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Unknown - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)


Guns, Germs and Steel 1264 / DC110 - Missing Order... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi gents,

Once again I am facing the situation where I am about to start looking for a replacement player. Unfortunately one of our number has not shown to represent this turn and I am missing his Spring 1866 orders. I have notified that player that he has until noon my time (MST) to submit orders or I will seek a replacement.

I'm a little shocked and horrified that this is happening after all our talk last turn. However, that is all the editorializing I will do at this point. Hopefully the orders will come in and the conversation will be moot. =)

Sorry about the delay, everyone..



DC112 winter 1906 builds - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
As promised, winter 1906 builds are as follows:

Build A Munich

Build A Moscow

The spring 1907 deadline will be in one week, Tuesday 11/20 at 3pm Central (US). There are no draw proposals on the table for this turn.

Be a better pen pal. Text or chat with friends inside Yahoo! Mail. See how.


DC129 In Rainbows - Fall 1901 - Bodysnatchers - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I do not
What it is
I've done wrong

Full of holes
Check for pulse
Blink your eyes
One for yes
Two for no

I have no idea what I am talking about...


Oh - wait! I'm talking about DC-129, where Turkish troops play among the columns of the Parthenon, the French take to town for the Running of the Bulls and Ikea gets bought out by the Tsar. Other action sees England take their tea in Belgium, Germany checks out for a few nights in Amsterdam, Italy crosses the Mediterranean to introduce fine dining to the Tunisians and Austria goes for a nice tour of the Balkans.

All in all, a fine turn. One slight miscue on Russia's part with their submitted orders for a fleet in Sevastopol. (Sorry Jake - didn't see this one until mid-adjudication..) With no retreats required, we slip into the Winter adjustments - where everyone gets a build! Please have adjustment orders in to me by Thursday, November 15th (11:59 PM GMT)...

Thanks folks! Cheers!


DC-129 In Rainbows A Standard Game Game Started: October 30, 2007

Current Turn: Fall 1901
Next Deadline: Winter 1901 Adjustments Thursday, November 15th (11:59 PM GMT)

The Rowdy Cast
Austria: Tanel Saimre tank(at)ut.ee ([email]tank(at)ut.ee[/email]) England: Ari Bookman a-bookman(at)northwestern.edu ([email]a-bookman(at)northwestern.edu[/email]) France: Ricardo Goncalves riccovet(at)gmail.com ([email]riccovet(at)gmail.com[/email]) Germany: Alex jk alex.jk(at)bluewin.ch ([email]alex.jk(at)bluewin.ch[/email]) Italy: Jim Hoyes powbillypilgrim(at)yahoo.com ([email]powbillypilgrim(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Russia: Jake Merchant jacob09481(at)yahoo.com ([email]jacob09481(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Turkey: Tory Smith tory.smith(at)us.army.mil ([email]tory.smith(at)us.army.mil[/email])

Humble GM: Former Trout former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])



A BUL moves to GREECE OK F CON moves to BUL (SC) OK A ANK holds OK

F Tri - Alb OK A Ser s Turkish A Bul - Rum VOID (No Such Order) A Vie - Gal [BOUNCE with WAR 1:1]

A York to Norway OK F NS C A York-Norw OK F EC to Belgium OK

F MAO - Port OK A Spain H OK A Burg - Ruhr [BOUNCE with MUN 1:1]

A Ruh-Holl OK A Mun-Ruh [BOUNCE with BUR 1:1] F Den-North Sea [BOUNCE with NTH 1:1]

A Ven Holds OK A Apu-Tun OK F Ion C A Apu-Tun OK

F Sev -> Rum VOID (No Such Unit) A Ukr S Sev -> Rum VOID A War -> Gal [BOUNCE with VIE 1:1] F BOT -> Swe OK [GM NOTE: F BLA UNORDERED - HOLDS] OK

Turkey: BUILDS 2 Austria: BUILDS 1 England: BUILDS 1 France: BUILDS 2 Germany: BUILDS 2 Italy: BUILDS 1 Russia: BUILDS 1


3 Supply Centers - Ank, Con, Smy GAIN: Gre, Bul 2 Armies - Gre, Ank LOSE: 1 Fleet - Bul(sc) BUILDS 2

3 Supply Centers - Tri, Bud, Vie GAIN: Ser 2 Armies - Vie, Ser LOSE: 1 Fleet - Alb BUILDS 1

3 Supply Centers - Lon, Lvp, Edi GAIN: Nwy 1 Army - Yor LOSE: 2 Fleets - Nth, Eng BUILDS 1

3 Supply Centers - Par, Bre, Mar GAIN: Por, Spa 2 Armies - Bur, Spa LOSE: 1 Fleet - Por BUILDS 2

3 Supply Centers - Mun, Kie, Ber GAIN: Hol, Den 2 Armies - Hol, Mun LOSE: 1 Fleet - Den BUILDS 2

3 Supply Centers - Nap, Rom, Ven GAIN: Tun 2 Armies - Ven, Tun LOSE: 1 Fleet - Ion BUILDS 1

4 Supply Centers - Mos, War, Sev, Rum GAIN: Swe 2 Armies - Ukr, War LOSE: 2 Fleets - Bla, Swe BUILDS 1


DC129 In Rainbows - Fall 1901 - Bodysnatchers - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Ouch. Wow. Holy crap. I can't believe I just did that. Holy crap, that's embarassing Razz


----- Original Message ----
From: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
To: DC129(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Cc: Alex jk <alex.jk(at)bluewin.ch>; Ari Bookman <a-bookman(at)northwestern.edu>; Ari Bookman <ariel.bookman(at)att.net>; Jake Merchant <jacob09481(at)yahoo.com>; Jim Hoyes <powbillypilgrim(at)yahoo.com>; Ricardo Goncalves <riccovet(at)gmail.com>; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>; Tanel Saimre <tanel.saimre(at)gmail.com>; Tanel Saimre <tank(at)ut.ee>; Tory Smith <tory.smith(at)us.army.mil>
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 9:42:27 PM
Subject: DC129 In Rainbows - Fall 1901 - Bodysnatchers

I do not
What it is
I've done wrong

Full of holes
Check for pulse
Blink your eyes
One for yes
Two for no

I have no idea what I am talking about...


Oh - wait! I'm talking about DC-129, where Turkish troops play among the columns of the Parthenon, the French take to town for the Running of the Bulls and Ikea gets bought out by the Tsar. Other action sees England take their tea in Belgium, Germany checks out for a few nights in Amsterdam, Italy crosses the Mediterranean to introduce fine dining to the Tunisians and Austria goes for a nice tour of the Balkans.

All in all, a fine turn. One slight miscue on Russia's part with their submitted orders for a fleet in Sevastopol. (Sorry Jake - didn't see this one until mid-adjudication..) With no retreats required, we slip into the Winter adjustments - where everyone gets a build! Please have adjustment orders in to me by Thursday, November 15th (11:59 PM GMT)...

Thanks folks! Cheers!


DC-129 In Rainbows A Standard Game Game Started: October 30, 2007

Current Turn: Fall 1901
Next Deadline: Winter 1901 Adjustments Thursday, November 15th (11:59 PM GMT)

The Rowdy Cast
Austria: Tanel Saimre tank(at)ut.ee ([email]tank(at)ut.ee[/email]) England: Ari Bookman a-bookman(at)northwestern.edu ([email]a-bookman(at)northwestern.edu[/email]) France: Ricardo Goncalves riccovet(at)gmail.com ([email]riccovet(at)gmail.com[/email]) Germany: Alex jk alex.jk(at)bluewin.ch ([email]alex.jk(at)bluewin.ch[/email]) Italy: Jim Hoyes powbillypilgrim(at)yahoo.com ([email]powbillypilgrim(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Russia: Jake Merchant jacob09481(at)yahoo.com ([email]jacob09481(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Turkey: Tory Smith tory.smith(at)us.army.mil ([email]tory.smith(at)us.army.mil[/email])

Humble GM: Former Trout former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])



A BUL moves to GREECE OK F CON moves to BUL (SC) OK A ANK holds OK

F Tri - Alb OK A Ser s Turkish A Bul - Rum VOID (No Such Order) A Vie - Gal [BOUNCE with WAR 1:1]

A York to Norway OK F NS C A York-Norw OK F EC to Belgium OK

F MAO - Port OK A Spain H OK A Burg - Ruhr [BOUNCE with MUN 1:1]

A Ruh-Holl OK A Mun-Ruh [BOUNCE with BUR 1:1] F Den-North Sea [BOUNCE with NTH 1:1]

A Ven Holds OK A Apu-Tun OK F Ion C A Apu-Tun OK

F Sev -> Rum VOID (No Such Unit) A Ukr S Sev -> Rum VOID A War -> Gal [BOUNCE with VIE 1:1] F BOT -> Swe OK [GM NOTE: F BLA UNORDERED - HOLDS] OK

Turkey: BUILDS 2 Austria: BUILDS 1 England: BUILDS 1 France: BUILDS 2 Germany: BUILDS 2 Italy: BUILDS 1 Russia: BUILDS 1


3 Supply Centers - Ank, Con, Smy GAIN: Gre, Bul 2 Armies - Gre, Ank LOSE: 1 Fleet - Bul(sc) BUILDS 2

3 Supply Centers - Tri, Bud, Vie GAIN: Ser 2 Armies - Vie, Ser LOSE: 1 Fleet - Alb BUILDS 1

3 Supply Centers - Lon, Lvp, Edi GAIN: Nwy 1 Army - Yor LOSE: 2 Fleets - Nth, Eng BUILDS 1

3 Supply Centers - Par, Bre, Mar GAIN: Por, Spa 2 Armies - Bur, Spa LOSE: 1 Fleet - Por BUILDS 2

3 Supply Centers - Mun, Kie, Ber GAIN: Hol, Den 2 Armies - Hol, Mun LOSE: 1 Fleet - Den BUILDS 2

3 Supply Centers - Nap, Rom, Ven GAIN: Tun 2 Armies - Ven, Tun LOSE: 1 Fleet - Ion BUILDS 1

4 Supply Centers - Mos, War, Sev, Rum GAIN: Swe 2 Armies - Ukr, War LOSE: 2 Fleets - Bla, Swe BUILDS 1

Be a better sports nut! Let your teams follow you with Yahoo Mobile. Try it now.


DC123 Shade Of The Bonsai - Fall 1574 Deadline Rem... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

Whilst walking amongst the rhubarb, take time to sheath your blades and write some orders. The hour for Fall 1574 is nigh, falling in 21 bells. Yet I have only two scrolls before me providing instruction.

Live in Honour,

Samurai Trout


DC129 In Rainbows - Fall 1901 - Bodysnatchers - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Happens to the best of us, bro. Trust me.. =)


On Nov 13, 2007 7:48 PM, Jacob Merchant <jacob09481(at)yahoo.com ([email]jacob09481(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

Ouch. Wow. Holy crap. I can't believe I just did that. Holy crap, that's embarassing Razz


----- Original Message ----
From: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>
To: DC129(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]DC129(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])
Cc: Alex jk <alex.jk(at)bluewin.ch ([email]alex.jk(at)bluewin.ch[/email])>; Ari Bookman < a-bookman(at)northwestern.edu ([email]a-bookman(at)northwestern.edu[/email])>; Ari Bookman <ariel.bookman(at)att.net ([email]ariel.bookman(at)att.net[/email])>; Jake Merchant <jacob09481(at)yahoo.com ([email]jacob09481(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Jim Hoyes <powbillypilgrim(at)yahoo.com ([email]powbillypilgrim(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Ricardo Goncalves <riccovet(at)gmail.com ([email]riccovet(at)gmail.com[/email])>; Steve Lytton < stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>; Tanel Saimre <tanel.saimre(at)gmail.com ([email]tanel.saimre(at)gmail.com[/email])>; Tanel Saimre < tank(at)ut.ee ([email]tank(at)ut.ee[/email])>; Tory Smith <tory.smith(at)us.army.mil ([email]tory.smith(at)us.army.mil[/email])>
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 9:42:27 PM
Subject: DC129 In Rainbows - Fall 1901 - Bodysnatchers

I do not
What it is
I've done wrong

Full of holes
Check for pulse
Blink your eyes
One for yes
Two for no

I have no idea what I am talking about...


Oh - wait! I'm talking about DC-129, where Turkish troops play among the columns of the Parthenon, the French take to town for the Running of the Bulls and Ikea gets bought out by the Tsar. Other action sees England take their tea in Belgium, Germany checks out for a few nights in Amsterdam, Italy crosses the Mediterranean to introduce fine dining to the Tunisians and Austria goes for a nice tour of the Balkans.

All in all, a fine turn. One slight miscue on Russia's part with their submitted orders for a fleet in Sevastopol. (Sorry Jake - didn't see this one until mid-adjudication..) With no retreats required, we slip into the Winter adjustments - where everyone gets a build! Please have adjustment orders in to me by Thursday, November 15th (11:59 PM GMT)...

Thanks folks! Cheers!


DC-129 In Rainbows A Standard Game Game Started: October 30, 2007

Current Turn: Fall 1901
Next Deadline: Winter 1901 Adjustments Thursday, November 15th (11:59 PM GMT)

The Rowdy Cast
Austria: Tanel Saimre tank(at)ut.ee ([email]tank(at)ut.ee[/email]) England: Ari Bookman a-bookman(at)northwestern.edu ([email]a-bookman(at)northwestern.edu[/email]) France: Ricardo Goncalves riccovet(at)gmail.com ([email]riccovet(at)gmail.com[/email]) Germany: Alex jk alex.jk(at)bluewin.ch ([email]alex.jk(at)bluewin.ch[/email]) Italy: Jim Hoyes powbillypilgrim(at)yahoo.com ([email]powbillypilgrim(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Russia: Jake Merchant jacob09481(at)yahoo.com ([email]jacob09481(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Turkey: Tory Smith tory.smith(at)us.army.mil ([email]tory.smith(at)us.army.mil[/email])

Humble GM: Former Trout former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])



A BUL moves to GREECE OK F CON moves to BUL (SC) OK A ANK holds OK

F Tri - Alb OK A Ser s Turkish A Bul - Rum VOID (No Such Order) A Vie - Gal [BOUNCE with WAR 1:1]

A York to Norway OK F NS C A York-Norw OK F EC to Belgium OK

F MAO - Port OK A Spain H OK A Burg - Ruhr [BOUNCE with MUN 1:1]

A Ruh-Holl OK A Mun-Ruh [BOUNCE with BUR 1:1] F Den-North Sea [BOUNCE with NTH 1:1]

A Ven Holds OK A Apu-Tun OK F Ion C A Apu-Tun OK

F Sev -> Rum VOID (No Such Unit) A Ukr S Sev -> Rum VOID A War -> Gal [BOUNCE with VIE 1:1] F BOT -> Swe OK [GM NOTE: F BLA UNORDERED - HOLDS] OK

Turkey: BUILDS 2 Austria: BUILDS 1 England: BUILDS 1 France: BUILDS 2 Germany: BUILDS 2 Italy: BUILDS 1 Russia: BUILDS 1


3 Supply Centers - Ank, Con, Smy GAIN: Gre, Bul 2 Armies - Gre, Ank LOSE: 1 Fleet - Bul(sc) BUILDS 2

3 Supply Centers - Tri, Bud, Vie GAIN: Ser 2 Armies - Vie, Ser LOSE: 1 Fleet - Alb BUILDS 1

3 Supply Centers - Lon, Lvp, Edi GAIN: Nwy 1 Army - Yor LOSE: 2 Fleets - Nth, Eng BUILDS 1

3 Supply Centers - Par, Bre, Mar GAIN: Por, Spa 2 Armies - Bur, Spa LOSE: 1 Fleet - Por BUILDS 2

3 Supply Centers - Mun, Kie, Ber GAIN: Hol, Den 2 Armies - Hol, Mun LOSE: 1 Fleet - Den BUILDS 2

3 Supply Centers - Nap, Rom, Ven GAIN: Tun 2 Armies - Ven, Tun LOSE: 1 Fleet - Ion BUILDS 1

4 Supply Centers - Mos, War, Sev, Rum GAIN: Swe 2 Armies - Ukr, War LOSE: 2 Fleets - Bla, Swe BUILDS 1

Be a better sports nut! Let your teams follow you with Yahoo Mobile. Try it now.


DC111 - Remider - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Orders are due in just under 24 hours.

- Josh


Dc120 Fall 1903 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
It's also an early Christmas for the Italians as I forgot you have to hold on to the country for two moves. Looks like I'll be joining you soon Frank!


From: stevelytton(at)hotmail.com
To: pgidwani(at)tx.rr.com; jadawin1998(at)hotmail.com; jshannon201(at)comcast.net; stdouglass(at)yahoo.com; diplomaticcorp(at)yahoogroups.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; dc120(at)diplomaticcorp.com; wbbarrett(at)hotmail.com; kdouglass(at)bccz.com; mgidwani(at)eesus.jnj.com; bbarrett(at)ppg.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; khoak(at)troweprice.com
Subject: Dc120 Fall 1903
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2007 23:06:17 +1100

.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass EC_body.hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Tahoma;} Dc120 Fall 1903.

GM Issue: Gentleman, we had our first difficult Gm decision this move and unfortunately it happened twice this round and i was only able to catch one before the deadline.

Spain and Bulgaria both have coasts. Spain has a NC and SC whilst Bulgaria has an EC and SC.
Therefore fleets ordered to either of those territories must be ordered to a coast, if there is the possibility of moving to either. For example

F Mao - Spain (s a VOID move as Mao can move to NC or SC
F Mar - Spain is an accepted move as Mar can ONLY move to SC.

F Con - Bulgaria is a void move as CON can move to EC or SC.
F AEG - Bulgaria is an accepted move as AEg can only move to SC.

I was able to catch this on Keller's orders as he submitted prelims. Unfortunately i was not able to catch this on Marc's orders as he submitted after the scheduled deadline. If it's any consulation Marc, Keller did not get into Bulgaria as his support was cut Smile

Something to watch for in future, OR submit prelims (I mean you can always change them)

Anyway - adjudication
F English Channel Supports F Picardy - Brest
A Finland - St Petersburg
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Portugal (*Fails*)
F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
F Norway Supports A Finland - St Petersburg

F Brest Hold (*Disbanded*)
A Gascony Supports F Brest
F Portugal - Spain (VOID MOVE, F Portugal Holds)

F Baltic Sea - Livonia
A Burgundy - Marseilles
A Kiel - Ruhr
A Paris Supports F Picardy - Brest
F Picardy - Brest
A Prussia - Warsaw
A Silesia Supports A Prussia - Warsaw

A Albania - Serbia (*Fails*)
F Greece - Bulgaria(sc) (*Bounce*)
F Ionian Sea - Greece (*Dislodged*)
F Naples - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
A Venice Hold

A Livonia - Prussia
F St Petersburg(sc) Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Warsaw Supports A Livonia - Prussia (*Dislodged*)

F Aegean Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
A Bulgaria - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
F Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc) (*Bounce*)
F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
A Serbia Supports F Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc) (*Cut*)
A Sevastopol - Moscow
A Ukraine Supports A Sevastopol - Moscow

Autumn 1903
I will assume both Russian units will retreat but i need Shawn to let me know his retreat asap.

Italian F Ionian Sea can retreat to Tunis or Tyrrhenian Sea or
Apulia or Adriatic Sea.

Russian F St Petersburg(sc) can retreat to Gulf of Bothnia.

Russian A Warsaw can retreat to Galicia.

Winter 1903 is due this friday at 8pm, American EST.
England: Build One
Germany: Build Three
Italy: Build One (regardless of retreat)
Russia: Remove Three
Turkey: Build one

In Winter 1903, we will say goodbye to Frank who seems to have been crushed by 3 different nations. Frank - if you want to write up a little end of game statement (what went wrong, how was completely untrustworthy etc).. email it to me and i will publish at the end of the game. Also let me know if you want your email removed from the adjudications or if you are happy to keep receiving them.

Lastitly - from winter 1903, this adjudication will be posted on the www.diplomaticcorp.com site under game dc120 and in the message board forum there. It will not be posted on the DC yahoo group. It will still be emailed to all players.

aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Shrubbery)

Listen now! New music from the Rogue Traders.

Windows Live Hotmail and Microsoft Office Outlook – together at last. Get it now!


DC121 Fall 1906 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
We have some retreats for the first time in a while! Germany, Austria,
France let's have them by tomorrow, Wednesday the 14th, at 9 pm eastern
so that we can have Winter due on this Friday the 16th. The specifics
for the retreats are listed at the bottom of the adj.



Wes - Tyn: OK
NAf - Tun: OK
GoL - Mar: OK
Pie S Mun - Tyr: OK
Ven - Rom: OK
Ion - Gre: Bounce with Ser;

StP - Nwy: Bounce with Edi; Dislodged by Lvn 2:1;
Ber - Pru: OK
Mun - Tyr: OK
Kie - Den: OK
Ruh - Mun: OK
Bel - Hol: OK
Bur S GoL - Mar: OK
Bre H: OK

Mos S Lvn - StP: OK
Spa - Mar: Illegal; Dislodged by Gas 2:1;
Mar - Spa: Defeated by Gas 2:1; Dislodged by GoL 2:1;

Gas - Spa: OK
Por S Gas - Spa: OK
Lon H: OK
Edi - Nth - Nwy: Bounce with StP;
Nth C Edi - Nwy: OK

Tyr - Pie: Bounce with Pie; Dislodged by Mun 2:1;
Boh S Gal - Sil: OK
War S Gal - Sil: OK
Lvn - StP: OK
Gal - Sil: OK
Sev H: OK
Ser - Gre: Bounce with Ion;
Smy H: OK
Con - Aeg: OK
Tri - Ven: OK
Adr S Tri - Ven: OK

France disbands unit in Spa

Germany may retreat army in StP to: Fin

Austria may retreat army in Tyr to: Vie, Tri

France may retreat army in Mar to: Gas

Map Attached


Dc120 Autumn 1903. - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Dc120 Autumn 1903

Italy retreats Fleet Ionion to Adriatic.

I also missed entered one of Turkey's moves Bulgaria - rumunia. As affected, there is now a Turkish army in Rumunia not in Bulgaria.

Winter 1903 is due this friday at 8pm, American EST.

England: Build One

Germany: Build Three

Italy: Build One (regardless of retreat)

Russia: Remove Army Prussia.

Turkey: Build one

aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Shrubbery)

Check our comprehensive Salary Centre Overpaid or Underpaid?


DC125 Winter 2000 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Build A TEH

Build A BAG
Build A BAS

Build A HAI
Build F TAV

Build waived

Build F ADA
Build A IST

Iran: Raybrucea(at)aol.com ([email]Raybrucea(at)aol.com[/email])
Iraq: jkudlick(at)gmail.com ([email]jkudlick(at)gmail.com[/email])
Israel: mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])
Russia: flowerpet56(at)yahoo.com ([email]flowerpet56(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Turkey: former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])


DC127 - Autumn 1901 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Dear Players,

Austrian A Gal retreats to Sil.

The Winter Adjustments (due to me no later than 3pm tomorrow) are as follows:

AUSTRIA - Units:3 SCs:5 = Build 2
ENGLAND - Units:3 SCs:5 = Build 2
FRANCE - Units:3 SCs:5 = Build 2
GERMANY - Units:3 SCs:5 = Build 2
ITALY - Units:3 SCs:4 = Build 1
RUSSIA - Units:4 SCs:5 = Build 1
TURKEY - Units:3 SCs:4 = Build 1

And it's builds all round Smile

To repeat from yesterdays message:

In the case of the first year an NBR (No Builds Received) will result in automatic adjustments being implemented! ie. unless I receive a mail saying you specifically wish to waive any builds you are due - you WILL be assigned default builds.

In subsequent turns NBRs will be treated as such and any builds owing will be waived.

(as far as disbands are concerned, if I receive no instruction then default disbands will be used)

Thanks again.


DC125 Winter 2000 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Oh - I did NOT just do that...

Oh boy.. I did. Okay - this will be interesting...

<He of the newbie mistake of mixing up his fleet and army adjustment>

On Nov 14, 2007 3:02 AM, JAFA < jafainri(at)hotmail.com ([email]jafainri(at)hotmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Build A TEH

Build A BAG
Build A BAS

Build A HAI
Build F TAV

Build waived

Build F ADA
Build A IST

Iran: Raybrucea(at)aol.com ([email]Raybrucea(at)aol.com[/email])
Iraq: jkudlick(at)gmail.com ([email]jkudlick(at)gmail.com[/email])
Israel: mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])
Russia: flowerpet56(at)yahoo.com ([email]flowerpet56(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Turkey: former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])


Dc131 - all moves in. - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

All moves received but not all marked final. If and when i get 4 finals, i will adjudicate early..

aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Shrubbery)

Listen now! New music from the Rogue Traders.


dc92 Winter '12 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)




Large map:


Name Reference Map:


Home Center Map:



Spring '13 is due Monday November 19th 7 AM CST (GMT -6) 1300 GMT


Orders and Results:

Build A MAL

Build F NWT
Build A BCO

Supply Center and Unit Count:

China: 15 / 15
Ghana: 40 / 40
Oz: 4 / 4
Russia: 16 / 16
Western-Canada: 18 / 18

"...apparently it was not as big of a surprise as we had hoped......"
Be a better sports nut! Let your teams follow you with Yahoo Mobile. Try it now.


DC121 Fall 1906 Results Take 2 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Missed Italy's second set of orders. It doesn't really affect much,
especially the retreats, so the deadline for those is still tonight so
that we can have winter on Friday before the weekend.



GoL - Mar: OK
Pie S Mun - Tyr: OK
Ven - Apu: OK
Wes - Tyn: OK
NAf - Tun: OK
Ion - Gre: Bounce with Ser;

StP - Nwy: Bounce with Edi; Dislodged by Lvn 2:1;
Bur S GoL - Mar: OK
Bre H: OK
Bel - Hol: OK
Kie - Den: OK
Ber - Pru: OK
Mun - Tyr: OK
Ruh - Mun: OK

Spa - Mar: Illegal; Dislodged by Gas 2:1;
Mar - Spa: Defeated by Gas 2:1; Dislodged by GoL 2:1;
Mos S Lvn - StP: OK

Edi - Nth - Nwy: Bounce with StP;
Nth C Edi - Nwy: OK
Lon H: OK
Gas - Spa: OK
Por S Gas - Spa: OK

Gal - Sil: OK
Boh S Gal - Sil: OK
War S Gal - Sil: OK
Sev H: OK
Lvn - StP: OK
Ser - Gre: Bounce with Ion;
Con - Aeg: OK
Smy H: OK
Tyr - Pie: Bounce with Pie; Dislodged by Mun 2:1;
Tri - Ven: OK
Adr S Tri - Ven: OK

France disbands unit in Spa

Germany may retreat army in StP to: Fin

Austria may retreat army in Tyr to: Vie, Tri

France may retreat army in Mar to: Gas

Map Attached


DC124 - Important Update - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

I realize that the deadline for our last turn was two days ago and I have still not posted the results. The reason behind this is that unfortunately our Turkish player has gone missing in action and I have failed in attempting to contact him. Normally at this point I would immediately begin seeking a replacement, however with my vacation coming up next week there simply is not enough time for me to find one and proceed with the next turn before I have to leave.

So I'm going to begin the pause which was planned for my vacation a bit earlier than expected. DC124 is on hold until I return on December 8th. Once I return (probably a day or two after actually) I will start looking for a replacement for Turkey. If during this pause our existing Turkey contacts me I will evaluate if it would be best to keep him in the game or seek a replacement anyway.

I do have orders for the retreat that is pending and when I get home this evening I will post the results and map. If there are any questions please let me know.

- Josh


DC125 Winter 2000 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Who switches their builds – Really now!

From: Former Trout [mailto:former.trout(at)gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 4:26 AM
Cc: Raybrucea(at)aol.com; Michael Sims; jkudlick(at)gmail.com; flowerpet56(at)yahoo.com; DC125 Forums; Steve Lytton
Subject: Re: DC125 Winter 2000

Oh - I did NOT just do that...

Oh boy.. I did. Okay - this will be interesting...

<He of the newbie mistake of mixing up his fleet and army adjustment>
On Nov 14, 2007 3:02 AM, JAFA < jafainri(at)hotmail.com ([email]jafainri(at)hotmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Build A TEH

Build A BAG
Build A BAS

Build A HAI
Build F TAV

Build waived

Build F ADA
Build A IST

Iran: Raybrucea(at)aol.com ([email]Raybrucea(at)aol.com[/email])
Iraq: jkudlick(at)gmail.com ([email]jkudlick(at)gmail.com[/email])
Israel: mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])
Russia: flowerpet56(at)yahoo.com ([email]flowerpet56(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Turkey: former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])


DC125 Winter 2000 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
What can I say? I'm an idiot...


On Nov 14, 2007 8:43 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])> wrote:

Who switches their builds – Really now!

From: Former Trout [mailto: former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])]
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 4:26 AM
Cc: Raybrucea(at)aol.com ([email]Raybrucea(at)aol.com[/email]); Michael Sims; jkudlick(at)gmail.com ([email]jkudlick(at)gmail.com[/email]); flowerpet56(at)yahoo.com ([email]flowerpet56(at)yahoo.com[/email]); DC125 Forums; Steve Lytton
Subject: Re: DC125 Winter 2000

Oh - I did NOT just do that...

Oh boy.. I did. Okay - this will be interesting...

<He of the newbie mistake of mixing up his fleet and army adjustment>
On Nov 14, 2007 3:02 AM, JAFA < jafainri(at)hotmail.com ([email]jafainri(at)hotmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Build A TEH

Build A BAG
Build A BAS

Build A HAI
Build F TAV

Build waived

Build F ADA
Build A IST

Iran: Raybrucea(at)aol.com ([email]Raybrucea(at)aol.com[/email])
Iraq: jkudlick(at)gmail.com ([email]jkudlick(at)gmail.com[/email])
Israel: mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])
Russia: flowerpet56(at)yahoo.com ([email]flowerpet56(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Turkey: former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])


DC129 In Rainbows - Corrected Winter 01 Adjustment... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi guys,

Thanks to the players who pointed this one out to me. I made a slight oops in my Winter 01 Adjustment list last night. England secured both Norway and Belgium and thus earns TWO builds, not just the one I attributed to them yesterday.

Apologies for the error. Winter 1901 deadline remains Thursday, November 15th (11:59 PM GMT). Adjusted build count is included below.



Turkey: BUILDS 2 Austria: BUILDS 1 England: BUILDS 2 France: BUILDS 2 Germany: BUILDS 2 Italy: BUILDS 1 Russia: BUILDS 1


DC125 2001 Schedule - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I forgot to add deadlines:

Spring due Monday 19th
Summer Tuesday 20th if necessary
Fall due Friday 23rd



dc99 f09 builds! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Spring '10 due Wednesday 11/21, 2pm Pacific!


England: Build A Lon, A Edi
Italy: Build A Nap, A Rom
Russia: Remove A Pru


dc109 s213 results! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Next: Fall of 213 BC – Wednesday 11/21, 2pm Pacific!

F Punis Sea Supports F Sicilia - Tyrhennian Sea
F Carthage Hold
F Neapolis Supports F Sicilia - Tyrhennian Sea (*Cut*)
A Apulia Supports F Roma (*Ordered to Move*)
F Sparta - Delphi
F Alexandria - Lybian Sea
A Cyrenaica, no move received
F Creta - Ionian Sea
F Sicilia - Tyrhennian Sea (*Bounce*)

F Numidian Sea - Saguntum
F Balearic Sea - Tyrhennian Sea (*Bounce*)
F Cartenna - Numidian Sea
A Saguntum - Cartenna
F Numidia Supports F Cartenna - Numidian Sea
A Helvetii Supports A Genua
A Aliso - Treva (*Fails*)
A Treva - Aestui (*Bounce*)
A Raetia Supports A Pannonia
A Bojohaemum Supports A Pannonia
A Genua Hold
F Narbonensis - Balearic Sea (*Fails*)
F Scandia - Mare Suevieum
F Sardinia Supports F Balearic Sea - Tyrhennian Sea

A Biskupin Supports A Treva - Aestui
A Aqueleia Supports A Pannonia
A Pannonia Supports A Aqueleia (*Cut*)

F Lycian Sea - Cyprus
F Aegaeum Mare - Athens
A Athens - Athos
A Delphi - Pella
A Illyricum Supports A Moesia - Pannonia
A Nineveh Supports Armenian Sheep-Shaggers
A Arabia - Antiochia

F Roma - Neapolis (*Fails*)

F Pontus Euxinus Hold
A Gelonus Supports A Kul Oba - Aestui
A Kul Oba - Aestui (*Bounce*)
A Iazyges Supports A Moesia - Pannonia
A Moesia - Pannonia (*Fails*)
A Armenia Hold


dc118 & dc122 tomorrow - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Too tired to turn thy thoughts to tasks? Then take thee troops to terrible... casks

24 hours...


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