Hey guys... sorry for the delay... got caught up in planning stuff for tomorrow and kinda forgot about the game. Here's the adjudication and I'll get the map to you as soon as I can.
Well, nobody can decide who gets the spoils and China lives to pester for another year. Elsewhere, Oceania manages to use his control of a strait once again and with Persia joining in, methinks the attack on the African continent is definitely on.
Though what do I know... I'm only the GM.
The moves:
F Vancouver Supports F Alaska
F Arizona Supports F Galapagos Sea - Revillagigedo Sea
F Revillagigedo Sea - Fijian Sea
F Galapagos Sea - Revillagigedo Sea
A Ontario - Winnipeg
A Quebec - Boston
A Florida - Iberia
F Gulf of St. Lawrence - Quebec
F Atlantic Ocean Convoys A Florida - Iberia
F Morocco - Tyrrhenian Sea (*fails*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Ionian Sea (*fails*)
South America:
F Hong Kong - South China Sea (*dislodged*)
F Bay of Bengal Supports F Hong Kong - South China Sea (*no permission granted*)
F Fijian Sea - Auckland (*dislodged*)
F Peru - Chile
F Amazon - Cape Verde Sea
F Rio de Janeiro - Sandwich Sea (*fails*)
F Falkland Sea Supports F Rio de Janeiro - Sandwich Sea
F Sandwich Sea - Angola (*bounce*)
F Skeleton Coast Supports F Sandwich Sea - Angola
F Nosy Barrens - Maputo
F Alaska Holds
F Pacific Ocean - Micronesian Sea
F Nunavut - Beaufort Sea
F Labrador Sea Holds
F Arctic Ocean Holds
A Holland Supports F Paris
A Nizhniy-Novgorod Holds
F Beaufort Sea - Vladivostok
A Vladivostok - Irkutsk
A Ulaanbaatar Supports A Beijing
A Beijing Supports A Shanghai (*ordered to move*)
F Bering Strait Supports F Nunavut - Beaufort Sea
F East China Sea - Taiwan (*bounce*)
West Africa:
A Algeria - Libya (*fails*)
A Ouagadougou - Niamey
F Gulf of Guinea Supports A Lagos
A Lagos Holds
South Africa:
F Congo - Angola (*bounce*)
A Zambezi Supports F Congo - Angola
F Yaounde - Congo (*fails*)
A N'Djamena Supports A Libya
A Egypt Supports A Libya (*cut*)
A Libya Supports A Egypt (*cut*)
F Somalia - Addis Ababa (*bounce*)
A Nairobi Supports F Somalia - Addis Ababa
A Shanghai - Hong Kong
A Tibet Supports A Shanghai - Hong Kong
F Paris Holds
F Ionian Sea Supports A Algeria - Libya (*cut*)
A Khartoum - Egypt
A Galilee Supports A Khartoum - Egypt
F Mumbai - Indian Ocean (*fails*)
F Arabian Sea Supports A Muscat - Addis Ababa
A Riyadh - Baghdad
A Tehran Supports A Riyadh - Baghdad (*cut*)
A Muscat - Addis Ababa (*bounce*)
F Red Sea - Egypt (*fails*)
F Persian Gulf - Tehran
F Philippines Sea - Taiwan (*bounce*)
F South China Sea Supports F Philippines Sea - Taiwan (*cut*)
F Indian Ocean Holds
F Jakarta Supports F Indian Ocean
F Siam Supports F South China Sea
F Tasman Sea - Auckland (*bounce*)
F Great Australian Bight - Tasman Sea (*fails*)
SAm's F Fijian Sea may retreat to Easter Sea, Tongan Sea, Coral Reef, Jayapura, Honolulu or OTB
SAm's F Hong Kong may retreat to Vietnam or OTB