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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc239

(Standard - GM: The White Wolf)

Subject:< DC-239 Slight Deadline Extension >
Topic:< dc239 >
Category:< Closed Games 
Posted:Sep 24, 2009 at 5:57 pm
Viewed:1466 times

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A 24 hour extension has been requested and granted. New Fall 1911 deadline is Saturday, 26 September at 2pm EDT (6pm GMT.) Yes, it's a weekend. If you have weekend access problems, I suggest you pretend there isn't an extension.


I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:

There is 1 Message in this Thread:

DC-239 Slight Deadline Extension (TheWhiteWolf) Sep 24, 05:57 pm

There are 93 Threads in dc239:

DC-239; Austrian End-of-Game (dipknight) [2 Replies]

DC-239 Fall 1912 Adjudication (TheWhiteWolf) [2 Replies]

DC-239 English EOG - Surrounded by idiots (packrat)

DC-239 Deadline Adjustment (TheWhiteWolf)

DC-239 Summer 1912 Adjudication (TheWhiteWolf)

DC-239 Addendum (TheWhiteWolf)

DC-239 Spring 1912 Adjudication (TheWhiteWolf)

DC-239 Draw Proposal (TheWhiteWolf)

DC-239 Winter 1911 Adjudication (TheWhiteWolf)

DC-239 Delay of Game (TheWhiteWolf)

DC-239 Fall 1911 Adjudication (TheWhiteWolf)

DC-239 Slight Deadline Extension (TheWhiteWolf)

DC-239 Spring 1911 Adjudication (TheWhiteWolf)

DC-239 Addendum (TheWhiteWolf)

DC-239 Winter 1910 Adjudication (TheWhiteWolf)

ACD-231, DC-239, DC-272 Results Tomorrow (TheWhiteWolf)

DC-239 DIAS Proposal (TheWhiteWolf) [2 Replies]

DC-239 Fall 1910 Adjudication (TheWhiteWolf) [10 Replies]

DC-239 Corrected Map/RP (TheWhiteWolf)

DC-239 New Germany (Already!) (TheWhiteWolf) [3 Replies]

1 - 20 of 93 shown [More]

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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