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DC116 Vogon's Revenge - Grace Period Entered - Aus... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi folks,

As you might have guessed, the lack of an adjudication last night was the result of a missing set of orders. Unfortunately, I did not receive anything from Austria for Spring 1907. We've launched into the Austrian grace period and hopefully Doug will get in touch before 11:59 PM GMT this evening. All other orders are locked in place.

Sorry for the delay folks. Cheers!



DC129 In Rainbows - Seeking New Germany - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi folks,

DC129 is seeking a strong German leader to fill in after our previous Kaiser has abdicated his position. The country is in good shape with 5 centers going into Fall 1902. It is under a little canon-fire from England, but with a new player might come new diplomatic treaties...

The map can be found at < former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])) and not the list.

Thanks everyone!



DC129 - Seeking Replacement Kaiser - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi folks,

It appears as though our friends in Germany are undergoing a revolution. Our Kaiser has abdicated and a new leader will have to be found. I'll put the call out right away and start beating the bushes to see who steps forward. Once a new leader is found, we'll give him or her time to diplome with all of you and reset the Fall 1902 deadline.

Sorry about this everyone. As I've found though, even in games with the most experienced players - you still get some dropped positions. Thanks for the patience, we'll be back in the saddle again before you know it. =)




DC123 Shade Of The Bonsai - Fall 1575 - Swans - MO... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I found this to be an interesting variant, and if I had it to do over
again, I probably would have been more aggressive as Asakura. The
function of the ronin territories threw me off a bit. I really didn't
expect other powers to be supporting them, I just expected them to be
road bumps, and that threw off my early game. I suppose that's why we
play these variants more than once (except myopic...I will never play
myopic again).

Congratulations to Lord Mori on his victory, and at some level I
suppose I could have done more to stop it. However, most of the
mid-game was spent attempting to prevent a Takeda victory, and if
someone had to win, I'm happy it was Mori rather than Takeda. Takeda
almost got away with his plan to pit Oda and Asakura against each
other so that he could quickly get to 12 centers. Thankfully Oda and
I had been negotiating a lot early and had established enough rapport
that we avoided that crisis. I remember the Oda press I was forwarded
from Takeda to which I wrote a scathing reply to Oda entitled "I know
of your treachery!" Oda talked me off the ledge, and I begrudgingly
kept my trust in him. As we continued to talk, it became clear that
Takeda was forwarding my press to Oda (and Hojo, I think) and Oda's
press to me, and some of Hojo's press. When we figured this out, our
course became clear. We started sending out false dispatches, just to
confirm that Takeda would forward them. He did, and this allowed us
to plan against him, and reverse his expansion. We brought in the
failing Hojo, who pledged his last unit to the cause, and we were
devoted to having him survive the game and am glad we can. I never
did have a lot of force to shift against Mori, however I probably
could have sent a few units south, and perhaps Oda could have added
one or two, and I'm not sure it would have made a big difference. In
the north Takeda would have been stymied rather than pushed back,
however I'm not sure if grabbing 1 or 2 Mori centers would have done
more than delay the inevitable. With no enemies behind him, he could
have brought his entire force to bear against a small portion of mine.

All in all, an enjoyable game, and I'll look forward to more in the future.

Joshua Gottesman

On Nov 30, 2007 9:02 AM, Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

All - I'd like to echo everyone's comments about how successfully this game
was run and appreciate everyone being on tiem most of the time with orders,
etc. I always get frustrated when games bog down.

As far as EOG thoughts go, I agonized over the decision to stab Hojo, but
with the 12 center victory condition I felt I had a good shot at grabbing
the shogunate. In hindsight, it might have been better to be less engaged
with Oda and Asakura in attempting to play them off against one another, and
have tried to cement one side of that equation in my favor. I suspected
whatever I did might well be undone by the stab to Hojo anyways, so the
challenge was to grab the 12th center as fast as I could afterwards. It was
worth a shot. It would have been interesting to keep the alliance alive and
try to take oda down, but with the way things were shaping up with Mori, I
didn't think there'd be time to succeed *and* then turn on Hojo, so I went
for it. My congratulations go to my immediate neighbors for playing a great
game and holding me from the solo long enough for Mori to take it. I do wish
Shimazu hadn't been taken in, but being frustrated from growth for so long
must have been maddening.

May you all come to Buddha's palm someday and may your next life be an
honorable one.


Takeda Shingen (Nathan)

----- Original Message ----
From: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
To: DC123(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Cc: B H <nairenvorbeck(at)yahoo.com>; Bruce Quinn <coebq(at)yahoo.com>; Felix
Kamchung <felixkamchung(at)mac.com>; Jacob Traeger
<jacob.traeger(at)student.adelaide.edu.au>; Joshua Gottesman
<joshua.gottesman(at)gmail.com>; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; Patrick
Pottorff <happyguy99993(at)yahoo.com>; Samuel Smith <agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com>;
Samuel Smith <samuelsmithf(at)yahoo.com>; Steve Lytton

Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 10:55:04 PM
Subject: DC123 Shade Of The Bonsai - Fall 1575 - Swans - MORI SOLO!!

From the Iwamisudera Monogatari:

Learning is to a man as leaves and branches are for a tree, and can be said
that he should simply not be without it.

The drums of war fall silent as the Shogun rises from the south and quells
all opposition. With definity, the Mori eliminate the last Shimazu
resistance and surge to 13 supply centers - propelling Lee to a clear solo
victory. The Oda and Asakura make a few attempted moves to the south, but
the Mori don't give an inch. Meanwhile, the Hojo despite all odds eke out a
survival and the Takeda watch - knowing that one day the Mori defenses will

However, that is not to be in this game. Congratulations to Lee for his
fine solo victory. My thanks, also, to all players on the board - both
surviving and eliminated. This is one of my favorite variants, and it was a
true pleasure to watch this one unfold.

So - that wraps up DC-123, Shade Of The Bonsai. End-of-game statements are
MORE than welcome. I know Benjamin GREATLY values any input you have into
the layout of the board, the positioning of the pieces and and general
thoughts you have about the development of the Sengoku variant.

Thanks for the fun game everyone. We'll see you on the next board.. =)


GAME NUMBER Shade Of The Bonsai A Sengoku Game
Game Started: Thursday, August 30th

Current Turn: Fall 1575


The Honorable Players

Asakura Yoshikage: Joshua Gottesman joshua.gottesman(at)gmail.com
Chosokabe Motochika: Mike Sims mike(at)southwall.com
Hojo Ujimasu: Felix Kamchung felixkamchung(at)mac.com
Mori Motonari: Samuel Smith agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com
Oda Nobunaga: Bruce Quinn coebq(at)yahoo.com
Shimazu Yoshihisa: Jacob Traegar jacob.traeger(at)student.adelaide.edu.au
Takeda Shingen: Nathan Deily ndeily(at)yahoo.com
Uesugi Kenshin: Patrick Pottorff happyguy99993(at)yahoo.com

Humble GM: Former Trout former.trout(at)gmail.com
Variant Info http://www.variantbank.org/results/rules/s/sengoku.htm



achieving nothing

our cowardly foes ignore

the true deadly threat





F Kii Straits to Tosa [BOUNCE with TOS 1:1]
A Kii to Awa VOID
A Totomi to Suruga OK
A S. Shinano holds OK
A Mino S A S. Shinano to hold OK
A Hida S A S. Shinano to hold OK
F Pacific Ocean to N. Pacific Ocean OK


A Hyu Holds [DISBANDED by BUN 2:1]
A Osu Holds [DISBANDED by HIG 2:1]


F Noto S A Echigo - Etchu [DISBANDED by ETC 3:2]
F Toyama Bay S F Noto H OK
F Hitachi - Mutsu [BOUNCE with NSJ 1:1]
A Kazusa H OK
A Shimosa - Sagami OK
A Echigo - Etchu OK
A Kai S A N. Shinano H OK
A North Shinano H OK
A Sagami - Musashi OK


A Echizen - Tango OK
A Etchu - Noto OK
A Hoki - Bingo [BOUNCE with IZU 1:1]
A Kaga Supports A Etchu - Noto OK
F North Sea of Japan - Mutsu [BOUNCE with HIT 1:1]
F Sanin Coast - Iwami Coast OK
F Wakasa Bay Supports A Etchu - Noto OK





A from Izumo to Bingo [BOUNCE with HOK 1:1]
A from Iwami to Aki OK
A from Nagato to Iwami OK
A from Chikuzen to Nagato OK
F from East China Sea to higo OK
A from Bungo attacks Hyuga Ok
F from Hyuga Coast supports A from Bungo attacking Hyuga OK
A from Higo attacks Osumi OK
F from Satsuma supports A from Higo attaking Osumi OK


Shimazu A Hyga is Automatically Disbanded

Shimazu A Osumi is Automatically Disbanded

Takeda F Noto is Automatically Disbanded



8 Supply Centers - Owa, Mik, Yat, Tot, Ise, Kii, Min, Ssh

5 Armies - Hid, Kii, Min, Sur, Ssh

2 Fleets - Npo, Kis


9 Supply Centers - Kai, Ecg, Mus, Koz, Nsh, Sag, Kaz, Hit, Mut

6 Armies - Kaz, Sag, Etc, Kai, Nsh, Mus

2 Fleets - Tob, Hit


7 Supply Centers - Ecz, Omi, Set, Ina, Yas, Biz, Not

4 Armies - Tng, Hok, Kag, Not

3 Fleets - Wab, Nsj, Iwc


1 Supply Center - Izu

0 Armies -

1 Fleet - Izu


13 Supply Centers - Nag, Iwa, Bin, Chi, Izm, San, Iyo, Hiz, Tos, Sat, Bun,
Hig, Osu

7 Armies - Awa, Izm, Osu, Hyu, Iwa, Aki, Nag

4 Fleets - Hyc, Sat, Tos, Hig





DC 132 DDD Germany Retreat?? - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

I have not received Germany's retreat.

And have issued him a warning.

Pending this I will reset the deadline by this evening.

Apologies and thanks!


DC 103 WINTER 1910 RESULTS! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Apologies for the slight delay!
Fridays are 'non mac nights'!

So we will now see if the game
takes a twist for the better or for the worse!!

23.59 EDT GMT-5

As submitted::

Army in Warsaw please
Build F Rome
build F Bre


DC 111 RETREAT RESULTS!! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
The retreat phase always messes me up, in mydeadlines!!

Please players let me know ASAP if you do not get this.  My
email has been gremlinish in recent days.


Germany disbands all units by choice.

Due to my delay I have extended by two days
Fall 1907.

23.59 EDT GMT-5

If players submit 'FINAL' I shall adjudicate earlier.

Thank you.


DC121 Fall 1907 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
How long can France survive?!

No retreats, so we move straight to Winter 1907. I'm going to set the
deadline for Monday (Dec. 3) at 9 pm eastern so that Spring can be due
on Friday.

Adjustments due are listed below the adj.



Apu S Ven H: Cut by Adr;
Rom S Pie - Tus: OK
Pie - Tus: OK
Tun S Ion H: OK
Ion H: OK

Mar - Bur: OK
Bel S Mar - Bur: OK
Mun - Tyr: Bounce with Vie;
Ber - Sil: OK
Pru S Ber - Sil: OK
Kie S Mun H: Void;
Ven H: Dislodged by Tus 2:1;
Fin - StP: Bounce with StP;
Pic H: OK

Par H: OK

MAt - Wes: OK
Spa - MAt: OK
Nth - Eng: OK
Lon H: OK
Nwy H: OK
Bre H: OK

Mos S StP H: OK
War - Lvn: OK
Sil - War: OK
Tyr - Pie: OK
Vie - Tyr: Bounce with Mun;
Tri S Tus - Ven: OK
Gre H: OK
Con H: OK
Adr - Apu: Bounce with Apu;
Alb - Ion: Bounce with Ion;
Aeg S Alb - Ion: OK
Tus - Ven: OK

Germany disbands unit in Ven

Austria takes Mos from France.
France takes Par from Germany.
England takes Bre from Germany.
Austria takes Gre from Italy.

Italy disbands 1 unit.
Germany disbands 1 unit.
England may build 1 unit.
Austria may build 1 unit.

Map Attached


DC129 In Rainbows - German Position Filled - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi everyone,

I'm happy to say that our game has a new Kaiser, and everything is well with the world again. =) Thanks to everyone who showed interest in the position.




DC132:: Germany NMR! Spring Retreat 1902 Results! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Given that Germany has not responded to 
my queries, I have to NMR him for the retreat, 
per my house rules, his unit is disbanded.

We move now to FALL 1902
due on 

If Germany NMR's again, he shall be replaced
and banned from my games.

Thank you.


DC123 Shade Of The Bonsai - Fall 1575 - Swans - MO... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Those of you that do want to play again soon, let me know, I'll be GMing a game of Sengoku somewhere (possibly ACD as a guest game, or again on Diplomatic Corps) in the near future after I make a few map revisions based on feedback from DC 123 and ACD 213.

Thanks -

Joshua Gottesman <joshua.gottesman(at)gmail.com> wrote:

I found this to be an interesting variant, and if I had it to do over
again, I probably would have been more aggressive as Asakura. The
function of the ronin territories threw me off a bit. I really didn't
expect other powers to be supporting them, I just expected them to be
road bumps, and that threw off my early game. I suppose that's why we
play these variants more than once (except myopic...I will never play
myopic again).

Congratulations to Lord Mori on his victory, and at some level I
suppose I could have done more to stop it. However, most of the
mid-game was spent attempting to prevent a Takeda victory, and if
someone had to win, I'm happy it was Mori rather than Takeda. Takeda
almost got away with his plan to pit Oda and Asakura against each
other so that he could quickly get to 12 centers. Thankfully Oda and
I had been negotiating a lot early and had established enough rapport
that we avoided that crisis. I remember the Oda press I was forwarded
from Takeda to which I wrote a scathing reply to Oda entitled "I know
of your treachery!" Oda talked me off the ledge, and I begrudgingly
kept my trust in him. As we continued to talk, it became clear that
Takeda was forwarding my press to Oda (and Hojo, I think) and Oda's
press to me, and some of Hojo's press. When we figured this out, our
course became clear. We started sending out false dispatches, just to
confirm that Takeda would forward them. He did, and this allowed us
to plan against him, and reverse his expansion. We brought in the
failing Hojo, who pledged his last unit to the cause, and we were
devoted to having him survive the game and am glad we can. I never
did have a lot of force to shift against Mori, however I probably
could have sent a few units south, and perhaps Oda could have added
one or two, and I'm not sure it would have made a big difference. In
the north Takeda would have been stymied rather than pushed back,
however I'm not sure if grabbing 1 or 2 Mori centers would have done
more than delay the inevitable. With no enemies behind him, he could
have brought his entire force to bear against a small portion of mine.

All in all, an enjoyable game, and I'll look forward to more in the future.

Joshua Gottesman

On Nov 30, 2007 9:02 AM, Nathan Deily wrote:
All - I'd like to echo everyone's comments about how successfully this game
was run and appreciate everyone being on tiem most of the time with orders,
etc. I always get frustrated when games bog down.

As far as EOG thoughts go, I agonized over the decision to stab Hojo, but
with the 12 center victory condition I felt I had a good shot at grabbing
the shogunate. In hindsight, it might have been better to be less engaged
with Oda and Asakura in attempting to play them off against one another, and
have tried to cement one side of that equation in my favor. I suspected
whatever I did might well be undone by the stab to Hojo anyways, so the
challenge was to grab the 12th center as fast as I could afterwards. It was
worth a shot. It would have been interesting to keep the alliance alive and
try to take oda down, but with the way things were shaping up with Mori, I
didn't think there'd be time to succeed *and* then turn on Hojo, so I went
for it. My congratulations go to my immediate neighbors for playing a great
game and holding me from the solo long enough for Mori to take it. I do wish
Shimazu hadn't been taken in, but being frustrated from growth for so long
must have been maddening.

May you all come to Buddha's palm someday and may your next life be an
honorable one.


Takeda Shingen (Nathan)

----- Original Message ----
From: Former Trout
To: DC123(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Cc: B H ; Bruce Quinn ; Felix
Kamchung ; Jacob Traeger
; Joshua Gottesman
; Nathan Deily ; Patrick
Pottorff ; Samuel Smith ;
Samuel Smith ; Steve Lytton

Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 10:55:04 PM
Subject: DC123 Shade Of The Bonsai - Fall 1575 - Swans - MORI SOLO!!

From the Iwamisudera Monogatari:

Learning is to a man as leaves and branches are for a tree, and can be said
that he should simply not be without it.

The drums of war fall silent as the Shogun rises from the south and quells
all opposition. With definity, the Mori eliminate the last Shimazu
resistance and surge to 13 supply centers - propelling Lee to a clear solo
victory. The Oda and Asakura make a few attempted moves to the south, but
the Mori don't give an inch. Meanwhile, the Hojo despite all odds eke out a
survival and the Takeda watch - knowing that one day the Mori defenses will

However, that is not to be in this game. Congratulations to Lee for his
fine solo victory. My thanks, also, to all players on the board - both
surviving and eliminated. This is one of my favorite variants, and it was a
true pleasure to watch this one unfold.

So - that wraps up DC-123, Shade Of The Bonsai. End-of-game statements are
MORE than welcome. I know Benjamin GREATLY values any input you have into
the layout of the board, the positioning of the pieces and and general
thoughts you have about the development of the Sengoku variant.

Thanks for the fun game everyone. We'll see you on the next board.. =)


GAME NUMBER Shade Of The Bonsai A Sengoku Game
Game Started: Thursday, August 30th

Current Turn: Fall 1575


The Honorable Players

Asakura Yoshikage: Joshua Gottesman joshua.gottesman(at)gmail.com
Chosokabe Motochika: Mike Sims mike(at)southwall.com
Hojo Ujimasu: Felix Kamchung felixkamchung(at)mac.com
Mori Motonari: Samuel Smith agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com
Oda Nobunaga: Bruce Quinn coebq(at)yahoo.com
Shimazu Yoshihisa: Jacob Traegar jacob.traeger(at)student.adelaide.edu.au
Takeda Shingen: Nathan Deily ndeily(at)yahoo.com
Uesugi Kenshin: Patrick Pottorff happyguy99993(at)yahoo.com

Humble GM: Former Trout former.trout(at)gmail.com
Variant Info http://www.variantbank.org/results/rules/s/sengoku.htm



achieving nothing

our cowardly foes ignore

the true deadly threat





F Kii Straits to Tosa [BOUNCE with TOS 1:1]
A Kii to Awa VOID
A Totomi to Suruga OK
A S. Shinano holds OK
A Mino S A S. Shinano to hold OK
A Hida S A S. Shinano to hold OK
F Pacific Ocean to N. Pacific Ocean OK


A Hyu Holds [DISBANDED by BUN 2:1]
A Osu Holds [DISBANDED by HIG 2:1]


F Noto S A Echigo - Etchu [DISBANDED by ETC 3:2]
F Toyama Bay S F Noto H OK
F Hitachi - Mutsu [BOUNCE with NSJ 1:1]
A Kazusa H OK
A Shimosa - Sagami OK
A Echigo - Etchu OK
A Kai S A N. Shinano H OK
A North Shinano H OK
A Sagami - Musashi OK


A Echizen - Tango OK
A Etchu - Noto OK
A Hoki - Bingo [BOUNCE with IZU 1:1]
A Kaga Supports A Etchu - Noto OK
F North Sea of Japan - Mutsu [BOUNCE with HIT 1:1]
F Sanin Coast - Iwami Coast OK
F Wakasa Bay Supports A Etchu - Noto OK





A from Izumo to Bingo [BOUNCE with HOK 1:1]
A from Iwami to Aki OK
A from Nagato to Iwami OK
A from Chikuzen to Nagato OK
F from East China Sea to higo OK
A from Bungo attacks Hyuga Ok
F from Hyuga Coast supports A from Bungo attacking Hyuga OK
A from Higo attacks Osumi OK
F from Satsuma supports A from Higo attaking Osumi OK


Shimazu A Hyga is Automatically Disbanded

Shimazu A Osumi is Automatically Disbanded

Takeda F Noto is Automatically Disbanded



8 Supply Centers - Owa, Mik, Yat, Tot, Ise, Kii, Min, Ssh

5 Armies - Hid, Kii, Min, Sur, Ssh

2 Fleets - Npo, Kis


9 Supply Centers - Kai, Ecg, Mus, Koz, Nsh, Sag, Kaz, Hit, Mut

6 Armies - Kaz, Sag, Etc, Kai, Nsh, Mus

2 Fleets - Tob, Hit


7 Supply Centers - Ecz, Omi, Set, Ina, Yas, Biz, Not

4 Armies - Tng, Hok, Kag, Not

3 Fleets - Wab, Nsj, Iwc


1 Supply Center - Izu

0 Armies -

1 Fleet - Izu


13 Supply Centers - Nag, Iwa, Bin, Chi, Izm, San, Iyo, Hiz, Tos, Sat, Bun,
Hig, Osu

7 Armies - Awa, Izm, Osu, Hyu, Iwa, Aki, Nag

4 Fleets - Hyc, Sat, Tos, Hig





Benjamin T. Hester
"Have 'em call me, sir - I'll make this go away..."
(Home of Sengoku and South American Supremacy maps,
Realpolitik files, and all sorts of good stuff)
DVWorkshop-subscribe(at)yahoogroups.com ([email]DVWorkshop-subscribe(at)yahoogroups.com[/email])
(The list dedicated to Diplomacy Variant Design)

Be a better pen pal. Text or chat with friends inside Yahoo! Mail. See how.


Dc101 - 48 hour warning well not really it;s now 2... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Dc101 Winter 1905 is due Tuesday 4th, 9pm Australian EST

I have all moves submitted from all players so unless there is an objection emailed to me in the next 23 hours and 32 minutes

I will adjudicate in approximately 24 hours time, monday 3rd at 9pm Australian EST.

aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Shrubbery)

Listen now! New music from the Rogue Traders.


Dc113 - 48 hour warning. - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Dc113 Spring 1905 is due Tuesday 4th, 9pm Australian EST.

I do not have moves from all players. I have confirmed all moves received.

This is your 48 hour warning.

aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Shrubbery)

Listen now! New music from the Rogue Traders.


dc115 - 48 hour warning - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Dc115 Autumn 1906 is due Tuesday 4th November at 9pm. Australia EST

I have not got retreats from all players.

aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Shrubbery)

Find it at www.seek.com.au Your Future Starts Here. Dream it? Then be it!


Dc120 Fall 1904 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Dc120 Fall 1904.

A Bohemia Supports A Tyrolia - Vienna
A Tyrolia - Vienna

F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain(sc)
F Norway - Sweden
F Norwegian Sea - Norway
A St Petersburg Supports A Livonia - Moscow
F Western Mediterranean - Tunis (*Bounce*)

F Portugal Hold
A Spain Hold (*Disbanded*)

F Baltic Sea - Denmark
F Brest Hold
A Gascony Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain(sc)
F Holland - Belgium
A Livonia - Moscow
A Marseilles Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain(sc)
A Munich Hold
A Prussia Supports A Warsaw
A Ruhr Supports A Munich
A Warsaw Supports A Livonia - Moscow

F Adriatic Sea - Apulia
A Albania - Serbia
F Ionian Sea - Tunis (*Dislodged*)
A Trieste Supports A Albania - Serbia
A Venice - Piedmont

F Aegean Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
F Bulgaria(sc) Supports F Greece
F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
A Galicia Supports A Serbia - Budapest
F Greece Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
A Moscow Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Serbia - Budapest
A Ukraine Supports A Moscow

Interesting Deadlines coming up.

Autumn 1904 is due Monday evening at 8pm American EST (I wont adjudicate till after midnight though as it's a work day for me)

Italian F Ionian Sea can retreat to Tyrrhenian Sea or Naples or
Adriatic Sea or Albania or OTB.
Turkish A Moscow can retreat to Sevastopol or OTB.

Winter 1904 is due Friday evening at 8pm American EST. However feel free to submit finals to make things a bit faster.

Austria: Remove One
England: Build One
Germany: Build One
Italy: Build One (or Build Two if disband in Autumn)
Turkey: Even (or Build One if disband in Autumn)

aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Shrubbery)

Find it at www.seek.com.au Your Future Starts Here. Dream it? Then be it!


Dc131 Summer 1903 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Brazil retreats OSP to ROR.

Dc131 Fall 1903 is due next Tuesday 4th December, 9pm Australian EST.

aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Shrubbery)

Join Lavalife for free. What are you waiting for?


DC138 - Winter Of Our Discontent - Fall Of The Ame... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
And from the wreck, wrack and ruin of the American Empire comes the Winter Of Our Discontent...

Announcing the launch of DC-138 - a game of the Fall of the American Empire variant. I'm pretty excited about this one - we have a great mix of old, scarred veterans and eager young faces in the fray. It should definitely be a gooder.

Country assignments are listed below, as is the opening blurb of the game. Before we begin though, just wanted to highlight a couple points.
- Total number of supply centers in the game is 58. That gives a solo condition of 30 centers. (Half plus one.)
- Keep in mind the two rivers in the game - the St. Lawrence and the Mississippi. Fleet movement is allowed along these as though the land-locked province was a coastal one.
- Chicago acts like Kiel in a standard game. It has no coasts and fleets can move through it.
- There are two land-bridges to remember as well. Unit movement is allowed between Nunavut-Ungava and Upper Peninsula-Michigan
- PLEASE write DC138 in the subject header of all order submittals. It helps me a lot and is greatly appreciated. =)

As far as scheduling goes, I will try to keep on average a weeks space between the major turns (Spring and Fall.) Time for retreats and Winter adjustments will be fit into this time-frame. If anyone has trouble with WEEKEND ACCESS to the net, please let me know NOW.

That's all I have at the moment. If anyone has any questions, no matter how minor they might seem, please just drop me a line. We'll set the clock for Spring 2001 orders with the deadline for Monday, December 10th (11:59 PM GMT)!!

Game On!

DC-139 A Diplomaticcorp Game Fall of the American Empire 4 Variant Game Started:

Current Turn: Winter 2000
Next Deadline: Spring 2001 Orders Monday, December 10th (11:59 PM GMT)

The Rowdy Cast
British Columbia Andrew Tanner damienthryn(at)gmail.com ([email]damienthryn(at)gmail.com[/email]) California Neil Luceno luck2582(at)yahoo.com ([email]luck2582(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Cuba Felix Kamchung felixkamchung(at)mac.com ([email]felixkamchung(at)mac.com[/email]) Florida Lee Moore agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com ([email]agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com[/email]) Heartland Andy Ski a_c_2bcool(at)yahoo.com ([email]a_c_2bcool(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Mexico Bruce Quinn coebq(at)yahoo.com ([email]coebq(at)yahoo.com[/email]) New York Rob Ackerley rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca ([email]rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca[/email]) Peru Alex Schmidt wecanworkthisout(at)yahoo.com ([email]wecanworkthisout(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Quebec Mike Sims mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email]) Texas Nathan Deily ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email])

Humble GM: Former Trout former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])
UNIT / SUPPLY CENTER BREAKDOWN ------------------------------
BRITISH COLUMBIA: 3 Supply Centers - Anc, Van, Cgy 2 Armies - Van, Cgy 1 Fleet - Anc
CALIFORNIA: 3 Supply Centers - Sfr, Los, Sdi 2 Armies - Sfr, Los 1 Fleet - Sdi
CUBA: 3 Supply Centers - Hav, Hol, Kin 1 Army - Hol 2 Fleets - Hav, Kin
FLORIDA: 3 Supply Centers - Jac, Tam, Mia 2 Armies - Jac, Tam 1 Fleet - Mia
HEARTLAND: 3 Supply Centers - Min, Mil, Chi 3 Armies - Min, Mil, Chi 0 Fleets -
MEXICO: 3 Supply Centers - Gua, Mex, Ver 2 Armies - Ver, Mex 1 Fleet - Gua
NEW YORK: 3 Supply Centers - Nyc, Nje, Phi 2 Armies - Nje, Phi 1 Fleet - Nyc
PERU: 3 Supply Centers - Lim, Cal, Bog 1 Army - Bog 2 Fleets - Cal(nc), Lim
QUEBEC: 3 Supply Centers - Mon, Que, Ung 1 Army - Mon 2 Fleets - Ung, Que
TEXAS: 3 Supply Centers - Dal, San, Hou 2 Armies - Dal, San 1 Fleet - Hou

A Variant of Diplomacy
by Vincent Mous (96-9Cool

Downloaded from: Diplomaticcorp.com
A play-by-email Diplomacy community

** Setting:

* It's January 2001 and the United States of America has been

The country is in ruins and in a state of anarchy except 5 states
where new 'Republics' have arisen. Florida, Texas and California
maintain some semblance of order within their old borders. In the
north-east, New York has formed a union with Pennsylvania and New
Jersey to stand together in the coming wars. Chicago, Milwaukee and
Minneapolis have done likewise, calling themselves the 'Heartland' of

* Canada has split up and may soon be in a state of civil war.

Meanwhile, the events in the United States have caused Quebec to
secede from Canada. Western Canada soon followed suit, under the
leadership of British Columbia and joined with American renegades in
Alaska. The central Canadian government has fallen and is in

* Mexico has been reduced to the states around Mexico city.

In the south, the increasingly strong drug lords and industrial mafia
have rested control of northern Mexico away from the government, while
the rebellion of Chiapas has spread to other southern Mexican states.
Under siege, Mexico's government prepares to strike back...

* Cuba and Peru, stronger than ever, are building up their militaries.

Taking advantage of the chaos on the North American continent, Cuba
invades Jamaica and prepares to spread its influence further abroad,
while Peru takes control of Colombia and turns its eyes northwards...

* What will the New World Order look like in North America?

This is the setting at the start of the Empire variant of Diplomacy,
where you play one of 10 new or old nations in a bid to conquer North
America. Can you lead your country to North American domination?

** Countries:
BC (B): F Anchorage, A Calgary, A Vancouver
California (C): A Los Angeles, F San Diego, A San Francisco
Florida (F): A Jacksonville, F Miami, A Tampa
Heartland (H): A Chicago, A Milwaukee, A Minneapolis
NewYork (N): A New Jersey, F New York City, A Philadelphia
Quebec (Q): A Montreal, F Quebec City, F Ungava
Peru (P): A Bogota, F Cali/NC, F Lima
Texas (T): A Dallas, F Houston, A San Antonio
Cuba (U): F Havana, A Holguin, F Kingston
Mexico (X): F Guadalajara, A Mexico City, A Veracruz

** Map Notes:

* Great Lakes

Fleets cannot move directly from one Great Lake to another, except
from Lake Michigan to Lake Huron.

* Canals

There are a few one-space canals that act like Kiel in Vanilla dip.
This means that the spaces have no coasts and fleets can exit on any

- Panama
- Ontario
- Michigan
- Upper Peninsula
- Chicago (see below)

Empire 4 has one more Canal, the Hudson Canal between New York City
and New York State. Fleets can move from one to the other.

* Waterways

There are two waterways in Empire4 where fleets can move as though
there were a coastline in the listed territories. These rivers do not
impede army movement:

- Mississippi (Chicago, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Deep
South, Louisiana)
- St-Lawrence (Beauce, Montreal, NYS, Ontario, Quebec, Gaspe)

For example, a fleet could move from Tennessee to any of Kentucky,
Missouri, Arkansas or Deep South.

* Landbridges

- Units can move between Ungava and Nunavut. This does not block
movement between Hudson Bay and the Sea of Labrador.
- Units can move between Michigan and the Upper Peninsula. This does
not block movement between Lake Michigan and Lake Huron.

* Diplomacy is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc., all rights reserved.


Private games? - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Newbie here. I am just wondering if it is possible to create a private game. I have 6 other friends that are interested in playing an e-mail game. Thanks for any help. This is a great site...I'm rather new to the game of Diplomacy and I'm glad I found you.


DC138 - Winter Of Our Discontent - Fall Of The Ame... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Just lazily grabbing all your email addresses... will write to all shortly...

Rob... apparently just off Broadway Smile

----- Original Message ----
From: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
To: Alexander Schmidt <wecanworkthisout(at)yahoo.com>; Andrew Clarke <a_c_2bcool(at)hotmail.com>; Andrew Tanner <damienthryn(at)gmail.com>; Bruce Quinn <coebq(at)yahoo.com>; Felix Kamchung <felixkamchung(at)mac.com>; Mike Sims <mike(at)southwall.com>; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; Neil Luceno <luck2582(at)yahoo.com>; Rob Ackerley <rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca>; Samuel Smith <agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com>; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>
Cc: forum(at)diplomaticcorp.com; diplomaticcorp <DiplomaticCorp(at)yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 2, 2007 10:14:45 AM
Subject: DC138 - Winter Of Our Discontent - Fall Of The American Empire Launch

And from the wreck, wrack and ruin of the American Empire comes the Winter Of Our Discontent...

Announcing the launch of DC-138 - a game of the Fall of the American Empire variant. I'm pretty excited about this one - we have a great mix of old, scarred veterans and eager young faces in the fray. It should definitely be a gooder.

Country assignments are listed below, as is the opening blurb of the game. Before we begin though, just wanted to highlight a couple points.
- Total number of supply centers in the game is 58. That gives a solo condition of 30 centers. (Half plus one.)
- Keep in mind the two rivers in the game - the St. Lawrence and the Mississippi. Fleet movement is allowed along these as though the land-locked province was a coastal one.
- Chicago acts like Kiel in a standard game. It has no coasts and fleets can move through it.
- There are two land-bridges to remember as well. Unit movement is allowed between Nunavut-Ungava and Upper Peninsula-Michigan
- PLEASE write DC138 in the subject header of all order submittals. It helps me a lot and is greatly appreciated. =)

As far as scheduling goes, I will try to keep on average a weeks space between the major turns (Spring and Fall.) Time for retreats and Winter adjustments will be fit into this time-frame. If anyone has trouble with WEEKEND ACCESS to the net, please let me know NOW.

That's all I have at the moment. If anyone has any questions, no matter how minor they might seem, please just drop me a line. We'll set the clock for Spring 2001 orders with the deadline for Monday, December 10th (11:59 PM GMT)!!

Game On!

DC-139 A Diplomaticcorp Game Fall of the American Empire 4 Variant Game Started:

Current Turn: Winter 2000
Next Deadline: Spring 2001 Orders Monday, December 10th (11:59 PM GMT)

The Rowdy Cast
British Columbia Andrew Tanner damienthryn(at)gmail.com ([email]damienthryn(at)gmail.com[/email]) California Neil Luceno luck2582(at)yahoo.com ([email]luck2582(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Cuba Felix Kamchung felixkamchung(at)mac.com ([email]felixkamchung(at)mac.com[/email]) Florida Lee Moore agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com ([email]agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com[/email]) Heartland Andy Ski a_c_2bcool(at)yahoo.com ([email]a_c_2bcool(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Mexico Bruce Quinn coebq(at)yahoo.com ([email]coebq(at)yahoo.com[/email]) New York Rob Ackerley rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca ([email]rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca[/email]) Peru Alex Schmidt wecanworkthisout(at)yahoo.com ([email]wecanworkthisout(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Quebec Mike Sims mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email]) Texas Nathan Deily ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email])

Humble GM: Former Trout former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])
UNIT / SUPPLY CENTER BREAKDOWN ------------------------------
BRITISH COLUMBIA: 3 Supply Centers - Anc, Van, Cgy 2 Armies - Van, Cgy 1 Fleet - Anc
CALIFORNIA: 3 Supply Centers - Sfr, Los, Sdi 2 Armies - Sfr, Los 1 Fleet - Sdi
CUBA: 3 Supply Centers - Hav, Hol, Kin 1 Army - Hol 2 Fleets - Hav, Kin
FLORIDA: 3 Supply Centers - Jac, Tam, Mia 2 Armies - Jac, Tam 1 Fleet - Mia
HEARTLAND: 3 Supply Centers - Min, Mil, Chi 3 Armies - Min, Mil, Chi 0 Fleets -
MEXICO: 3 Supply Centers - Gua, Mex, Ver 2 Armies - Ver, Mex 1 Fleet - Gua
NEW YORK: 3 Supply Centers - Nyc, Nje, Phi 2 Armies - Nje, Phi 1 Fleet - Nyc
PERU: 3 Supply Centers - Lim, Cal, Bog 1 Army - Bog 2 Fleets - Cal(nc), Lim
QUEBEC: 3 Supply Centers - Mon, Que, Ung 1 Army - Mon 2 Fleets - Ung, Que
TEXAS: 3 Supply Centers - Dal, San, Hou 2 Armies - Dal, San 1 Fleet - Hou

A Variant of Diplomacy
by Vincent Mous (96-9Cool

Downloaded from: Diplomaticcorp.com
A play-by-email Diplomacy community

** Setting:

* It's January 2001 and the United States of America has been

The country is in ruins and in a state of anarchy except 5 states
where new 'Republics' have arisen. Florida, Texas and California
maintain some semblance of order within their old borders. In the
north-east, New York has formed a union with Pennsylvania and New
Jersey to stand together in the coming wars. Chicago, Milwaukee and
Minneapolis have done likewise, calling themselves the 'Heartland' of

* Canada has split up and may soon be in a state of civil war.

Meanwhile, the events in the United States have caused Quebec to
secede from Canada. Western Canada soon followed suit, under the
leadership of British Columbia and joined with American renegades in
Alaska. The central Canadian government has fallen and is in

* Mexico has been reduced to the states around Mexico city.

In the south, the increasingly strong drug lords and industrial mafia
have rested control of northern Mexico away from the government, while
the rebellion of Chiapas has spread to other southern Mexican states.
Under siege, Mexico's government prepares to strike back...

* Cuba and Peru, stronger than ever, are building up their militaries.

Taking advantage of the chaos on the North American continent, Cuba
invades Jamaica and prepares to spread its influence further abroad,
while Peru takes control of Colombia and turns its eyes northwards...

* What will the New World Order look like in North America?

This is the setting at the start of the Empire variant of Diplomacy,
where you play one of 10 new or old nations in a bid to conquer North
America. Can you lead your country to North American domination?

** Countries:
BC (B): F Anchorage, A Calgary, A Vancouver
California (C): A Los Angeles, F San Diego, A San Francisco
Florida (F): A Jacksonville, F Miami, A Tampa
Heartland (H): A Chicago, A Milwaukee, A Minneapolis
NewYork (N): A New Jersey, F New York City, A Philadelphia
Quebec (Q): A Montreal, F Quebec City, F Ungava
Peru (P): A Bogota, F Cali/NC, F Lima
Texas (T): A Dallas, F Houston, A San Antonio
Cuba (U): F Havana, A Holguin, F Kingston
Mexico (X): F Guadalajara, A Mexico City, A Veracruz

** Map Notes:

* Great Lakes

Fleets cannot move directly from one Great Lake to another, except
from Lake Michigan to Lake Huron.

* Canals

There are a few one-space canals that act like Kiel in Vanilla dip.
This means that the spaces have no coasts and fleets can exit on any

- Panama
- Ontario
- Michigan
- Upper Peninsula
- Chicago (see below)

Empire 4 has one more Canal, the Hudson Canal between New York City
and New York State. Fleets can move from one to the other.

* Waterways

There are two waterways in Empire4 where fleets can move as though
there were a coastline in the listed territories. These rivers do not
impede army movement:

- Mississippi (Chicago, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Deep
South, Louisiana)
- St-Lawrence (Beauce, Montreal, NYS, Ontario, Quebec, Gaspe)

For example, a fleet could move from Tennessee to any of Kentucky,
Missouri, Arkansas or Deep South.

* Landbridges

- Units can move between Ungava and Nunavut. This does not block
movement between Hudson Bay and the Sea of Labrador.
- Units can move between Michigan and the Upper Peninsula. This does
not block movement between Lake Michigan and Lake Huron.

* Diplomacy is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc., all rights reserved.

Instant message from any web browser! Try the new Yahoo! Canada Messenger for the Web BETA


DC116 Vogon's Revenge - Grace Period Entered - Aus... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
sorry all...i was away from the computer for a few days and i thought i put in my orders. orders in.


WARNINGS DEADLINE APPROACHES!! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
As you know I have again reached my Quota.

Here are your warnings for the games you are in.

Please bare in mind you may not get anymore warnings.

I will be co-hosting the Winter Blitz in Diplomatic Corp!
Go check it out if you haven't already!!

And sign up.

23.59 EDT GMT-5

23.59 EDT GMT-5

23.59 EDT GMT-5


23.59 EDT GMT-5

DC 103:: SPRING 1911
DC 111:: FALL 1907



Hosting a game on DC - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi Will,

Glad you like the site. We're always welcoming to new visitors and new players. I'm glad you found your way here too. Very Happy

Just a question about your group however. Is that seven players counting yourself who are looking for a GM? Or is it six with yourself as GM looking for a seventh player?

Regardless, we should be able to do something for you. However, we'd want everyone to sign up to the website. DC has a stats tracking system that requires each player to be a DC member to work fully. (There's a fudge facter based in the calculations that compares your experience against that of your opponents.. Thus a newbie in a game full of scarred veterans won't be punished as badly in the ratings if they get creamed - or on the flip side, if they do well they get additional ranking points.)

Let us know what you're looking for and myself of Sims and Penger (the other two mods) should be able to set you up.




Unknown - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi Trout,
Thanks for the response! I have seven players including myself. Since I found the site, I have told my Diplomacy buddies (new to the e-mail game, experienced with the board game) about it. I could get them all signed up within a day or two. I would sure appreciate anything you could do. Thanks much!


Have GM - Will Travel - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya Will,

If you have seven players and get them onto the website, we'll rouse up a GM for you. Shouldn't be a problem.



Unknown - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Super! Thanks!


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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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