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Current View: Recent Messages: dc190
(Worldwide Variant - GM: Michael Penner)


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DC190 - Voting on the draw - worldwidegm at gmail.com   (Mar 15, 2009, 3:34 pm)
Hey there everyone... one thing I'd like to make clear here.  The next deadline is for both the vote AND your next moves.  If the draw proposal is defeated, we will move forward with whatever moves people have submitted.  If the draw passes, there is no need for the moves, but I'll need to have moves from everyone either way.

Does that make sense?



DC190 - Spring 2011 - worldwidegm at gmail.com   (Mar 14, 2009, 9:48 am)
Well guys, as of this past week we are officially the longest running active game on DC.  Don't know if that's something to be proud of, but there we have it.  Congrats on making it this far (with only the two NMRs, as well).  I've been really happy with all of you and I don't recall waiting more than 24 hours after a deadline.  Well done so far.

That being said, it appears we may be nearing an end.  On the table, we have a proposal for a 4-way draw between Mexico, Persia, Russia and South America.  I will remind everyone that for the proposal to pass, all eight remaining players must vote for it.  See below for more details.

Now the moves.  There's a whole lot of bouncing going on and some very curious circumstances in Europe that has at least me scratching my head.  I look forward to seeing how it pans out (should the game survive the draw proposal).  On to the moves, then:

A Rome - Paris
F Tyrrhenian Sea Convoys A Rome - Paris
F Morocco Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
A Iberia Supports A Rome - Paris
F Atlantic Ocean - English Channel (*fails*)
F Quebec - Labrador Sea (*fails*)
A Boston - Quebec (*fails*)
F Florida - Atlantic Ocean (*fails*)
F Cuba - Bermuda Triangle
A Nunavut Supports F Alaska
F Alaska Supports F Pacific Ocean
F Pacific Ocean Supports F Micronesian Sea
F Oaxaca - Galapagos Sea
F Fijian Sea - Coral Reef
F Tasman Sea - Melbourne

South America:
F Chile - Easter Sea (*bounce*)
F Argentina - Tongan Sea (*fails*)
F Falkland Sea - Cape of Good Hope (*fails*)
F Sandwich Sea - Skeleton Coast
F Angola Supports A N'Djamena - Congo
F Dakar - Cape Verde Sea
F Skeleton Coast - Pretoria
F Cocos Sea - Arafura Sea (*bounce*)
A Zambezi Supports F Skeleton Coast - Pretoria
F Auckland - Tasman Sea (*bounce*)
F Bay of Bengal - Jakarta (*fails*)
F Micronesian Sea Supports F Pacific Ocean

F Beaufort Sea Supports F Bering Sea
F Labrador Sea Holds
F Arctic Ocean Supports F Labrador Sea
F English Channel Supports A Rome - Paris (*cut*)
A London - Holland
A Holland - Berlin
A Ukraine - Vienna
F Bering Sea Holds
A Irkutsk Holds
A Ulaanbaatar - Vladivostok (*bounce*)
A Beijing - Vladivostok (*bounce*)
F Honshu Holds
F East China Sea Supports F Honshu
F Taiwan Holds

West Africa:
A Algeria - Tombouctou
A Libya - Algeria
A N'Djamena - Congo
F Gulf of Guinea - Yaounde

South Africa:
A Congo - Dar es Salaam
A Maputo Supports A Congo - Dar es Salaam
F Windhoek - Pretoria (*fails*)

A Tibet - Shanghai (*bounce*)
A Hong Kong - Shanghai (*bounce*)
A Nairobi - Dar es Salaam (*fails*)
A Khartoum - Nairobi (*fails*)
F Zagreb - Rome
A Greece - Zagreb
A Muscat - Addis Ababa
A Egypt - N'Djamena
F Ionian Sea Supports F Paris - Tyrrhenian Sea
F Paris - Tyrrhenian Sea (*disbanded*)
F Indian Ocean - Zanzibar Sea
F Arabian Sea Supports A Muscat - Addis Ababa
A Mumbai Holds
A Tehran - Baghdad

F Addis Ababa - Somalia

F Tongan Sea - Easter Sea (*bounce*)
F Cape of Good Hope - Falkland Sea (*fails*)
F Siam Supports F Jakarta
F Jakarta Supports F Siam (*cut*)
F Manila - Arafura Sea (*bounce*)
F Great Australian Bight - Tasman Sea (*bounce*)

Next Deadline:
We have no retreats to resolve, so we move directly on to the Fall of 2011, due Thursday, March 19, 2200GMT.  Please submit your yes or no for the draw proposal with your moves (no vote is a 'no' vote).


DC190 - Winter 2010 - worldwidegm at gmail.com   (Mar 08, 2009, 8:01 pm)
Alright then, so everyone has given me their adjustments and I believe everyone should be back home from spending time away, so that means we're ready to move on.  Here are the adjustments:

Build F Florida
Build F Oaxaca (sc)
Build F Cuba

South America:
Build F Argentina

Build Waived

South Africa:
Disband A Tunis
Disband A Somalia
Disband F Yaounde
Disband F Dar es Salaam

Build A Tehran

Disband F South China Sea

Next Deadline:
Spring 2011 will be due on Friday, March 13, 2200GMT.


DC190 - Re-adjustments - worldwidegm at gmail.com   (Mar 07, 2009, 11:52 am)
OK, so we have the revised adjustment from South Africa.  So I'll adjudicate the Winter of 2010 tomorrow afternoon, after 1800GMT.



DC190 - Re-adjustments - worldwidegm at gmail.com   (Mar 07, 2009, 1:34 am)
Hey everyone.

So I sat down tonight to finally get the Winter 2010 adjustments out and I find an email pointing out that I've miscounted units.  It turns out that South Africa had seven units on the board and needs to get down to three.  So, sorry, but it appears that this'll end up taking even longer.  Trout, can you get me a revised adjustment at your earliest convenience.  Once I receive his I'll let everyone know and I'll give everyone another 24 hours in case this news changes your plans.



DC190 - Re-adjustments (dc190) worldwidegm at gmail.com Mar 07, 11:52 am
OK, so we have the revised adjustment from South Africa.  So I'll adjudicate the Winter of 2010 tomorrow afternoon, after 1800GMT.

DC190 - Autumn 2010 - worldwidegm at gmail.com   (Feb 25, 2009, 1:56 am)
The retreats are in and we're ready to hunker down for another winter.  Some building, some disbanding... sounds like a pretty normal one to me.  Here are the retreats:

South America:
F Tongan Sea - Chile

South Africa:
A Addis Ababa - Somalia
F Angola - Windhoek

Ownership and Adjustments:

Mex: Alaska, Vancouver, Winnipeg, Ontario, Quebec, Illinois, Boston, Arizona, Texas, Florida, Jalisco, Oaxaca, Cuba, Morocco, Rome (15 sc's - 12 units = 3 builds)
SAm: Columbia, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Recife, Dakar, Angola, Pretoria, Auckland, Honolulu (12 sc's - 11 units = 1 build)
Rus: London, Oslo, Berlin, Sweden, Vienna, Minsk, Murmansk, Moscow, Nizhniy-Novgorod, Kazakhstan, Vladivostok, Beijing, Korea, Honshu, Taiwan (15 sc's - 14 units = 1 build)
WAf: Algeria, Libya, Ouagadougou, Lagos (4 sc's - 4 units = even)
SAf: Congo, Dar es Salaam, Maputo (3 sc's - 6 units = 3 disbands)
Per: Paris, Zagreb, Romania, Ankara, Egypt, Nairobi, Baghdad, Riyadh, Tehran, Pakistan, Delhi, Mumbai, Shanghai, Hong Kong (14 sc's - 13 units = 1 build)
Chi: Addis Ababa (1 sc - 1 unit = even)
Oce: Siam, Jakarta, Manila, Perth, Melbourne, Sydney (6 sc's - 7 units = 1 disband)

Next Deadline:
I'm going to be away from this computer for a while, so Winter 2010 adjustments won't be due until Tuesday, March 3, 2200GMT


DC190 - Fall 2010 - worldwidegm at gmail.com   (Feb 22, 2009, 3:47 pm)
A few interesting moves went down this time around. China found himself a friend for another year and gets to submit moves at least one more time. A bit of a circular dance changes the outlook significantly off the southern tip of Africa. And Rome has been sacked... by the Mexicans?

F Alaska Supports F Arizona - Pacific Ocean
A Nunavut Supports F Alaska
F Arizona - Pacific Ocean
F Revillagigedo Sea - Fijian Sea
F Fijian Sea - Tasman Sea
F Quebec Holds
A Boston Supports F Quebec
A Florida - Iberia
F Atlantic Ocean Convoys A Florida - Iberia
F Morocco Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
F Tyrrhenian Sea Convoys A Iberia - Rome
A Iberia - Rome

South America:
A Pretoria - Zambezi
F Sandwich Sea - Angola
F Skeleton Coast Supports F Sandwich Sea - Angola
F Cape Verde Sea - Dakar
F Rio de Janeiro - Sandwich Sea
F Falkland Sea Supports F Rio de Janeiro - Sandwich Sea
F Maputo - Cocos Sea
F Bay of Bengal - Jakarta (*fails*)
F Tongan Sea - Great Australian Bight (*dislodged*)
F Auckland Supports F Fijian Sea - Tasman Sea
F Pacific Ocean - Micronesian Sea

F Beaufort Sea Supports F Bering Sea
F Labrador Sea - Atlantic Ocean (*fails*)
F Arctic Ocean - Labrador Sea (*fails*)
A London Holds
A Holland Supports F Paris
F North Sea - English Channel
A Nizhniy-Novgorod - Ukraine
F Bering Sea Holds
A Vladivostok - Irkutsk
A Beijing Holds
F Sea of Japan - Honshu
F East China Sea Supports F Philippines Sea - Taiwan
F Philippines Sea - Taiwan

West Africa:
F Gulf of Guinea - Yaounde (*fails*)
A Lagos - N'Djamena
A Algeria Supports A Libya
A Libya Supports A Algeria

South Africa:
A Zambezi - Maputo
F Yaounde - Sandwich Sea (*fails*)
A N'Djamena - Congo
F Angola Supports A N'Djamena - Congo (*dislodged*)
A Addis Ababa Holds (*dislodged*)
F Nairobi - Dar es Salaam
A Tunis - Algeria (*fails*)

A Tibet - Shanghai (*bounce*)
A Hong Kong - Shanghai (*bounce*)
A Khartoum - Nairobi
A Egypt - Khartoum
F Greece - Zabreb
A Ankara - Greece
A Riyadh - Muscat
A Galilee - Egypt
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea (*fails*)
F Paris Holds
F Indian Ocean Supports A Khartoum - Nairobi
F Arabian Sea Supports F Red Sea - Addis Ababa
A Mumbai Holds

F Red Sea - Addis Ababa

F Great Australian Bight Supports F Tasman Sea - Tongan Sea
F Tasman Sea - Tongan Sea
F Jakarta Supports F Siam
F Siam Supports F Jakarta
F South China Sea - Taiwan (*fails*)
F Arafura Sea - Manila
F Cocos Sea - Cape of Good Hope

SAm's F Tongan Sea may retreat to Argentina, Chile, Easter Sea, Christchurch or OTB
SAf's F Angola may retreat to Windhoek or OTB
SAf's A Addis Ababa may retreat to Somalia or OTB

Next Deadline:
Autumn 2010 retreats are due Tuesday, Feb 24, 2200GMT


DC190: Summer 2010 - worldwidegm at gmail.com   (Feb 14, 2009, 9:35 am)
The two retreats:

South Africa:
A Algeria - Tunis

F Philippines Sea - Arafura Sea

Next deadline:
Fall 2010 moves will be due on Thursday, Feb 19, 2200GMT


DC190 - Spring 2010 - worldwidegm at gmail.com   (Feb 11, 2009, 5:06 pm)
Well... it seems the highlight of this turn is the number of offered
cruises on the board. And one of them was even turned down! Who
turns down a cruise? Ah well... we move full force ahead with only
two retreats needed. Thanks to those of you who have given some input
on the map. I've been working on a tweaking it a bit for a live game
I'm playing in on Sunday. I'll let you know what I learn! On to the
moves, then:

F Vancouver - Alaska
F Arizona Supports F Alaska - Pacific Ocean
F Revillagigedo Sea Suppports F Fijian Sea
F Fijian Sea Supports F Tongan Sea - Auckland
F Quebec - Halifax (*bounce*)
A Winnipeg - Nunavut
A Boston - Halifax (*bounce*)
A Florida - Iberia (*fails*)
F Atlantic Ocean Convoys A Florida - Iberia
F Tyrrhenian Sea Convoys A Iberia - Rome
F Morocco Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
A Iberia - Rome (*bounce*)

South America:
A Argentina - Pretoria
F Falkland Sea Convoys A Argentina - Pretoria
F Skeleton Coast Convoys A Argentina - Pretoria
F Sandwich Sea Convoys A Florida - Yaounde (*invalid*)
F Cape Verde Sea Convoys A Florida - Yaounde (*invalid*)
F Rio de Janeiro Supports F Sandwich Sea
F Chile - Tongan Sea
F Tongan Sea - Auckland
F Alaska - Pacific Ocean
F Bay of Bengal Supports F Mumbai - Indian Ocean
F Maputo Supports A Argentina - Pretoria

F Micronesian Sea - Philippines Sea
F Beaufort Sea Supports F Bering Sea
F Labrador Sea Holds
A Holland Supports F Paris
F Arctic Ocean Supports F Labrador Sea
F Oslo - North Sea
A Nizhniy-Novgorod Holds
A Irkutsk - Vladivostok
A Ulaanbaatar Holds
A Beijing Holds
F Vladivostok - Sea of Japan
A Bering Sea Holds
F East China Sea Supports F Micronesian Sea - Philippines Sea

West Africa:
A Niamey - Libya
A Algeria Supports A Niamey - Libya
A Lagos - N'Djamena (*fails*)
F Gulf of Guinea - Supports A Florida - Yaounde (*invalid*)

South Africa:
A Libya - Niamey (*dislodged*)
A N'Djamena Supports A Libya - Niamey (*cut*)
F Yaounde - Lagos (*fails*)
F Congo - Angola
A Zambezi Supports F Congo - Angola
A Nairobi - Addis Ababa
F Somalia - Nairobi

A Tibet - Shanghai (*bounce*)
A Hong Kong - Shanghai (*bounce*)
A Muscat - Khartoum
A Egypt Supports A Muscat - Khartoum
F Ankara - Greece
A Tehran - Ankara
A Baghdad - Riyadh
A Galilee Supports A Egypt
F Ionian Sea - Rome (*bounce*)
F Paris Holds
F Mumbai - Indian Ocean
F Arabian Sea Supports F Mumbai - Indian Ocean
A Pakistan - Mumbai

F Red Sea Convoys A Muscat - Khartoum

F Indian Ocean - Cocos Sea
F Jakarta Supports F Siam
F Siam Supports F Jakarta
F South China Sea - Taiwan (*bounce*)
F Philippines Sea - Taiwan (*dislodged*)
F Tasman Sea - Auckland (*fails*)
F Great Australian Bight - Tasman Sea (*fails*)

SAf's A Libya may retreat to Tunis or OTB
Oce's F Philippines Sea may retreat to Jayapura, Arafura Sea, Manila or OTB

Next Deadline:
Summer 2010 retreats due Friday, Feb 13, 2200GMT


DC190 - Winter 2009 - worldwidegm at gmail.com   (Feb 05, 2009, 10:34 pm)
And the Winter 2009 adjustments are done. So we move on quite smoothly into the Spring of 2010 and I look forward to seeing what the future holds.

Build A Florida

South America:
Build A Argentina

Build F Oslo

Build F Ankara
Build A Pakistan

Disband F Persian Gulf

Message from DC: Would you like to GM a game? Improve your skills and help out the club. We are always in need of new GMs. If you think you can help, please email Mike at mike(at)southwall.com or Trout at former.trout(at)gmail.com

Next Deadline:
Spring 2010 is due Tuesday, February 10, at 2200GMT


DC190 - Fall/Autumn 2009 - worldwidegm at gmail.com   (Feb 02, 2009, 12:04 am)
Hey everyone, sorrry again about the wait. This was a particularly hectic weekend and I'm going to suffer for it in the tournament. Darned not sending orders to the orders email. Ah well.

As I was doing the map I discovered that I wrongly wrote some of the adjudication. All of the orders were correctly inserted, but the outcomes were not all noted correctly. The South African unit in Egypt ended up being disbanded for him. I correctly had Persia's unit getting in, but didn't say what happened to the unit already there. Then, even though I noted that support from Tehran was cut, I never pointed out that China's PER-TEH failed. And finally, there's an additional A London that holds for Russia. Sorry for any confusion that may have caused and thanks to those of you who pointed it out. What follows is the revised edition along with the retreats and the stats for heading into the Winter.

On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 5:24 PM, Diplomacy Gamemaster <worldwidegm(at)gmail.com ([email]worldwidegm(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Hey guys... sorry for the delay... got caught up in planning stuff for tomorrow and kinda forgot about the game. Here's the adjudication and I'll get the map to you as soon as I can.

Well, nobody can decide who gets the spoils and China lives to pester for another year. Elsewhere, Oceania manages to use his control of a strait once again and with Persia joining in, methinks the attack on the African continent is definitely on.

Though what do I know... I'm only the GM.

The moves:

F Vancouver Supports F Alaska
F Arizona Supports F Galapagos Sea - Revillagigedo Sea
F Revillagigedo Sea - Fijian Sea
F Galapagos Sea - Revillagigedo Sea
A Ontario - Winnipeg
A Quebec - Boston
A Florida - Iberia
F Gulf of St. Lawrence - Quebec
F Atlantic Ocean Convoys A Florida - Iberia
F Morocco - Tyrrhenian Sea (*fails*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Ionian Sea (*fails*)

South America:
F Hong Kong - South China Sea (*dislodged*)
F Bay of Bengal Supports F Hong Kong - South China Sea (*no permission granted*)
F Fijian Sea - Auckland (*dislodged*)
F Peru - Chile
F Amazon - Cape Verde Sea
F Rio de Janeiro - Sandwich Sea (*fails*)
F Falkland Sea Supports F Rio de Janeiro - Sandwich Sea
F Sandwich Sea - Angola (*bounce*)
F Skeleton Coast Supports F Sandwich Sea - Angola
F Nosy Barrens - Maputo
F Alaska Holds

F Pacific Ocean - Micronesian Sea
F Nunavut - Beaufort Sea
F Labrador Sea Holds
F Arctic Ocean Holds
A Holland Supports F Paris
A Nizhniy-Novgorod Holds
F Beaufort Sea - Vladivostok
A Vladivostok - Irkutsk
A Ulaanbaatar Supports A Beijing
A Beijing Supports A Shanghai (*ordered to move*)
F Bering Strait Supports F Nunavut - Beaufort Sea
F East China Sea - Taiwan (*bounce*)

A London Holds

West Africa:
A Algeria - Libya (*fails*)
A Ouagadougou - Niamey
F Gulf of Guinea Supports A Lagos
A Lagos Holds

South Africa:
F Congo - Angola (*bounce*)
A Zambezi Supports F Congo - Angola
F Yaounde - Congo (*fails*)
A N'Djamena Supports A Libya
A Egypt Supports A Libya (*disbanded*)
A Libya Supports A Egypt (*cut*)
F Somalia - Addis Ababa (*bounce*)
A Nairobi Supports F Somalia - Addis Ababa

A Shanghai - Hong Kong
A Tibet Supports A Shanghai - Hong Kong
F Paris Holds
F Ionian Sea Supports A Algeria - Libya (*cut*)
A Khartoum - Egypt
A Galilee Supports A Khartoum - Egypt
F Mumbai - Indian Ocean (*fails*)
F Arabian Sea Supports A Muscat - Addis Ababa
A Riyadh - Baghdad
A Tehran Supports A Riyadh - Baghdad (*cut*)
A Muscat - Addis Ababa (*bounce*)

F Red Sea - Egypt (*fails*)
F Persian Gulf - Tehran (*fails*)

F Philippines Sea - Taiwan (*bounce*)
F South China Sea Supports F Philippines Sea - Taiwan (*cut*)
F Indian Ocean Holds
F Jakarta Supports F Indian Ocean
F Siam Supports F South China Sea
F Tasman Sea - Auckland (*bounce*)
F Great Australian Bight - Tasman Sea (*fails*)

SAm: F Fijian Sea - Tongan Sea
SAm: F Hong Kong OTB

Mexico: Vancouver, Winnipeg, Ontario, Quebec, Boston, Illinois, Arizona, Texas, Florida, Jalisco, Oaxaca, Cuba, Morocco (13 sc's - 11 units = 2 builds)
South America: Alaska, Honolulu, Columbia, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Recife, Pretoria, Maputo (11 sc's - 10 units = 1 build)
Russia: London, Berlin, Vienna, Oslo, Sweden, Murmansk, Minsk, Moscow, Nizhniy-Novgorod, Kazakhstan, Vladivostok, Beijing, Korea, Honshu (14 sc's - 13 units = 1 build)
West Africa: Algeria, Dakar, Ouagadougou, Lagos (4 sc's - 4 units = even)
South Africa: Libya, Addis Ababa, Nairobi, Congo, Dar es Salaam, Angola (6 sc's - 6 units = even)
Persia: Paris, Rome, Zagreb, Romania, Ankara, Egypt, Riyadh, Baghdad, Tehran, Pakistan, Mumbai, Delhi, Shanghai, Hong Kong (14 sc's - 11 units = 3 builds)
China: Taiwan (1 sc - 2 units - 1 disband)
Oceania: Siam, Manila, Jakarta, Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland (7 sc's - 7 units = even)

Next Deadline: Let's have the Winter 2009 adjustments in by Thursday, the 5th of February, 2200GMT.


DC190 - Fall 2009 - worldwidegm at gmail.com   (Jan 30, 2009, 5:25 pm)
Hey guys... sorry for the delay... got caught up in planning stuff for tomorrow and kinda forgot about the game. Here's the adjudication and I'll get the map to you as soon as I can.

Well, nobody can decide who gets the spoils and China lives to pester for another year. Elsewhere, Oceania manages to use his control of a strait once again and with Persia joining in, methinks the attack on the African continent is definitely on.

Though what do I know... I'm only the GM.

The moves:

F Vancouver Supports F Alaska
F Arizona Supports F Galapagos Sea - Revillagigedo Sea
F Revillagigedo Sea - Fijian Sea
F Galapagos Sea - Revillagigedo Sea
A Ontario - Winnipeg
A Quebec - Boston
A Florida - Iberia
F Gulf of St. Lawrence - Quebec
F Atlantic Ocean Convoys A Florida - Iberia
F Morocco - Tyrrhenian Sea (*fails*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Ionian Sea (*fails*)

South America:
F Hong Kong - South China Sea (*dislodged*)
F Bay of Bengal Supports F Hong Kong - South China Sea (*no permission granted*)
F Fijian Sea - Auckland (*dislodged*)
F Peru - Chile
F Amazon - Cape Verde Sea
F Rio de Janeiro - Sandwich Sea (*fails*)
F Falkland Sea Supports F Rio de Janeiro - Sandwich Sea
F Sandwich Sea - Angola (*bounce*)
F Skeleton Coast Supports F Sandwich Sea - Angola
F Nosy Barrens - Maputo
F Alaska Holds

F Pacific Ocean - Micronesian Sea
F Nunavut - Beaufort Sea
F Labrador Sea Holds
F Arctic Ocean Holds
A Holland Supports F Paris
A Nizhniy-Novgorod Holds
F Beaufort Sea - Vladivostok
A Vladivostok - Irkutsk
A Ulaanbaatar Supports A Beijing
A Beijing Supports A Shanghai (*ordered to move*)
F Bering Strait Supports F Nunavut - Beaufort Sea
F East China Sea - Taiwan (*bounce*)

West Africa:
A Algeria - Libya (*fails*)
A Ouagadougou - Niamey
F Gulf of Guinea Supports A Lagos
A Lagos Holds

South Africa:
F Congo - Angola (*bounce*)
A Zambezi Supports F Congo - Angola
F Yaounde - Congo (*fails*)
A N'Djamena Supports A Libya
A Egypt Supports A Libya (*cut*)
A Libya Supports A Egypt (*cut*)
F Somalia - Addis Ababa (*bounce*)
A Nairobi Supports F Somalia - Addis Ababa

A Shanghai - Hong Kong
A Tibet Supports A Shanghai - Hong Kong
F Paris Holds
F Ionian Sea Supports A Algeria - Libya (*cut*)
A Khartoum - Egypt
A Galilee Supports A Khartoum - Egypt
F Mumbai - Indian Ocean (*fails*)
F Arabian Sea Supports A Muscat - Addis Ababa
A Riyadh - Baghdad
A Tehran Supports A Riyadh - Baghdad (*cut*)
A Muscat - Addis Ababa (*bounce*)

F Red Sea - Egypt (*fails*)
F Persian Gulf - Tehran

F Philippines Sea - Taiwan (*bounce*)
F South China Sea Supports F Philippines Sea - Taiwan (*cut*)
F Indian Ocean Holds
F Jakarta Supports F Indian Ocean
F Siam Supports F South China Sea
F Tasman Sea - Auckland (*bounce*)
F Great Australian Bight - Tasman Sea (*fails*)

SAm's F Fijian Sea may retreat to Easter Sea, Tongan Sea, Coral Reef, Jayapura, Honolulu or OTB
SAm's F Hong Kong may retreat to Vietnam or OTB


DC190 - Summer 2009 - worldwidegm at gmail.com   (Jan 24, 2009, 4:46 pm)
China: F Muscat - Red Sea

Oceania: F Fijian Sea - Tasman Sea

Those are the retreats. Let's have Fall 2009 in by Thursday, January 29, 2200GMT.


DC190 - Spring 2009 - worldwidegm at gmail.com   (Jan 23, 2009, 10:35 am)
A dance is performed on the North American west coast, a three-way bounce happens in Addis Ababa and the Indian Ocean sends all courters packing. It's all in a season's work and we're off to the summer. We've got two retreats to resolve before we can move on. See for yourselves:

F Morocco Supports F Canary Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
F Canary Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
F Atlantic Ocean Convoys A Florida - Paris
A Florida - Paris (*fails*)
F Quebec - Gulf of St. Lawrence
A Ontario - Quebec
A WInnipeg - Ontario
F Arizona Supports F Revillagigedo Sea
F Pacific Ocean - Vancouver
F Revillagigedo Sea Supports F Micronesian Sea - Fijian Sea
F Oaxaca - Galapagos Sea

South America:
F Vancouver - Alaska
F Falkland Sea - Tongan Sea (*bounce*)
F Micronesian Sea - Fijian Sea
F Hong Kong - South China Sea (*fails*)
F Bay of Bengal - Indian Ocean (*fails*)
F Cocos Sea - Nosy Barrens
F Sandwich Sea - Skeleton Coast
F Recife - Rio de Janeiro
F Trinidad & Tobago - Amazon
F Columbia - Peru
F Cape Verde Sea - Sandwich Sea

F Alaska - Pacific Ocean
F Nunavut Holds
F Labrador Sea Holds
F Arctic Ocean Supports F Labrador Sea
A London Holds
A Holland Supports F Paris
A Caucasus - Nizhniy-Novgorod
F Beaufort Sea Supports F Bering Sea
F Bering Sea Supports F Alaska - Pacific Ocean
F Honshu - East China Sea
A Vladivostok Supports A Beijing
A Ulaanbataar Supports A Beijing
A Beijing Supports A Shanghai (*ordered to move*)

West Africa:
F Gulf of Guinea Supports F Cape Verde Sea - Sandwich Sea
A Ouagadougou Supports A Niamey - Lagos
A Niamey - Lagos
A Algeria Supports F Ionian Sea - Libya

South Africa:
A Tunis - Libya
A Egypt Supports A Tunis - Libya
A N'Djamena Supports A Tunis - Libya
F Yaounde - Lagos (*fails*)
F Congo - Yaounde (*fails*)
A Addis Ababa - Nairobi
F Somalia - Addis Ababa (*bounce*)
A Maputo - Zambezi

F Paris - Tyrrhenian Sea (*fails*)
F Ionian Sea - Libya (*fails*)
A Ankara - Galilee
A Khartoum - Addis Ababa (*bounce*)
A Riyadh Supports A Tehran - Muscat
F Arabian Sea Supports A Tehran - Muscat
F Mumbai - Indian Ocean (*fails*)
A Tibet Holds
A Shanghai - Hong Kong (*fails*)
A Pakistan - Tehran
A Tehran - Muscat

F Muscat - Addis Ababa (*dislodged*)
F Persian Gulf - Muscat (*fails*)

F Melbourne - Great Australian Bight
F Fijian Sea - Tongan Sea (*dislodged*)
F Arafura Sea - South China Sea
F Manila - Philippines Sea
F Siam Supports F Arafura Sea - South China Sea
F Indian Ocean Suppports F Jakarta (*cut*)
F Jakarta Supports F Indian Ocean

China's F Muscat may retreat to Red Sea or OTB
Oceania's F Fijian Sea may retreat to Jayapura, Coral Reef, Tasman Sea, Auckland, Easter Sea or OTB

Next Deadline: Monday, January 26, 2200GMT for Summer 2009. If I get them in more quickly, I'll adjudicate and move us along.

ps. I'm doing an edit of the map as I prepare for a live game we're scheduling here in Winnipeg. If anyone has suggestions on how to make it more even or better in any way, let me know and I'll consider it.


DC190 - Winter 2008 - worldwidegm at gmail.com   (Jan 18, 2009, 4:41 pm)
Here are the adjustments for the season:

Build A Florida
Build F Arizona
Build F Oaxaca (sc)
Build 4 waived

Build 1 waived
Build 2 waived

West Africa:
Disband F Iberia
Disband F Libya

South Africa:
Build F Congo

Build A Ankara
Build F Mumbai

Disband F Taiwan
Disband A Baghdad

Next Deadline:
Spring 2009 is due on Thursday, January 22, 2200GMT


DC190 - The retreat - worldwidegm at gmail.com   (Jan 14, 2009, 9:29 am)
One quick note: I missed Honolulu in South America's count of sc's, but I also missed the unit in Vancouver when counting units, so he's at 11 sc's and 11 units and still doesn't get a build.


On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 9:24 AM, Diplomacy Gamemaster <worldwidegm(at)gmail.com ([email]worldwidegm(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

I've heard from the Persians and they are, indeed, inhabiting Khartoum, so no need for a new map and it's on to the Winter. Your stats:

Mex: Winnipeg, Ontario, Quebec, Illinois, Boston, Arizona, Texas, Florida, Jalisco, Oaxaca, Cuba, Morocco (12 sc's - 8 units = 4 builds)
SAm: Vancouver, Columbia, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Recife, Pretoria, Hong Kong (10 sc's - 10 units = even)
Rus: Alaska, London, Oslo, Berlin, Sweden, Vienna, Minsk, Murmansk, Moscow, Nizhniy-Novgorod, Kazakhstan, Beijing, Vladivostok, Korea, Honshu (15 sc's - 13 units = 2 builds)
WAf: Algeria, Libya, Dakar, Ouagadougou (4 sc's - 6 units = 2 disbands)
SAf: Egypt, Lagos, Addis Ababa, Congo, Nairobi, Dar es Salaam, Maputo, Angola (8 sc's - 7 units = 1 build)
Per: Paris, Rome, Zagreb, Romania, Ankara, Riyadh, Tehran, Pakistan, Mumbai, Delhi, Shanghai (11 sc's - 9 units = 2 builds)
Chi: Baghdad, Taiwan (2 sc's - 4 units = 2 disbands)
Oce: Siam, Manila, Jakarta, Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland (7 sc's - 7 units = even)
Next Deadline:
The Winter 2008 adjustments will be due on Saturday, January 17, 2200GMT.


DC190 - The retreat - worldwidegm at gmail.com   (Jan 14, 2009, 9:25 am)
I've heard from the Persians and they are, indeed, inhabiting Khartoum, so no need for a new map and it's on to the Winter. Your stats:

Mex: Winnipeg, Ontario, Quebec, Illinois, Boston, Arizona, Texas, Florida, Jalisco, Oaxaca, Cuba, Morocco (12 sc's - 8 units = 4 builds)
SAm: Vancouver, Columbia, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Recife, Pretoria, Hong Kong (10 sc's - 10 units = even)
Rus: Alaska, London, Oslo, Berlin, Sweden, Vienna, Minsk, Murmansk, Moscow, Nizhniy-Novgorod, Kazakhstan, Beijing, Vladivostok, Korea, Honshu (15 sc's - 13 units = 2 builds)
WAf: Algeria, Libya, Dakar, Ouagadougou (4 sc's - 6 units = 2 disbands)
SAf: Egypt, Lagos, Addis Ababa, Congo, Nairobi, Dar es Salaam, Maputo, Angola (8 sc's - 7 units = 1 build)
Per: Paris, Rome, Zagreb, Romania, Ankara, Riyadh, Tehran, Pakistan, Mumbai, Delhi, Shanghai (11 sc's - 9 units = 2 builds)
Chi: Baghdad, Taiwan (2 sc's - 4 units = 2 disbands)
Oce: Siam, Manila, Jakarta, Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland (7 sc's - 7 units = even)
Next Deadline:
The Winter 2008 adjustments will be due on Saturday, January 17, 2200GMT.


DC190 - The retreat (dc190) worldwidegm at gmail.com Jan 14, 09:29 am
One quick note: I missed Honolulu in South America's count of sc's, but I also missed the unit in Vancouver when counting units, so he's at 11 sc's and 11 units and still doesn't get a build.


On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 9:24 AM, Diplomacy Gamemaster <worldwidegm(at)gmail.com ([email]worldwidegm(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

I've heard from the Persians and they are, indeed, inhabiting Khartoum, so no need for a new map and it's on to the Winter. Your stats:

Mex: Winnipeg, Ontario, Quebec, Illinois, Boston, Arizona, Texas, Florida, Jalisco, Oaxaca, Cuba, Morocco (12 sc's - 8 units = 4 builds)
SAm: Vancouver, Columbia, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Recife, Pretoria, Hong Kong (10 sc's - 10 units = even)
Rus: Alaska, London, Oslo, Berlin, Sweden, Vienna, Minsk, Murmansk, Moscow, Nizhniy-Novgorod, Kazakhstan, Beijing, Vladivostok, Korea, Honshu (15 sc's - 13 units = 2 builds)
WAf: Algeria, Libya, Dakar, Ouagadougou (4 sc's - 6 units = 2 disbands)
SAf: Egypt, Lagos, Addis Ababa, Congo, Nairobi, Dar es Salaam, Maputo, Angola (8 sc's - 7 units = 1 build)
Per: Paris, Rome, Zagreb, Romania, Ankara, Riyadh, Tehran, Pakistan, Mumbai, Delhi, Shanghai (11 sc's - 9 units = 2 builds)
Chi: Baghdad, Taiwan (2 sc's - 4 units = 2 disbands)
Oce: Siam, Manila, Jakarta, Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland (7 sc's - 7 units = even)
Next Deadline:
The Winter 2008 adjustments will be due on Saturday, January 17, 2200GMT.

DC190 - Fall 2008 - worldwidegm at gmail.com   (Jan 13, 2009, 11:33 pm)
First off, let me say thanks to Dan for sticking around all this time... a lot of people would NMR after finding few allies.

A lot of miscommunication, it would seem, on the board this season. As a result, not a whole lot of movement. My favorite was Mexico and South America playing a game of "after you" so long that Russia just moved into Honshu uncontested.

We've only got one retreat to resolve before moving along to the Winter of 2008... and someone tells me it's going to be a cold one.

North America:
A Winnipeg - Vancouver (*dislodged*)

A Kansas - Winnipeg
A Ontario Supports A Kansas - Winnipeg
F Quebec Supports A Ontario
F Bermuda Triangle - Atlantic Ocean
F Atlantic Ocean - Canary Sea
F Canary Sea - Morocco
A Iberia Supports F Canary Sea - Morocco (*disbanded*)
F Revillagigedo Sea Supports F Pacific Ocean
F Pacific Ocean Supports F Micronesian Sea - Honshu (*n/a*)

South America:
F Micronesian Sea Supports F Pacific Ocean - Honshu (*n/a*)
F Vancouver Supports F Pacific Ocean (*cut*)
F Columbia Holds
F Trinidad & Tobago Supports F Recife - Cape Verde Sea
F Recife - Cape Verde Sea (*fails*)
F Sandwich Sea - Gulf of Guinea (*fails*)
F Cape Verde Sea - Dakar (*bounce*)
F Pretoria - Cocos Sea
F Bay of Bengal - Indian Ocean (*fails*)
F Hong Kong Holds
F Falkland Sea Holds

F Alaska Holds
F Nunavut Supports A Ontario - Winnipeg (*n/a*)
F Labrador Sea Holds
F Arctic Ocean Supports F Labrador Sea
A London Holds
A Holland Supports F Paris
A Caucasus Supports A Pakistan - Tehran
F Kara Sea - Beaufort Sea
F Bering Sea Supports F Alaska
A Vladivostok Holds
A Ulaanbataar Supports A Beijing
A Beijing Supports A Shanghai
F East China Sea - Honshu

West Africa:
F Morocco - Iberia
A Algeria Supports F Libya
F Libya Holds
A Niamey Supports F Libya
A Ouagadougou - Dakar (*bounce*)
F Gulf of Guinea - Ouagadougou (*fails*)

South Africa:
A Maputo Holds
A Nairobi - Addis Ababa
F Somalia Supports A Nairobi - Addis Ababa
A Tunisia - Libya (*fails*)
A N'Djamena Supports A Tunisia - Libya
A Egypt Supports A Tunisia - Libya (*cut*)
F Lagos - Yaounde

F Paris Supports F Morocco - Iberia
F Ionian Sea - Egypt (*fails*)
A Tehran - Baghdad (*fails*)
A Riyadh Supports A Tehran - Baghdad (*cut*)
A Addis Ababa - Muscat (*dislodged*)
F Arabian Sea - Persian Gulf (*fails*)
A Pakistan - Tehran (*fails*)
A Tibet Supports A Shanghai
A Shanghai Holds

F Muscat - Riyadh (wc) (*fails*)
F Persian Gulf Supports F Muscat - Riyadh (*cut*)
A Baghdad Supports F Muscat - Riyadh (*cut*)
F Philippines Sea - Taiwan

F Siam Holds
F Jakarta Supports F Cocos Sea - Indian Ocean
F Arafura Sea - Manila
F Darwin - Arafura Sea
F Tasman Sea - Fijian Sea
F Sydney - Melbourne
F Cocos Sea - Indian Ocean

NAm: A Winnipeg will be retreated OTB, as it will be disbanded anyway
Per: A Addis Ababa may retreat to Khartoum or OTB

Next Deadline:
I've already put the only retreat option on the map... if Ian wants it OTB, let me know by Thursday, January 15, 2200GMT and I'll be happy to oblige.


DC190 - Change of DC Default House Rules - worldwidegm at gmail.com   (Jan 07, 2009, 10:07 pm)
So just to be clear... the only change is in the section that explains what happens if a person has disbands due during a winter adjustment period and none are received. The rules still remain the same.



DC190 - Summer 2008 - deathblade_penguin   (Jan 07, 2009, 7:02 pm)

Let's make those Updated House Rules apply from the next deadline then - January 13th

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Inferno
Moderator of www.diplomaticcorp.com

Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 12:33:19 -0600
From: worldwidegm(at)gmail.com
To: damienthryn(at)gmail.com; dfehr(at)hotmail.com; danny117ca(at)hotmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; bielschowsky.f(at)gmail.com; catsfather(at)gmail.com; iangb_2000(at)yahoo.co.uk; ianxshaw(at)gmail.com; mike(at)southwall.com; thase+dipcorp(at)dalarin.net; trcshaw(at)runbox.com
Subject: DC190 - Summer 2008
CC: dc190(at)diplomaticcorp.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com

All retreats are in early, so we'll move ahead then.

South America:
A Libya - Tunis

A Tehran - Baghdad

Next Deadline: Fall 2008 is due Tuesday, January 13, 2200GMT.
Download free Holiday emoticons today! Messenger's gift to you!


DC190 - Change of DC Default House Rules - deathblade_penguin   (Jan 07, 2009, 6:49 pm)
Dear Players of Dc190

Just informing you that the Diplomaticcorp Default House Rules which are attached to this game, have been updated. There are No major changes but all players should take the time to re-read them if they wish. They can be found by a link on the Dc190 game page. Any additional House Rules that were set by your GM at the start of game of course still apply (such as the strait rules etc)

The new changes will come into effect as from your next deadline - January 8th.

Steve - moderator of Diplomaticcorp.

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Inferno
Moderator of www.diplomaticcorp.com

Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 22:16:48 -0600
From: worldwidegm(at)gmail.com
To: damienthryn(at)gmail.com; dfehr(at)hotmail.com; danny117ca(at)hotmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; bielschowsky.f(at)gmail.com; catsfather(at)gmail.com; iangb_2000(at)yahoo.co.uk; ianxshaw(at)gmail.com; mike(at)southwall.com; thase+dipcorp(at)dalarin.net; trcshaw(at)runbox.com
Subject: DC190 - Spring 2008
CC: dc190(at)diplomaticcorp.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com

Dang it... I knew it would happen eventually, but I hoped it wouldn't. You guys have successfully poked a hole in the strait rule. Between South America's and Oceania's moves regarding the South China Sea, I ended up with a conundrum I haven't seen before. On the surface, it looks like F BEN and F Sia bounce in the SCS. But with that bounce, Oce controls the straight, restricting F BEN's movement. So perhaps F Sia moves into SCS... but then F Jak - Sia also works and leave the strait uncontrolled from the Jak side and we get the bounce all over again. Blech!

Fortunately, one of my friends who was involved in the testing was online and we were able to discuss the problem and came to a consensus about what we should do. We came up with this addition to the strait rule:

A unit that has control over a strait loses control over the straight if it moves to the same place as a unit moving through the strait in question.

In this situation, what that means is: SIA and BEN bounce in SCS. Because SIA moved to the same place as BEN, SIA no longer can stop BEN from moving through the strait. Had the support from HKG not been cut, BEN would've successfully gotten through the strait. I think this is the best way of resolving the current problem. If you have any questions about it, please ask. Now on with the adjudication:

North America:
A Winnipeg Supports F Pacific Ocean - Vancouver (*No such unit*)

F Darwin - Perth (*disbanded*)
F Arizona - Pacific Ocean
F Revillagigedo Sea Supports F Arizona - Pacific Ocean
A Texas - Kansas
A Ontario Supports A Texas - Kansas
F Florida - Atlantic Ocean
F Bermuda Triangle Supports F Florida - Atlantic Ocean
F Atlantic Ocean - Canary Sea
A Iberia Holds
F Quebec Holds

South America:
F Bay of Bengal - South China Sea (*bounce*)
F Hong Kong Supports F Bay of Bengal - South China Sea (*cut*)
F Pretoria Holds
F Rio de Janeiro - Cape Verde Sea
F Sandwich Sea Supports F Rio de Janeiro - Cape Verde Sea
F Recife Supports F Rio de Janeiro - Cape Verde Sea
F Caribbean Sea - Trinidad & Tobago
F Peru - Columbia (sc)
F Honolulu - Micronesian Sea
F Argentina - Falkland Sea
F Vancouver Supports F Arizona - Pacific Ocean

F Alaska Supports F Bering Sea - Pacific Ocean
F Baffin Sea - Nunavut
F Labrador Sea Holds
A London Holds
A Holland Supports F Paris
F Oslo - Arctic Ocean
F Murmansk - Kara Sea
A Caucasus Supports A Ankara - Tehran
A Xinjiang - Ulaanbaatar
A Beijing Supports A Tibet - Shanghai
A Vladivostok Holds
F Bering Sea - Pacific Ocean (*fails*)
F Korea - East China Sea

West Africa:
F Cape Verde Sea - Gulf of Guinea
F Canary Sea - Morocco
A Algeria Supports F Egypt - Libya
F Egypt - Libya
A Ouagadougou - Lagos (*fails*)
A Niamey Supports F Egypt - Libya (*cut*)

South Africa:
F Nairobi - Somalia
A Congo - Nairobi
F Lagos - Ouagadougou (*fails*)
A Zambezi - Maputo
A Khartoum - Egypt
A N'Djamena - Niamey (*fails*)
A Libya Supports A N'Djamena - Niamey (*dislodged*)

F Paris Holds
F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea
A Ankara - Tehran
A Baghdad - Riyadh
A Muscat - Addis Ababa
F Pakistan - Arabian Sea
A Mumbai - Pakistan
A Delhi - Tibet
A Tibet - Shanghai

F Riyadh - Muscat
F Persian Gulf Supports F Riyadh - Muscat
A Tehran Supports F Riyadh - Muscat (*dislodged*)
A Shanghai - Hong Kong (*disbanded*)
F Taiwan - Philippines Sea

F Tasman Sea - Sydney
F Great Australian Bight - Tasman Sea
F Perth - Darwin
F Arafura Sea Supports F Perth - Darwin
F Jakarta - Siam (*fails*)
F Siam - South China Sea (*bounce*)
F Cocos Sea Holds

SAf: A Libya may retreat to Tunis or OTB
China: A Tehran may retreat to Baghdad, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan or OTB

Next Deadline: Let's get those retreats in by Thursday, Jan 8, 2200GMT and look for Fall to be due next Tuesday.

Everyone please check this map. I've set it up now so I just have to move units instead of having to redo the map every time. So if it's right now, it'll be good for the rest of the game (I hope).
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DC190 - Change of DC Default House Rules (dc190) worldwidegm at gmail.com Jan 07, 10:07 pm
So just to be clear... the only change is in the section that explains what happens if a person has disbands due during a winter adjustment period and none are received. The rules still remain the same.

DC190 - Summer 2008 - worldwidegm at gmail.com   (Jan 07, 2009, 12:34 pm)
All retreats are in early, so we'll move ahead then.

South America:
A Libya - Tunis

A Tehran - Baghdad

Next Deadline: Fall 2008 is due Tuesday, January 13, 2200GMT.


DC190 - Summer 2008 (dc190) deathblade_penguin Jan 07, 07:02 pm

Let's make those Updated House Rules apply from the next deadline then - January 13th

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Inferno
Moderator of www.diplomaticcorp.com

Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 12:33:19 -0600
From: worldwidegm(at)gmail.com
To: damienthryn(at)gmail.com; dfehr(at)hotmail.com; danny117ca(at)hotmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; bielschowsky.f(at)gmail.com; catsfather(at)gmail.com; iangb_2000(at)yahoo.co.uk; ianxshaw(at)gmail.com; mike(at)southwall.com; thase+dipcorp(at)dalarin.net; trcshaw(at)runbox.com
Subject: DC190 - Summer 2008
CC: dc190(at)diplomaticcorp.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com

All retreats are in early, so we'll move ahead then.

South America:
A Libya - Tunis

A Tehran - Baghdad

Next Deadline: Fall 2008 is due Tuesday, January 13, 2200GMT.
Download free Holiday emoticons today! Messenger's gift to you!
DC190 - Spring 2008 - worldwidegm at gmail.com   (Jan 07, 2009, 11:05 am)
In the case that another unit moves to Jakarta I'd have to say the SIA - SCS is successful along with all the subseqent moves... I'll have to try to come up with a succinct way of writing it as a rule to cover that possibility.


ps. Thanks for finding the hole in the rules... that's what test games are for. Incidentally, you can read about the development process of the map in the latest version of Diplomacy World Magazine... they've decided my story is compelling enough to share with everyone.


DC190 - Spring 2008 - DamienThryn   (Jan 07, 2009, 10:46 am)
To stop the whole world from exploding, I think I'm going to graciously let Oceania have SCS next year.

Didn't think trying to raid Taiwan for RAM chips again would be so complex...

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 8:42 AM, F Bielschowsky <bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com ([email]bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com[/email])> wrote:


odd, I feel I have been denied something I'm entitled to but I can't disagree with your analysis and conclusion.

Now for this scenario:
in addition to the orders BEN - SCS, SIA - SCS, and JAK - SIA, a unit is ordered into JAK.
What would have been the outcome then? Which of the rules prevails in this case: the unit moving out of the strait-controlling center giving up its control, or the 2 units moving in to those centers?


2009/1/6 Diplomacy Gamemaster <worldwidegm(at)gmail.com ([email]worldwidegm(at)gmail.com[/email])>

[quote:4d27289ec1]Dang it... I knew it would happen eventually, but I hoped it wouldn't. You guys have successfully poked a hole in the strait rule. Between South America's and Oceania's moves regarding the South China Sea, I ended up with a conundrum I haven't seen before. On the surface, it looks like F BEN and F Sia bounce in the SCS. But with that bounce, Oce controls the straight, restricting F BEN's movement. So perhaps F Sia moves into SCS... but then F Jak - Sia also works and leave the strait uncontrolled from the Jak side and we get the bounce all over again. Blech!

Fortunately, one of my friends who was involved in the testing was online and we were able to discuss the problem and came to a consensus about what we should do. We came up with this addition to the strait rule:

A unit that has control over a strait loses control over the straight if it moves to the same place as a unit moving through the strait in question.

In this situation, what that means is: SIA and BEN bounce in SCS. Because SIA moved to the same place as BEN, SIA no longer can stop BEN from moving through the strait. Had the support from HKG not been cut, BEN would've successfully gotten through the strait. I think this is the best way of resolving the current problem. If you have any questions about it, please ask. Now on with the adjudication:

North America:
A Winnipeg Supports F Pacific Ocean - Vancouver (*No such unit*)

F Darwin - Perth (*disbanded*)
F Arizona - Pacific Ocean
F Revillagigedo Sea Supports F Arizona - Pacific Ocean
A Texas - Kansas
A Ontario Supports A Texas - Kansas
F Florida - Atlantic Ocean
F Bermuda Triangle Supports F Florida - Atlantic Ocean
F Atlantic Ocean - Canary Sea
A Iberia Holds
F Quebec Holds

South America:
F Bay of Bengal - South China Sea (*bounce*)
F Hong Kong Supports F Bay of Bengal - South China Sea (*cut*)
F Pretoria Holds
F Rio de Janeiro - Cape Verde Sea
F Sandwich Sea Supports F Rio de Janeiro - Cape Verde Sea
F Recife Supports F Rio de Janeiro - Cape Verde Sea
F Caribbean Sea - Trinidad & Tobago
F Peru - Columbia (sc)
F Honolulu - Micronesian Sea
F Argentina - Falkland Sea
F Vancouver Supports F Arizona - Pacific Ocean

F Alaska Supports F Bering Sea - Pacific Ocean
F Baffin Sea - Nunavut
F Labrador Sea Holds
A London Holds
A Holland Supports F Paris
F Oslo - Arctic Ocean
F Murmansk - Kara Sea
A Caucasus Supports A Ankara - Tehran
A Xinjiang - Ulaanbaatar
A Beijing Supports A Tibet - Shanghai
A Vladivostok Holds
F Bering Sea - Pacific Ocean (*fails*)
F Korea - East China Sea

West Africa:
F Cape Verde Sea - Gulf of Guinea
F Canary Sea - Morocco
A Algeria Supports F Egypt - Libya
F Egypt - Libya
A Ouagadougou - Lagos (*fails*)
A Niamey Supports F Egypt - Libya (*cut*)

South Africa:
F Nairobi - Somalia
A Congo - Nairobi
F Lagos - Ouagadougou (*fails*)
A Zambezi - Maputo
A Khartoum - Egypt
A N'Djamena - Niamey (*fails*)
A Libya Supports A N'Djamena - Niamey (*dislodged*)

F Paris Holds
F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea
A Ankara - Tehran
A Baghdad - Riyadh
A Muscat - Addis Ababa
F Pakistan - Arabian Sea
A Mumbai - Pakistan
A Delhi - Tibet
A Tibet - Shanghai

F Riyadh - Muscat
F Persian Gulf Supports F Riyadh - Muscat
A Tehran Supports F Riyadh - Muscat (*dislodged*)
A Shanghai - Hong Kong (*disbanded*)
F Taiwan - Philippines Sea

F Tasman Sea - Sydney
F Great Australian Bight - Tasman Sea
F Perth - Darwin
F Arafura Sea Supports F Perth - Darwin
F Jakarta - Siam (*fails*)
F Siam - South China Sea (*bounce*)
F Cocos Sea Holds

SAf: A Libya may retreat to Tunis or OTB
China: A Tehran may retreat to Baghdad, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan or OTB

Next Deadline: Let's get those retreats in by Thursday, Jan 8, 2200GMT and look for Fall to be due next Tuesday.

Everyone please check this map. I've set it up now so I just have to move units instead of having to redo the map every time. So if it's right now, it'll be good for the rest of the game (I hope).



DC190 - Spring 2008 - bielf11   (Jan 07, 2009, 10:43 am)

odd, I feel I have been denied something I'm entitled to but I can't disagree with your analysis and conclusion.

Now for this scenario:
in addition to the orders BEN - SCS, SIA - SCS, and JAK - SIA, a unit is ordered into JAK.
What would have been the outcome then? Which of the rules prevails in this case: the unit moving out of the strait-controlling center giving up its control, or the 2 units moving in to those centers?


2009/1/6 Diplomacy Gamemaster <worldwidegm(at)gmail.com ([email]worldwidegm(at)gmail.com[/email])>

Dang it... I knew it would happen eventually, but I hoped it wouldn't. You guys have successfully poked a hole in the strait rule. Between South America's and Oceania's moves regarding the South China Sea, I ended up with a conundrum I haven't seen before. On the surface, it looks like F BEN and F Sia bounce in the SCS. But with that bounce, Oce controls the straight, restricting F BEN's movement. So perhaps F Sia moves into SCS... but then F Jak - Sia also works and leave the strait uncontrolled from the Jak side and we get the bounce all over again. Blech!

Fortunately, one of my friends who was involved in the testing was online and we were able to discuss the problem and came to a consensus about what we should do. We came up with this addition to the strait rule:

A unit that has control over a strait loses control over the straight if it moves to the same place as a unit moving through the strait in question.

In this situation, what that means is: SIA and BEN bounce in SCS. Because SIA moved to the same place as BEN, SIA no longer can stop BEN from moving through the strait. Had the support from HKG not been cut, BEN would've successfully gotten through the strait. I think this is the best way of resolving the current problem. If you have any questions about it, please ask. Now on with the adjudication:

North America:
A Winnipeg Supports F Pacific Ocean - Vancouver (*No such unit*)

F Darwin - Perth (*disbanded*)
F Arizona - Pacific Ocean
F Revillagigedo Sea Supports F Arizona - Pacific Ocean
A Texas - Kansas
A Ontario Supports A Texas - Kansas
F Florida - Atlantic Ocean
F Bermuda Triangle Supports F Florida - Atlantic Ocean
F Atlantic Ocean - Canary Sea
A Iberia Holds
F Quebec Holds

South America:
F Bay of Bengal - South China Sea (*bounce*)
F Hong Kong Supports F Bay of Bengal - South China Sea (*cut*)
F Pretoria Holds
F Rio de Janeiro - Cape Verde Sea
F Sandwich Sea Supports F Rio de Janeiro - Cape Verde Sea
F Recife Supports F Rio de Janeiro - Cape Verde Sea
F Caribbean Sea - Trinidad & Tobago
F Peru - Columbia (sc)
F Honolulu - Micronesian Sea
F Argentina - Falkland Sea
F Vancouver Supports F Arizona - Pacific Ocean

F Alaska Supports F Bering Sea - Pacific Ocean
F Baffin Sea - Nunavut
F Labrador Sea Holds
A London Holds
A Holland Supports F Paris
F Oslo - Arctic Ocean
F Murmansk - Kara Sea
A Caucasus Supports A Ankara - Tehran
A Xinjiang - Ulaanbaatar
A Beijing Supports A Tibet - Shanghai
A Vladivostok Holds
F Bering Sea - Pacific Ocean (*fails*)
F Korea - East China Sea

West Africa:
F Cape Verde Sea - Gulf of Guinea
F Canary Sea - Morocco
A Algeria Supports F Egypt - Libya
F Egypt - Libya
A Ouagadougou - Lagos (*fails*)
A Niamey Supports F Egypt - Libya (*cut*)

South Africa:
F Nairobi - Somalia
A Congo - Nairobi
F Lagos - Ouagadougou (*fails*)
A Zambezi - Maputo
A Khartoum - Egypt
A N'Djamena - Niamey (*fails*)
A Libya Supports A N'Djamena - Niamey (*dislodged*)

F Paris Holds
F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea
A Ankara - Tehran
A Baghdad - Riyadh
A Muscat - Addis Ababa
F Pakistan - Arabian Sea
A Mumbai - Pakistan
A Delhi - Tibet
A Tibet - Shanghai

F Riyadh - Muscat
F Persian Gulf Supports F Riyadh - Muscat
A Tehran Supports F Riyadh - Muscat (*dislodged*)
A Shanghai - Hong Kong (*disbanded*)
F Taiwan - Philippines Sea

F Tasman Sea - Sydney
F Great Australian Bight - Tasman Sea
F Perth - Darwin
F Arafura Sea Supports F Perth - Darwin
F Jakarta - Siam (*fails*)
F Siam - South China Sea (*bounce*)
F Cocos Sea Holds

SAf: A Libya may retreat to Tunis or OTB
China: A Tehran may retreat to Baghdad, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan or OTB

Next Deadline: Let's get those retreats in by Thursday, Jan 8, 2200GMT and look for Fall to be due next Tuesday.

Everyone please check this map. I've set it up now so I just have to move units instead of having to redo the map every time. So if it's right now, it'll be good for the rest of the game (I hope).


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