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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc237

(Standard - GM: Phantomas)

Post:< 10633 
Subject:< dc237-the motion is voted down >
Topic:< dc237 >
Category:< Closed Games 
Posted:May 02, 2009 at 10:42 am
Viewed:1468 times



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Pas de problème mon ami. J’ai instauré ce vote pour te donner une petite chance de laisser passer l’ordre que tu avais oublié pour t’être agréable.
Je te fais remarquer que j’avais refusé d’entrée et que c’est TOI qui a ergoté. Pourquoi l’as-tu fait alors ?
Puisque tu le prends ainsi : Ordre refusé par le GM.
Le sujet est clos.


For the non French-speaking, a translation of the above text :
No problem guy. I asked for this vote in order to give you a small chance to have your missing order pass to please you.
You will notice that I denied it at first and that YOU requested the motion. Why then ?
Since you handle this way : Order denied by the GM
Matter closed.

De : G Von Kluge [mailto:von_kluge(at)hotmail.com]
Envoyé : samedi 2 mai 2009 15:58
À : Phantomas
Objet : RE: dc237-the motion is voted down

Ce vote est ridicule. Ca n'aurait pas du aller a un vote. Une decision du GM aurait suffi. Je suis tres decu par cette gerance. En temps normal, j'aurai rendu le tablier pour ce genre d'irregularite. Dans ces circonstances avec la Russie qui est a un doigt d'une victoire somme toute meritee je persiste et signe.
Retreat to Paris

From: phantomas13(at)orange.fr
To: stevelytton(at)gmail.com; dc237(at)diplomaticcorp.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; coebq(at)yahoo.com; ecommander0(at)hotmail.com; von_kluge(at)hotmail.com; rude13(at)gmail.com; josepayne(at)gmail.com; john.c1arke(at)btinternet.com; timfuhrmeister(at)hotmail.com
Subject: dc237-the motion is voted down
Date: Sat, 2 May 2009 12:27:27 +0200

The motion is voted down

So the map remains as it is and I’m waiting for the retreat of the French army in BUR which have the following choice : PAR, GAS, MAR and now PIC and OtB of course

Gunther, I’m waiting for your order till tomorrow Sunday, May 3rd at 12:00 GMT



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This message is in reply to post 10631:


The motion is voted down

So the map remains as it is and I’m waiting for the retreat of the French army in BUR which have the following choice : PAR, GAS, MAR and now PIC and OtB of course

Gunther, I’m waiting for your order till tomorrow Sunday, May 3rd at 12:00 GMT



There are 2 Messages in this Thread:

dc237-the motion is voted down (phantomas) May 02, 05:30 am

dc237-the motion is voted down (phantomas) May 02, 10:42 am

There are 53 Threads in dc237:

dc237-game ends (phantomas) [2 Replies]

dc237-another EGP (phantomas)

dc237-adjudication summer08 (phantomas)

dc237-the motion is voted down (phantomas) [1 Reply]

dc237-adjudication spring08...the orders (phantomas) [2 Replies]

dc237-adjudication spring08 (phantomas)

dc237-24h DL reminder (phantomas)

dc237-adjudication winter07 (phantomas)

dc237-winter07 DL reminder (phantomas)

dc237-adjudication autumn07 (phantomas)

dc237-adjudication fall07 (phantomas)

dc237-adjudication spring07 the real one (phantomas)

dc237-adjudication spring07 correction (phantomas)

dc237-adjudication spring07 (phantomas)

dc237 LAST reminder (phantomas)

dc237 24h DL reminder (phantomas)

dc237-adjudication winter06 (phantomas)

dc237-adjudication Fall06 (phantomas)

dc237-last reminder (phantomas)

24h DL reminder (phantomas)

1 - 20 of 53 shown [More]

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