
Franz Joseph Land
Laptev Sea
Severnaya Zemlya
Yermak Plateau


DC 224 Slaughter of Joke-Time - Spring 11 - Stop M... - former.trout   (Sep 23, 2009, 11:21 pm)
So a Troll and a Rogue were walking through the woods.  The Troll barked out "Watch out for that knife!"  The Rogues ears pricked up and he asked "Where?!"  Then the Troll buried a knife in the Rogue's back...

Ah yes.  So funny.  Almost as good as that one about the tiny elf chasing the giant Ogre around Gelfling...  =P

Changes are afoot - that's for sure.  Guess the Fall turn will tell who is in the hot-pants now...  Two retreats are needed - one each from the Faeries and the Pirates.  (Sadly, talk like a Pirate Day didn't seem to be celebrated by this crowd...)  Deadline for Summer 11 will be set for Friday, Sept. 25th (11:59 PM GMT).

Please let me know if you spot any errors.  I make em, you need to catch em.  Dats how it works. 


Don't Quit Your Day Job Trout

Movement results for Spring of 11.  (DC 224 11 SPR)

Archers: F Loxley Supports A Duloc - Llyr.
Archers: A Duloc - Llyr.
Archers: A Myth Drannor - Ivory Tower (*Bounce*).
Archers: A Westmark - Prydain (*Bounce*).
Archers: F Drynwyn Supports A Westmark - Prydain.
Archers: F Cliffs Of Insanity - Myth Drannor (*Fails*).

Dwarves: A Mt Nimro - Pwyll.
Dwarves: F Great Glacier Supports A Mt Nimro - Pwyll.
Dwarves: A Dragon Coast - Zhentil Keep (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: F Churning Reach Convoys A Mt Nimro - Pwyll.

Elves: A Garthim - Gelfling.
Elves: A Waterdeep - Valley Of Lost Honor.
Elves: F Adder - Cormyr.
Elves: F River Of Dawn - Waterdeep.

Faeries: F Llyr - Cliffs Of Insanity (*Dislodged*).
Faeries: A Kingdom Of Hearts Supports A Strawberry Fields - Prydain.
Faeries: A Spiral Castle Supports A Kingdom Of Hearts.
Faeries: F Land Of Sweets - Shady Vale (*Fails*).
Faeries: A River Saeren - Paras Derval (*Fails*).
Faeries: A Strawberry Fields - Prydain (*Bounce*).
Faeries: A Port Ghaast - Ivory Tower (*Bounce*).
Faeries: F East Mirianic Ocean - Mt Nimro.
Faeries: F North Mirianic Ocean - Rugged Coast.

Knights: A Paras Derval Supports A Wing Hove - Heavens Well (*Cut*).
Knights: A Brennin Supports A Paras Derval.
Knights: A Wing Hove - Heavens Well.
Knights: A Arborlon Supports A Grimpen Ward.
Knights: A Grimpen Ward Supports A Shady Vale.
Knights: F Cathal Hold.
Knights: A Shady Vale Supports A Grimpen Ward (*Cut*).
Knights: F Crystal Lake Hold.

Ogres: A Lubrick - Knockshegowna.
Ogres: F Horborixen - Fafhrd.
Ogres: F Lankhmar - Three River Lake.
Ogres: F Fjord - Babel Beach.
Ogres: A Whoville - Hoarluk.
Ogres: A Krikkit - Two Towers (*Fails*).
Ogres: A Two Towers - Candlekeep (*Bounce*).
Ogres: A The Old Gristmill - Pwyll (*Fails*).
Ogres: A Hoarluk - Twisted Tunnels.
Ogres: A Thirsty Desert Supports A Krikkit - Two Towers (*Fails*).
Ogres: A The Wilderland - Nowwhat.
Ogres: A Nowwhat - Venatori Umbrarum.
Ogres: A Silvanesti - Zhentil Keep (*Bounce*).
Ogres: A Caverns Of The Snow Witch - Hollow Earth.
Ogres: A Venatori Umbrarum - Temple Of Doom.
Ogres: F Thunderhead Hold.
Ogres: F Roaring Rapids Convoys A Garthim - Dragon Coast (*Void*).

Pirates: A Mordor - Candlekeep (*Bounce*).
Pirates: A Rohan - Mordor (*Fails*).
Pirates: F Lindon - Sea Of Fallen Stars (*Bounce*).
Pirates: A Fantastica Supports A Critter Country - Maze Of Regrets.
Pirates: F Land Ho - Gulf of Lhun.
Pirates: A Traverse Town Supports A Fantastica.
Pirates: F Slightly Gulch - Camelittle.
Pirates: F Rivendell - The High Way (*Bounce*).
Pirates: A Critter Country - Maze Of Regrets.
Pirates: F Restless Waters - Rift Canyon (*Dislodged*).
Pirates: F Gulf of Lhun - Baldurs Gate.

Rogues: A Anvard - Cathal (*Fails*).
Rogues: F Grimheim - Celestial Delta.
Rogues: A The Silver City - Orboros.
Rogues: F Archenland Supports F Aslan.
Rogues: A Telmar - Calormen.
Rogues: F Troldhaugen - Trog (*Bounce*).
Rogues: F Dargaard Keep - Palmaris (*Fails*).
Rogues: A Gwynir - Eridu.
Rogues: F The Julianthes Supports F West Mirianic Ocean - Zeboims Deep.
Rogues: A Spirit Pond Hold.
Rogues: F Aslan Supports A Dancing Lawn - Anvard (*Fails*).
Rogues: A Dancing Lawn - Anvard (*Fails*).
Rogues: F Walk Of Clouds - West Mirianic Ocean.
Rogues: A Palmaris - Istar (*Fails*).
Rogues: F Timber Lands Supports A Palmaris - Istar.
Rogues: F Necronomicon - Thunderhead (*Fails*).
Rogues: F Mist Marsh Supports F Aslan.
Rogues: F West Mirianic Ocean - Zeboims Deep.

Trolls: A Undermountain - Diamond Mines.
Trolls: F Newa River - Hundred Acre Wood.
Trolls: A Sorrow's End - Pygmy.
Trolls: F Kahvi - High Seas.
Trolls: F Everglot Hold.
Trolls: F Skellington Supports F Everglot.
Trolls: F Enchanted Isles - Sea Of Fallen Stars (*Bounce*).
Trolls: F Never Never Land - The High Way (*Bounce*).
Trolls: A Cave Of Ordeals, no move received.
Trolls: A Sable's Swamp - Ergoth.
Trolls: A Daniloth - Sleepy Hollow.
Trolls: A Tymwyvenne - Cave Of Ordeals (*Fails*).
Trolls: A Ancient Necropolis - Undermountain.
Trolls: F Thon-Thalas - Trog (*Bounce*).
Trolls: F High Seas - Mermaids Lagoon.
Trolls: F The Maw Supports F Thunderhead - Necronomicon (*Void*).
Trolls: F East Sea Of Shadows - Dargaard Keep (*Fails*).

Undead: A Skullcap Supports F Istar - Everglot.
Undead: F Terabithia, no move received.
Undead: F Istar - Everglot (*Fails*).
Undead: F Uhl Belk Supports A Skullcap.
Undead: F Savage Sea Supports F Terabithia.

Wizards: F Rift Canyon Supports F Razors Edge - Restless Waters.
Wizards: F Razors Edge - Restless Waters.

The following units were dislodged:

Fairy F Llyr can retreat to Endor or Horned Bay.
Pirate F Restless Waters can retreat to Pirate Shoals or Land Ho.

Unit locations:

Archers:     A Llyr, F Loxley, A Myth Drannor, A Westmark, F Drynwyn, F Cliffs
             Of Insanity.
Dwarves:     F Great Glacier, A Dragon Coast, A Pwyll, F Churning Reach.
Elves:       A Gelfling, F Waterdeep, F Cormyr, A Valley Of Lost Honor.
Faeries:     F Llyr, F Mt Nimro, A Kingdom Of Hearts, A Spiral Castle, F Land
             Of Sweets, A River Saeren, A Strawberry Fields, A Port Ghaast, F
             Rugged Coast.
Knights:     A Paras Derval, A Brennin, A Arborlon, A Grimpen Ward, F Cathal, A
             Heavens Well, A Shady Vale, F Crystal Lake.
Ogres:       A Knockshegowna, F Fafhrd, A Krikkit, A Two Towers, A The Old
             Gristmill, A Hoarluk, A Thirsty Desert, A Nowwhat, A Silvanesti, A
             Twisted Tunnels, A Hollow Earth, A Venatori Umbrarum, A Temple Of
             Doom, F Thunderhead, F Roaring Rapids, F Three River Lake, F Babel
Pirates:     A Mordor, A Rohan, F Lindon, A Fantastica, F Baldurs Gate, A
             Traverse Town, F Rivendell, F Camelittle, A Maze Of Regrets, F
             Restless Waters, F Gulf of Lhun.
Rogues:      A Anvard, F Archenland, F Troldhaugen, A Orboros, F Dargaard Keep,
             F The Julianthes, A Spirit Pond, F Aslan, A Dancing Lawn, A
             Calormen, A Palmaris, F Timber Lands, F Necronomicon, A Eridu, F
             Mist Marsh, F Celestial Delta, F Zeboims Deep, F West Mirianic
Trolls:      A Undermountain, F Hundred Acre Wood, A Ergoth, F Everglot, F
             Skellington, F Enchanted Isles, F Never Never Land, A Sleepy
             Hollow, A Cave Of Ordeals, A Pygmy, A Tymwyvenne, A Diamond Mines,
             F Thon-Thalas, F High Seas, F Mermaids Lagoon, F The Maw, F East
             Sea Of Shadows.
Undead:      A Skullcap, F Terabithia, F Istar, F Uhl Belk, F Savage Sea.
Wizards:     F Rift Canyon, F Restless Waters.

Ownership of supply centers:

Archers:     Loxley, Prydain, Duloc, Avalon, Ivory Tower, Myth Drannor.
Dwarves:     Mt Nimro, Carpantha, Great Glacier, Zhentil Keep.
Elves:       Garthim, Waterdeep, Faerun, City Of Splendors.
Faeries:     Llyr, Vinyaya, Oz, Ella, Kingdom Of Hearts, Spiral Castle, Land Of
             Sweets, Gurgi, Gumdrop Isle.
Knights:     Gu'Tanoth, Paras Derval, Brennin, Wing Hove, Arborlon, Grimpen
             Ward, Cathal, Icereach.
Ogres:       Gelfling, Prekkandorran Heights, Knockshegowna, Lubrick, Auryn,
             Horborixen, Nehwon, Lankhmar, Traal, Magrathea, Fjord, Fafhrd,
             Whoville, Devils Canyon, Forbidden City, Krikkit, Two Towers, The
             Old Gristmill.
Pirates:     Mordor, Rohan, Lindon, Fantastica, Riku, The Neverwood, Pans
             Labyrinth, Land Ho, Traverse Town, Slightly Gulch, Neverpeak
Rogues:      Anvard, Tumnus, Grissel, To-Gai-Ru, Grimheim, The Silver City,
             Ashan, Archenland, Telmar, Troldhaugen, Orboros, Dargaard Keep,
             Corona, Gwynir, Sleepy Hollow, Dimmsdale, The Julianthes, Spirit
Trolls:      Undermountain, Hundred Acre Wood, Khemri, Newa River, Tarsis,
             Ergoth, Krynn, Sorrow's End, Niflheim, Kahvi, Everglot,
             Skellington, Grendel, Cyriss, Ansalon, Enchanted Isles, Never
             Never Land.
Undead:      Gollerus, Skullcap, Tuatha, Caer, Terabithia.
Wizards:     Baldurs Gate, Candlekeep.

Archers:      6 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   6 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Barbarians:   0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Centaurs:     0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Dwarves:      4 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   4 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Elves:        4 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   4 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Faeries:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   9 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Gnomes:       0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Hobbits:      0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Knights:      8 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   8 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Leprechauns:  0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Magicians:    0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Nomads:       0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Ogres:       18 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  17 Units:  Builds   1 unit.
Pirates:     11 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  11 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Rogues:      18 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  18 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Samurai:      0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Trolls:      17 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  17 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Undead:       5 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   5 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Wizards:      2 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   2 Units:  Builds   0 units.



DC 262: Angstskrik - Winter 828 Adjustments are du... - Kenshi777   (Sep 23, 2009, 9:11 pm)
The Winter Adjustments will be due on Thursday, 24 September, at 1700

As always, for those just joining us or observing, here is the player list:

Nick Higgins - Cyning of the Angles and Saxons (Anglo-Saxons)
congressofvienna1814 AT yahoo DOT com

Matthew Kelly - Brenin of the Brythons (Britons)
kelly058 AT verizon DOT net

Gregory Bim-Merle - Kong of the Dani (Danes)
gbimmerle AT gmail DOT com

Nathan Deily - Ard Rí na hÉireann (Gaels)
ndeily AT yahoo DOT com

Scott Troemel - Kong of the Norge (Norse)
brn2dip AT yahoo DOT com

Nigel Phillips - Rí Alban (Scots)
nephilli99 AT hotmail DOT com

Mark Duffield - Konung of the Suetidi (Swedes)
captain_sicarius AT hotmail DOT com

and me, your humble GM, B. (Benjamin Hester)
screwtape777 AT gmail DOT com

Winter Adjustments:




No Change





Diplomacy in Texas!

Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South
American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants


1648 090623: Spring 1654 Moves - cpmci   (Sep 23, 2009, 8:18 pm)
Guys,My apologies to all. I've been run ragged the past couple of days, and this game just slipped through the cracks.cm


1648 090623: Spring 1654 Moves - charlesf   (Sep 23, 2009, 6:23 pm)
Hallo zusammen!

Sigh. Today's clearly not my day. Much to my distress, I first discover my trekking bike has been stolen. And then I need to note the first outright NMR in this game. Chris didn't get an English set of orders to me.

OK, I don't want to dwell on adversity... Two supply centres are now held by different parties. The newly-built Polish fleet hugged the Black Sea coastline and made it to the Crimean peninsula, as the other Polish forces reverse their past drive to the South.

Yet I trust all the limelight is on the Imperial conquest of Flanders, perhaps only possible to the aforementioned NMR. This means Austria holds 17 SCs (albeit control only changes in winter) and an 18th SC acquisition cannot be militarily contested. As for the powers surrounding the Emperor's domains, little leverage on the Austrian position is in evidence.

Has an Austrian solo victory now become a foregone conclusion? Or shall a miracle yet occur?

Liebe Grüsse,



AUSTRIA: Jorge Saralegui jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com
DENMARK-NORWAY: Michael Thompson psychosis(at)sky.com
ENGLAND: Chris McInerney c.p.mcinerney(at)gmail.com
FRANCE: Nathan Albright nathanbalbright(at)yahoo.com
POLAND-LITHUANIA: Roger Leroux yrl1967(at)gmail.com
RUSSIA: Mikael Johansson m_don_j(at)hotmail.com
SPAIN: Matt Kremer matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu
SWEDEN: Harvey Morris hmtucaz(at)gmail.com
TURKEY: Dirk Knemeyer dirk(at)knemeyer.com



From Poland: "The Polish King is warning that the Austrian dream of conquest will be dealt a severe blow by Polish troops. We will, through our might of arms, overthrow this usurper!"


A Bavaria - Prague
A Dauphiné Supports A Marseilles
A Hesse - Rhineland-Westphalia
F Ionian Sea Supports A Constantinople
A Lorraine Supports A Rhineland-Westphalia - Flanders
A Lower Saxony - United Provinces (*Fails*)
A Marseilles Hold
A Papal States - Tuscany
A Paris - Normandy (*Bounce*)
A Prague - Silesia
A Rhineland-Westphalia - Flanders
A Savoy Supports A Marseilles
A Saxony Supports A Prague - Silesia
F Trieste - Adriatic Sea
A Venice - Trieste
A Vienna Supports A Hungary - Slovakia

F Bay of Luebeck - Holstein(ec)
F Mecklenburg Supports F Bay of Luebeck - Holstein(ec)
A United Provinces Hold

F English Channel Hold
A Flanders Hold (*Disbanded*)
F North Sea Hold
F Norwegian Sea Hold
A Scotland Hold

A Belgrade - Wallachia
A Brandenburg Supports A Prague - Silesia
A Bulgaria - Moldavia
A Cracow - Warsaw (*Fails*)
A Hungary - Slovakia
F Moldavia - Crimea

A Armenia - Damascus (*Fails*)
A Azerbaijan Supports A Armenia - Damascus
F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Constantinople (*Void*)
A Greater Poland - Silesia (*Fails*)
F Novgorod(sc) Hold
A Persia Supports A Armenia - Damascus
A Podolia - Slovakia (*Fails*)
A Vilna - Volhynia
A Voronezh - Armenia (*Fails*)
A Warsaw - Podolia (*Fails*)

F Algiers Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western Mediterranean
A Aragon Supports A Gascony
F Brest - Normandy (*Bounce*)
A Gascony Hold
F Gulf of Lyon - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Bounce*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western Mediterranean

A Abo Hold
F Baltic Sea Supports F Stettin
A Christiania Hold
A Copenhagen Hold
A Riga Hold
F Scania - Skagerrak
F Stettin Supports A Brandenburg

A Constantinople Supports A Damascus
A Damascus Supports A Constantinople (*Cut*)
A Egypt Supports A Damascus
F Tekke Supports A Damascus
F Tunis - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Bounce*)

Austria(16): Bavaria, Lorraine, Lower Saxony, Marseilles, Papal States, Paris, Prague, Rhineland-Westphalia, Savoy, Saxony, Swabia, Switzerland, Trieste, Tuscany, Venice, Vienna.
Denmark-Norway(3): Holstein, Mecklenburg, United Provinces.
England(5): Bristol, Flanders, Ireland, London, Scotland.
Poland-Lithuania(6): Belgrade, Brandenburg, Cracow, Moldavia, Transylvania, Wallachia.
Russia(10): Crimea, Moscow, Novgorod, Persia, Prussia, Turkestan, Ukraine, Vilna, Voronezh, Warsaw.
Spain(6): Algiers, Brest, Madrid, Morocco, Portugal, Sevilla.
Sweden(7): Abo, Christiania, Copenhagen, Courland, Riga, Stettin, Stockholm.
Turkey(5): Candia, Constantinople, Damascus, Naples, Tunis.

DEADLINE SCHEDULE: (all orders are due NLT 6PM CET (GMT+1)...not local time)
o Summer 1654 Retreats: 25 September
o Fall 1654 Moves: 30 September




1648 090623: Spring 1654 Moves (dc264) cpmci Sep 23, 08:18 pm
Guys,My apologies to all. I've been run ragged the past couple of days, and this game just slipped through the cracks.cm
1648 090623: Spring 1654 Moves (dc264) m_don_j Sep 24, 02:46 am
Well it's over now, might as well call it a day. I propose an Austrian solo - and vote yes to that openly.

/ Mikael

Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 01:18:46 +0000
Subject: Re: 1648 090623: Spring 1654 Moves
From: c.p.mcinerney(at)gmail.com
To: charlesf(at)web.de
CC: dirk(at)knemeyer.com; hmtucaz(at)gmail.com; jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com; m_don_j(at)hotmail.com; matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu; nathanbalbright(at)yahoo.com; psychosis(at)sky.com; yrl1967(at)gmail.com; charlesf(at)web.de; dc264(at)diplomaticcorp.com; R.Jenulis(at)gmail.com; congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com; jeffreykase(at)yahoo.com; jfburgess(at)gmail.com; mellinger(at)blitzbardgett.com; moskatoe(at)gmail.com; screwtape777(at)gmail.com; woelpad(at)yahoo.com


My apologies to all. I've been run ragged the past couple of days, and this game just slipped through the cracks.

cm kolla in resten av Windows LiveT. Inte bara e-post - Windows LiveT är mycket mer än din inkorg. Mer än bara meddelanden
NNIGTFML s1836 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Sep 23, 2009, 4:23 pm)
Here we go!
Lots of fleets take to the sea this round, tho the hot spots certainly seem to revolve around Pantanal - with 8 armies surrounding, and Potosi.

No retreats. Fall 1836 due Tues Sep 29, 4pm Central.

A Buenos Aires - Montevideo
A Cordoba - Tucuman
F Montevideo - Rio de la Plata
A Patagonia - Mendoza
A Salta - Potosi (*Bounce*)

A Manaus - Mato Grosso
F Maranhao - Boca de Navios
A Rio de Janeiro - Minas Gerais
F Rio Grande do Sul Hold
A Salvador - Goias
A Santa Cruz Hold
A Sao Paulo Supports F Rio Grande do Sul

F Arica - Atacama Desert
A La Paz - Potosi (*Bounce*)

F Antofagasta - Golfo de Guafo
A Punta Arenas - Arancaunian Territory
F Santiago - South Pacific Ocean
A Valparaiso - Santiago

A Bogota - Popayan (*Bounce*)
F Cali - Quito
F Golfo de Panama - Galapagos (*Bounce*)
F Panama(nc) - Cartagena
A Quito - Guayaquil

A Asuncion Supports A Corrientes - Formosa
A Concepcion - Chaco
A Corrientes - Formosa
A Parana - Rio Grande do Sul (*Fails*)

F Bahia Sechura - Galapagos (*Bounce*)
A Iquitos - Popayan (*Bounce*)
F Trujillo - Bahia Sechura (*Fails*)

A Angostura - Orinoco
A Caracas - Barinas
F Cumana - Golfo de Paria
A Maracaibo - Santa Marta


dc252 f09 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Sep 23, 2009, 4:05 pm)
Egypt hangs on for one more turn in Thebes but it comes at a price as Alexandria falls to the Persians who cut their losses with some crafty attacks. Rome scores a build, putting a new unit on the map to continue his recovery from near death.


The Thebes Telegraph and Scroll: Reports have filtered into Thebes that elephants! were seen in Memphis and even in the outer provinces of Thebes. The Sun God Garry had previously warned his subjects that an eclipse of the Great Sun God was forthcoming: "My subjects. You have been naughty and evil. You have not fought hard enough to defend your god and thus I have been forced to invite my friends from deeper in Africa to come and help our empire."

Word has been circulated that the Great Desert God Fredrik has agreed to aid our liege and will let him reside in Thebes as long as he promises to use his royal guard to defend Thebes from the uncouth Persian barbarians and their clan leader Michael.

Winter due Friday 9/25, 4pm Central.

Carthage: Build 1
Rome: Build 1
Persia: Remove 1
Egypt: Lucky to be alive

There is a 3-way CRP draw proposed too, which we'll vote on this spring. If I happen to get 4 yes-votes in by the Winter deadline, I'll call the game then, tho voting isn't due till next Spring.


F Ausonian Sea - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
A Etruria Hold
A Rhaetia Supports A Venetia - Vindobona
A Venetia - Vindobona

F Adriatic Sea Supports F Ionian Sea - Epirus
F Alexandria Supports F Reed Sea - Thebes (*Disbanded*)
F Cyrene Supports F Alexandria
A Dalmatia - Illyria (*Fails*)
A Gaul Hold
F Gulf of Tacape Supports F Messenian Sea
F Ionian Sea - Epirus (*Fails*)
F Libyan Sea Supports F Messenian Sea
A Memphis Supports F Reed Sea - Thebes
F Messenian Sea Supports F Libyan Sea
A Thebes - Bayuda
F Tyrrhenean Sea - Punic Sea

F Aegean Sea Supports F Crete
A Athens Supports F Sparta
F Cilician Strait - Miletus
F Crete Hold
A Dacia Supports A Vindobona - Sarmatia
F Egyptian Sea Supports A Sinai - Alexandria
A Epirus Hold
F Gulf of Pelusium Supports A Sinai - Alexandria
A Illyria Supports A Epirus (*Cut*)
A Jerusalem - Sinai
A Macedonia Supports A Epirus
F Minoan Sea Supports F Egyptian Sea
A Nabatea Supports F Petra
F Petra Supports A Jerusalem - Sinai
A Sinai - Alexandria
F Sparta Supports A Athens
A Vindobona - Sarmatia

F Reed Sea - Thebes


MoV: Reminder for today - The_Gentleman   (Sep 23, 2009, 12:36 pm)
Orders are due today at 4 pm PST. I've confirmed what I have!


DC-224 - The Spring 11 Suspense Builds - former.trout   (Sep 22, 2009, 11:28 pm)
Heya folks,

Well - my little two-year old nephew appears to be all right.  They kept him for observation last night and put him in one of those bubbles, which amused him to no end.  I spent most of the night reminding my sister that the same thing happened to me when I was a kid, and I turned into a big galoot.  She agreed with me about the galoot part, at least...

So alls well, I guess.  Except for the state of my email over the weekend.  Turns out there was an extension request that I blatently ignored in any event (sorry about that to the player in question.)  Then a second player sent me an inquiry whether we WERE extending and I never responded.

Which leads me to believe that its ME that is responsible for the late set of orders coming from a player who is virtually NEVER late.  (I say virtually because there was ONCE when this player sent late orders in about a year and a half ago...)

In any event, I've notified said player and fully expect a forward of an email back where I've already confirmed receipt of orders... This is the way my day has been so far.  I'll be in a position to adjudicate once again tomorrow night, and fully expect to have the missing orders by that time.

Sorry for the GM ineptness.  The person responsible has been sacked.


Sacked and Now Hired As A Contractor Trout


Page:  1 . . . 587  588  589  590  591  592  593  594  595  596  597  598  599  600  601  602  603 . . . 1090

Rows per page:

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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