A&E 090205 / DC240: I have to correct a major adjudication error from last night. I used the wrong set of orders from Frank. Two orders are different:
A HeW - BaW (instead of A HeW - Bur)
F Pic S A Gas - Bre (instead of F Pic - Bre)
There are a lot of differences resulting from these orders. For the first one, the support of Austrian A BaW for Austrian A Bohemia - Bavaria now is cut, and so A Bohemia - Bavaria fails. Austrian A Switzerland - Burgundy to succeeds, because it no longer bounces with the unit arriving from Hesse-Westphalia.
For the second set of orders, the Spanish A Gascony to Brest order now succeeds, as it does not bounce with the British fleet from Picardy (and, indeed, has its support).
The correction adjudication is below, and the new map is attached. I apologize for the error.
By the way, there are no changes to the retreat order situation (all retreats remain in the east).
Spring/Fall Adjudications Austrian A Baw S A Boh - Bav *Cut* Austrian A Boh - Bav *Bounce* Austrian A Swi - Bur Austrian A Tus - Sav *Bounce* Austrian A Ven - Vie *Bounce* Austrian F Adr - Tws Austrian F Dal - Bos British A Han S F Mec - Ber British A Hew - Baw *Bounce* British A Lon - Ane British F Eng C A Lon - Ane British F Mid C A Bre - Por British F Pic S A Gas - Bre British F Upr - Hew *Bounce* Danish A Chr - Lap Danish F Bal S F Mec - Ber Danish F Mec - Ber French A Bre - Por French A Dre H French A Par H Polish A Bud - Vie *Bounce* Polish A Lit - War *Bounce* *Dislodged* Prussian A Ber S A Brl - Pos *Cut* *Dislodged* Prussian A Brl - Pos Prussian A War - Lit Russian A Nov S A Stp - Kar Russian A Stp - Kar Russian F Gbo S A Stp - Kar *Cut* *Dislodged* Spanish A Gas - Bre Spanish F Brc - Gly Spanish F Gly - Tys Spanish F Mar - Sav *Bounce* Swedish A Kar - Abo Swedish F Sto - Gbo Turkish A Mor H Turkish A Wla - Bud *Bounce* Turkish F Con S F Ion - Adr Turkish F Ion - Adr Turkish F Tun - Ion Neutral A Bav S A Bud - Vie *Cut* Neutral A Cri S A War - Lit Neutral A Pap S F Adr - Tws Neutral F Cou S F Sto - Gbo Neutral F Tws S A Pap *Cut* *Dislodged* *Disbanded*
Retreat Possibilities Polish A Lit can retreat to Gal, Kie, Kon, Liv, Mos, Zap or disband Prussian A Ber can retreat to Brl, Lus or disband Russian F Gbo can retreat to Liv, StP or disband Neutral F Tws is destroyed (neutral)
Nick Higgins
Congress of Vienna variant website: